Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost - Circlejerk - Mystery Eggs - Multis
This thread isn't for Hacks or Clones. There are other threads for those. Use them if that is how you like to play.
Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists and Safari requests reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin if you've got a long list to share.
A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: Let's keep it comfy and legit. If you're new, be skeptical of who you're trading with. We have a few people here who do enjoy injecting. We're not trying to tell you how to play, but don't get yourself tricked by anyone.
Previous thread:
y'all this chain fishing shit is addicting.
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
Third for
Masuda lend us your power Looking for Chanizu about a HA-F Squirtle trade.
>>26508014 You're using the earphone technique?
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26508018 I'll just give you one of my random Koffings then
Throw something on the GTS for a lv 1 male Koffing
Nico 1822 3051 7448
Lex and Embep I'm ready when you are, for real this time.
Gabriel (0705 3460 6710)
>>26508024 earphone technique? can you let me know?
>>26507969 i have one, trade?
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26508059 What are you asking for? I'm trading 1 mon for 1 scale each
>>26508055 You got it!
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
>>26508051 Let me just add you desu.
My GTS is busy.
Gabriel (0705 3460 6710)
>>26508071 HB larvitar.
i got a heart scale
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
>>26508071 Can I have the Larvitar for the Heart Scale?
>>26508024 nah i don't even have the sound on. i've already caught 4 shinies today and had a 5th kill itself.
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26508074 I don't really like adding people for small things like this because my list is full and I have to delete people, but sure, add me
>>26508080 All righty, gimme a sec to get back online
>>26508084 Yeah, you can
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
>>26508100 I'll put a Geodude for a Koffing in the GTS with a comment with /vp/.
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26508122 Sent! Enjoy the Koffing
>>26508138 All righty!
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26508087 Damn, I'm sorry to hear that.
Was it at least a Basculin? >>26508059 So the object is to reel in the Pokemon when you hear the sound, not when you see the exclamation points. You'll have a faster reflex.
Nico 1822 3051 7448
>>26508031 I'm gunna switch games after taking lex's eggs, Can I grab a female DB of rattata, nidoran, hoot hoot, whismer, skitty, hippo, and chimecho? Or is that too damn many
>>26508155 yeah it was a basculin
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
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looking for a 3+ IV Zorua, have a decent amount of high IV mons to trade in return.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
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>>26508161 Good. It wouldn't matter anyway, plus they're extremely common. Hopefully you'll get the rare Dragonair.
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
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>>26508147 thanks.
I now enjoy the Koffing.
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26508159 I'm ready to trade when you are!
>>26508165 No problem, thanks for the Heart Scale
does anyone want some charmander leftovers with EMs? I was releasing them but still have like 5
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26508193 What egg moves do they have?
Gabriel (0705 3460 6710)
>>26508100 I guess you are already added
give me a moment, i am looking for come king's rocks in X
is it possible to get a garchomp in a dream ball legit ?
>>26508159 It's never too many. Please take everything.
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26508211 We've traded before, remember?
Good luck with your egglocke, Nico!
I hope what I gave you helps you out
>>26508215 Yeah, Gibles were able to be caught in the Dream World
Nico 1822 3051 7448
>>26508222 You're the bomb diggity thanks dog, Grabbing your oddish now off AS
>>26508220 2 words, based embep
>>26508207 a) ancient power, dragon dance, outrage, flare blitz
b) ancient power, dragon pulse, metal claw, dragon rush
I am looking for a HA murkrow/honchkrow and HA Dnite. Anyone have one of those ?
Coby 3712-1300-8258
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Anyone have a Cloyster safari?
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>>26508233 np, just send a trade whenever you're ready
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26508236 I'd like the second one
Do you wanna trade over the GTS or directly?
>>26508237 I've got an HA Murkrow I could breed for you
What do you have to offer?
>>26508251 sure, just put something up for a lv. 1 and tell me what it is
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26508261 I'm putting up a lv 1 female Sneasel with the message "Thank you, /vp/!"
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anyone have any female's in moon balls or heavy balls they wouldn't mind trading?
>>26508275 fuck me, sorry for being and ass and not checking before but seems like all the leftovers are the option a)
but if it's ok I can start breeding
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26508318 Nah man, don't worry about it then
>>26508211 Are you still around?
