Inject - Shitpost - Circlejerk
This thread is for Hacks and/or Clones. Come in and get free stuff!
Try to keep requests simple, don't ask for a thousand Pokemon at once. Injectors can only work so fast.
Keep Injections, hacks, clones, etc. in this thread please.
>Is this thread legit or not? It is very legit. People will post here to try to tell you otherwise. Ignore them.
>No one has fulfilled my request yet? Why? Injectors fulfill requests out of the goodness of their own hearts, and on their own time. Be patient.
>What's the difference between this thread and Wi-Fi General? Wi-Fi General does not condone hacks, and asking for or offering a hack over there will result in a completely unnecessary shitstorm. Play the game however you want, but if you want injections, play here in a more friendly, less autistic environment.
pokemon that CANT go through the GTS: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Darkrai, Manaphy, Arceus, Shaymin, Victini, Meloetta, Genesect, Keldeo, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion
pokemon that CANT be shiny under any circumstances: Celebi, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, Zygarde, Hoopa, Volcanion
items that CANT go through the GTS: mega stones, red/blue orbs, some berries
>>26639861 Entrypoints: Browser/Menuhax up to 10.5, otherwise OoT/PSMD/Ninjhax/Freakyhax
>Read before requesting Pokémon >PKHeX directly on the 3DS throught Homebrew Launcher (WIP) >PHBank, free Pokébank alternative >What do I need Any XY/ORAS game.
A PC with a SD adapter.
A way to access homebrew.
>Instructions on how to inject and general info (DON'T BE A LAZY FAGGOT, READ THIS) new freaky hax
>>26654408 Put something up for a lv 100 ditto, and I'll get it to you via acquaintance.
>>26654435 Gotcha.
>>26654445 Put something up for a lv 100 ditto, and I'll give you Kyogre via acquaintance.
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>>26654469 deposited a lv8 male budew for ditto
X-Tractor (Beldum) @ Metagrossite Ability: Clear Body Level: 15 Shiny: Yes EVs: 150 HP / 150 Atk / 200 Spe Serious Nature - Take Down I put a level 14 Smeargle on GTS with the message "/vp gen" Just want to raise this shiny for my playthrough
>>26654487 The stone isn't GTSable, you'll need to put something up for a Ditto, and then trade via acquaintance.
>>26654499 Ah don't bother about the stone then, can you please get me the beldum with leftovers then?
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26654499 Would you mind doing a last request for me?
>>26654514 Sure thing.
>>26654529 I'm not sleepy yet so you can do a couple if you want. Just put 'em in a pastebin. Do you want them to have your OT?
alright i thought i was done here but there is 3 more sorry next one is Beldum Ability: Clear Body Level: 1 Shiny: Yes EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD Adamant Nature - Iron Head - Zen Headbutt - Take Down im putting up a lvl 25 lovdisc message /vp
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26654537 Yeah I'd prefer my OT but I'll work on a couple mons now thank you
I'm glad part of the old paste is back, but the OP looks kinda bulky again. Anyways, I guess I should update the guide to how to inject. I'll do it in a few hours.>pokemon that CANT go through the GTS: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Darkrai, Manaphy, Arceus, Shaymin, Victini, Meloetta, Genesect, Keldeo, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion Since we got events, they can. Just remove the ribbon.
>>26654540 Sure thing.
>>26654548 Just put something you caught or bred up for a lv 100 ditto.
>>26654552 I am too. I really enjoyed /ekx/
That would be really neat!
I don't like removing ribbons, because then it makes the mon an obvious hack+ and then I can't say that my injections are something that someone will way too much time on their hands could do. !J09xrUULSY
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>>26654487 Check to see if it's still up, I don't see it.
>>26654540 Sent, if you name yourself I'll be able to use that OT again.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26654578 I can send a trade through acquaintances, working on the pastebin now
mon was snatched, lets try again X-Tractor (Beldum) @ Leftovers Ability: Clear Body Level: 15 Shiny: Yes EVs: 150 HP / 150 Atk / 200 Spe Serious Nature - Take Down I put a level 18 Sandshrew on GTS with the message "/vp/ gen"
Scyther (M) @ Metal Coat Ability: Technician Level: 1 EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe Serious Nature - Night Slash - U-turn - X-Scissor - Swords Dance one more after this sorry again man im putting up lvl 2 wurmple message vp
>>26654624 is the primal kyogre still up?
