Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost - Circlejerk - Mystery Eggs - Multis
This thread isn't for Hacks or Clones. There are other threads for those. Use them if that is how you like to play.
Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists and Safari requests reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin if you've got a long list to share.
A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: Previous thread:
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>>26511076 Masuda blessings etc etc etc
Paulo 2853-0877-7597
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If you're around Nico, I've got your DBHA female Ralts ready. I just need to grab a Carvanha from my bank.
>>26511199 thanks for the cresselia, what are you working on right now, can't think of something desu
2337-7445-0759 May
>>26511199 I uploaded a lv 1 kangaskhan with the msg /WFG/ for ur female lv1 aerodactyle and is the landorus- T o requested still available?
>>26511199 I wan a shiny charm plssss
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>>26511343 It doesn't work like that, you fucking retard.
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>>26511343 You must complete your entire pokedex to receive it.
>>26511230 Enjoy your flying fossil :^)
No meanies!
2337-7445-0759 May
Okay, I guess we are using this thread. If you want a 6iv japanse ditto (multiple natures), put up a scatterbug or wurmple on GTS for: Ditto - Level 100 Comment: /vp/ I also have every event distribution from 2016 for free. You will need to follow the instructions for the ditto for me to give them to you. If you need any competitive pokemon, shinies, or want a 6iv female to breed from, let me know and I will try to help. Please don't believe any of the angry bullshit said by people here trying to scare you away. We are all friends. This name is not secure, so you may see people samefagging to stir shit up, haha
>>26511199 Hawlucha (Shiny) (M) @ Master Ball
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 12 HP / 244 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
IVs: 0 SpA
-Swords Dance
-High Jump Kick
Not sure if I did the format right. Thanks in advance.
>>26511491 Oh, and could I get it in a Dusk Ball please?
1504 6261 4346
Hey guise, I'm trying to complete the hoenn dex and I need the Ruby exclusives, tried the gts but everyone is asking for fucking mew and arceus, hope anyone could help
2337-7445-0759 May
>>26511490 I deposit a lv1 male scatterbug for ur 6ivs adamant ditto
>>26511555 If they are asking for legendaries, that means all decent trades have been completed. You're only seeing the shit that can't be traded as a result.
Put up something decent requesting the pokemon you want and you should have it in an hour or two. Be sure to add "6iv HA 4 egg moves" to entice someone to take it :^)
>>26511570 dude you're on my friend list
2337-7445-0759 May
>>26511490 Landorus-T @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 152 HP + 248 ATK + 8 DEF + 30 Sp. DEF + 72 SPE
Rock Slide
Superpower or Knock Off
Any legit ball is possible
2337-7445-0759 May
>>26511584 I thought all trades regarding ditto are done in gts lol
1504 6261 4346
>>26511584 Ugh, guess I'll have to hatch more bulbasaurs, still I'll be missing latios and groudon
>>26511490 I'm working on a sand team to help me get the Maison trophies, I could use some help. Either of these would be much appreciated.
GARY (Garchomp) @ Garchompite
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Stone Edge
Jasper (Stoutland) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Return
- Superpower
- Crunch
- Wild Charge
hexfire 1736-4576-1392
>>26511490 Does this include japanese distributed ones? Or could you possibly give me a list of what ones are available
>>26511645 Grab something like a scatterbug and breed them out.
Put them on GTS and say they are Ocean or Monsoon pattern.
>>26511693 >>26511491 Sure why not
>>26511705 Diancie
Shiny Xerneas
Shiny Yveltal
Shiny Ho-oh (Japanese Pokemon Store distribution)
>>26511747 Are those ones secure or injected? Be honest with be bro.
>>26511775 Theyre injected you idiot
>>26511775 Secure?
They are copies of ones I know are legit. They are competitively altered to be 5/6IV with a smogon nature. They are totes legit, brah
>>26511790 Eat shit, you faggot.
