Midget Edition
Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost - Circlejerk - Mystery Eggs - Multis
This thread isn't for Hacks or Clones. There are other threads for those. Use them if that is how you like to play.
Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists and Safari requests reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin if you've got a long list to share.
A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works:
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Pokemon dude (Like no one ever was)
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hello everyone
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>26617497 Why with the little people?
ib3x 4871 5929 8292
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Anyone up for a battle? Add me, friends
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26618035 Hey Honky, you were looking for me last night?
>>26617497 I wouldn't say midgets are degenerate, but they're certainly a
little derivative Anonymous
What pokemon need 0 speed IVs? Aegislash, Ferrothorn, Forretress - these I know, but is there anything else? Trying to work on new breeding projects.
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26618649 I guess Steelix too since I sometimes see it running Gyro Ball?
>>26618649 Slowpoke for trickroom shenanigans, solosis probably as well for similar antics. I'm sure there are a few others as well.
>>26618667 >>26618702 I'll try these, thanks!
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26618704 Sports? Uh. Never cared much for sports
>>26618708 No problem!
>>26618729 >cheerleader or volleyball Lex Please don't make a sinner out of me, I'm at work. Streaming tonight? Also, any thoughts to a /wfg/ youtube channel? Anonymous
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>>26617497 Midgets are God's typos.
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26618807 D-don't make this lewd, anon Nah, I can't stream today or tomorrow because I have work. So I'll probably stream Tuesday evening. I wouldn't make a Youtube channel for /wfg/ because I'm.. not /wfg/? I'm just someone who hangs out in the thread often. Anonymous
>>26618874 How about saving your streams and uploading those or just saving them on twitch? I can't catch them live because it's too late for me. ;~; Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26618906 Ah, sure! I'll figure out how to do that and start saving them for you Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>26618517 Just wanted to ask you something, then I dozed off.
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26619024 Yeah, it was pretty late
What were you gonna ask me?
3755-0843-6666 H.P.
>>26618649 Bronzong also appreciates it since it usually runs Gyro Ball as well.
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>>26618035 Because little people are sexy Anonymous
Looking for a 5IV Adamant Hidden Ability Absol. Got a 5IV HA Foongus for it.
>>26618649 Cofagrigus, non-cancerous Umbreon builds, Rampardos and anything else that can benefit from Trick Room and/or Payback.
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>>26619111 I can breed you one, but do you have something else to offer?
>>26618929 Thank you! Lex best girl! <3 Anonymous
>>26619112 >Umbreon >Non-cancerous Uhm, sorry to break it to you but there's no such thing.
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26619076 Oh hey, do you still have that shiny Lapras?
Slaine was interested in a female one
>>26619144 Haha, thank you :3 Anonymous
I'm soft resetting for a Manaphy and got this: 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Nature Any use for it whatsoever or should I toss this unfortunate roll of perfection?
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>>26619163 Umbreon (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Payback
- Heal Bell
- Helping Hand
- Yawn
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26619199 at least punch the numbers into an IV calculator to see what that Sp.Atk number actually is.
Honky !!LyFvDCaiOem
>>26619075 Are we ever gunna cyber
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26619244 It's 4, i.e. useless for special so it'd need to go full physical.
Limited to pretty much:
Knock Off
I guess I could run a gimmicky as hell set with facade and toxic orb:
Manaphy @ Toxic Orb
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Waterfall
- Facade
- Rain Dance
- Rest
Hey, is anyone willing to trade me an Aipom? I put a Japanese Furfrou on the GTS with the message /vp/om If anyone can help it'd be much appreciated
level ball or fast ball for magmar?
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>>26617497 His nickname is "tripod", and he has very specific tastes in women.
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>>26619389 Both. They both look good with the Magby line.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>26619353 Different trip.
>>26619388 Want anything on it? egg moves, nature, gender etc
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>>26619423 Looks like someone already traded me mate, but thanks!
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26619421 Oops, I didn't catch that
But did you still want to ask me the thing or nah?
Honky !!LyFvDCaiOem
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>>26619466 yeah, are we gunna cyber
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>>26617497 They looks like Power Rangers.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26619371 Assvest it :)
Manaphy @ Assault Vest
252 Atk / 4 Sdef / 252 Spe
- Waterfall
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Facade
>>26619389 fast
3755-0843-6666 H.P.
>>26619179 I do, but I'm currently far away from my 3DS. I'll be back on later tonight.
Would anyone like some free distributions?
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26619628 Not a bad idea, but I reluctantly tossed it.
Really need a modest or timid one to take advantage of tail glow, or a bold one for the modified crocune set.