Gabriel (0705 3460 6710)
>>26508328 yeah
i have been killing poliwhirls for a king's rock, but nothing
I am going to OR right now.
>>26508328 sorry, do you want the other so your sneasel don't get sniped for a regular one?
Nico 1822 3051 7448
>>26508328 Ready when you are pham
>>26508251 dream ball gible with HA.
>>26508237 I have a HA female dratini to give, how you want to do it?
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26508351 Nah, it already got sniped but it wasn't a special Sneasel or anything
Thanks anyways! nwn
>>26508356 All righty, I'll get back online!
>>26508344 Okay, I'm gonna trade with Nico first, h/o
>>26508363 Ehhh i already have those but I've been meaning to breed for Murkrow anyways so I'll throw you a leftover
>>26508364 you can add me and then we can trade ?
Nico 1822 3051 7448
>>26508374 Sorry for the garbo IVs :)
bupi 0791 5624 8472
>>26508380 Alright, add me since you don't have a name on
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26508390 No worries! I'll rebreed it later anyhow
Thanks for the Oddish!
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26508394 didnt know I had to, sorry.
Gabriel (0705 3460 6710)
>tfw gf read about cuckmorals online >tfw tried to convince of cuckmorals >failed and went upset Why are women always so retarded?
Robin 0104-1574-9917
I got a quick question about pokebank. i recieved 3 regis, I accepted them before starting my game, how do I get them ? I also got BP and I recieved those in game, where is my reggi ?
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
>>26508406 Don't worry, send me a trade request when you're ready, I tried to, but no luck
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26508427 No problem!
>>26508444 I got mine forever ago. I think they're in the Transport box of Bank?
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26508453 If you want anything better just ask.
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26508527 Did you still want an HA Murkrow btw? I don't know what the IVs of this one are yet but I'll check
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
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>>26508527 No need, thanks for the char. Dratini has a a neutral nature so hope you're breeding. Good luck!
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26508456 haha I found them in a random box... thanks though
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26508552 No problem!
Sorry I wasn't that helpful, it's been a while
Robin 0104-1574-9917
looking for a HA murkrow/Honchkrow.
Nico 1822 3051 7448
>>26508576 Lex you have a spare flame body sitting around? Underestimated walking for eggs without it
>>26508588 I got some, you wanna put up a scatterbug on the GTS?
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26508604 Not on me but I'll pull something outta bank real quick
Nico 1822 3051 7448
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>>26508616 Thanks so much just trade me, I have a fresh caterpie for you
Any tips for rotation battles? Trying them at the battle maison, but I just can't understand the AI
Nico 1822 3051 7448
>>26508616 for real you, embep, ahed, sadie etc make me come here
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26508635 I'm glad that you decide to stick around!
I wanna know what your team ends up being!
>>26508631 I typically do Rotation. The AI tends to rotate into whatever Pokemon will wall the one you have in the front. Sometimes it'll overpredict though so that's when you take advantage of it
Try to bring a lot of coverage so it doesn't know what to expect
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26508610 dont know how that works, never done that, can we not trade ?
Nico 1822 3051 7448
>>26508648 Switched in the first two for fennekin and caterpie, ironically one of the eggs was magby. The second Snubbull. Never used either of them, stoked
Nephew lent me his PKMN X and doesn't care if I restart. Anybody want some of these 'mons? I know squat about EVs.
Brade 1135-0317-5308
>>26508667 we can trade too, I've added you
I don't need a scatterbug if you don't have one, either, just send me whatever (my second choice would be a physical attacker breeding leftover, but it doesnt matter too much)
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26508704 Yeah, I forgot that I gave you a Magby. I like Magmar so hopefully it'll serve you well
Snubbull's pretty good in-game too!
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>>26508635 all I'm doing is giving out leftovers. I'm glad you appreciate them.
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26508718 dont have one I think, I bred a half a year ago... just picked it back up, so I dont know what I got :P
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>>26508772 thanks for the eevee, hope you enjoy the moxiekrow / prankster crow
>protector >32BP Fuck this desu.. Why can't it just lay around...
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26508796 I can buy you one, I have plenty of BP.
>>26508800 >can buy you one, I have plenty of BP Only if your BP are legit and you do it out of friendliness.
>>26508755 JP Frillish
JP Mawile
Shiny Ivysaur
JP Dragonite
Just to name a few.
