Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost - Circlejerk - Mystery Eggs - Multis Never - Suicide Always
This thread isn't for Hacks or Clones. There are other threads for those. Use them if that is how you like to play.
Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists and Safari requests reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin if you've got a long list to share.
A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: Previous thread:
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>>26524414 first for the suicide of the injector
Ayyyyyyy Anyone who writes "Don't do it, Injector!" on a sheet of paper with a timestamp and /vp/ will get 3 injections of any request done for them. Will do 6 injections if you include your feet in the picture! Be sure to put them in the showdown format!
>>26524414 >Tokyo timezone Busted again, embep
>>26524414 >Injectors Must Die Someone's jealous that they can't inject and have to waste their time still manually breeding everything.
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>>26524466 > I can't be the only one who finds this funny
When you run around in circles at the daycare with eggs, what are the met conditions for your hatched pokemon?
>>26524479 met conditions?
The pokemon stats are determined when the egg is generated. The egg is generated by your steps. The OT is whichever trainer hatches the egg
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This thread in a nutshell.
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>>26524455 Oh boy here we go again. Kill yourself
>>26524491 In memories.
>(pokemon) hatched from egg and saw (trainer) for the first time at (location) What's the location?
Friendcode: 3282-6267-6253
I'm looking for a Togepi. with the ability Serene Grace. I have a Togepi now, but with the Hustle ability and I'm not about training that.
>>26524507 Ah, when you get someone's wurmple, you need to change:
Second tab:
Met at: battle resort (or Lumiose city)
Met at: level 1
Ball: Love Ball
Egg (checked)
Egg stats:
Given by: Day Care workers
And set both dates to today for simplicity
On the final tab, click memories, edit the OT memory to say "...was stared at..." which is the IV rater one. The new version of PkHex fixes the traded trainer memories for you.
>>(pokemon) hatched from egg and saw (trainer) for the first time at (location) >What's the location? This location is determined by the hatch spot (second tab) and then autofills that sentence
>>26524446 Here it is! And i will post the 3 pokemons i wanted on the next incoming msg. Gonna post My FC first 2337 7445 0759, May. just in case if anyone took it
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26524516 You can change it later anyway if you are playing OrAs.
>>26524829 Holy fuck how do i delete this.
I pasted the wrong links, those were supposed to be send to my bf skype
The others had my pokemon list. Help pls
>>26524845 pls i dont want my nudes here
>>26524829 >>26524845 You've got a rocking body Sam, would fug
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>>26524829 >>26524845 >>26524852 >>26524875 ignore all of these. samefag trying to trick you into clicking links.
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>>26524446 Milotic @ Assault Vest
Ability: Competitive
EVs: 252 HP / 28 Def / 160 SpA / 64 SpD / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Dragon Tail
Rotom-Heat @ Safety Goggles
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 180 HP / 108 SpA / 220 Spe
Modest Nature
- Discharge
- Overheat
- Protect
- Will-O-Wisp
Just this two, can't think of any for now...Thanks injector! :D
Robin 0104-1574-9917
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>>26524845 "I want to send links of foto's via skype"
"I accidentally posted them on my browser and entered the captcha, how should I know it isnt skype"
2/10 for trying though
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I'm looking for HA female Dwebble in a Dream Ball... Can anyone help?
can you put the OT has Henta! ID:59439 Rhydon @ (F)Eviolite(Friend Ball) Ability: Lightning Rod EVs: 184 HP / 200 Atk / 124 SpD Adamant Nature - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Ice Punch - Protect Scyther @(F) Choice Scarf (Fast Ball) Ability: Technician EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - U-turn - Aerial Ace - Knock Off - Bug Bite Jellicent @ (F)Leftovers(Dive Ball) Ability: Cursed Body EVs: 252 HP / 156 Def / 100 SpD Calm Nature - Scald - Will-O-Wisp - Recover - Hex Mamoswine @ Life Orb Ability: Thick Fat EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Earthquake - Icicle Spear - Ice Shard - Protect Staraptor @ Choice Scarf Ability: Intimidate EVs: 252 HP / 68 Atk / 188 Spe Adamant Nature - Final Gambit - Brave Bird - Close Combat - U-turn Excadrill @ Life Orb Ability: Sand Rush EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Earthquake - Iron Head - Rock Slide -Rapid Spin
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>>26525836 please stop posting pictures of your feet forever
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>>26524474 >decided to not be an idiot and set up OoThax >can inject >autism prevents me from abusing it Anonymous
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Never seen a good pair of feet on /wfg/
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
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Reposting this: I have a 6 Rhyhorns to give away. They have Crunch/Metal Burst/Fire Fang/Thunder Fang as egg moves. 5 have Rock Head and 1 has Lightning rod. Unfortunately in regular pokeballs. Put something up on GTS and let me know what it is if you want one. They should all be 5IV.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
Bumping this that I posted in the other thread if anyone wants one: I have a 6 Rhyhorns to give away. They have Crunch/Metal Burst/Fire Fang/Thunder Fang as egg moves. 5 have Rock Head and 1 has Lightning rod. Unfortunately in regular pokeballs. Put something up on GTS and let me know what it is if you want one. They should all be 5IV.