I have 4 games but only have two manaphy's left, otherwise I might've kept it. I already got a couple of good ones with sub-optimal but useful natures (a quiet one with solid trick room IVs, and a more-or-less flawless calm one) so need to hold out for modest/timid/bold.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>26620279 ah ok, best of luck~
Hannah 3754-7482-9991
Can someone help me evolve my Pumpkaboo please?
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>>26620064 I'm not currently home but of course I would
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>>26620064 Yeah, are you still here?
>>26620443 I'll help you
dat boi
I won't be able to get on oras for about another hour or 2, but I a somewhat complicated request. I've set up my competitive team and I need one mon more to complete it. I'm looking for a perfect/6iv pokeball form Vivillion, specifically for competitive battling. Can anyone help me out? I'm not looking for just a handout, I'm pretty sure you'll find something that you want in my boxes, or maybe not I don't know, but anyway, would love if someone had it.
Hannah 3754-7482-9991
>>26620565 Thanks, but it says the code's not valid.
dat boi
>>26620576 I'm only being specific about the competitive part because I'm not interested currently in a hacked or injected one.
>>26620589 Oh sorry, messed it up
>>26620607 Want to try again? It said there was a pokemon in your party that wasn't tradeable
>>26620668 That's a sign of a hacker.
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>>26620811 Eh, it doesn't really matter to me. I was trying to get something evolved from trading as well
>>26620576 >>26620594 >I'm not interested currently in a hacked or injected one Yet you want the Pokeball form, an EVENT ONLY form, that if someone had wouldn't be worth anything you had to trade.
Yeah, nah, get fucked.
>>26620594 I can help, haha. Did you get that foot checked yet? Post a timestamp of your feet for a 6iv timid pokeball vivillon
Nico 1822 3051 7448 !!fuzmfz/VTT7
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Kia if you're around I have some mons for you
dat boi
>>26621026 Well that's where your wrong. Seems that everyone either wants Keldeo, Shiny genesect or volcanion, all of which I have lol. I have no clue why I responded to you though, because obviously you don't have it.
>>26621544 But a perfect 6IV Pokeball Vivillon would take days upon days of resetting which isn't even worth anything you mentioned.
Why would anyone spend that much time trying to get something just to trade it to you for events they can wait for/trade for less rare things?
dat boi
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>>26621143 Still gotta wait until next week but it's looking quite a bit better! haha, I'll be home in about an hour and you'll have that foot & timestamp!
dat boi
>>26621577 lol, ok guy, so what exactly is "worth it" to you then? not that it really matters, just curious.
>>26621611 Something equally difficult to obtain, say a one time only event that someone soft-reset for to get 6IVs with a beneficial nature, obviously in gen 6 for the pentagon.
dat boi
>>26621633 I've actually got a few of those, it's just all about timing and paying attention to events, pretty simple
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>>26621727 I've got one but I'll only trade it for a 4+ IV gen3 shiny event Shaymin with a good nature. That or the 3 Gamestop event Birds or Beasts with good IV.
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Kinder 3024-6125-2126
Can anybody help me transfer 6 pokemon from X to Y? I don't have much but can offer (sorry for the list): - 5IV Timid Charmander w/ Dragon Pulse - 5IV Modest Squirtle w/ Dragon Pulse Aura Sphere - 5 IV Adamant Huge Power Marill w/ Belly Drum, Aqua Jet - 5 IV Modest Refrigerate Amaura - 5 IV Adamant Huge Power Bunnelby - BP items
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>>26622444 sure I can help
just need to catch some fodder mons
ib3x 4871 5929 8292
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>>26622444 Sure no problem senpai
I'll take the squirtle btw
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>>26622444 and find my 3ds
>>26622276 I'll take the Magikarp if you don't mind
>>26621727 Sorry, I'm a little bit late to the party.
FUCK youuuu
I always get stumped making a team and rounding it out with a sixth member. Here's what I've got:
http://pastebin.com/MrQcTrT6 Are there any suggestions on whom to use? It's a Volt switch/U-turn core with Lando-T, Rotom-W and M-Scizor. Volcarona is covering Rotom's Grass weakness and is in place to force out Ferrothorn. Starmie is my spinner and has coverage moves the rest of the team lacks.
I've considered T-tar, Clefable, Amoongus, or maybe Breloom. But none of them seems like a good fit. That and I have been told straight out on more than a couple occasions my team-building is garbage.
Kinder 3024-6125-2126
>>26622507 what's your FC?
>>26622583 I'm not that particularly good at building teams either, but maybe you could use a scout. Have you considered that?
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>>26622525 I don't at all! Put something up for it.