>>26654626 Why don't you make it adamant so you actually get better stats? Neutral natures are complete and utter garbage.
>>26654599 Let me know when you're gonna do that.
>>26654635 I traded it to you via acquaintance? Was that not you? What's your IGN?
>>26654656 um i didnt even realize it was serious whoops thanks for telling me
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>>26654626 >>26654658 if you havent done it yet i forogt to set it to adamant nature
>>26654673 Would you like me to make that adjustment?
>>26654670 No problem, when I get back on, just send me a trade request. I'll reinject it.
>>26654673 Also, before I space out why not Bug Bite over X-Scissor? Since that will overall be stronger after Technician, and Knock Off for Dark coverage? It might not give you a technician boost, but at least it does something proactive in competitive battles/HaxMaison.
>>26654673 If you have the next one ready, I can get it to you also.
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>>26654690 ya next one is Cyndaquil (M) @ Heat Rock
Ability: Flash Fire
Level: 1
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 1 Atk / 30 SpA
- Extrasensory
- Flamethrower
- Sunny Day
- Hidden Power [Electric]
>>26654683 lol man i dont know its late not thinking that well haha i dont want to bug him to make another change so i will just keep what i got. but thanks for pointing the stuff
>>26654710 Your call, I have an app on my 3ds for edits like this.
>>26654717 sure listen to the changes he said of you don't mind sorry about that
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26654746 Don't worry about it. Get out of the GTS, I'll trade you via acquaintance.
>>26654755 Noo worries. Do you have a mon that you caught or bred?
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>>26654759 alright give me a second to get it off ign is kehan
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26654767 yeah some route 7 mons I'll need to catch more but i'll send you one now
>>26654776 Just a sec, let me check that Rayquaza.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
Palkia @ Haban Berry Ability: Pressure EVs: 188 HP / 112 Def / 196 SpA / 12 SpD lvl100 Modest Nature IVs: 0 Spe - Trick Room - Earth Power - Spacial Rend - Protect I deposited a level 30 female lanturn for palkia
>>26654800 I know exactly what it is. You're on X/Y, right? You Dragon Ascent is ORAS exclusive.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26654789 btw Thundurus needs to be from (AS) Soaring in the Sky, and Cresselia needs to be from Crescent Isle in either OR/AS
>>26654827 Ah yeah, that too
just take out dragon ascent
>>26654838 Aren't they? I just sent them to you?
I'll have to pick a different event I think?
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>>26654835 Palkia @ Haban Berry
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 188 HP / 112 Def / 196 SpA / 12 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Earth Power
- Spacial Rend
- Trick Room
- Protect
deposited a lv30 female lanturn for this
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26654845 the Thundur and Cress just say "From a faraway place" instead
Then again it might be my cart not knowing those locations
>>26654855 I'd really appreciate the OT Galileo one
Latias Ability: Levitate EVs: 72/0/0/184/0/252 Nature: Timid Level: 100 IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 - Draco Meteor - Defog - Psyshock - Roost i deposited a female zigzagoon lvl 13 with the message /vp/ pls and thanks
>>26654855 Could I also get this one in a Love Ball?
Gardevoir (F) @ Ability Capsule
Ability: Trace
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 16 HP / 8 Def / 232 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hyper Voice
- Psyshock
- Focus Blast
- Taunt
Deposited a Gastly, message is /vp/. Thanks again in advance!
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>>26654941 Whoops sorry, actually deposited a Lv. 1 male Lileep.
>>26654442 >>What's the difference between this thread and Wi-Fi General? >Wi-Fi General does not condone hacks, and asking for or offering a hack over there will result in a completely unnecessary shitstorm. Play the game however you want, but if you want injections, play here in a more friendly, less autistic environment. REMINDER THIS IS A BAIT THREAD MADE BY AUTISTS IN /wfg/ TO TRAP YOU BEGGING HERE. THERE IS ONLY ONE TRIPFAG IN THIS ENTIRE GENERAL TO HELP YOU. IF YOU WANT ACTUAL HELP, VISIT /wfg/
>>26653099 >>26653099 >>26653099 !J09xrUULSY
>>26654870 I'll try and remove Dragon Ascent then.
>>26654916 >>26654941 >also Sure, what do you currently have?
>>26654968 >going to /wfg/ for injections >giving injections for feet pics It was funny at first, but now it's getting a little old pal.