>>26526790 Can i have the lightningrod one? Deposited a burmy for it
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26526833 Take it down so it doesn't get sniped, was called to do something. I'll be back in a few minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience.
>>26526843 Alright let me know when ur back
Blair 2638 3992 9843
>>26525836 why do your feet look like monkeys paws
>>26527021 Probably because he's nothing more than a primitive ape
>>26527274 > Talks shit about other anon feet >Wont post their feet Okay.jpeg
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>>26524741 >>26525836 >injector should be an hero >him or whatever begging for attention >people actually be liek "pls don't die" >check the url > This place has changed
>>26527384 Just because I think that guy's feet are completely atrocious doesn't make my feet any more attractive you stupid mongoloid
At least I have the self respect to not post my own horrendous feet to try and get someone to inject pixels into a game for me
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26526860 Back. Sorry for the wait. Try again, I'm going online now.
>>26527021 >>26527274 >>26527384 Stop. Don't give any more (you) to this nonsense and advocating posting more disgusting crap and injector requests. Injector, go make your own damn thread where you can be queen and not a fucking troll that does nothing but shit the place up. We've said this the nice way, we've said this the not so nice way, now you're just being a jerk. I hate to get involved in your shenanigans or even replying, but seriously, I'm done with your crap. 10/10 mad, good job if all you want to do is troll.
I just want to have fun with the community, don't shit where you eat and you won't have a shit community.
Sorry to everyone else for the blogging and for all the cursing, I hate getting mad and being this vocal. Anonymous
>>26527436 Hey at least he has the audacity to post t
his feet no matter how disgusting they look
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>>26527445 No problem, burmys up
>>26527445 >stop adding to it by posting >is adding to it by posting Listen Meredith, you're ok sometimes so just shut up please, by repeatedly acknowledging and begging Injector to leave, the longer he stays.
>>26527460 I'm really not sure that's a good thing
>>26527497 Eh probably to him it is
Meredith !IEei4SpBOc
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>>26527497 Sorry. I usually never reply and ignore his posts, but he's ruined 4+ threads in a row. It's really frustrating. I really wish I could filter him, but that's not really possible and reporting his posts does nothing unlike with seymore and tailsposter. Again sorry, I'll try not to post about it again. Anonymous
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>>26527566 Well... you do you I guess
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !J8HoLMUJrs
>>26524446 Injection Request:
Rotom @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EV’s: 4HP/ 252 SpAtk/252 Spd/
Timid Nature
-Shadow Ball
-Volt Switch
Scyther @ Metal Coat(Fast Ball)
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- U-turn
- Aerial Ace
- Knock Off
- Bug Bite
Excadrill @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide
-Rapid Spin
Thank you so much for doing this!
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !J8HoLMUJrs
Is the guy that was offering to give out Rhyhorns still here? He was pretty cool, and I just want to make sure I don't place my poké on the GTS too long (I just got sniped)
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !J8HoLMUJrs
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>>26527685 Oh shit forgot the "Don't Do it, Injector!" Pic
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26527716 It was me, and I'm still here. I also have a rotom, sports ball scyther, and a spare fully trained Excadrill you can have/I can breed if you delete your injection request post and give me some time to breed the eggs.
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !J8HoLMUJrs
>>26527764 Alright! Done and done! I'm about to post the Heracross on the GTS, and we can trade as acquaintances... How does that sound?
truck 0061-3850-2815
Looking for a spare female Froakie or Charmander in a Dive or Luxury ball, abilities don't matter. I can offer up a Jolly female Bulletproof Chespin in a Luxury ball.
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !J8HoLMUJrs
>>26527838 Alright... I have a Japanese fem. froakie, but it's in a poke ball and I'm not sure how to transfer it into a luxury ball/dive ball... Tips?
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26527838 I've got spare luxury ball charmanders, but they don't have its hidden ability. You can have one if you want one.