Ben 0361-6887-7086
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Here's my list of competitive items I need Choice Scarf x2 Leftovers x4 Expert Belt Life Orb/Lum Berry Light Clay Miracle Seed Toxic Orb Choice Band x2 If anyone wants to trade me them I'd be greatly appreciative.
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
>>26508822 Can I have the shiny Ivasur and the Frillish?
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26508816 Can you even hack in BP?
I just like battling in the Maison.
It's not as fun as the variety of older Frontiers, but still enjoyable and a good way to break up the occasional monotony of breeding.
It is out of kindness, post your code and I'll trade you something holding it.
If you need help evolving it, I'm fine to help with that too.
>>26508840 Sure. Run me through what I'm suppose to be doing. Been a good while since I played Pokemon.
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
>>26508846 Thank you lad.
If it doesn't bother you we can also evolve my Seadra.
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
>>26508861 Well do you know how to connect to the internet i game? If so you just have to go to the home menu and add me, to add me hit the cube with the smiley face and the rest is obvious.
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26508867 Sure thing, adding you now.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26508840 Shit, I was thinking about asking for those same two Pokemon. Good taste man.
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
>>26508894 My mad dude, and yeah I love shiny Venasaur.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
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>>26508910 Nah, no worries.
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
Mush 5301-2865-6022
>>26508883 Guessing you would need mine too?
Mush 5301-2865-6022
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
>>26508887 Thank you, I very appreciate your help.
Matt 3308-5556-3031
Can anybody here help me figure out my Secret ID? I have a shiny from Emerald and i want to RNG abuse in it, but i have no way of finding the secret ID. If you can tell me the secret ID, you can keep the shiny.
D (0216-2141-1624)
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>>26508979 Not a problem, glad I could help.
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
Maybe the wrong place to ask, but what's the deal with bank not accepting groudon and rayquaza i caught in OR? Are they considered special or it just thinks they are in wrong forms for whatever reason?
>>26509007 For compatibility between ORAS and XY, Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza can't know the moves Precipice Blades, Origin Pulse and Dragon's Ascent respectively
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26508894 I have a shiny Bulbasaur I was gifted by a friend a few months ago.
It's got shonky IVs and a neutral nature, but it has Chlorophyll and the pentagon.
If you want it, it's yours.
>>26509007 Do they have Precipice Blades and Origin Pulse and you're trying to send them XY?
If so, that's your problem.
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26509022 Funny story about that. If you're familiar with the hexaperfect seven, I was actually breeding a Bulbasaur a few months ago for that purpose to try and get said IVs, and I accidentally hatched a shiny penta in 3 eggs. It was also Modest, even though I wasn't using the Everstone.
I'm never evolving it, and it'll be for my shiny living dex Anonymous
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Anyone got a 6 iv ditto? Having a destiny knot too would be greatly appreacited. I put up a level 5 tentacool female with skywalker 280 in the about. Set it to trade for a level 91 to 100 ditto! Thanks again I lost all my stuff on x (ds and game was stolen last year) so I'm starting over brand new on ORAS
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26509042 Oh, what luck.
A shiny living dex is ridiculous, but would be so fulfilling once complete.
So you don't want mine?
Mush 5301-2865-6022
>>26509036 No problem. Anybody else?
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26509072 Nah, it's alright. I'm already 255/721 on my quest already, so I have to do this myself, hence why I couldn't take the Ivysaur mentioned above.
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26509104 Fair enough, I respect your resolve.
Thanks again for the Heal Ball Spritzee a while back, I'm a few boxes in.
But I've been taking a lot of breaks to do other stuff.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26509119 You're welcome.
I gave it to you on /shw/, right? D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26509142 Yes, and you really helped me out in doing so.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26509159 Ah, anytime man!
I'm making the new thread soon since the current one is hitting its limit, but I forgot to save the images posted in the previous threads and the archives are dead Anonymous
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>>26509091 Since you're deleting it, Dragonite, Zoroark, Mewtwo and Lucario? adding you jj 4399-3392-8358
just let me finish this battle
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26509190 I've got quite a few /shw/ images saved, want me to imgur/dropbox them for you? Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26509208 Yes please. I've only got a picture of a shiny Mareep on hand now D (0216-2141-1624)
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>>26509220 Sure thing, give me a minute to find and upload them. Anonymous
Looking for Balltism HA dratini. I have DBHA snover for trade
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26509220 Seems I've lost many relevant images, here's what I could find. Anonymous
>>26509274 What ball in particular? Most balltism trades are for Apricon balls and you can't have HA on Apricon ball mons.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26509285 Saved them all. Time to make the new thread. Thanks mang.