>>26511795 Thanks for replying decently without being a faggot like anon #1
>>26511803 Apply what I said to anon #1
2337-7445-0759 May
>>26511747 I would like a competitive shiny yvetal
There is no difference between injected and real pokemon you are a retard if you think otherwise
Half of these threads are filled with recommendations for suicide :(
>>26511199 Excadrill (f) luxury ball @ leftovers
Shiny: yes
mold breaker
252 HP/ 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful nature
0 SpA IVs
Rapid spin
Iron Head
Or a copy of that garchomp
>>26511693 Anonymous
>>26511893 But the other half is me getting nice lookin Pokémans for free
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>>26511893 takes up less space than retarded arguments on legitimacy
hexfire 1736-4576-1392
>>26511747 Just to check incase it is possible. you cant get a Volcanion can you? Also im putting a wurmple up so we can trade i'd like a hoopa and diancie idc if its competative or not just want em if you don't mind that is.
>>26511951 Not a legitimate one!
I'm getting some quick tendies then cooking up these hot injections. Post anything else and I will have them all done as one batch in about 10-15 minutes
>>26512084 Go to sleep Sarah.
>>26512106 No deal, haha. I got a two liter of Mr. Pibb and no obligations in the morning, as usual! It's injecting all night time!
>catching legendaries with poke balls because balltism I want to die
>>26512154 Have you seen lex tonight?
hexfire 1736-4576-1392
Quoted By:
>>26512157 Caught every legendary in AS with premier balls within like 3 throws apiece. Feels good. Keep at it gl
Fell 4527-8621-0493
>>26512084 Yo my man could I get Jirachi and Diancie?
>>26512084 >>26511916 hereDragonite (f) moon ball @ sitrus berry
Multi scale
252 atk / 4 def / 252 spe
.Dragon dance
.Extreme speed
.Dragon claw
>>26512157 Post feet, Seymour!
>>26512177 Nope
>>26512191 Put something on GTS for a level 100 ditto with teh comment /vp/
>>26512194 Sure, that looks totes legit. I'll add it to the bunch
2337-7445-0759 May
>>26512205 Can i have a copy of that dragonite as well?
>>26512205 Okey, thanks.
Have a fun night feeding the beggars shitters,
I guess. See you.
>>26512205 Thanks I'll send you a TR when you tell us they're done
Fell 4527-8621-0493
>>26512250 Can we see your dicky? !ShinyDickY
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>>26512312 Lex would get mad.
hexfire 1736-4576-1392
Coby 3712-1300-8258
Can someone give me a Marowak please? Or a Cubone level 20+
hexfire 1736-4576-1392
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>>26512084 Did i miss you going through the list? Wurmple still up with /Vp/ If you're still around
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>>26512205 I gotta go to sleep, man. I'll just leave up a Lv. 16 male Wurmple for Hawlucha, message will be /vp/.
Coby 3712-1300-8258
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>>26512683 Still wanting one please
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>tfw catching legenderies >they all go smooth >Suicune >Stupid fucker just don't wan to stay in the fucking ball >20 Ultra Balls wasted >Shitter stilll don't want to stay in. All this Money fucking hell...
Nico 1822-3051-7448
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Update on the Y egglocke, with a beautiful selection of eggs from Embep and Lex. Beat the first gym, team currently: Crush the male vital spirit Magby Lv 12 Mastif the run away Snubbull level 11 Bubba Sparxx the serene grace Dunsparce lv 9 Teno the pickup Phanphy freshly hatched Never done one before but it's a great feeling hatching these badass mons as I progress. Thanks again if you guys are up yet.
Nico 1822-3051-7448
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>>26511747 Bruh is the shiny ho-oh distribution a clone? If so I want one of those
>>26511747 Hell just upload the pk6 datas.
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>>26513565 I wouldn't want anyone to steal my ID, haha
Robin 0104-1574-9917
does anyone have a staraptor with at least sp def IV? I need it to breed some egg moves.
>>26513735 What egg moves. I think I might have an extra or two
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26513793 No I meant brave bird, I can level it untill he learns it. So any staraptor with at least his spec def IV is fine.