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>>26527861 You cant do that
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26527708 Interested in your love ball Chansey and Buneary (don't have those egg moves/my Buneary are all male) and also in your net ball anorith if you can check and confirm if legit (born in right region/doesn't have ribbons/other stupid obvious nonsense)
>>26527808 Sure. Just need some time to work on the eggs. Sent the rhyhorn btw. I only have the Excadrill on hand, so wait on the Rotom and the Scyther.
truck 0061-3850-2815
>>26527861 Unless I'm being whooshed, there's no way to transfer pokemon to a new ball. You either need to catch it in the right ball, or breed it.
truck 0061-3850-2815
>>26527876 That's perfectly fine, thanks! Are any of them female?
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !J8HoLMUJrs
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>>26527885 Alright... Would it be possible (and it's a pretty big "if") to have a ditto with a certain ball, and have the ditto pass down the poke ball? I'm fairly new to the breeding scene, so I don't know how feasable this is.
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I guess injectbro left his own thread
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26527901 yeah, i've got a spare female. adding your code now
truck 0061-3850-2815
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>>26527921 Thanks! IGN is Michael.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26527881 The thing with the Anorith is that it's IN a Net Ball, which I didn't think was possible, since you can't find fossilmons in the wild anywhere. I got it from here as a gift for helping someone move eggs, and didn't notice the shiny until way later.
But I can do the Chansey and Buneary. Just need some time to breed 'em. Do you have a trade list somewhere I can peek at?
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26527949 Oh, looking it up now, it looks like Anorith is catchable through the Pal Park, which would explain the Net Ball, if a female was encountered and then bred. So it may not be a hackjob after all.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26527949 Oh, it doesn't appear in friend safari or through one of the spinoffs/Safari areas? Nvm then.
List is here, though requires serious updating with all my new mons: I have to go for a little while longer, I'll try and be back soon with whatever you want and also the other mons for Quote. Also I'm out of Rhyhorns, other friends took my last few ones.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26527972 Definitely want it then. I'll be back in a bit. I have more mons, feel free to ask.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26528058 I'm definitely interested in your Moon Ball Miltank and Sneasel, and in the Love Ball Mawile and Smoochum.
Also, that Level Ball Snivy isn't legit, is it? The Level Ball was only available in Gen 2 and in HGSS
Gabriel (0705 3460 6710)
rhydon + eviolite 252 atk 126def 126 defS 4 ps plausible? Also any rhyhorn leftover? i can pay with a heart scalebecause my apicornball collection is not complete
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
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>>26528098 >Level Ball Friend Ball*
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26528111 I tried using an Eviolite Rhydon in a doubles team, gave it Rototiller, and paired it with Trevenant.
It didn't work very well. It was so frail, still.
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>>26528129 Eviolite Rhydon is extremely bulky as long as it's not hit by water or grass. It even takes ground and fighting hits pretty well. You have to invest your evs into special defense and hp to see the bulk otherwise he really only operates as a physical wall. But Eq, rockslide, metal burst, and fire punch round out a good moveset for a good pokemon.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26528098 Oh that was an old joke from forever ago, ignore it.
>>26528129 >>26528111 I don't have any leftovers atm, but I can put it on my breeding queue. After I'm done with the Rotom and the Scyther and the ones Atlas wanted.
>>26528291 I'm interested in your rotoms... are u up for it?
Hey guys, happy Memorial Day. Keep up the good work!
Is there a way to add legendary pokemon to my dex without actually receiving them? That way I can try and snipe them off GTS. Missing a few for a pokedex I can just bank and move to the next game.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26528291 Okay, so here's the pickings:
4x Buneary (female) 31/31/31/xx/31/xx
1x Buneary (female) 31/31/xx/xx/31/xx
Chansey 31/31/31/xx/xx/xx
Chansey 00/31/31/31/31/31
Chansey 31/31/31/31/xx/xx
Chansey 31/xx/31/xx/xx/31
Chansey xx/31/31/31/xx/31
And the shiny Anorith, too.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26528638 You can touch-trade.
Or there's cheating, which is beneath your honor and the honor of everyone here.
>>26528661 Touch trade as in immediately give them back?
Can I get any 5th team-mate suggestions? Or advice on this team in general?
>>26527972 >it looks like Anorith is catchable through the Pal Park, which would explain the Net Ball, if a female was encountered and then bred. you don't seem to know how the pal park works
Netball anorith is legal because of gen 5 dream world though
Gabriel (0705 3460 6710)
>>26528291 wow, thanks meredith, i shall wait.
do you like love ball luvdisc?
i shall have a shit ton soon
Nico 1822-3051-7448
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>>26528438 My nigga AHeD, happy memorial day to you famalam
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26528793 Bruh I'll trade you a loveball yanma for one of them luvdiscs
Gabriel (0705 3460 6710)
>>26528898 not yet.
I have to tranfer them from SS to W2 to OR.
Maybe next week.
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26528934 Word, i'll be lurking as always.