>>26508991 wish i could help you, sorry
D (0216-2141-1624)
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>>26509309 Not a problem.
I'll attempt to compile more, but my folders are a mess.
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>>26508991 I don't know anon, maybe somebody else can help
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>>26509315 There was some site you could find it out on but the page has been 404'd for like a year now and there's no other way
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>>26509292 I want a dream ball HA dratini or HA dratini pls
>>26508991 I don't even know what a secret ID is
Like a trainer OT?
Mush 5301-2865-6022
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
I'm in that situation again, I only have XY, but I want a move tutor from ORAS. anyone out there willing to help me to teach Ralts Hyper voice? in exchange I could give an extra destiny knot I got from wondertrade or anything from the battle maison, I have plenty of BP
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26509352 I can help.
I don't need anything in return.
Adding you now.
Matt 3308-5556-3031
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>>26509332 an id that's hidden to the player, and can't be found out in game. It determines shininess. If i know what it is i can get some in Emerald. And i know those two are just fucking with me
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
>>26509369 Thank you for offering anon, I appreciate
>>26509373 Thank you very much! Thank you for your kindness. I will try to help out as many people as I can here to pay back at least
D (0216-2141-1624)
Mush 5301-2865-6022
Still got: JP Mawile Wartortle Spanish Turtwig JP Magikarp with Celebrate and Happy Hour. Empoleon Venusaur German Alakazam Victini JP Gabite Blastoise JP Clefairy Eevee Charmander Quilladin Froakie Aerodactyl French Drifloon Spanish Sceptile JP Ralts JP Serperior Delphox JP Ledyba and a few PKMN with Pokerus. I have no idea what is rare or wanted.
Looking for HA dratini. I have DBHA snover for trade
When Thief makes a Pokemon faint, do I still steel the Item?
D (0216-2141-1624)
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>>26509455 Provided you're holding nothing, yes.
Nico 1822 3051 7448
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>>26509431 I want the magikarp anon, add me?
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26509431 You're the bloke starting the new games, yes?
Could I get that Victini?
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
>>26509431 Yo why didn't you said so? Trade me the Victini plz?
>>26509431 Can i get that venusaur?
Nico 1822 3051 7448
>>26509455 Yes, you steel the item. Then you use it on a pokemon to boost Steal type moves
Mush 5301-2865-6022
Quoted By:
>>26509495 This joke was so fanny it made me faint.
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
Robin 0104-1574-9917
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>>26509454 add me, do it quick, gotta go to sleep in 10 minutes
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>>26508233 >that pic Google employees must not watch Archer...
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26509525 >>26509541 I'll tell you what, I only edged you out by six seconds, so I'll battle you to decide who gets it.
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>>26509525 May 2337 7445 0759
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
>>26509547 Sure why not, gimme a few secs.
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26509576 Sure thing, I need to put stuff in my battle box.
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
>>26509582 I'm ready, you'll probably will bury me tho
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26509590 I'll just be suing some things I like, it's not a serious team.
2337-7445-0759 May
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>>26509431 Can i have that empoleon too?
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
>>26509596 I added you already btw
Mush 5301-2865-6022
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26509603 Sorry for the wait, was just looking for an item.
>>26509611 Hey, what better way to decide something here?
Anyone have an adamant Axew with decent IVs?
>>26509669 I have a shiny one in black 2.
Lex streaming again when?
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26509715 I'll stream again after I finish hatching these Charmander
I don't know what to stream, me being awful at Showdown?
I couldn't get BlazeBlack to work
;_; Kevin 3797 7461 1485
>>26509638 That Draco Meteor tho
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>>26509687 Ah. I'm looking gen 6. Plus I'd feel like I wouldn't have anything of enough value.
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26509729 To be fair, most people can't.
>>26509732 The missed one or guaranteed crit?
>>26509729 I enjoyed watching and playing against you Kevin 3797 7461 1485
>>26509742 Crit, great match.
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26509761 Thanks, it was half my Johto Classic team, half random Pokemon.
Enjoy your Victini.