>>26513803 okay put something on GTS for a level 50 male staraptor and it's yours
JuRoh 2595-4480-6511
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Looking for fancy pattern vivillon haked or cloned ok
JuRoh 2595-4480-6511
>>26511490 i put a wurmple on gts for that ditto thanks bro
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Looking for a Adamant Karrablast
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26513816 can we not trade ? Its hard navigating through that game because I am not native to the language.
Sarah 5387 1302 1289
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>>26513924 Okay just add me!
InjectorBro's 2nd Cousin removed
JuRoh 2595-4480-6511
>>26513888 are the event pokemons still available?
Sarah 5387 1302 1289
>>26513975 arigato onegaishimasu, Robin-san
>>26513967 Hey, haha, I still have more event pokemon for you! We should trade. I notice that the two you gave me were from wonder trades. Do you have any breeding leftovers, by chance?
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26513984 >This thread isn't for Hacks or Clones. There are other threads for those. Use them if that is how you like to play. I guess you didnt read that.
Thanks though.
Anyone else got a staraptor that ISNT cheated?
Sarah 5387 1302 1289
>>26514000 uh, it's not hacked. What makes you think it is?
>can't use assist contrary superpower spinda on showdown Give me one good reason to go on existing.
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>>26513987 I need 50 Mews, stat.
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26514009 seriously?
all perfect IV's and egg moves, it became lvl 50 by rare candy, it has HA it is BRED OUT TODAY. hmmm its a bit weird isnt it ? plus it didnt come from your account where I traded with
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>>26514017 >Give me one good reason to go on existing. Memes anon, Memes... Anonymous
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>>26513987 i have some breeding leftovers are u okay to trade some event pokes with me?
Sarah 5387 1302 1289
>>26514032 I used a reset bag and I'm autistic.
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26514039 I said IV's not EV's. you dont know the difference while you "legitemately breed" them ????
Robin 0104-1574-9917
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>tfw now have all those legendaries from ORAS >Only Cresselia remains. And I got them legit. Legit Legends.
JuRoh 2595-4480-6511
>>26514059 how do you even check IVs?
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>>26514063 You ask the pokemon nicely.
Robin 0104-1574-9917
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>>26514053 >>26514059 mfw a certain word gets changed to senpai
Sarah 5387 1302 1289
>>26514044 I got lucky with a 6iv male HA with the egg move you needed bred out today and level to 50 for you. I don't know what's so impossible about this. I can give you a female because timer ball is perfect for staraptor, am I right?
Robin 0104-1574-9917
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26514076 I ask for a staraptor here on /vp/
You are like "hey I got a spare egg lying around"
you breed that egg, and what do you know. Its a perfect IV staraptor with HA. Lets go and waste some heart scales on it. and 49 rare candys. this all in 2 minutes. ye right
>>26514044 Most traded shit here is hacked lad.
Sarah 5387 1302 1289
>>26514093 I'm really good at pokemon and I used a reset bag to remove all the EVs. I leveled it up with a blissey base just for you. If you don't like it, we can trade it back and I will give it to someone who wants it.
I have another Staraptor for you anyway. This one is really shitty and clearly not hacked
Robin 0104-1574-9917
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>>26514098 i cry every time.
I get that, all I am asking for is one fucking staraptor... I didnt think they would cheat a simple pokemon like that just to have some human interraction... its just pathetic
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26514103 Blissey base will level you up over lvl 50
Sarah 5387 1302 1289
>>26514113 I killed it when it hit level 50 because that's all battle spot cares about. Do you want to trade it back? I'm coming back on in a second
Sarah 5387 1302 1289
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>>26514113 If you aren't going to use it I certainly will. I have an adamant starly from a wonder trade you can have
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26514120 hahahah you killed it while it was gaining xp.... nice try though, I forgive you because you made me laugh ;)
>>26514113 >Blissey base What is this?
Sarah 5387 1302 1289
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>>26514138 It's one of those secret bases you get from a QR code. It has 3 blisseys with only heal pulse and toxic orbs so you get a shitton of exp for nothing
>>26514133 I want that staraptor back, please
Robin 0104-1574-9917
Sarah 5387 1302 1289
>>26514142 Buddy, get online and give me that Staraptor back. I worked really hard on it and you called it a hack. I want it back
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26514157 wew lad, just hack another one... I already traded it with a friend that is going to use it. And I am not trading with you again, I dont want another hacked piece of garbage on my game.
