>>26499686but would 3 shitmons that are bulky in their own right really drag down a fucking 770 bst monster?
if they removed slow start, regigigas would automatically shoot to OU at least by smogon standards
in vgc it would be a top-tier threat because its tanky, decently fast and hits like a fucking bus. because of natural bulk and access to drain punch it can tangle with shit like p-don and mega mom
now if it had 770 bst what the fuck would stand against it? even if the boost was 20 to each stat it would become a 110/180/130/100/130/120 fucking monster
bulkier than nearly every mon in the game and as strong as fucking mega fug ON TOP OF OUTSPEEDING IT
if the ability was crippling it would be useless, but if the ability was pretty much anything like the primals got the thing would probably be fucking banned
imagine if it was some shit that gave it the resistances of steel/rock/ice without the weaknesses
mega regigigas cant work because it would be hysterically broken or a fucking meme mon