Kevin 3797 7461 1485
>>26509779 Oh nice, can you explain what is Johto Classic? Like I've said before; I've been out of the loop for a while.
>>26509769 Lexbian streams when? Facecam included? D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26509816 Oh, well it was a battle competition.
Something you register for on the Global Link, a website that connects to your game, and if you play a few battles, you get a prize.
This recent one was a Johto based one, with the prize being a Miltank based upon Whitney's Miltank.
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
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If anyone wants a 5IV Slakoth with Pursuit, Night Slash, Body Slam and Curse in a luxury ball i have some. Looking for a Timid pidgey in a nest ball with some egg moves
>>26509769 I'll be more careful with my mons next time Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26509820 Please anon, don't call it a Lexbian stream.
I'm bi I'm new to streaming so I haven't exactly figured out how to show my face while streaming unfortunately >>26509865 Sure! If you want a rematch, let me know. I'll probably stream in like.. half an hour or so, I need to eat Thud 0361-9468-1274
Does anybody have a Hoppip they could send my way? Doesn't have to be special, just want one for my Ruby team and GTS is...well, yeah.
>>26509881 Want to try UU? I want to try out a team I made. Kevin 3797 7461 1485
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>>26509842 Thanks, I guess its gonna be really hard, good luck.
>>26509881 I only call it a Lexbian stream because I have a crush on you. And I'm a girl. Anonymous
>tfw injecting 500+ "legit" pokemon with memories and everything to complete my living dex Holy shit kill me, this is even more boring than if I were to do it legit
>>26509939 I knew I wasn't the only one. Anonymous
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26509910 Sure, I dabbled in UU and NU back in Gen V >>26509939 >>26509960 I don't understand why people would have a crush on me but th-thanks Anonymous
>>26509977 I'm giving them random IVs and the moves they would have when hatched, or the ones I would have picked for them while training them. I'm pretty sure I've actuqlly caught 90% of all pokemon in the past 15 years I've been playing so I don't really feel bad cheating them in now
checked Anonymous
>>26509997 Let me know when you get on. Anonymous
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>>26510022 i guess that's not so bad then. i would just be disappointed if this were your first or second generation played and you were already doing this shit.
checked Anonymous
>tfw when killed 30 Lantern and Chinchou >still no deap sea scale
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26510046 Are you dexnaving?
That usually tells you when it's holding one.
3755-0843-6666 H.P.
>>26510046 I have an extra if you want.
>>26510065 Do you have a Clamberl included?
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26509897 I could catch you one real quick
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>>26510097 It's fine I got one.
>>26510107 What was your Twitch name, I'm on my phone currently. jj 4399-3392-8358
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does anyone have a HA drilbur lying around?
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
So anyone in to help me evolving my Clamperls?
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26510178 I'll help.
I've still got you added.
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
>>26510184 Thank you lad.
I hope these are the last in the Hoenn-Dex that need a trade.
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26510188 I believe they are, unless you're using a Prism Scale to evolve your Feebas, rather than Beauty.
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
Quoted By:
>>26510204 I've done feebus already with pokeblocks.
Dusclops is also done.
Kadabra and Machoke too.
Jesse 2552-4741-4580
Hey I really want to use a Sandile on my team, but don't have anything to start breeding good ones. Just wondering if anyone had some breeding left overs with good IV's or moves or whatever they could trade me so I could start breeding my own? Dexnaving them on Route 111 is driving me insane
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
Joseph 1263-8401-0725
>>26507991 Looking for a 5-6 iv ditto, just needs to have atleast a special attack and Attack max iv, so i guess 2 works too, must not be japanese
Joseph 1263-8401-0725
D (0216-2141-1624)
Quoted By:
>>26510241 Always happy to help.
Joseph 1263-8401-0725
>>26510261 no thanks nigger
>>26510268 read the OP fuckhead
Jesse 2552-4741-4580
Joseph 1263-8401-0725
Joseph 1263-8401-0725
>>26510277 also there is nothing about that in the op sperg
Papes (1993-8230-7212)
Quoted By:
Looking for an Aerodactyl with 3+ IVs I can offer plenty of breedjects with similar IVs
>>26510299 >5-6 iv ditto not possible without hacking or injecting
fuck off
Joseph 1263-8401-0725
>>26510309 >What is Friend Safari Anonymous
>>26510312 holy shit are you serious
still not possible
Jesse 2552-4741-4580
>>26510312 pretty sure safari's only give out pokemon with 2-3 IVs
Joseph 1263-8401-0725
>>26510338 I've had it happen faggot
May 5155 3949 2947
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>>26510312 >>26510338 >>26510342 Chances are very low but it's possible, I guess.
