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These cities are getting too damn big

No.25219536 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is /vp/'s opinion of Castelia and Lumiose? Is there a definite trend toward making the biggest cities too big and impossible to navigate? Jubilife, Goldenrod and Saffron, while being the biggest cities in their regions, were never unmanageable or hard to navigate. Being in Lumiose for the first time was a most un-comfy experience.

I'm the kind of person who likes to talk to every NPC in the game just to make sure I'm not missing an item or a piece of lore. But I'm finding that task impossible nowadays because the cities are just too big and finding everyone too hard. I have to resort to Serebi to find items or /vp/ for interesting trivia spouted by NPCs when I used to do it all for myself. Should they make the cities smaller in gen VII?