Here, in seasons of 3 months each, we hold a mono-type tournament to select 8 Gym Leaders, whom anyone can then challenge to become Champ of /vp/!
With the Tournament just finished, the Gym Leader Challenge will now kick off!
All relevant information is in the documents below. Feel free to ask any questions in thread if you have any concerns, ideas or want to now more about the challenge or the tournament!
http://pastebin.com/VuvXMUnd Entry Form:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LeUCmMX21t_DCWev9uGVhrkg48kDpY4h0UT7Cec-bTk Gym Leader Scorecard:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-alev7byRMas-TwFsDJyCsFaxv84ZwkzbVbLG0VqIA4/edit?usp=sharing Hall of fame:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CBcu2ao60Azz_2Mh8MUeqsaLWNCV4UpEGh40WCRzPJ4/edit?usp=sharing Current Champ: Jojo
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
is there anybody out there?
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>bumping without contributing Why just don't let this thread die? There's no interest at the moment.
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>>26602592 That's only because the leaders aren't around.
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>>26602592 So the leaders find the thread when they are available instead of making another one.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
Jojo if you are out there shout out a time frame you will be around I'm free all day tomorrow and I'm out of work today in about 4 hours
JoJo the Ex Ground Nigga !.SjOWAd2G.
JoJo the Ex Ground Nigga !.SjOWAd2G.
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>>26607671 I can play tomorrow night from 5 PM to 9 PM
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>>26607754 Shiiiiiid lets make it quick
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
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>>26607835 Fug it we will do it tomorrow then I got to go back to work ;(
Ryan 5344-0488-6288
Fighting Gym Open for Strey and "other challengers"
Danny/Strey 3368 5307 5290
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>>26609215 no, just for me please.
Ryan 5344-0488-6288
Tobias/SirSteel (MOBILE)
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I seek the 4 gym leaders of Fire, Fairy, Flying, and Dragon tonight if possible! I will be home in about an hour, hopefully to get me some badges and take on the champ in the near future.
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Cant wait for next season desu
Mige 0619-4373-8558 !DRAGON/nUI
Dragon gym opening up for a little while.
Tobias/SirSteel (MOBILE)
>>26611087 I'll be on in a moment. Just got home.
Mige 0619-4373-8558 !DRAGON/nUI
>>26611376 Alright, I'll be ready whenever you are.
Mige 0619-4373-8558 !DRAGON/nUI
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>>26611376 GGs mate. Good luck with the other leaders.
Tobias/SirSteel (MOBILE)
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>>26611412 Tobias VS Mige
Tobias Wins 2-0
Good matches, Mige. Prediction game was strong in round 2 with Aegi, but I was still worried every second before pressing my attack. Also, love your nicknames!
Seeking out the Fairy, Fire, and Flying gyms! I'm coming hard for the championship!
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
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looks like things have picked up a bit finally and hopefully not working for two days will usher in a champion battle between me and Jojo wew
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Mige 0619-4373-8558 !DRAGON/nUI
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Tobias/SirSteel (MOBILE)
>>26612259 If you're still available, I'd like to try my 3rd attempt against you.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Tobias/SirSteel (MOBILE)
>>26612411 Good matches, Daniel. With that, my steel team attempts are over.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>26612608 yeah, aegislash on that last game would have won you that game
also that was my tourney team, all the sets and stuff like we promised, i feel like shit making you reset but such is the life of a gym leader :/
JoJo the Ex Ground Nigga !.SjOWAd2G.
Emilio, I came back earlier than expected. If you are here, let's battle.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
JoJo the Ex Ground Nigga !.SjOWAd2G.
>>26618049 Yeah, I'l jump online.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>>26618113 stupid DC want to call it a draw?
JoJo the Ex Ground Nigga !.SjOWAd2G.
>>26618223 Damn internet...
Yeah, let's start over.
JoJo the Ex Ground Nigga !.SjOWAd2G.
>>26618223 Congrats, Emilio!
Your team and you are outstanding! Say hello to our new Champ!
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
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>>26618367 Unbelievable, just wow. These three fights were the most exciting crazy lucky and unlucky fights I have ever had. To be on top this way seems fitting, I rely a lot on luck. GGs Jojo, I will take reigns and make sure the next challenger will abide by the rules of what it means to earn this spot
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
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>>26618607 Thanks, and for those interested
Mike [Ghost] 2122-6778-7179
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
when does the new season start?
Mike [Ghost] 2122-6778-7179
>>26623358 I think it was gonna start when the new games come out. Or rather, a little bit after that. Personally i like the tournament stage the best, so i'm really looking forward to that, especially with the new pokemon we will have to play with.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
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>>26623504 I'm probably going to try a new typing, either flying or rock, for my love of Archeops