Joseph 1263-8401-0725
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>>26510342 I've had a 5 IV aipom from a friend safari
D (0216-2141-1624)
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>>26510338 >>26510354 It's not impossible, but very unlikely.
>>26510354 >had it happen >still asking for one where's the logic?
Joseph 1263-8401-0725
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>>26510364 >Mentioned it was an aipom >"Er Mah Gerd hy u ask for ditto" If I had a pound for every extra chromosome you possess, I'd have a pound.
Lex has such a cute voice omg everyone get in this stream it's wonderful
Looking for a HA dratini. I have a DB HA Snover in return
May 5155 3949 2947
>>26510386 >Lex has such a cute voice omgeveryone get in this stream it's wonderful Agreed. I'm on there and her voice is dreamy. D (0216-2141-1624)
>>26510402 I've got you covered.
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>>26510386 Don't scare her away anon Anonymous
>>26510409 2337 7445 0759 May
>>26510455 You're the injector, right?
Can I request a thing?
Rose 2079-8001-6815
So I hatched a shiny Duskulls, but it's IV's are 10/31/11/31/31/31 Is it only good as a trophy? Or is it possibly useable?
>>26510481 You could use it, but you'll lose out on a lot of minmaxs from your two most important stats.
Papes (1993-8230-7212)
>>26510481 Its trash, quick, trade it to me
Rose 2079-8001-6815
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>>26510490 Yeah that sucks. Thanks :)
>>26510491 No way. I may not have been trying to get a shiny yet, but it's still my baby :P
>>26510481 What nature? As an attacker maybe.
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26510525 It's Adamant. But I feel like with such low HP and Defense, it might not do well
>>26510541 It's your only choice. Make it a Dusknoir.
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>>26510464 I'm not injector
Rose 2079-8001-6815
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>>26510545 I think I got lucky since I hatched it in like 30 eggs (Shiny Charm and MM). So maybe if I don't get another in 100 more, then I'll probably use it
>>26510541 I use a shiny, male Lopunny with a low defense stat on AS. Might not take it into the Maison.
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Turn your mic back on lex
2337-7445-0759 May
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>>26510409 Are u still there?
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26510560 I have a 28 attack Shiny Lopunny that I used! Now that one is definitely worth using. I'd say use it like I probably will with my Duskull
Blair 2638 3992 9843
does anyone happen to have any grepa berries? fucked up my shuckle
2337-7445-0759 May
>>26510581 Do u by chance have a shiny loppuny? I plan to trade out my impish shiny chesnaught tho
>tfw you will never be a girl >tfw you will never have orbiters
>>26510581 I've hatched a few other shiny pentas with a low attack stat, adamant Scraggy and Buizel.
Rose 2079-8001-6815
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>>26510610 I do but I'm not trading that either. And I bred that one in about 20 eggs eveb before my Shiny Charm :P
>>26510616 It would be nice if there were an NPC/item in Gen 7 to maybe switch IV's? Idk...
Rose 2079-8001-6815
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>>26510589 >Aguav Berry + Figy Berry Anonymous
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>>26510615 silly anon, I'm your orbiter
Who wants some free shit?! NO MEANIES
2337-7445-0759 May
>>26510729 I want a shiny arceus with thundershock move and nothing else.
All IV's pls zero and give it the name Obama.
>>26510748 Arceus does not learn Thundershock, so I can't trade it to you
>>26510747 WANT WHAT
2337-7445-0759 May
>>26510729 I want a bulky cresselia, either bold or sassy
>>26510769 Post the full set in the Showdown teambuilder format and it shall be yours! Would you like it to look like it came from your cart or just a random name?
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>>26510763 >Arceus does not learn Thundershock What kind of noob dude are you?
Pfff, I'll do it myself.
2337-7445-0759 May
>>26510763 I want a trickroom sassy cresselia with good ivs and max evs.
Jesse 2552-4741-4580
>>26510775 hey injectobro, could I snag a Jap 6 IV Ditto?