Kinder 3024-6125-2126
>>26622622 Cool, I'm hopping on now. Did you want anything from the list/ability capsule/other bp item? Otherwise I'll trade you the 6 mons in my party and then swap out to my Y game and trade you my early route shitmons from that game
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>>26622605 Half the team can scout though.
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>>26622651 hmm the marill
im just still getting some trade fodder
via fishing
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26622276 I wouldn't mind
Pichu | Timid | Repeat Ball | Static | HP Ice | 31/00/30/31/31/31 | Wish/Charge/Encore/Fake Out (x1 male)
>>26622583 Trevenant @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Horn Leech
- Shadow Claw
- Drain Punch
- Protect
Gourgeist-Super @ Leftovers
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Seed Bomb
- Shadow Sneak
- Leech Seed
- Synthesis
can do things
>>26622651 kindersprise, right?
>>26622701 Great! Put something up for him!
Kinder 3024-6125-2126
>>26622583 The mega-zards fuck your shit, Scarf-Lando is probably mandatory to at least have the option to revenge kill them because the only thing that outspeeds them in your team is Starmie which can't really hurt them.
>>26622744 Yeah, ESAI? I thought that was a random
>>26622755 is the marill the mon youre transferring?
>>26622701 Would Assault Vest Mixed Wall T-Tar be able to stop them?
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Kinder 3024-6125-2126
>>26622770 No just giving you that, I'm transferrinf six low level kalos mons for a first stage evo Y run
>>26622784 i only have enough fodder for 6 mons
i'll trade the marill back and you can give it to me when we finish the transfer
Mike (1676-3743-0526)
Hey, I'm looking for a bit of team building advice. I'm making a new team and I'm a little stuck. Right now, I've got Ferrothorn to set up rocks and seeds, and Sylveon to work as a cleric. I was thinking of using Mega Blastoise as an offensive, yet tanky, hazard remover and Scald abuser, and normal Sableye to pass burns with Will-o-Wisp, Knock Off shit and generally abuse Prankster. Any advice for the last two spots? Maybe something to deal with Pokemon that don't mind status like Guts users, or at least something that can set up and go. Any ideas? Bravest Bird fit the team? I dunno. Other than that, does anyone want to fight with the team I have now?
Kinder 3024-6125-2126
>>26622805 lol okay. I wish I could be so organised I have boxes full of rejects and shitmons
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26622748 Putting up a female lv1 Cottonee~
>>26622777 checked Well spooky tree carrying drain punch will take care of that T-tar desu senpai
>>26622780 thanks bb :)
>>26622843 nw dude
i didnt even catch 6 fodder mons lol
i need that bellosom back, its my sweet scenter :']
>>26622821 Is there any reason to use Sylveon over Clefable?
>>26622856 Volcarona would be able to take a Drain Punch and with the boost from Expert Belt + STAB Fire Blast would either force it out or take it down.
Mike (1676-3743-0526)
>>26622883 Because I already have one bred?
Pretty much the only reason. I was thinking of changing it for Clefable, but I'm lazy. Good idea?
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>>26622871 swapping over to Y, name is Darklord666 lel
>>26622905 Breeding for an infant evo is a bitch. But Clefable can absorb damage with Magic Guard. It would be beneficial for a Cleric to shrug off toxic/burn(still take the atk nerf)/entry hazards.
>>26622905 Well Choice Specs Pixilate Hyper Voice is the only thing Sylveon has going for it over Clefable but as a cleric/support pokemon, there's a reason why Clefable is one of the best pokemon in OU and Sylveon is UU. No way I could justify Sylveon > Clef in that role
>>26622856 Sent! It looks like I didn't have any static ones left, though, so I sent you the lightningrod one. Sorry about that.
Mike (1676-3743-0526)
>>26622945 >Breeding for an infant evo is a bitch That was actually one of the reasons I didn't really want to breed Clefable, but I might just for Magic Guard. I have been using Sylveon for a while now, though, and that 130 base SpD really comes in handy to absorb special attacks. Still, I may just bite the bullet and breed for Clefable, Cleffa be damned. I assume the Wish/Heal Bell/Protect is the standard, as I've been using with Sylveon? With Moonblast and Magic Guard? What sort of EV spread do you recommend? I had Sylveon purely with HP and SpD with a Calm nature. Really sponges special hits, which is what I was going for.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26622895 252+ Atk Trevenant Shadow Claw vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Volcarona: 84-99 (52.5 - 61.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
just bank on fire miss to not hit or switch into a flash fire mon to be safe.
