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[18 / 7 / ?]

No.26639814 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Take a minute and listen to what this sad old faggot has to say.

Underage, listen up. You shouldn't even be here. The least you can do is not ACT underage. We can smell you from miles away.

Redditors, listen up. Take a good hard look at your address bar and realize where you are. This isn't the place to make a whole new thread for a shitty one-off joke fishing for replies. (You)s are not upvotes. That doesn't belong here.

/vp/ is the only one of its kind. Just leave all that shit at the door. Nobody cares who you are or where you come from, unless you go out of your way to fuck it up. That's the beauty of this place. That's what it's for.

Now let's get back to talking about Pokemon like the glorious angry manchildren we are.