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>>26510763 A ham sandwich.
>>26510808 put up a scatterbug or wurmple for a level 100 with the comment /vp/!
>>26510782 Post the set
>>26510729 I would like a jolly mew with perfect IVs if you are willing to oblige
>>26510729 can you send me the power items I just have one of each :c maybe in some cool balls?
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>>26510615 >Being this jealous of Lex Anonymous
Thanks for the stream Lex, it was fun to watch. Good night!
May 5155 3949 2947
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who up for a late night battle. Wanna use Kevin Durant.
2337-7445-0759 May
>>26510775 Cresselia (F) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 244 HP / 172 Def / 92 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Helping Hand
- Skill Swap
- Gravity
- Magic Coat
>>26510832 Yes, you must be on my acquaintances since the Mew distribution has a classic ribbon. Put a scatterbug or wurmple (or something else) THAT WAS CAUGHT WITH YOUR TRAINER NAME on GTS for a level 100 ditto. I will use the name on the traded mon to find you the in acquaintances. Accept a direct trade from May in a cute hat
>>26510845 I can do that when May posts his damn Cresselia set. I have a bunch of breedmons with BP items on them but not the power items
Jesse 2552-4741-4580
>>26510827 okay I just put up a level 2 wurmple with the comment /vp/ dittobro
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>>26510862 um ok, can I get a copy of that cresselia tho?
>>26510861 You want a psychic type with no physical attacks to have 31 IV in attack?
>>26510876 checking now
2337-7445-0759 May
>>26510882 Yes, its a trick room set anyways, why would i invest IVs into trick room cresselia right? i have the trick room tm btw
Papes (1993-8230-7212)
>>26510882 yo I could use an Aerodactyl if you're in the giving mood
2337-7445-0759 May
>>26510882 This as well
Landorus-T @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 152 HP + 248 ATK + 8 DEF + 30 Sp. DEF + 72 SPE
Rock Slide
Superpower or Knock Off
>>26510896 I'm making it 0 in attack for foul play anyway. Put something on GTS for a level 100 Cresselia. I have extra copies if someone else wanted it.
>>26510900 I got an extra dream ball female someone on here gave me
>>26510910 NO MEANIES
>>26510862 I don't have access to my wireless right now, can we do this tomorrow?
What are the downsides for having an injected pokemon?
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>>26510882 Mew can learn every attack right.
Make me a Mew with only Thundershock. Shiny.
0IVs lvl1 and call it Obama.
It should have the origin country USA but language Spanish.
The only memory it has is about how it met Bill Clinton (just make a ID up).
These details are important.
>>26510923 lv. 1 male Goomy up
>>26510936 If you show up to a official tournament your game will be proven and then blocked and you banned and charged with a fee for abusing copyrights.
But as long as you stay in secret, nothing happens. BTW it's marked in your game when you hack something from this point on forever.
2337-7445-0759 May
>>26510923 I deposited a female lv19 nincada (GER) with the msg /WFG/
Papes (1993-8230-7212)
>>26510923 Sounds great what level should I aim for on GTS?
>>26510853 Where does she stream? InjectorBro
>>26510876 Sent.
I'm working on the Cresselia, Aerodactyl, Mew, and 3 power items.
I will trade them over GTS in about 2 minutes
2337-7445-0759 May
Quoted By:
>>26510992 I would like an aerodactyl too after u sent cresselia
Jesse 2552-4741-4580
>>26510992 coming through with the goods, thanks very much injectobro.
>>26511014 Be sure to thank d a w n y!
>>26511032 Can I still get shinies if I use a hacked Ditto like
>>26511014 to breed?
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>>26510955 >implying literally 100% of the top tourney players don't inject Anonymous
>>26511062 How about a no hack thread?
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>>26511090 i am giddy like schoolgirl
>>26510958 >>26510953 Sent Cresselias to both of you
>>26510968 Level 1 female
>>26511049 Yes. It will actually be 6x more likely as long as you don't have your language set to Japanese I'll be in the new thread. Whichever one everyone uses.
Papes (1993-8230-7212)
>>26511101 Okay, I deposited a lv6 female Ralts looking for a lvl 1 female Aerodactyl with a message youll recognize
2337-7445-0759 May
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>>26511101 I uploaded a lv 1 kangaskhan with the msg /WFG/ for ur female lv1 aerodactyle