>>26514157 Hey, sorry to bother do you have them now?
>>26512194 Anonymous
Quoted By:
How many Ultra Balls do fit in the bag of ORAS?
Sarah 5387 1302 1289
>>26514165 wow that was really mean
>>26514168 ???
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26514165 do you still need the starly, cause I can breed you a legit one real quick
Sarah 5387 1302 1289
>>26514226 He will release it then call you a hacker. Don't enable him.
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I am very unaware of competitive play. Do you have some advise for me or a page you can recomand to learn about several strategies?
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26513987 Yo bra you never answered about the event shiny ho-oh
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26514260 No I will not.
I would give it back when I didnt trade it already.
I am not into ruining the game for me or for others.
hence I dont like cheated pokemon
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26514561 Do you still need a starly? Put something on GTS for one. I just bred one out
>>26514590 No, I'm done trading here for a while. Got everything I need now. I will still lurk to be of help to others.
>>26514634 >Sarah a cheater Autistic yes. Cheater doubtful. Injectorbro, henta, kyoumi, and few others are our resident cheaters.
>>26514767 Are you an idiot? Sarah IS Injectrobro
>>26514775 I thought May was injectorbro. That's his ign.
>>26514785 No. Injectorbro's FC is 5387 1302 1289
I think their actual name is Sarah but uses the IGN of May
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26514645 haha whats with all the romaji japanese here.
Tachi 0430 8766 0473
Looking for a Porygon-Z to touch trade with
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>>26514888 Get the fuck online and take this starly
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26514888 I don't know
Want me to check if I have any leftover Starlies?
If not, I can breed you one if you'd like me to
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26514928 I already got everything I need for now. please dont worry about me.
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26514967 Are you sure?
If you ever need something, just let me know
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26514976 Actually, do you have a feebas? I want to fill out my dex.
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26515002 Oh yeah, I have plenty from back when I MMed for one
Lemme go pull it out of Bank for you
Robin 0104-1574-9917
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26515025 Well then
I have you added anyhow so if you ever need something, ask and I'll see if I can help
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515025 Who is this?
>>26515017 Great, thank you. I don't care about nature or stats
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515041 I will not ask for anything in the near future.
If anyone will ask with this ID then it wont be me.
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
Quoted By:
>>26515045 Is that you, Injector? Are you still buttblasted?
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26515049 All righty. Sorry that the Injector ruined trading on here for you
>>26515049 Another autist down.
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515064 God, just fuck off already.
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515060 haha I'm starting to think you are posting with different names.
Dont treat me like an idiot.
Robin 0104-1574-9917
Quoted By:
>>26515081 Why the fuck are you posting as me, faggot?
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26515081 Don't worry, Injector, you're the only one who constantly changes names
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515078 I really dont care what you do with that name on here. post whatever the fuck. But please dont troll others, like having them go to their pokebank for nothing.
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
Quoted By:
>>26515101 It's okay, shit happens
I offered to help and was prepared to help
Robin 0104-1574-9917
I'm a humongous dumbo and I pee in the onsen.
Sexgod 1805-2495-7030
I have some free cloned BR mons if anyone wants them. Also down for OU and Multi battles if 3 more are interested.
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26514889 sorry my post derailed the thread a little, I will try to get a hold of one. At least if the IV's dont matter?
Robin 0104-1574-9917
Quoted By:
>>26515115 HAAHAH that actually made me laugh :)
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515101 oh it wouldn't be for nothing, R O B I N...
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
Quoted By:
>>26515132 Man, you're obssessive. Maybe you should talk to someone about this
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515132 Ye it's just a name. I got a lot of them, so call me whatever you like ;) do you want my facebook link so you can shitpost there ?
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26515117 Bruh I'd take one of each if you don't care. What is the conkeldurr?
Robin 0104-1574-9917
Robin 0104-1574-9917
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515117 >not all in love balls disgusting. Also, you know that milotic gets marvel scale, right?