>>26654968 >implying there's someone else other than you injecting in /wfg/ Anonymous
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>>26654989 The Dream Ball Mienshao from earlier. I gotta head to bed soon, good night and thanks again!
>>26655003 I give you a week
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>>26654997 >not willing to give feet pics for a free competitive injection. Okay buddy
>>26655007 I dunno why you're so bent on bringing the two generals together. They obviously don't want our kind there, so why force it?
Look, as long as this threads here, this is where I'll post. If OP stops making the thread then back to /wfg/ it is.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26654989 ok thank you
I have interest in but I can understand if I'm pushing my luck.
Just trying to snag events I'll never get
>>26655028 We'll try the Rayquaza again. I'm getting on now.
Primeape (M) @ Life Orb Ability: Vital Spirit Shiny: Yes EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Close Combat - Ice Punch - Thunder Punch - U-turn>gts deposit: lvl 10 Male Gulpin message:/VP/ . tag is Twice Love.
>>26655023 They are bent on having their way. You are looking at it incorrectly. If there was no problem but too much traffic, that would necessitate this thread. But that's not why it's here.
It's here to trap anyone new into begging for one person and the original thread going into an asthma attack if anyone leaks out of it.
It's forcing out of /wfg/, not expanding beyond it.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26655038 Thank you so much again!
>>26655052 >They are bent on having their way. I think you both are.
>It's here to trap anyone new into begging for one person and the original thread going into an asthma attack if anyone leaks out of it. You have a point. This threads purpose is changing though. It's more about learning to inject that begging, even if there is still a substantially large number of requesters, the OP is getting better.
>It's forcing out of /wfg/, not expanding beyond it. Again, that was their call. They really do not want our kind in their purity general. Which is fine by me.
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Im glad 2 generals exist.
>>26655044 >>26655082 Looking for you guys now.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26655085 >Again, that was their call. They really do not want our kind in their purity general. Which is fine by me. It is not a purity general. It is wifi general. They refused in any way to budge and make their own general. Instead, they made a containment general for shit a few triggered autists don't like then shitpost the fuck out of the thread if anyone disagrees with their declarations.
Their kind belongs in a /pg/. The only thing holding this general up at all is a single tripfriend slowly answering requests without using the hackcheck button
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>>26655143 >slowly answering requests from what I can tell. everyone is patient and doesnt care if it takes a long time or even happens at all. props to that one person all the way, but i know for a fact its not always the same person doing it.
>>26655140 I've got your stuff ready.
Palkia @ Haban Berry Ability: Pressure Shiny: Yes EVs: 188 HP / 112 Def / 196 SpA / 12 SpD Modest Nature IVs: 0 Spe - Earth Power - Spacial Rend - Trick Room - Protect I deposited a level 30 female alomomola for this shiny palkia
>>26655136 thanks for the primape! just got it now
I'm going to ask for one more and then hit up online battles.
Beheeyem (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Analytic
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
- Psychic
- Energy Ball
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
>gts deposit: lvl 1 sableye Male
message: /VP/
tag is twice love
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26655171 Thank you so so so very much!
You are the best
>>26655174 >>26655192 Looking for these now.
>>26655196 No problem.
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>>26655200 thanks injector bro!
Wew /vp/, you actually inject for anons? So nice of you, and i'm not even kidding. I need Omastar @ Power Band Ability: Swift Swim EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Scald - Ice Beam - Earth Power - Rain Dance I put a lvl3 Ralts, message /vp/ Thanks a lot, might ask you for one or two others !
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>>26655226 Just in time. Yours is the last one I'm doing before I sleep.
>>26655200 means a lot. your karma is through the roof.
>>26655226 Shiny?
>>26655234 No problem. Enjoy!
>>26655240 Not shiny please!
>>26655255 Sent. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight all.
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>>26655265 Dank injector, thank you and good night!
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
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>>26655265 Have a good night
>>26655143 So if they changed their name to purity general, you'd have no gripes?
>>26655277 Even breeding general would be a good start if they want to keep pulling the shit that they do.
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Scizor @ choice band Ability: Technican EVs: 252 HP / 252 attck / 4 Speed Adamant Nature - Bulletpunch - Swords dance - U-turn - Defog i put a a level 5 female tentacool with the messege /vp/ for this... thanksss
>>26655288 So you'd have absolutely no quarrels with them if they changed the name of their general?