Guys I got a millennial joke for you:
How many Suh Dudes does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None, it's already lit fa m
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
I think its awesome that when you have birthday and get into a pokemon center, They say "happy birthday" to you, and you have a special pokemon center music for the whole day. More effort than my family has made the last 10 years.
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26529070 That's dark
>>26529077 who's there
>>26529070 here's your (You) faggot
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>26529112 Allahu Ackbar: BOOM?
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26528342 Breeding rotom now.
>>26528641 Any female is fine, I don't mind breeding for IV myself, just mark which ones are 31 please.
>>26528678 Rotom-Wash with WoW.
>>26528793 And sure, Luvdisc is one of my favorite mons. They're so cute. Love Ball is my favorite ball too.
>>26529070 Happy bday.
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>>26529117 i'm gonna pretend you said Who's there
SAW DEEZ NUTS Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26529130 Yo mer, are rotom always pokeball?
>>26529156 caught ones can be in other balls
bred ones are always pokeball
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26529174 genderless, god its like everytime i ask a question to meredith the answer is painfully obvious. /r/ing that pic of the cat paw on the persons hand "its time to stop posting"
>>26529182 why do you direct your questions to a newfag like Meredith anyway?
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>>26529130 So
>WoW >Volt Switch >Pain Split >Hydro-Pump Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26528671 Yes, that's what that means.
>>26528678 You need something to handle ice. Maybe a reliable fighting type like Machamp or Conkeldurr?
>>26528733 In Gen 5 Dream World all pokemon brought forward were in dream balls. You don't get to select the ball it's in, silly. It has to be caught in the wild for a Net Ball to be legit.
And no, I never played Gen 4 except for HGSS, and I hate DPP with a passion.
>>26529130 I've got them all marked appropriately :)
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26529188 idk I saw she was breeding rotoms so I figured thats who I'd ask, plus her and atlas are the only niggas not anoning
>>26529195 >In Gen 5 Dream World all pokemon brought forward were in dream balls. You don't get to select the ball it's in, silly. It has to be caught in the wild for a Net Ball to be legit. >And no, I never played Gen 4 except for HGSS, and I hate DPP with a passion. Lol
Pokemon obtained in the dream world were put in the entree forest, where you could catch them in any ball in your possesion. Please don't state something as a fact if you have no idea what you're talking about
>>26529206 they're also the dumbest people in the thread tbf
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26529209 Oh that's right, I totally forgot about that.
They killed the Dream World a few years ago, so excuse me for not having a flawless memory.
Being a douchebag is always helpful, isn't it?
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
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>>26529222 nice trips, senpai :^)
>>26529251 >I-i forgot! >Y-youre a douchebag Nice
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26529284 >implying implications What's your point, kid?
>>26529338 >>26529284 So is it legal or not? What's the final answer?
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>>26529351 yes it's legal.
>>26529338 >the good ol' "kid" fallback Classic
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26529351 I had already confirmed it was legal. Read up.
>>26529351 It's legal via the dreamworld, like the anon said.
Atlas is a dumb who thought it was legal via Pal park
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
Quoted By:
>>26529378 >I had already confirmed it was legal. retard
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
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>>26527972 >Anorith is catchable through the Pal Park, which would explain the Net Ball AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
Someone is apparently really butthurt about the Pal Park.because it matters lol
>>26529510 calling you out for being an idiot =/= butthurt
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
Quote, I've got your mons ready. Pentaperfect Rotom and Scyther.
>>26528342 I got a spare pentaperfect rotom if anyone wants it. First come first served. Got a couple 5IV ones too. And 2 female sports ball scythers. Working on
>>26528098 now. I was breeding Sneasel earlier, so I'll give you a Moon Ball one with a bunch of egg moves. I'll have to pull the others from the bank and dangit, I hate breeding babies. Gotta evolve Smoochum first into a Jinx. It'll take me a bit to do this.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
Quoted By:
>>26529543 You sure seem to care about it an awful lot, anon. To have samefagged this far all for the intent of calling me stupid for not knowing how Pal Park works.
because again,
it matters lol Anonymous
anyone have an extra magby that they can spare? i'm trying to complete my dex and he's on the list.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26529592 No worries, I'm sitting peachy just doing homework that's due tomorrow. Only five more online quizzes and I'll be done with my Intro to Teaching Special Education for the quarter!
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26529610 I can look at my bank. I feel like I've got an extra one somewhere.
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>>26529655 maybe its in Pal Park Anonymous
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>>26528098 No, can't have a gen 5 starter in anything other than a regular ball
Parker 1435 7423 3899
>>26529655 sweet. my name and tag are in the name field.
best of luck with your studies as well.
>>26524770 how do you change it?
>>26529669 ability capsule
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26529668 thanks bruh!