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515159 Limburg, huh? Why is my cart in japanese then?
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
YES!!! It is complete. I didn't complete a Pokedex since Gold and Sylver and back then I friend stole my Golden where I had 250 on it and only Celebi was off. Only one day more and I had the exploid adapter to get it...
Robin 0104-1574-9917
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515186 Stop taking my name. This is confusing
Just wondering injectbro, if i make a thread asking for help, would you help out? >inb4 faggot >inb4 get out >inb4 the other stuff
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
>>26515180 >Oval Charm And that's all I get.
>it was enough to visit them, don't even need to catch them Fuck this shit...
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
Quoted By:
>>26515208 Nah, he'll probably just jump back into /wfg/ demanding that everyone be nice to him. He always abandons his own threads
>>26515208 you're in the thread for injections. If you post feet with a timestamp, one of them usually shows up immediately. I think they chat about it in skype, haha
Sexgod 1805-2495-7030
>>26515147 6 iv 108 hp 152 atk 104 def 144 sp def
Joe - 3024 - 7533 - 3355
>>26515223 Shiny Charm, too, if you complete the national dex.
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
Quoted By:
>>26515237 >complete the national dex. No. That's too much.
Sexgod 1805-2495-7030
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>>26515165 I didn't breed it it was given to me
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26515233 Add me and hop on?
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515198 Do you know why I linked that facebook account (there is no proof that it is or isnt mine). Its because you are powerless. You are just a pathetic shell of a human being that cheats in a simple game designed for children.
GLHF trying to get to me though ;)
>>26515230 I don't really want to tell with other anon gettong mad that their thread got ruined so I'll just ask this way
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515255 I can't get to you because you are literally petrified of your own children's game and refuse to get online and take back your 6iv HA shiny starly that you left me earlier today.
Sexgod 1805-2495-7030
>>26515252 yep just added you
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
>>26515259 Hack your 3ds and injext yourself desu.
Come back when you want to have fun with this games.
Quoted By:
>>26515259 Just post without a trip and it will be fine. /wfg/ is for all. Ignore the shitposters telling you to leave. All are welcome here
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
ao a shiny ralts with lvl 1, hatched from a egg, with EVERY FKING ribbon availble, different champ ribbons, a love ball and s on, cant possibly be legit, right?
Tachi 0430 8766 0473
Quoted By:
>>26515119 The ivs don't matter, thanks
>>26514157 Hey, can I have that Hacked Staraptor?
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26515286 Yeah, that sounds completely hacked. OT on it wouldn't happen to be Auslove, would it?
Quoted By:
>>26515278 I'm just asking for some specific mons in kurt balls
Nico 1822-3051-7448
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515268 Care to rephrase? I dont know what you are trying to say. Is it that I made you mad in any way? That hasnt been my intention at all, but I have to admit it makes me feel good that you get upset about something I say ;)
Pedopa 3582 8326 6311
So lads, it was fun with you. I com back when Sun and Moon comes out. Cya
>>26511076 Learned something new earlier
>Looking for Shiny Ralts >Find one on GTS >they trading it for a mew >have one I don't mind giving away >game won't let me cause "It's a special pokemon" >I got this Mew in a trade Anywho, who's got a shiny Ralts lying around? Got a few goodies I can slap Pokerus if anyone's interested.
Sexgod 1805-2495-7030
Quoted By:
>>26515318 Np dude. That keldeo is a legit event mon as well. Had its ivs tweaked through powersaves but it still registers and can be used online.
Sarah 5387 1302 1289
>>26515295 Well it's not hacked unless Robin hacks in shinies (which would explain his wild accusations), but sure, you can have one of them. Put something on GTS for a level 1 male starly
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
Quoted By:
>>26515312 Nah, its Hinaru.
its name is Li Xing-Ke
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515332 I got one. What nature, gender, and ability did you want?
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26515321 You are the weirdest person
>>26515329 Later bro
>>26515332 I have a female one I got from WT and somehow I'm the OT of? Idk, you trying to flip it for a different shiny?