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>>26655296 Not the injector, but as someone who injects, no I personally wouldn't. I find it bullshit that they call themselves wifi general, but exclude a form of generating legal pokemon besides breeding that is now available and indistinguishable from what they do. Hell if they asked us what our OT/TID was so they could keep track of things that might be hacked I'd be okay with it; but they probably wouldn't care and sit there and shitpost in this or another general about the fact that there's "hacked" pokemon running around.
>>26655277 >>26655296 Yes, that would be perfectly fine if they created a purity or pure breeders general. We could then resurrect /wfg/ for it's intended purpose: an all purpose general for ANYTHING using the wifi. Battles, trades, begging, chat, how do I get x, etc etc. Just for everyone to meet about anything. If there isn't a specific general for the topic (such as battle general, or friend safari general) then you are always welcome to ask in /wfg/.
If you feel that something is not to your liking, or it's too crowded and boisterous for your needs, then you can splinter off into a specific general such as pure breeders general or friend safari general or shiny hunt weekend or even injection general.
It is the fact that they control /wfg/ and harass anyone who disagrees that is the constant problem.
>>26655562 >It is the fact that they control /wfg/ and harass anyone who disagrees that is the constant problem. its time to report and hope they get banned. even one hour bans would help those topics.
pure breeding general should be where they meet
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>>26655590 I don't think mods taking sides is the solution to this. They will start reporting every opposing post (well they do already)
>>26655562 I think it's more that you lot doing your one specific things being taken out of there is the best course.
This is the splinter group, but you're too ass-ravaged to know it.
>>26655635 That is incorrect but time will show you.
>>26655665 How is it incorrect?
The one specific, niche portion of the general was moved away, rather than having threads just for breeding and another just for trades, which would be absolutely fucking retarded.
Are you too stupid to understand this or are you just too mad about everyone not wanting to "play" exactly how you want to?
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>>26655682 >Are you too stupid the irony
>>26655682 They do not tolerate even 6iv dittos or anyone who has ever used one. They do not tolerate asking for legendaries because they KNOW anyone who actually responds "must be" a hacker. They refuse trades over GTS because only hackers use GTS. They refuse trades unless you are verified with a trip and shitpost enough to be a regular, etc etc
No, they are fucking autistic and a god damn cancer on what a harmonious place /wfg/ could be.
>>26655698 And you believe the shitposting and general antagonistic nature of the "injectorbro" had nothing to with that?
Blame that cunt, not people who want to play the game how it was intended in peace.
>>26655698 >>26655720 Right here:
>>26655710 They make it known what they're doing for shits and giggles, even though they know people hate it.
None of what you described would have happened if they weren't intentionally a cunt.
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>>26655742 >They make it known what they're doing for shits and giggles, even though they know people hate it. now you know why Trump is getting high numbers.
>>26655720 Why are you here?
>>26655892 Injection purposes.
Just because I like injecting doesn't mean I can't respect people who want to play the game how they want.
I don't understand this fascination with the idea that "if people aren't with me they're vehemently against me".
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>>26655907 Oh wait wrong person
>>26655907 Tbh I'm glad this thread has been working out
Especially with the helping hand of the injectors donating there time
Cause there are a lot of requests filled daily
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>>26655952 See, that's what I'm talking about.
Barring a few shitposters and one guy having a sook that people playing the game as intended by Game Freak aren't leaving /wfg/, there's nothing bad going on here.
Just people that enjoy injecting and happy people taking the quick route.
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Hey, thanks in advance. Larvitar (M) @ Destiny Knot Ability: Guts Level: 1 - Stone Edge - Crunch - Pursuit - Earthquake We're already acquaintances, so we can trade through that
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Battery (Electivire) @ Sun Stone Ability: Motor Drive EVs: 144 Atk/140 SpAtK/224 Speed Naive Nature -Wild Charge -Earthquake -Flamethrower -Ice Punch GTS Pokemon info: Ducklette named Duck level 1 male message inject
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26659050 Morning (even if it is 3pm on the east coast)
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Hi. Patiently waiting for based injectbro.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
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>>26659452 same I slept in xD
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Ditto Lv 91-100 Ability: Imposter Shiny: Yes Adamant Nature - Transform GTS: Buneary Lv 1 OT Jake Message: /vp/ Ive been playing Pokemon for a super long time but I'm very new to gen VI and would love a breeding ditto to jumpstart breeding and trading. If you can find that time, thank you so much.
