- About the game The Pokemon-Generations is an online multiplayer game. The game has six worlds and 700+ pokemon! Anyone may join for free, also you can pay for additional features. Our goal is to be one of the biggest multiplayer sites on the net. Wwe are working hard to keep the site updated.
- Rules: 1. The rules are pretty simple for Pokemon-Generations: 2. No swearing (on your profile or via a message). 3. Do not ask for passwords. 4. Never give your password away. 5. Do not spam. 6. Not advertising other websites. 7. No double accounts. If you do not keep to the rules you will get ban from the server.
- Content: * Maps * Achievments * Wild and Trainer encounter * Duel * Poke ball craft * Task and works * Race (Run and Fishing) * Town (Casino, Market, Pokemon Center etc...) * 700+ wild pokemons * Pokemon forms (Pikachu Cosplay, Pikachu Belle etc...) * Gyms * Pokemon League * Clans and a lot more.
Pokemon-Generations - Browser Game
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what makes this different form Pokemon indigo
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Brb calling TPCi
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>>25228369 Sites like this are legally questionable but Nintendo will usually leave them alone as long as people aren't earning any money off their intellectual property, so you should be fi...
>also you can pay for additional features Oh wait. Enjoy your lawsuit.
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>>25228369 >Pay for additional features Enjoy your cease and desist letter. You won't last past March, probably earlier.
is this the really shitty edgy one that was getting constantly shilled on here a while ago?
what are some good online pokemon games that isn't op's anyways? Always wondered if there was some good ones out there
>>25228634 Pokemon indigo is pretty good
RIP best game - Pokemon crater
No swearing? Fuck you i dont want to play with children. Not to mention you get shut down in a month cause of optional pay to win. How dumb are you?
>>25228642 does pokemon indigo have an increased shiny rate or something
literally 5 minutes in and I have a shiny wurmple on my team
>>25228819 some what, there are different versions of shiny that each get rarer theirs shiny, misty, dark, and metallic
>>25228663 >My nigga, that was my life Anonymous
>>25228840 that, honestly kinda sounds retarded
but I guess I'll play it a bit more before I make a general opinion
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>one account per email Yeah nah. Also remove mirco transactions or else you can kiss your game good bye
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>>25228369 >vip reward it's pretty sad because OP is vip
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>>25228369 >5. Do not spam. 6. Not advertising other websites. Anonymous
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>>25228642 Eh idk, various things don't work in indigo/unova, such as screech.
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>Solana as an option in the beginning >get stuck with Red instead, no actual Solana option when changing sprite Dropped. I kinda appreciate the fact you remembered her, at least. Before promptly forgetting her again.
>>25228369 >pay for additional features. *teleports behind u*
You had this coming...
*unzips C&D*
>6. Not advertising other websites. The ironing
>>25228663 >Pokemon crater I remember those days
>>25231281 >*teleports behind u* >You had this coming... >*unzips C&D* >...kid. You're as bad as OP.
>>25231430 What was crater like? Never got to play it, just uh...PCCM or w.e it was called(the no level cap BS one)
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>>25231459 It was pretty terrible.
>>25231448 >HURR NO FUN ALOUD Maybe you should have shilled on Reddit, gayboy
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Wish there'd be a online pokemon gme that wasn't just exploring+standard pokemon. I'd make one but it'll be a few years til I can do something like that.
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>>25228369 reported
and sent to nintendo
>>25228369 >Anyone may join for free, also you can pay for additional features fuck off
this shit is like really wip still. I shouldn't be able to directly influence my enemies attacks among other things. If you want to provide a paid service at least make the effort to present itself as such.
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>>25228369 Reported to TCPi, also located the sources for and reported the various stolen fanart that isn't credited to the original artists.
Enjoy your lawsuit either way, fuckboy.
>>25232975 If you don't want people to fucking swear, don't advertise your shitty game on fucking 4chan.
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>>25233175 >>25233342 >>25233355 >falling for the obvious false flag Unless OP really is a huge fag
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Is this another one of those shitty html ones that are lagging all the time ?
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Rules: Rule 1 - Rules are simple.>7 rules >simple