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515339 >Well it's not hacked unless Robin hacks in shinies Can anyone please translate that to normal English for me.
Nico 1822-3051-7448
Quoted By:
>>26515353 To reiterate, how is it possible to receive something from WT and somehow I am the OT?
>>26515339 It's not hacked? Never mind then.
Tony 0705-5603-0806
>>26515352 Couldn't care less. Though I do want a female
>>26515353 Flip it? Sorry, newfag Sarah 5387 1302 1289
>>26515363 I said the Starly is not hacked unless YOU hacked it when you traded it to me earlier
>>26515381 Wait, wait, it COULD be hacked. It's from Robin, so it's likely.
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26515393 Just a douchebag way of saying are you trying to trade me a different shiny
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515396 Pretty sure I didnt give you a starly ;)
Does anyone here also trades non-hacked mons?
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515408 I do, add me for a trade, what are you looking for ?
Tony 0705-5603-0806
>>26515399 Got a few shinies I dont mind parting ways with. Give me a bit, I'll upload what I got.
Sarah 5387 1302 1289
>>26515407 Yes you did. Now give me my staraptor back and take your shitty hack off my game
>>26515408 I do, but don't trust Robin
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26515422 Thanks dog I'll be lurking
>>26515431 Did he hack your game?
Sexgod 1805-2495-7030
Quoted By:
>>26515431 Just release it ffs
Sarah 5387 1302 1289
>>26515438 he gave me a shiny starly that I am SURE is hacked. If you put something on GTS for a level 1 male starly, I will give you a copy of it to show you
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515438 yes I did I sent him a link to scam his CSGO items but I accidentally sent a link to hack his pokemon game, read up. from
>>26513735 Anonymous
If anyone can inject this for me, ill be grateful and can out the Ot as Henta! Heracross-Mega(female) @ Heracronite (Love Ball) Ability: Guts EVs: 252 Atk / 8 SpD / 248 Spe Jolly Nature - Bullet Seed - Rock Blast - Arm Thrust - Pin Missile
Quoted By:
>>26515451 >I will give you a copy of it to show you Is it making copys of Pokemon cheating?
>>26515473 Pic wasn't attached
Sexgod 1805-2495-7030
>>26515451 even if its hacked there is literally no difference in the game data as long as it could be obtained normally
Quoted By:
>>26515468 I see so what is considered cheated and what not?
And how to copy Pokemon?
Tony 0705-5603-0806
>>26515432 Took a bit long but here is is.
Gold star = Shiny
Pink star = Pokerus
Tachi 0430 8766 0473
While I'm here does anyone have a Miltank
LEGITIMATE BREEDERS, PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN TRADING! Injector likes to hand out injected/hacked Pokemon while anonymous! If you do not want to be tricked into getting an injected/hacked Pokemon through the GTS, ask whoever you're trading with for their IGN. AVOID trading on the GTS with a trainer named May (profile pic is a Lady; ie the blonde trainer with the white hat) from California, United States (FC is 5387-1302-1289 also goes by Sarah). Injector seeks to add you to their collection of Trainer/Secret IDs to use to make injected/hacked Pokemon. If you wish to receive hacked/injected Pokemon, please use/make an Injection general thread. Please be respectful of /wfg/! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Super Cheatah
>>26515505 I can make you one.
25as 1049-0960-6400
>>26515480 are you the same injector bro?
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26515501 Word, how did you get the shiny D/P legends? What are the chances of legitness?
Tachi 0430 8766 0473
>>26515514 That'd be great
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>>26515514 Would you be kind enough to make mine as well if your a injector
>Synopsis of Mewtwo Strikes Back >Pokemon gets Generated/Injected into existence >It gets pissed, decides to generate/inject it's own team into existence in order to show the purists that it's the superior pokemon >Shit posts in general because he needs flustered tripfags to fight him >Fight breaks out between the Artificial Pokemon and Pokemon created inside the game >Some Tripfag dies due to the cancer this fight causes >Entire General is sad for 5 minutes Moral of the story: Everyone finally agrees that both kinds of pokemon have value, so long as it can pass Game Freak's legitimacy test. That's why I like the first pokemon movie, so deep.