Daily reminder that this is a BAIT THREAD designed to lure people into posting requesting and waiting for hours for someone to help. The actual thread you might get a response in is /wfg/
There is no one helping any of these threads besides a single tripfriend
>>26653099 Anonymous
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>>26659526 I'm aware of that. I have no intention of breeding and/or trading.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
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>>26659526 Beggars just aren't patient and overwhelm the injector at times. I know I've asked for a few things here and there but I waited till I got help and didn't rush the bro.
Bitching about /wfg/ and trying to troll them when they just have a preferred way to play the game is pretty pointless since we are just playing a children's game.
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>>26659526 Nah I know that but it's worth the wait.
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The purpose of this thread is pretty straight forward
Snorlax Level 61-70 Ability: Thick Fat Shiny: No Nature: Impish -Body Slam -Rest -Snore -Earthquake GTS: Taillow Level 5 OT: Rin Message: /inj/ thanke
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if you people are begging for injections, at least go for balltism, egg moves and transfer-only moves
Meloetta @ Sitrus Berry Ability: Serene Grace EVs: 188 HP / 112 Def / 196 SpA / 12 SpD Modest Nature IVs: 0 Spe - Focus Blast - Psyshock - Substitute - Calm mind I read through OP, isn't it now possible to do it by just removing the ribbon? Thx a Bunch!! Anyway if it is, I got a pidgey up with the tag vp g
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>>26660696 >i read that its impossible but i want to waste my time anyhow haha Anonymous
>>26655143 we made a purity general and y'all still came in there.
>>26660941 you mean the /wfg/ with the word purity in it? No, that's not a different general
>>26660965 I definitely mean the few "purity generals" that we had. I'd find it in the archives if they weren't down.
>>26660974 I can't recall a successful purity general that was not a troll thread. I don't think it's been done. You are welcome to try.
>>26661011 It won't work because the injector is just hell bent on trolling us in /wfg/.
Why do you guys want to come into /wfg/ so badly? I don't understand.
Ditto lv100 Ability: Imposter Shiny: Yes Calm Nature IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 - Transform Foreign if it's not too much of a trouble. I put a Budew with a "vp" comment. Thanks a lot.
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Bumping to the front.
>>26661049 I don't think you understand. I am the injector and I only bother with /wfg/
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>>26661174 Put a Luvdisc for it instead. Got sent a regular Ditto.
>>26661361 You're the problem.
Ralts lv 5 @ Dawn Stone Male Ability: Trace Shiny: Yes Bashful Nature Evs: 252 Atk / 4 Hp / 252 Spe - Fire Punch - Thunder Punch - Ice Punch - Zen Headbutt Can you put OT as Summer as this is for my friend I put up a Nincada with OT Billy and Message as /inj/ please
Looking for a 6IV Breeding ditto. Put up a level 19 spoink on GTS, Message 'vp'. Thanks to anyone in advance.
>>26661642 wrong thread for that
>>26661352 Darren
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>>26661702 Thanks, friend.
Ralts lv 5 @ Dawn Stone Male Ability: Trace Shiny: Yes Bashful Nature Evs: 252 Atk / 4 Hp / 252 Spe - Fire Punch - Thunder Punch - Ice Punch - Zen Headbutt Can you put OT as Summer as this is for my friend I put up a Nincada with OT Billy and Message as /inj/ please
Ralts lv 5 @ Dawn Stone Male Ability: Trace Shiny: Yes Bashful Nature Evs: 252 Atk / 4 Hp / 252 Spe - Fire Punch - Thunder Punch - Ice Punch - Zen Headbutt Can you put OT as Summer as this is for my friend I put up a Nincada with OT Billy and Message as /inj/ please
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>>26661563 >>26661769 >>26661879 this is how to not ask for injections
5000-6059-1761 !SrSam.iR/A
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>>26661642 I'm going to inject one for you. The one I tried to give you was from gen V orwhatever and couldn't trade it trought the GTS.
>>26661769 Hey anon, do you have any random eggs laying around? I'd give you that Ralts for 6 random eggs (different mons).
5000-6059-1761 !SrSam.iR/A
>>26661642 Got you, fampai.
>>26661879 Didn't see that "Summer", but I did it anyway. Ruse or not, if you are ready put up another shitmon on the GTS, it looks like someone traded you, unless you are just a ruse.