So I found a magby, but it's part of my living dex, so what I'm going to do is just breed a magmar I've got and I'll give you the baby. Sound like a winner?
Parker 1435 7423 3899
>>26529679 thank you. 200 bps i guess it is.
sorry for wasting your time. i googled the answer before i hit f5
Could i please trade someone some Pokémon so they can release them for me? My brother caught them and wasted my pokeballs but i don't want to keep them because he cheated on my girlfriend but i also don't want to release them because he'd kick my ass.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26529644 Sorry, I don't seem to have any moon ball sneasel left, only Love and Dream Ball. Interested in those? And desu I've got a bunch of Chanseys and Buneary, I'll just take the Anorith.
>>26529696 >my brother caught them >he cheated on my girlfriend >he'd kick my ass if I release them Can you please explain what the fuck is happening
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
Quoted By:
>>26529726 A love ball Sneasel might be interesting.
And are you sure? Otherwise I'm just gonna bank and/or WT these babies...
>>26529592 >Quote, I've got your mons ready. Pentaperfect Rotom and Scyther. Aw heck yeah! If you want any particular poké in my PC Box ( ), I'd be more than happy to breed one for you!
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
Quoted By:
>>26529742 Injectorbro is running out of ideas lol
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !J8HoLMUJrs
Quoted By:
>>26529764 Sorry! Forgot to include my Info!
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
Is it true that if you lead with a mon that has synchronize the caught mon has a 50% chance of having the same nature?
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !J8HoLMUJrs
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
Quoted By:
>>26529782 That is the weirdest thing to copypasta..
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>>26529694 i have a spare capsule you can have. Put something on the GTS for an Electrike if you want it
>>26529782 >13 months ago What
>>26529823 >>26529829 >>26529832 Thanks for the quick responses! Any tricks to catching a mon with good ivs? I really need to justify breeding a synchronize mon with a Jolly nature, so I might as well go all out.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26529874 The Friend Safari is probably the most straightforward way if you've got XY. If not, the DexNav works great, it just takes a bit more time.
>>26529897 I'm
>>26528678 , and I'm trying for a Jolly Lando.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26529693 Alright I've got one for you. 4IV female in an ultraball and it ended up with Dynamicpunch unintentionally.
So there's that.
Adding you now.
Parker 1435 7423 3899
Quoted By:
>>26529938 alright i'll be on in one second.
Quoted By:
>>26529911 Well fuck, I got one, with perfect ivs for atk def and speed. with superior potential. Is that decent for competitive, or should I go full autism?
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26529764 I still have you in acquaintances. I'll trade you in a minute. Send me any shitmon. Just don't shit up a thread asking for stuff injected again please, just ask for breedjects or something to that effect.
Parker 1435 7423 3899
thanks atlas, much appreciated.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
Quoted By:
>>26529997 You're welcome me lad!
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !J8HoLMUJrs
Quoted By:
>>26529979 Alright! Ready!
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26530313 Your Sneasel is ready, breeding Mawile now. Smoochum is next.
DC 3239-5600-2603
It's May 30 and I have two Mew codes to trade away. I'm not looking for anything in particular, just anything to fill my dex. Almost anything (reasonable) from gen4/5
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26530313 Is it possible to get the shiny Cincinno as well as the Anorith instead of the other mons?
>>26530454 They're giving more Mew away to people who missed the first one as long as they subscribe to the newsletter. I can wait 2-3 days.
DC 3239-5600-2603
>>26530524 Yea... I think that is what is going to go on with all of these Gamestop pokemon.
Freebie codes tomorrow I guess.
Quoted By:
>>26530591 I just hope they do it for releases like Diancie and Hoopa.
Gabriel (0705 3460 6710)
>>26529592 Excuse me.
Don't you have the rhyhorn ready?
If not i shall wait, i am still playing SS
Also, do you reccomend any balltistic pokemon to catch?
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26530695 Sorry, not yet. Took a break from breeding. I'm only up to Mawile from Atlas' list.
Talking to my sister for the first time in months and introducing her to my gf. I'm a little nervous, wish me luck. I'll keep breeding them later on after this is over.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26530695 Anything in Love, Friend, Heavy, or Safari balls is good. I personally prefer Love Balls and would love a Skarmory if you can get it.
Quoted By:
>>26530695 >Also, do you reccomend any balltistic pokemon to catch? anything that YOU think matches. That's literally what balltism is
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26530408 >>26530463 Sorry for the delayed response. Just started a White Version Nuzlocke.
Yes, you can have the Cinccino. It's most likely hacked, so I kinda don't want it.
>>26530845 Good luck!
>>26530524 what newsletter
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26530953 The Nuzlocke was a bust. The ROM was broken and wasn't giving exp to my pokemon.