Tony 0705-5603-0806
>>26515527 Got em from an event. I got these personally.
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26515536 keked
>>26515538 Solid could I grab one of those? I'll add you
Sexgod 1805-2495-7030
>>26515526 No but I've injected a few mons before. As long as you do it right there's no way the game could recognize a difference. I tell people whether or not a pokemon is bred/genned before trading.
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>>26515527 Summer 2013, gamestop giveaway. Legit as fk.
Tony 0705-5603-0806
>>26515556 Take your pic, senpai. I'll add you too.
>>26515558 If your busy, would you inject the pokemon i request if other anon doesn't
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>>26515473 >>26515478 I have been summoned. Nice digits senpai. Making it now
>>26515513 DELETE THIS, haha
JJ 4399-3392-8357
>>26515117 Can I have one of each too?
Shaun (5172-1351-4031)
Could any kind soul help me evolve my Shiny Electabuzz. I have the item, just need a trade partner
Sexgod 1805-2495-7030
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>>26515578 I can't anymore. I updated my 3ds firmware.
Robin 0104-1574-9917
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26515575 Thanks brother, enjoy.
Sexgod 1805-2495-7030
>>26515586 yea let me add you
Super Cheatah
>>26515531 Put something worthless up on GTS so I can send you.
Sexgod 1805-2495-7030
Tony 0705-5603-0806
>>26515606 WITNESSED
Thanks Broseph. Did you want the Palkia or you good with the Dialga?
Shaun (5172-1351-4031)
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>>26515598 Thanks mate just added you
JJ 4399-3392-8357
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>>26515621 Oh yeah the last number is a 8 not a 7
Tachi 0430 8766 0473
>>26515612 Male Grovyle
"Need Help" is the message
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26515630 Are you looking for anything else? I could trade for it
Shaun (5172-1351-4031)
>>26515598 Thanks heaps mate!
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515657 sorry for the name, I should have mentioned that beforehand, but I forgot all about it. Hope its yours so you can rename it.
Super Cheatah
>>26515642 enjoy your bann
Shaun (5172-1351-4031)
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>>26515663 Yeah I thought that would happen but doesn't matter, I have to bank it to get it back onto X to rename it but that's easy done
Tony 0705-5603-0806
>>26515644 Hmm.. Nothing in particular. Got any other shinies?
>>26515478 Henta!, I have your heracross ready. Please get online and I will trade it directly to you.
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>>26515711 Give me a bit, a worker from the gas company came so I have to attend this
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26515700 Yeah man. Noibat, Quagsire, Pidgeot, Spoink, Roselia, Crawdaunt, Rotom, Quilfish, Lunatone, Dodrio, Helioptile
Not sure if anyone can help me out but was looking for a Contrary Female Serperior that someone wouldn't mind parting with. Nature IVs and whatnot doesn't matter as I'll whore her out in the daycare. Have a male lax protean froakie I'm about to start breeding for trade if you'd like
>>26515711 Parker, where's my 50 Mews!!! They better be Perfect IVs/Calm natured or I swear on me mum...
Luke: 3969-6216-1477
>>26515117 Could i grab the two aside from the dildo horse? Please and thanks
>>26515756 I have an extra female contrary snivy HP fire timid laying around. Put something on GTS for a level 1 female
>>26515776 I'd give them to you except for Gamefreak's wonderful trade sequence means that would take 3 hours
Tachi 0430 8766 0473
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>>26515673 Thanks for the cow
Tony 0705-5603-0806
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>>26515747 Hmm.. I think I'm all set. I'll let you know if change my mind tho
>>26515790 Going online now for the heracross. Through gts right?
Looking for HA Aerodactyl, ivs and nature unimportant
>>26515839 what does the HA mean?
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26515832 You can't get a megastone through gts. If you want it without the stone, put up something for a level 100 female heracross
>>26515839 I got you senpai. Put something up for a level 1 female
>>26515845 "Hot arsed" = produces eggs 3x more often
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>>26515832 I put up a female floette level 27 wkth messsge vp for a femsle level 100 heracross
>>26515851 Wait, afterwards can you attach the mgs stone to a shit mon and trade me it?