And, again, if someone wants me to inject something for him, I'd like to get 6 random eggs as trade back.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
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>>26662163 Would you be willing to help me with 3 mons? Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26662163 Would you be willing to help me with 3 mons? Anonymous
Tyranitar @ Choice Scarf Ability: Sand Stream EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Stone Edge - Pursuit - Superpower - Crunch
>>26662250 Psst, check your email. 5000-6059-1761 !SrSam.iR/A
>>26662250 Yes, let me give something to a random guy on /wfg/. I'm not an expert with event mons, but I'll try to get these.
>>26662273 Is this for Showderp or do you want me to inject that? Tell what you'll put on the GTS.
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>>26662327 Inject, please.
I'm putting a Male lvl 1 Eevee, message is /vp/.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26662301 I don't have an email >>26662327 Cool thank you no rush
5000-6059-1761 !SrSam.iR/A
>>26662380 Zoroark can't learn night shade and sludge bomb in ORAS/XY. Don't you care to be from BW/2?
>>26662419 it can but it was from an event, search for Sly Zoroark
you illiterate fuck Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
5000-6059-1761 !SrSam.iR/A
>>26662437 >I must know all move combinations from all events I usually inject for people who tell me before if something is from an event. Is he/she/it didn't tell me I'd think that it had a mistake or whatever.
>>26662465 Don't listen to
>>26662437 He just wants to drive off injectors so that he can move the purists into one thread. He wants to rejoin /wfg/ and /inj/
>>26662465 you may have noticed from this and the previous' thread requests, but the anons requesting stuff are probably mentally handicaped, so expecting them to tell you when something should or should not be is way too much. step up your game mr "injector"
5000-6059-1761 !SrSam.iR/A
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>>26662495 I wan't in these threads.
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>>26662493 no, i want the injector to learn how to properly inject. i taught more than one how to back when the pokegen threads were a thing
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26662465 I put in the event dates and IDs in the pastebin, now I gave you links. Sorry
Can I get a 6IV Ditto with a Destiny Knot? I put a Weedle for it with a /vp/ message. Thanks for the help.
5000-6059-1761 !SrSam.iR/A
>>26662531 Just found the Zoroark in the projectpokemon thread.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26662560 Hopefully they have the other 2 events so it can be easier for you.
>>26662534 a weedle is not a good choice to put up. tons of weedles on GTS. will be hard to find yours.
should put something else up and make sure to post here if its a male or female and its level.
5000-6059-1761 !SrSam.iR/A
>>26662583 Shit, nevermind. It has Sludge bomb, but not night daze. I'll try to get the others...
Medicham @ Ability Capsule Ability: Pure Power Level: 50 Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - High Jump Kick - Fake Out - Bullet Punch - Ice Punch deposited a lvl 14 female psyduck for it, thanks in advance!
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26662612 I'm fine with dark pulse
Hey fags, I'm new to this general but I was about to inject for myself so I thought I might as well be a good samaritan and take some requests>If you want it to have your OT specify, you still won't be able to nickname it unless you know and tell me your SID but whatever >Shit like Pokéball, Ribbons, Hidden Power, weird ass IVs etc. specify as well >I'll only take requests that are replies to this post >Don't be a fag and be pacient >Only one per person and I'll stop taking requests an hour after this is posted
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>>26662596 I see. Just switched it for a Purugly then. (lv37 ).
Thanks in advance.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26662672 would you mind making
Ability: Drought
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
IVs: 0 SpA
- Fire Punch
- Precipice Blades
- Rock Slide
- Protect
OT:LUCY (In a Repeat ball)
>>26662672 Let me get a Japanese 6iv ditto, nature doesn't matter
5000-6059-1761 !SrSam.iR/A
>>26662273 Ok, done. I made a shone too.
>>26662651 The only "perfect" that I made was the Diancie, the others are pretty fucked, thought I think Zoroark can be tradeable. I don't have too much hopes on Tynanitar (the event one).
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26662732 Yeah Diancie and Zoroark are mainly what I want, did the file you get off project pokemon not help?
I can put something on the gts if you dont have FC room
Quoted By:
Is there anyway to homebrew the latest firmware yet?
Quoted By:
Put up a lvl 1 female growlithe for a Japanese 6 IV ditto. Message /vp/
>>26662672 Dunsparce @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
Shiny: Yes
Level: 100
Happiness: 256
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Max IVs
Careful Nature
- Coil
- Roost
- Body Slam
- Rock Slide
OT: Duke
Egg hatched: 6/22/2014.
