>>26549688>>26549670Artstyle my ass, this shit never matters as much as the story does. And the story in itself has always sucked and was and always will be shallow as fuck.
There was a time around the D/P era where the writing was a little stronger with more versatile characters and a bit more development going on. Like any somewhat decent show does.
Usually, espcially Pokemon does nothing of relevance and repeats its own shit several times with little to no variation. It's always been about battles, but with no creativity involved, so it always looks the same. Same outcome. And now that Ash is too almighty, he is also being dumbed down.
The Anime nowadays is more oriented on the game's story. It's more about battling and the MOTD episodes (as in, filler) follow Pokemon and shit with the same-ass problems. There's nothing unusual about it, most of the time.
Not saying it's bad, but it is way more repetitive.
The guy who did the first movie and the first few seasons hasn't been on the series since then. And it clearly shows.
The Anime did -not- follow the logic of the Pokemon games (I do not mean battling-wise). There was a lot of mythology. Shit was just made up on the fly. The filler episodes were mostly weird and took itself not so seriously. There was much more freedom, much more stuff they could do. Single episodes focussed on a Ghastly that bonded with the spirit of a sad girl for example, luring the men into whatever.
They were creative enough to try and do different shit. It was more experimental in that sense.
You can say it was because they haven't found their foot yet, but it was mostly just because Pokemon has this wide range of shit you can do. You can do so much with it and it was nice to see that in the Anime.
Of course it didn't always happen and you'd have episodes where it's just about catching a Pokemon and that might be boring.
And Ash didn't win all his badges through battles, which is fine for the first few times. It's at least creative.