>>26459288>Pokemon selection has always been shitNah, Kalos Pokemon selection is fucking awesome. You can find (the first stages of) Talonflame, Vivillon, Raichu, the elemental monkeys, Azumarill, Lucario, Pyroar, Dunsparce, Florges, Vespiquen, Gardevoir/Gallade, Venusaur/Charizard/Blastoise, Dodrio, Alakazam, Scrafty, Swalot, Swanna, Toxicroak, Aegislash, Vileplume/Bellossom, Scolipede, Crobat, Haxorus, Mienshao, Malamar, Pangoro, Zangoose, Seviper, Rhyhorn, Heliolisk, Hippowdon, Krookodile, Rhydon, Lunatone, Solrock, Kangaskhan, Mawile, Steelix, Houndoom/Manectric, Golurk, Sigilyph, Hawlucha, Pinsir, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Skuntank, Hariyama, Mr. Mime, Lapras, Tauros, Miltank, Pelipper, and many others before even reaching the third Gym.
This is why I love XY.