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Pokémon Colosseum/XD

No.25264693 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I don't know if this is the right board to ask for this, but I'll try anyway. So guys, heres the deal. My brother and I are trying to complete the pokedexes for the gen.III games, and the only pokémon not accounted for is Mew and Deoxys (Celebi and Jirachi were obtained through the Japanese and American Bonus Disk for Colosseum, and Ho-Oh and Lugia were traded from Colosseum and XD respectively). The reason why I am posting here, is because I wondered if any of you guys had a .gci file (or something like that) for either XD or Colosseum with a legit (as in received from events, not hacked) Mew and/or Deoxys, and if you could upload it and post a link to it in this thread. I have looked all over the internet for it, and would much apreciate it.

>Tl;dr: .gci-file to XD/Colosseum with legit Mew and Deoxys sorely needed