>>26530871 You still here?
>>26531194 i cant right
what are my options for getting a dank regigigas with neat nature/iv
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
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>>26531286 Soft resetting.
>>26531296 i dont want to have sex with regigagas I just want one with good stats
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>>26531170 The pokemon monthly newsletter you sign up for at global-link. The one that gave away the HA MoZArt.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26531306 You can catch one in Island Cave in ORAS.
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>>26531419 He's basically asking for the easiest way to get good ivs/nature though. Which is sr, as you said.
>>26531286 You can get a 50% shot of getting the nature you want by using a mon w/ that nature and synchronize as an ability. SR until you get goo ivs or at least decent competitive ones. You can usually get 3 for a legendary but might sr until you get a better one by checking periodically with the Stats Judge.
Nico 1822-3051-7448
Can anyone help me swap eggs between my carts
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26531215 I am. She didn't show. I'm trying to evolve my Smoochum into a Jinx atm.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26531577 yeah, i'll help you out
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26531606 Awesome thanks, I have 7. when you ready?
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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>>26531642 I can do it now, don't have anything else to do
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26531642 You'll need like 7 shitmons that you dont care about if thats possible
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26531659 I'm good, i can throw stuff at you from my wondertrade box
Nico 1822-3051-7448
>>26531666 Thanks a bunch buddy. I might have to catch a few mons on the other cart to trade cause its a fresh start. Won't take longer than 5 mins
Thud 0361-9468-1274
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Anybody have a Pokemon that has Aqua Jet so I can breed it with my Azumarill? Doesn't have to be a specific gender just so long as its in the same egg group!
Is it worth it to pick up or/as at this point or should i just wait for s&m
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26531691 no problem. just send a trade request when you're ready to get your eggs back
>>26531704 Depends. I got OrAs because it has a more robust meta and because I'm working on my living dex it has almost all the legendarys excepting Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde. Obviously it's missing Mythicals, but Deoxys got downgraded to being a Legendary for the Delta episode. If you care about that kind of stuff yeah get it. Otherwise don't.
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>>26531752 It has deoxys?
I'm sold
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26531605 Oh okay.
I'm checking back regularly, just fyi.
Anyone have a houndour or Houndoom they would be willing to trade?
Thud 0361-9468-1274
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>>26531858 I can trade you one of mine if you just want the Pokemon and don't care about a specific nature.
Nico 1822-3051-7448
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>>26531743 You're the bomb man. Thanks infinite
Hello friends, Would anyone be interested in a few free pokemon? I have extra copies of all event distributions. I also have 12 boxes of generously donated level 1 female balltism breed mons given to me by friends. I also happen to have 6iv shiny japanese dittos of various natures (adamant, jolly, modest, timid, calm, bold) Please let me know if you would like any of these. If you do, please have something hatched or caught on your cart ready to trade over GTS. I can also do direct trades, but they take longer and I do not recommend posting personal information (including friend codes) on /vp/ Thank you and God Bless, Sarah
>>26531858 I've got spare 5IV DBHA female Houndours with Destiny Bond, Feint, Sucker Punch and Pursuit. Gimme a minute to pull one out of my bank.
>>26531967 do the dittos have imposter?
>>26531977 Dear Friendly Anon,
They do not. However, I can catch a custom ditto in one of my friend's safaris if you like. Would you like a specific nature and perhaps even a specific Hidden Power? I have an extra Choice Scarf I can give it as well.
Your Friend,
>>26531967 What balltism mons do you have?
>>26531967 >event distributions does that include hoopa
>>26532011 Dear Balls Lover,
I have all starters in the best balls when available (Gen1 and 6). I also have all Hidden Ability females available. All are competitive natured with egg moves, as well.
In addition to those, I have most every dream ball female with HA. I also have most of Smogon OU ready. I can also ask a friend and have whatever you need caught and bred in about 10 minutes. What are you after?
>>26531967 Hoopa or Diancie if you please.
>>26531998 custom ditto would be great actually
could it be a bold ditto with imposter?
and could i get it through gts with a pokemon i just catch in the wild?
>>26532024 >>26532040 Dear Event Hunters,
Yes, that includes the Hoopa McDonalds distribution. It is 5iv 0 in attack modest with a focus sash. Nothing else is touched. It is as you receive it from McDonalds.
I must have you on my acquaintances list in order to trade an event pokemon to you. Please place something caught on your cart on GTS requesting a level 100 ditto. Please comment it /vp/. I will not be able to find you if you put a pokemon that does not have your name as the OT
With Regards,
>>26532037 Mostly looking for DBHA fossilmons, but if not, I'd also love a Timid Ditto.