>>26622964 It's cool, didn't notice I posted the static one so I got the one I wanted after all~
Thanks a bunch :)
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Is it okay if I bring secret bases into this thread or should I make a separate? Select all bread
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>>26622950 You could, it would depend on team needs. Magic guard clef is a better sweeper than unaware. Unaware is a better cleric, with support like stealth rock, thunderwave, wish, or aromatherapy as options. Yes sylveon can run wish and heal bell too, but it hit's harder initially compared to an unboosted clef. You could run sylveon wish, protect, hyper voice, psyshock and pass wishes while still being able to hit opponents in the face. And if you are going to run a guts user you may not want a status healing cleric.
3755-0843-6666 H.P.
>>26622276 Is it too late to ask for a Magikarp?
>ask someone for a Braixen Friend Safari because he's the fire of my loins right now >catch one >it's Timid with every stat being 30 or 31 except for Attack I might as well try to make it work since that's the best IV'd pokemon I've ever caught when not looking for anything, is Delphox ok for not serious matches?
>>26623090 The other guy never responded, so it's still available.
>>26623044 Clefable has excellent Sp.Atk coverage. Tailor to your needs. I have no talents for ev spread, I suggest referring to Smogon.
>>26623066 Would Lando-T or Scizor be able to chip away at it's attack with U-turn Intimidate? Stacking Debuffs and going in for the kill/forcing it out?
>>26623117 everything is ok for not serious matches
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Just about done with playing through X, at least badge-wise. Do I dump my favorites onto ORAS when I'm done and toss X away? Is there a need to have/use both?
Luke: 3969-6216-1477
>>26623044 I got you with a pentaperfect female, but it doesn't have wish. If that's a good starting point for you i'll gladly trade it to you.
dat boi
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26623145 I suggested Spooky Tree for your team, not against it
>>26623229 But why not run a harvest set with sub, hone claws, horn leech, and phantom force?
3755-0843-6666 H.P.
>>26623128 Could you save it for about 3 hours? I won't be home till then.
>>26623268 cause he'll get walled by sawsbuck when it comes
>>26623272 If the other guy doesn't come back within that time, you can have it.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>26623268 do as you please, but this
>>26623280 and ghost with fighting is good coverage.
Phantom force is better than shadow claw for tree, forgot that was a thing
Luke: 3969-6216-1477
>>26623044 >>26623161 I guess i wasn't clear, would you like my penta perfect female cleffa with aromatherapy to try on your team?
3755-0843-6666 H.P.
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>>26623294 That's fine with me.
>>26623229 You stated
>>26623066 >252+ Atk Trevenant Shadow Claw vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Volcarona: 84-99 (52.5 - 61.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO >>26622856 >Well spooky tree carrying drain punch will take care of that T-tar desu senpai Showing that It'd be viable, against my Assault Vest T-Tar. Further When I suggested it could be checked by Volcarona, you pointed out the possibility of failure in hitting. Despite it being outclassed in speed meaning I wouldn't get one but 2 chances to hit/predict a switch.
I understand you suggested spooky plants. I'm curious how offering it as a potential attacker, AGAINST my team, instead of showing it's viability in facing the threats it would be there to check is helpful. Especially if
>>26622755 is taken into account. It would also be crushed by the Zards.
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>>26623151 No it's not, I still want to win
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Mike (1676-3743-0526)
>>26623305 Sorry, I've been looking at team strategies.
Nah, don't worry about it. I have everything I need to breed Clefable. I'm just lazy. Thanks, though.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26623317 I just gave the suggestions and replied to anon posts.
Viability is it does things at times.
Test on showdown and read smoggy sets for exact jazz because I'm not google :(
>>26623333 checked ick 2123-0121-0896
please gib babby ekans or ekans eggs thanks
>>26623412 >Viability is it does things at times. Kek'd. I understand.
Don't mistake me for being salty, being sneaky and catching the opponent off guard is definitely a fine stratagem, I just need counters to common threats. With investments into evs:
>248 HP/180 Def/80 SpD >50% Sp.Def boost from Sandstorm >Chip damage from Sandstorm Would make for a formidable tank and run wall. A moveset could be:
>Stone Edge >Pursuit >Dragon Claw >Superpower Anonymous
dat boi
>>26621143 Sorry about the wait, here you go, im ready to kill with that Vivillion, let me know how we're doing this
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>>26623558 >>Dragon Claw ice beam
>>26623603 Coverage? Its only resisted by 1 type offers stab against Dragons that might otherwise threaten it? I don't know anon. There's Ice Punch I guess. What would your Assault Vest set be? Considering I have nothing but ev spread and 2 50% sp.Def Buffs to work within a 5 turn period, dropping to 50% of base ev boosted (which is meager to buff def and offer bulk).
