X and Y were blatant rehashes of Gen 1. To complete the parallel and achieve maximum Gen 1-ness, it needs a successor generation that acts as a direct sequel: a Gold and Silver to X and Y's Red and Blue.
That's where Sun and Moon come in. Like with GS, we're getting a direct sequel generation that follows on from the events of the last game. Main villians will be a reformed Team Flare, reeling after the loss of their leader in the last games, and attempting to use Zyguard to further their goals or something. After you beat the 8 Gym and Pokemon League you'll be able to travel through Kalos again, get your 16 badges, unlock some special secret area and then probably fucking fight Red again because he's featuring so heavily in promotional material as of late and its the 20th anniversary I mean who else are you going to put there?