>>26532051 Dear Bold Impostor Desirer
No, I'm afraid I can't do that for you. The bold one has IVs in Atk and SpDef and has Limber.
And I'm afraid I don't know how to use the GTS either.
>>26532051 Dear Ditto Seeker,
A bold imposter ditto is an odd request, but I can see what I can do. One of the only uses for an imposter ditto is to attach a choice scarf and counter an opposing sweeper. I do not see the desire for a bold ditto, but I am sure you know more than I do.
Would you like it have 0IV in attack, or a specific hidden power?
Please put something on GTS for a level 100 ditto with the comment "vp imposter ditto" or something similar.
In My Thoughts,
>>26532070 Dear WiFi General,
I believe I have mistakenly misled you in regards to the Hoopa. I seem to have implied that Hoopa comes from McDonalds with 5 IVs and a Focus Sash, which is not the case.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
With Love,
>>26532096 Dear Sarah Impersonator,
I do not appreciate you sullying my good name and lying to others on my behalf.
I insist that you cease and desist at once!
Truly Yours,
>>26532070 I'll bite. Lv. 21 Beautifly f
>>26532121 Dear Beautifly Owner,
You responded to my impersonator, and if you would kindly read above, you'll find that I'm unaware of how to use GTS.
Warm Regards,
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26531842 Your mons are ready! Sorry it took so long.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26532150 Not a problem, I'll get on now.
What's your FC?
>>26531970 That would be much appreciated. Friend code is Kyle- 2509-2205-8567
Gabriel (0705 3460 6710)
>>26532070 Do you have a dreamball venipede or a safariball gible?
Meredith (1683-4690-5567) !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26532096 you know what, you're right. the bold nature was because i used to use just a limber ditto and wanted to take a hit so it could transform. but with imposter it wouldn't matter
hidden power doesnt matter
I'll put a level 46 male drapion on gts
I'm A Huge Faggot
>>26532171 Dear Ill-Wisher,
It appears that /wfg/ is confused about the appearance of my doppelganger, one who is pretending to be me.
To rectify this, I will tarnish my own reputation in the hopes of deterring those who would wish to impersonate me.
Kindly refer to my name, which I have set to "I'm A Huge Faggot," a term that I doubt my imposter will be willing to adopt lest he harm his reputation.
Sincerely Yours,
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
what were the items to pass down natures and ivs to babies when breeding evertstone and something else? sorry im just getting back into this and I forgot some of the specifics
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26532185 >>26532213 It says it's invalid.
>People are actually taking Sarah's bait. Hoo boy, time to add some names/FCs to the /wfg/ black book...
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26532223 You want the Power items.
Power Brace
Power Belt
Power Lens
Power Anklet
Power Band
Power Weight
Although in Gen VI, the Destiny Knot works better.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
Meredith (1693-4690-5567) !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26532203 >>26532138 >>26532118 >>26532104 >>26532096 >>26532086 >>26532070 >>26532037 >>26531998 >>26531967 Regardless of who's the real Injectorfag and who's being a silly little chimpfucker, it's time for a story...
Paulo 2853-0877-7597
>>26532179 Adding you in a sec.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
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>>26532268 Alright
>>26532270 >chimpfucker I lol'd
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>>26532271 Alright thanks. Just added you.
>>26532301 Injectorfag decided to rear her Downs-addled head here, so I must appear as well, so says The Code.
>>26532284 Anonymous
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
Hello I am the real InjectorFag, I love sucking cock, but I am too ugly to go near any real boys. Post your dickpic and your requests. With kind retards, Sara
I'm A Huge Faggot
>>26532338 Dear Second Sarah Impersonator
Your words are very unkind, and they make me cry.
Please go away.
God bless,
>>26532246 ah yeah
power items pass a specific iv from the holder and the knot passed 5 pulled from either parent right
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26532404 You are correct.
>>26532096 ok male 46 drapion is up
it would not allow vp imposter
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>>26532379 Dear fake Sara,
I will not cry, because I am a grown man (pic related).
Also dont be mean to me, my mom is coming over and I dont want to ruin my mascara.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26532268 Thanks a bunch, Meredith!
>>26532270 >>26532284 >>26532300 >>26532322 >>26532333 >>26532347 >>26532361 >>26532383 Well this thread went to shit pretty suddenly. Someone want to make a new one?
>>26532430 >making a new thread before bump limit >implying mods won't delete the furryposting Anonymous
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26532448 I just kinda want to get back to some semblance of normalcy, where we can breed and trade in fuckin peace.
This shit is getting ridiculous.
>>26532421 Fuck off, ungracious redditor.
>>26532457 Anonymous
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hey what's going on this thr- ...oh
>>26532466 >I just kinda want to get back to some semblance of normalcy Remind me how long you've been here?