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>>26623674 Meant 2 types. Forgot steel.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26623558 Trevenant @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Horn Leech
- Phantom Force
- Drain Punch
- Confuse Ray (to get those fire type switch ins) or Will-O-Wisp
It has great coverage and hits everything, plus it can be a pain to take out once you fainted it's threats . Plus harvest and draining move/stall move will keep it up for a while.
>>26623821 It's just not tanky enough or fast enough for what I'm looking for anon. If I was making a Sunny Day/Drought team, it'd have great benefits there. But this is a hit-and-run kind of team. Phantom Force is formidable to be sure though.
>>26623665 FUUCK youuu. Beat it, ya damn beggar
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>26623918 use this when you clear any fairy mons :)
Shelgon @ Eviolite
Ability: Overcoat
Level: 50
EVs: 248 HP / 4 Atk / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Dragon Rush
- Hone Claws
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
It has overcoat to avoid sandstorm/powders and it's bulky as fug while being able to do a kill
dat boi
There is nothing wrong with injected legal Pokemon, debate me on this.
>>26624114 Here's your (You)
dat boi
>>26624134 You're dumb and don't make sense, leave the thread please
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>>26624134 Thanks for proving me right, autist.
>>26624114 >Injected >Legal Pick one. Regardless of possible legal configurations of movset/ev spread it's subversive in that it gives you the ability to have any mon you want as long as it has existed before(events) or, is possible to gain through breeding/training. Sludge Wave M-Gengar, why not? Barrier Dragonite, sure thing!
There is a thread for people who appreciate injection. Please go there.
>>26624156 FUUUUCK youuuuu
Buzz off, you dumb piece of shit
For M-Scizor running a Pivot slot, which would be a better fourth move? The set is:>Roost >U-Turn >Bullet Punch The fourth slot could be >Swords dance or>Aerial Ace Which would be better?
>>26624228 >Injected >Legal You know what I mean don't try to be a smart ass because you just failed miserably.
>There is a thread for people who appreciate injection. Please go there. No. I'm literally asking to DEBATE something, my bad your furry ass can't handle it, Verlisify.
>>26624393 Sword dance is sorta counter intuitive, but I run it on my Mega Scizor. It's alright, but you should try both and see how they handle.
>>26624401 >Verlisify Please tell me that faggot doesn't actually frequent this place
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26624440 Not that I know of.
>>26624228 Don't feed the troll, or they'll never stop coming, anon!
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26624393 I'd go with Aerial Ace since you have U-turn, but if you went with Bug Bite I'd say go with Swords Dance
>>26624440 Yes actually.
>>26624469 >le troll because I don't le agree. Fucking embarassing, and don't worry, I'm leaving, thanks for proving me right, faggots.
dat boi
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>>26624498 >Yes actually. cancer
Don't have DS handy at the moment, but for the near future does anyone have any breeding leftover Phanpys?
>>26624409 >>26624495 Well Aerial Ace broadens type coverage so I think I'll try running an Adamant M-Scizor. I can invest 252 into attack, but should I max speed or break up the remaining ev spread between other stats like defense/special defense/hp?
Additionally would Psychic and Ice beam better moves for Starmie, or just good old fashioned Bolt/Beam? Keeping in mind it's my spinner w/Recovery for safety.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
I'm wanting to start play a bit competitively online. Can someone give me a short list of must haves? I can do the rest by myself
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
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>>26624670 A 2-3 mon core, a team built to compliment the functioning of the core. The core should have a given strategy.
>Weather >Pivot >Balanced >Stall Anonymous
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>>26624670 Sorry to say, but look at the smogon OU list and add in M-Mawile, M-Kangaskhan, and Aegislash. Then add in your choice of UU mons. That should about cover it.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26622276 Hey I'm going to breed you that Roggenrola and Spoink
>>26624590 I'd go bulky since you won't outspeed much even with +10 in speed.
As for Starmie, I'd stick with bolt beam
>>26624670 Play randoms on showdown and you might find mons you find comfy, then make a team around em.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
Anyone have a Swoobat? Preferably in a Dream Ball? Female please. I'll post my pastebin when I find it.
>>26624772 Woobat in Dream Ball is illegal though, sadly.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26624772 http://pastebin.com/uBRhsuri >>26624834 Are you sure? That doesn't sound right. I could have sworn you could catch it in Dream world.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26624834 beat me to it :(
tfw no dream ball Sawsbuck
>>26624748 That's what I figured. So 248 Hp/252 Atk Leaving 8 remaining evs. I was thinking either Def or Sp.Def.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26624861 here~
http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pleasantforest.shtml >>26624866 I'd go with 4 on each def since at 50, 8 won't give you 2 in either def.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26624865 >>26624879 >>26624834 Dang, just checked myself. That really sucks, Dream Ball would have looked so cute with it. Welp, looking for both Simple and Klutz Swoobat, female and in a luxury ball, Timid and Bold/Calm please. I'll breed anything on my list in exchange.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26624926 I'll check my safaris
>>26624926 Do you still want it, though? I have everything in dream balls
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
>>26624926 >just checked myself at least oyu didn't wreck yourself
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26624939 No thanks. Only illegal ball mon I own is Love Ball Ferrothorn with poop IV only because it was too cute to throw away. I only use it when battling friends, otherwise I use the 6IV one I hatched myself.
