>>26654737>cont..."First thing, mobile gaming is for faggot casuals, they can't handle a complex game like pokemon. Second thing is Game Freak put a lot of fuckin' effort into making games people enjoy and every time you play a pirated game you fuck Masuda up the arse!"
"b-but isn't it like buying a second hand game, they don't make money off second hand ones." I retorted, bullishly, in the hope my raising fear would not show through as I tried to escape the tramp's grip on my shoulder.
"They made money off that game when it was new, they don't off cloned pirate copies. Your dick is penetrating Masuda's arse and getting crap all over it, I tells ye!"
"But, but, the corporations... They are evil. I'll buy a 3DS and pokemon if I decide I like it." I tried using the standard bullshit defences used by pirated but it was having no effect.
"Don't ye give me that corporation shit, yer playing it on an iphone, an' if you 'ad a 3DS ye'd 'ave been able to try the ORAS special demo to see if ye liked it."
The tramp snatched the iphone from my hand and threw it in a nearby storm drain, before kicking me in the shins and running off.
When I had recovered I found a policeman and told him to find and arrest the tramp.
"There are no tramps in the town." the policeman told me.
"What? Are you crazy? I just saw him, he destroyed my iphone and kicked me in the shins!"
"Calm down, kid," the policeman said, "There was a tramp around these parts about 10 years ago, but he got killed by a truck when it crashed into the bench he was sitting on. Pokemon Jock they called him, on account of the fact he was Scottish and used to play an old gameboy with pokemon red in it. Some say his ghost still haunts these parts, Stuff of nonsesnse of course, there's no such thing as ghosts!" The policeman laughed and went on his merry way continuing his beat.
"Yeah," I said to myself, "No such thing as ghosts..."