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No.26653592 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Need Dusk Stones to evolve 2 pokemon for 100% pokedex completion.
>Bulbapedia says dusk stones are available on route 18 at earliest in X/Y.
>Just reset my X
>Finally claw my way through the plot, catch the box legend, blow up the superweapon, and get permission to go on route 18.
>Don't find even a single dusk stone.
>Use the dowsing machine, nothing.
>Consult the wiki.
>You get a dusk stone from Inver, the Psychic.
>To get one, you have to beat his 3 pokemon using More than 6, but less than 10 super effective hits.
>And then it's a 1/10 chance of him giving you one.
>He uses random pokemon, most of which are glass cannons, but all have moves that provide good coverage.

So, to get this rock, I need to land 2-3 super effective hits per enemy, and then get lucky?

I need exceedingly weak pokemon to be able to land 2-3 hits, but I need exceedingly strong pokemon to tank the damage he's gonna pump out.
So, Avalugg is a given. Who else has terrible resistance and a good coverage move set?