>>26624938 Please and thank you. If you breed both to 5IV and manage to also get an Unaware Modest one with 5IV, I'll offer up some of my personal fully trained mons if you're interested.
>>26624941 True. I try.
>>26624912 As a spinner should I concern myself with evs for Sp.Atk or should I invest in bulk, and defenses with a Modest Nature?
>>26624526 hurr durr heyyy lets keep posting unoriginal image responses and begging like a pathetic loser
FUUUUUCK yoooooooouuuuuu
Go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut
>>26625010 The latter, Calm is also a good choice.
>>26624748 Whoa, that would be amazing! What would you like for them?
dat boi
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26624992 I have the safari, just looking for a female HA one.
I'm on breeding 2 mons then back on my Kanga MM but you can just have this Woobat when I catch her~
>>26625010 I'd go with bulk like
>>26625045 anon said
>>26625054 Nothing really, just appreciate the Pichu~
Might snag that Buizel though :) Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>26625045 So:
>252 hp/126 Def/126 sp.def/4 spe Yielding
>167 hp/72 atk/121 def/120 sp.atk/133 sp.def/136 spe Anonymous
>>26625121 That's really too kind of you. Are you sure you don't want anything more? I usually offer 3:1 for HA dream ball females I don't have.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26624992 Alrighty I got her, put up a shitmon for a Lv30 female Woobat
>>26625158 It's cool bro, just helping whenever I can~
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
Quoted By:
>>26625198 Internet fart. Give me a min.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26625255 Put up a lvl1 male Elekid.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26625198 I-if you say so. Thank you so much. Just say something if you change your mind.
Ojisan 1177-9999-7638
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>>26625343 Sorry just realize my team is ORAS only.
>>26623918 If you really wanted a hit and run trevenant you could run a sub, seed, w-o-w, horn leech/drain punch/phantom force variant. It works well as a pivot with defensive investment
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26625343 Sent~
>>26625361 np, I should have both by tomorrow the latest~
I went from 270 pokemon to 79 pokemon left for the living dex in the span of 24 hours w/o trading, is that good?
>>26625409 I've decided to give t-tar a shot because it gives half the team a 50% sp.def boost. It can also check the most common threat the team will probably encounter mega zards. Once I've decided on evs entirely I'll post another rough though.
>>26625485 Sandstream is such great support it's certainly understandable
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>>26625454 I guess.
No one here really cares unless you're here for trades, though.
>>26623294 About to be home, is the Karp still up?
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>>26625545 I'm thinking of a Timid Volcarona, with a 108 hp/148 sp.atk/252 spe.
>>26625426 Thank you so much!
<3 >>26625581 Yep!
>>26625609 i don't think you know how jokes work
>>26625343 hey meredith, do you have new stuff? i am interested.
>>26625643 yo shut the FUCK up
>>26624580 Ok ready now. Anyone got Phanpy rejects?
3755-0843-6666 H.P.
>>26625620 Cool! Let me get on.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26624861 Everything I have is on here unless it's in a pokeball.
>>26625646 Not really in a breeding mood though, so I'll only breed something if you have something I want in exchange. Kinda burned out on bike sim atm.
>>26625713 Alright! Let me know what you put up for it.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26625702 I have them in Heavy Balls. Do you have any ballmons?
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Quoted By:
>>26625620 No problem at all
<3~ >>26625723 I'll save you a leftover Dreamball Roggenrola and Spoink~
Is this Manaphy worth keeping? After a few hours of SRing: 30/26/31/31/20/31. Timid Nature.
>>26625609 can you explain the progression of this joke? i don't follow
>>26625803 It's damn near perfect. Keep.
>>26625803 If the attack and special defense were switched, I personally would definitely keep it. But it's up to you if you think the loss of sp def is worth it
Dan / Blaine 1693 1979 8758
>>26625745 Abra in premier ball, tentacool in dive ball, krabby and foongus in pokeball
Some other breeding rejects but I have a rare form of balltism where I like all my mons in
pokeballs Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
3755-0843-6666 H.P.
>>26625738 Put up a level 23 Hoppip, message is /vp/.
