>>25241283Not bad
>>25241301Definitely less bad
>>25241344The pupil and the ears ruin it
>>25241407Probably the best in the thread desu
>>25241448Looks dumb, not a good fix
>>25241488Celebi looks better, Nidoking looks dumb but passable, ditto for Slowpoke, the rest look fucking retarded
>>25241547Snivy looks fine, the other two look awful
>>25241564Holy God in heaven that's bad
>>25241586Dumb, but passable
>>25241594Missing tail, plates look retarded without the orange
>>25241704Souless abomination
>>25242065Literally Beerus
>>25242735Remove the chest spikes if you're gonna remove the others
>>25242803Not bad, actually
>>25243280Where's his dong? :^)
>>25243323It looks like it needs a hug
>>25243409It looks retarded without its ears
>>25243887It really needs those ears
>>25243906Literally why
>>25243934>>25243947>>25243948>>25243986>>25243990>>25244042>>25244046These all made me genuinely kek
>>25244010Looks unbalanced
>>25244606Dear God, what have we done..
>>25244760Literally retarded