Okay anons, holy fuck. The craziest thing just happened, okay? I need help, advice, or something, please.
>be me
>talking a walk by the beach
so what if it's february? I like beach walks, it gives me good alone time with my pokemon
>see a kid
>can't be older than 12
>he challenges me to a battle
>i accept
>this will be a good time to give my wailmer some battle experience
blah blah, i'll spare you the details of the battle, long story short, I won
>i win
>the kid doesn't seem too bummed about it, he's a cool guy
>wailmer is super fucking happy
>suddenly he turns bright white
>oh fuck, he's evolving
>he grows to a massive fucking size rapidly
>as he's enlarging, he collides with me and the kid with the force of a fucking bus
>hurts like hell
>i'm knocked the fuck back, i land on the beach sand, bruised up
>i stagger up and look at my wailmer
>the kid, being lighter than i, was knocked back at mach fucking speed
>but he was on the other side of me
>i see him fucking flailing around midair flying out to sea
>oh fuck
>he hits the ice cold water like a slap on the ass
>fucking starts flailing around in the water, visibly struggling to swim in the cold as fuck ocean
>after a while he just stops and sinks below
it's been like 2 hours and i'm still trying to pull myself together after what just happened, and i think his parents or whatever will have noticed his absence by now
what do, /vp/? how can i escape pokejail if i'm found out?