>>26625843 >lookl at me i'm so unique that's not rare at all retard
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>>26625830 >>26625839 >>26625848 Aight, thanks for the input. Hope another Hoopa event comes around soon. Missed the McDonalds one.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26625843 >liking Pokeballs Anonymous
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>>26625923 I may or may not frefer a few pokemon in pokeballs. I.E. Delibird
3755-0843-6666 H.P.
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>>26625904 Thank you so much, I've been wanting to breed for a decent Mega Gyarados for a while now.
>>26625923 I didn't mean to give the impression that I hate heavy balls. Still want to trade? I don't care about balls so much, just letting you know that I have some others that are in pokeballs.
>>26625900 Why so mad? Just explaining that a lot of my mons are undesirable to other autists for that reason.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26625988 Does the Foongus at least have Regenerator?
>>26626033 Yes, male/female and bold. But no egg moves and 4IV (missing atk and def)
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>>26626069 >>26626033 Don't even remember breeding them since it was probably over a year ago.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26626069 I guess I'll trade you a Phanpy for a female Foogus, then. Let me know when you've put it up on the GTS.
>>26626091 On GTS. Is that how people do it now?
Looks like I had you registered in my DS from a long time ago
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Quoted By:
>>26626147 It's how people do it if they don't want to delete anyone from their friend's list. It's a bit easier that way.
I probably don't have you in there anymore, sorry. The only people I keep are people that I know to have Ditto Safaris.
I'm looking to get some of the recent legendary event Pokemon with specific natures for a fun/competitive team. Looking for: GF Mew - Bold GF Celebi - Modest GF Jirachi - Careful Movie14 Victini - Brave Mac Hoopa - Modest and/or Timid I have lots of good things to trade that I cloned from B/W as well as 6iv dittos (hidden ability and regular) for breeding as trade bait. I can also simply trade my Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Victini, and Hoopa for another with the nature I need.
>>26626218 >cloned >6iv dittos FUCK OFF.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26626218 You're in the wrong thread, bud. People in
>>26612688 will probably help you.
>>26626238 We'll see that's the thing. I have legit mons and want legit mons.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26626270 Ah, jeeze.
Summer trolls.
Anyone got a spare Quiet or Adamant Snover lying around?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26626307 Yes, I have a Quiet one. Penta. Wrong ability, though. You can have it.
>>26626324 "Ash" poached your Foongus. I have another. Want to put of Phanpy on GTS?
>>26626324 Ah, never mind I just checked my AS game and I have one there. Thanks though.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26626340 Well I wish you had told me it was up. Otherwise I would have gotten it.
Sure, Phanpy is up on the GTS now. Message is "wfg".
>>26626341 No problem.
>>26626361 Looking back my post was ambiguous, sorry:
>>26626147 Traded, thanks a lot.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Quoted By:
>>26626401 Yep, no problem. I gave you a female so that you can pass the ball down. Enjoy!
>>26626288 Well no I wouldn't trade hacked mons if u didn't want them. I want those legit Pokemon with specific natures. Even better with perfect IVs
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26626412 I saw that you posted in /inj/.
Please stay there instead of causing shit here.
We can't help you. In short, no one here (aside from our resident injector) is going to give you what you want.
>>26626444 No one has those legendaries with those natures to trade?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26626463 People may have the legendaries, but no one is going to trade them with someone who hacks Pokemon, like your 6 IV Ditto. Also, I'm assuming that the legendaries you're willing to trade don't have the pentagon, so they're more or less worthless here.
Quoted By:
>>26626463 Take your question, remove the question mark, add a period in place, and fuck off.
>>26626474 Not sure what the pentagon means but I'd trade my event versions if there's anyone who doesn't care about the natures
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26626492 >Not sure what the pentagon means Please just go to /inj/, newfriend. No one's going to help you here.
>>26626524 But the whole point is I want legit ones if possible. U guys are basically telling me I'm better off using hacks and then telling me I shouldn't.... I don't get it
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>>26626492 >Please trade viable competitive legends for these crap ones. Uh huh
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26626549 Let me break it down for you. I think you're a troll, but on the off chance you aren't, I'd hate to leave you in an ignorant state.
>you have Pokemon from a previous generation without the "pentagon" that we use to deem a Pokemon as legit >you are asking for legit Pokemon from this generation >as far as we know, your Pokemon could and probably are hacks, given the fact that you have a 6IV Ditto, which is impossible to get through legal means >you need to go to /inj/ to trade your hacks for hacks >you need to leave us alone Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>26626549 You already stated you have clones and 6IV Dittos. That alone makes you untrustworthy. In top of that, if it ain't from Gen 6, it ain't worth shit.
