>Implying Rotom Wash isn't the objectively best form, regardless of competitive viability even.
>Oh no, a fan, it's totally going to blow wind on me.
I have a fan on blasting me 24/7 365. What the fuck is a fan going to do to my big as monster?
>Oh no, an oven. It's totally going to turn on to max (500 degrees LOL) and eventually the heat dissapation will make it slightly warm and uncomforatable in the area.
Agian, I use an oven all the time. Wtf? Is it going to bake my Pokémon a batch of fucking poisoned cookies or something? Maybe this is a problem is you use weak as Pokémon like pidgey but real niggas like me only use REAL Pokémon like Nidoking.
>Oh no its a lawnmower it's going to cut my grass for me as I strategically run away in a perfect pattern to ensure even cutting coverage.
Again, maybe if you are using WEAK ass mons like Diglet this could be a problem, but who the duck uses that gay shit? Only danger here is to the Mexicans in the Pokeverse that don't have jobs anymore!
Now a washing machine on the other hand, you cut a few tubed in just the right places and that thing will pump water at you like it's nobodies business. Turn that shit to high and you will get burned very quickly.
Rotom wash is the only REAL Rotom. Don't even get me started on that gay ads pokedex. Maybe it will try lecturing my Pokémon so that they die of boredom? Well tough luck pointdexter, my and my NIDOKING beat up nerds like you.