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[33 / 10 / ?]

No.25262320 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /vp/, I'm God.
Now, since I really love you all I want to share with you some of the future events that will come throu this year.
First of all, Sanders[(spoiler] will be the next US president.
Iran will attack Saudi Arabia this summer, so pack your things if you live nearby (yes, even you, my European son).
Golden State will get the Ring.
Finally, this monday (february the 22nd) a special Pokémon DIrect will be announced by Nintendo, airing saturday 27th at 00:00 (UTC).
Pokémon anniversay celebration, launch of the 3DS VC games, more information about Pokémon Go and the release period of Pokémon Z version, fall 2017.