>>26626572 That's weird. My Victini is legit and doesn't have a pentagon but the others do...
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26626611 Look dude, I'm going to be frank. Your word doesn't mean shit to us. If it doesn't have the pentagon, it isn't legit. You could be telling the truth, but we don't know you from a hole in the ground, so it's got to have the pentagon to be considered legit. Without it, it's worthless to us. You might as well just go to /inj/ and stop posting here.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
EMBEP I have your mons ready, but can I snag that Hawlucha for a friend?
>>26625723 I have a leftover Roggenrola and Spoink for you
>>26626572 Do you have Dreamball rock or pig?, if not I have leftovers~
>>26626611 Release everything just to be sure
>>26626642 No but I mean why wouldn't it? What gives Pokemon the pentagon and what doesn't? Like how does that work. I'm not telling you to believe me. I'm just trying to figure out why the movie14 Victini I know I got legit doesn't have it. Do some event Pokemon lack pentagons?
>>26626642 >pissed off Kia Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>26626672 Ah nvm. Pentagon only means hatched or caught in Kalos. Legit Pokemon don't always have pentagons. Phew ok I feel better now
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>>26626669 Of course! I'll get online, so you can send me a trade request when you're ready. Thank you so much!!!
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26626672 If it's not from gen 6 or above, it lacks the pentagon.
>>26626669 I don't think so, no. Want me to hop online?
I went a little crazy cleaning out my boxes the other day, so now I have no more derps to give. Give me a sec to grab some out of Bank or catch some or whatever. >>26626694 Exasperated, is more like it...
Quoted By:
>>26626672 >What gives Pokemon the pentagon Victini wont have the Pentagon because it wasnt generated in a Generation 6 game. If a Pokemon is generated originally in XYORAS, it will display a pentagon on its status. If it is traded forward through PokeTransfer (i.e., from a prior gen) it will bear no such markings.
This distinguishes current gen 'mons from prior gens which were far easier to inject/alter illegally and thus are less "Safe" or trustworthy without the pentagon.
>>26626711 Right. I guess I get it now. Legit mons can lack a pentagon but a pentagon always means legit. However I read that some people can Pokegen a pentagon in so who knows
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Ben, do you have a Moon Ball Shinx? I'm trying to give you things that I don't think you already have, but I think your balltism is worse than mine...
>tfw I will never be the balltism queen >>26626738 Okay, now you're getting it. But to us, the Pokemon are still worthless. Imagine a man you've never seen before comes up to you in a shady alley and tries to sell you watches. He assures you that they're legit. "I got them from the Rolex store, myself!", he tells you. You're not going to trust him, right? To you, the watches are worthless. They might be real, yeah, but you're not going to take that risk and part with something valuable to you on the off chance that what he's selling is legit. So that's what you are to us. You're the shady watch dealer in the alley. I don't mean any offense, I just want you to see where we're coming from.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26626770 I have one, but Ben's might be better, plus I'd have to breed it later.
Nate !AfagtF18t2
please respond Im looking for petal dance meowth for a dying friend
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26626809 Oh, I think you misunderstood. I'm trying to select something to give Ben for the things that he's giving me. I don't need a Moon Ball Shinx. But thanks, Psyyy, that's really nice of you.
>>26626815 F for Scooter
>>26626669 Thank you so much!! They're both penta, too. I really appreciate it!
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
Nate !AfagtF18t2
>>26626838 dont fucking use spoilers Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26626831 No problem at all enjoy~
>>26626770 Yeah I have it ;^]
Pls gib derps
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26626845 Oh, I found some derps. Go, me.
I'm getting online now.
Thanks bb. <3
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26626866 Woot, send TR whenever~
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26626887 It says you aren't online. I wonder if I accidentally deleted you? I always try to keep friends and regulars in my Friends List, but I guess I slipped up this time. So, what's your FC?
pls no bully[/sppoiler] Anonymous
>>26626845 I will! I've been especially wanting spoink for quite a while.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Quoted By:
>>26626899 Rude af, no poggies for you :^(
I'll PM it on skype >>26626928 Neat I'm happy I got you a piggy~
can someone please help me evolve this machoke?
Oh boy. Finished SRing for a shiny Cresselia. Has a bold nature 31 HP, 31 Sp Def, 0 Def .
Quoted By:
>>26627143 injectors inject hard
dat boi
>>26627052 Yep, Fc:0104-3696-7911 ign: Alex
Quoted By:
>>26627143 Kill all Cresselias
Quoted By:
>>26627143 I can fix that for you
>>26627169 turns out I need to update my game.
should be ready in 10 minutes
dat boi
>>26627204 No big deal, just jump on and send me a trade request when you're ready
dat boi