>>25246532>Both use the same Pokemon>Must be the same personAsh and Red received and encountered their Pokemon in different ways.
Pikachu: Starter in Yellow.
Charizard : (originally Charmander) Possible starter in R/B, given in Yellow.
Venusaur: (orginally Bulbasaur) Possible starter in R/B, given in Yellow.
Blastoise: (originally Squirtle) Possible starter in R/B, given in Yellow.
Lapras: Given in R/B/Y.
Snorlax: Encountered in R/B/Y as part of the plot.
In the original G/S/C, Red had an Espeon instead of a Lapras. This can also be taken into account, as an Eevee was given to Red in Celadon City, and it would make the most sense to evolve it into a Psychic or Dark type, since he already has a Electric/Fire/Water-type in his lineup and Leafeon/Glaceon hadn't been introduced yet. Psychic-types are (arguably) a must for all teams (don't start a debate on this).