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>>26532466 That won't stop injectshit from fucking up the thread again. Just ignore the shitposting, hide posts that are to your disliking and carry on.
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Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26532488 I've been in and out for the last few years, since around 2011 or so.
I've gone by a few different names.
Gabriel (0705 3460 6710)
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
Quoted By:
We need an irc channel or some shit.
>>26532537 I suppose you get a pass. Anonymous
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>>26532612 And you decide that shit ?
Stop with all the "newfag" shit, it's becoming out of hand. /b is already ruined by everyone trying to fit in and thus posting shit like that.
And when you take it so seriously, why believe him when he doesnt provide any evidence at all?
You are a "newfag" IRL
PS, I like cock
Sara xoxo
Gabriel (0705 3460 6710)
>>26532657 >spanish >on 4chan OUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUT
Atlas 0791 1025 1013
>>26532669 >/b/ Please take a look where you are.
Quoted By:
>>26532739 I said /b is already ruined, implying this isnt.
PS, how do I train pokemon? I only use hacked ones so idk how this game works.
PPS I like sucking dick
Sara ;) >3
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26532707 Still need the Rhyhorn? I'll breed it for you after I'm done horde training this Anorith and Buizel. I need a choice band if you can send one my way.
Gabriel (0705 3460 6710)
>>26532793 forsooth.
A choice band...
well, i can farm some points for that. one hour an shall be yours.
>>26532793 Meredith... I need you to breed me... a God...
>>26532078 Give me a few names and they are yours
>>26532121 Checking now
>>26532183 Sure.
>>26532197 What kind of ditto did you want then? A jolly or timid is best but really moest or adamant will work too
Mike (1676-3743-0526)
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26532928 Tirtouga, Kabuto, Omanyte, Anorith
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26532996 3 pokemon, single battle, lvl50 cap
>>26533031 Yeah I got all those. Give me a minute and I will give them to you. go ahead and put something on GTS for a level 1 female kabuto
>>26532996 I could do multis
Mike (1676-3743-0526)
>>26533032 6v6 smogon rules
Mike (1676-3743-0526)
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>>26533032 I usually fight 6v6 but ok, why not. 3v3 is ok.
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>>26533052 >smogon rules >there's a single set of rules. Anonymous
>>26533047 I put up a Delibird.
>>26524414 so are we infested with hacks or what? at this point i kinda dont care i just need something to do when im not at work and i want it to be breeding again
Hey, working on living dex, and teh gigglz says that the only way to get a victini without the event is to trade, can anyone else confirm this?
>>26533083 You already answered it. Victini is an event only Mythical. The only other way is to get one is trading/genning. It's being given out in October iirc.
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26533052 no, I said 3v3. Find another partner
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26532898 Uhm...I have a spare 6IV Shinx if you want it.
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>>26533097 Thanks, i'm gonna go cry now
like the bitch I am Anonymous
>>26533073 We have one double nigger that attracts redditors and other undesirables to the thread with free injections while also scaring folks off with botched event legends that have the OT/SID combos of regulars.
Mike (1676-3743-0526)
>>26533098 I agreed to 3v3. Someone replied as me.
>>26533113 Is God's nature Timid?
>>26533123 well i never was much of a trader. i guess i can just give things away again
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>>26532121 There is no beautifly up. Did you follow directions and restrict it to a LEVEL ONE HUNDRED ditto?
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>>26533072 >>26533047 I gotta head out right now, thanks anyway.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
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>>26533141 It's Adamant, in a Dream Ball, and has Rivalry as an ability for extra choice band damage. Again, it's a spare.
>>26533157 She'll snipe 'em and use your OT/SID combo on hacked event legends, and THAT can get your OT/SID combo banned from sanctioned tournaments/Battle Spot.
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>>26533229 You're incorrect, anon. Event pokemon have set TID and other attributes. Any alteration would be a red flag
Legendaries in game can be correctly generated as long as you inject the correct attributes (caught in the right location, on the correct cart, etc). They would be undetectable.
Also I do not snipe or do anything malicious. That is a dirty breeder lie
Robin 0104-1574-9917
>>26533129 oei, are you still up ?
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>>26533229 >banned unlikely
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
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>>26532836 I've got a pentaperfect male and female, which do you want? Want a nickname?
Mike (1676-3743-0526)
>>26533299 Yep. Full disclosure, 3v3 isn't my style, so don't expect much lol.
Robin 0104-1574-9917
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>>26533322 ok, what rules do you want to play with then ?
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Looking for 20th anniversary jirarchi anyone got a copy?
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Would anyone be willing to send me a gligar with razor fang? I just got pokemon Y and gliscor is my favorite pokemon. I can offer a snorlax that I just caught.