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No.25325517 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm trying to figure out how retarded you have to be to think Sun/Moon are going to be gen 7 and not the gen 6 Zygarde game, this fanbase keeps getting worse

>every fucking gen has a sequel game(s)
>Zygarde has new forms
>Zygarde has unreleased moves in gen 6's data
>Eternal Floette is unreleased and the Greninja "form" is obviously related to it
>Volcanion hasn't been released yet
>XY has hints about a sequel and new region all over the place

Dumbfucks getting rused just because the titles sound like a new gen and they don't have "Z" in it. A little reminder that Masuda or whoever said in that interview that they want to keep surprising people with the sequel games like they did with BW2, this was totally expected.