>>26515851 Thanks bro, will put a male level 1 Aron for it
>>26515782 You got it man just give me a sec dont have my ds on hand. I just hatched another male protean froakie fair enough? BTW newfag here long time lurker do I throw my FC here?
Does anybody have a moody smeargle for me perhaps? or friend safari with smeargle in it? would be really grateful. Tell me what you want in return, maybe I already bred it.
>>26515897 I do, put something on GTS for a level 50 smeargle
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>>26515851 My bad, i didnt think you were gonna give me it
>>26515897 I have one from a wonder trade, do you have a no guard Golett/Golurk perhaps? Though I don't mind just giving away
>>26515907 Thank you so much bro!! Lvl 1 Chansey is up.
>>26515922 I am very sorry but I dont have one. Someone else helped me though, but thanks a lot for your offer
>>26515933 >>26515873 Sent :^)
>>26515884 whoops, I need to reinject one
>>26515886 yeah yeah as long as you bred it. Toss it on GTS for a level 1 female snivy
Tachi 0430 8766 0473
Can anyone touch trade me a Porygon-Z?
Sexgod 1805-2495-7030
>>26515777 I'm still here if you are
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Can someone help me inject this? I'll be really grateful for it... Can be in any ball Sceptile-Mega @ Sceptilite Ability: Lightning Rod Level: 50 EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Modest Nature - Quick Guard - Leaf Storm - Dragon Pulse - Hidden Power [Rock]
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>>26515968 Put something on GTS for a level 100 porygon z then you can trade it back to me (May in a cute hat)
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
>>26515968 I have a Porygon to evolve if you want
Tachi 0430 8766 0473
>>26515988 Sure I can go through the process of trading with you
>>26515959 you gave me amulet coin with that smeargle, was that intended or do you need it back?
>>26516000 It's yours! That smeargle also has payday and happy hour btw
Luke: 3969-6216-1477
>>26515974 Cool, i already added you so i'm ready to trade when you are. Thank you kindly!
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
>>26515999 You can keep it if you want, just want to help.
I'll add you in a bit, got in a battle accidentally
Sexgod 1805-2495-7030
>>26516012 can u help me with the sceptile? :3
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>>26516012 yes I saw it, haha. Thanks!
Tachi 0430 8766 0473
>>26516019 No problem I can wait thanks for helping me out
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>>26516037 Eww gross, isn't there a feet board for that?
Tony 0705-5603-0806
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>>26515747 Hey lad, can we trade back? Don't worry, you can keep your Dialga, just wanted to see if you can rename that Ralts for me. I'll be lurking.
Sexgod 1805-2495-7030
>>26516012 what 3ds firmware/program are you using to inject?
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
>>26516042 Thank you, added
>>26516054 browser hack using an out of date firmware on a 3ds dedicated solely to injecting hot mons
Sexgod 1805-2495-7030
>>26516070 trying to find something that will work with 9.8.0 my brother has a 3ds he hasn't used for some time.
>>26516087 homebrew general in /vg/ might be able to tell you
>>26515884 Sent :^)
Tachi 0430 8766 0473
>>26516062 Oh bit of a mistake it evolves into Porygon 2 then Pory-Z do you have an upgrade?
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
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>>26516042 Wait, what happened? it didn't evolved?
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
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>>26516124 Ah, that's true, I'm sorry about that, I though it was a branch.
I'll get an up-grade right away
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
>>26516124 Sorry again for the trouble. Let me know if you want your lick lick back
cause I say you can keep the Z, but maybe you want to trade back after all
Tachi 0430 8766 0473
>>26516180 It's fine you can have it, thank you so much !
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>>26516196 Okay, thanks then!
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>>26516104 I'm late, I just checked, this Aero doesn't has the HA, but thanks for the sash
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>>26516747 >>26516747 Xestev - 4141-2351-9136
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Anybody have a bug type Friend Safari with Combee in it? Looking to hunt for a shiny female.