Hoenn Champion ribbon, Kalos Champ ribbon, Contest star ribbon, Coolness, Beauty, Cleverness, Cutness, Toughness, Best friends, Training, Skillful Battler, Expert Battler, Effort, Alert, Shock, Downcast, Careless, Relax, Snooze, Smile, Gorgeous, Royal, Gorgeous Royal, Footprint ribbons.
Thanks to you (or anyone!) in advance for doing this. I'm replacing my 150 hour Dunsparce from my X version that was lost.
I'll leave a Level 24 gloom up on GTS, message vp.
>>26662714 Lucy all in caps? Also you still won't be able to nickname or anything without the SID, but you might want to give me your Trainer ID just for aesthetics
>>26662731 Done, just wait until the hour passes to see if more people request anything
Both of you might start thinking what to put in the GTS and tell me, just don't put it yet
>>26662782 it's
TID 28185
SID 62377
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
Quoted By:
>>26662782 Yes I don't nickname my mons but thank you
I'll send something I caught so you can have my TID..or
>>26662799 haha
5000-6059-1761 !SrSam.iR/A
Router suddendly died for a second. Just restarted it.
>>26662273 Sent.
>>26662764 I have enought space. I only have like 10 friends on this console.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
Quoted By:
>>26662809 ok my FC is 3840-9989-1001
5000-6059-1761 !SrSam.iR/A
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>>26662809 Oh, yeah, if you have 6 random eggs... I want to make an egglocke, but /wfg/ is not helping.
>>26662778 Any idea of your SID? Or just the TID alone
Quoted By:
anyone taking requests?
>>26662866 just the TID will do, thanks.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26662809 thank you very much!
>>26662883 And what is it? I don't believe it says on your post
Also any special Pokéball?
5000-6059-1761 !SrSam.iR/A
>the shone Tyranitar with fucked meet levels could be traded wew, so they can fuck their own servers apparently.
Also, Ethan, if you want a shone Tyranitar (the same as you requested) accept the trade request.
>>26662907 You are welcome.
I'll go to sleep now, maybe I'll try to help someone again tomorrow.
>>26662672 Sylveon (F) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
Level: 100
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 240 HP / 252 SpA/ 16 Spe
IVs: 31/30/31/30/30/31
Nature: Modest
- Hyper Voice
- Psyshock
- Hidden Power
- Calm Mind
OT: Riley
Egg hatched: 6/8/2016
I put a level 2 Klink with message "/vp/" in the GTS. Many thanks anon!
>>26662917 Whoops, sorry.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
Quoted By:
>>26662919 yeah it has weird met stuff but that's how the event is have a goodnight
Hey, if I made some .pkx files would someone be willing to inject them and trade them to me please?
>>26662928 Any specific Pokéball? Could you also post your TID? And also
are you a boy? Or are you a girl? Riley is an unisex name and I don't want to screw the OT gender by guessing and doing it wrong
And lastly, by 6/8/2016 you meant June 8th right? I'm not American so I use DD/MM/YYYY
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26662917 I put up a Lv14 male Smeargle for Groudon take you time and thanks in advance
Quoted By:
>>26663055 Just regular Pokeball. TID is 38348. I'm a dude, thanks for asking. And yeah, June 8th. Thanks for your help!
Okay anon I put up a lvl 18 female highly puff up for the Japanese ditto, 6IV's right? It can be hacked as hell, I'll only be using it as a parent anyway. Message /vp/
Quoted By:
>>26663129 Fucking autocorrect. That's a jigglypuff
>>26662778 >>26662883 >>26662932 Forgot to ask previously, what gender do you want Dunsparce to be?
>>26662936 Absolutely. That's the best method anyway.
>>26663326 Cool, I just got back from errands so I'll make the files as quick as I can and I'll upload them to dropbox. Only downside is that one will have to be an event if that's okay.
Re-requesting my request from yesterday if that's okay. I got this shiny Giratina during the event a while back, but only started caring about stats recently. It turns out my Giratina's IVs are terrible, and was wondering if anyone could help me out. Altered Forme Giratina Level: 100 Ability: Pressure Shiny: Yes IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0 Nature: Adamant -Shadow Force -Shadow Sneak -Dragon Tail -Iron Tail Optional: OT: SUM2013, Cherish Ball Date: September 30th, 2013 I put up a level 5 Chespin with the message "/vp/". Thank you so much for any help you give me.
>>26663378 events cant go through the gts
Quoted By:
>>26663357 That's perfectly fine. Just let me know when you're ready.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26663326 Hello thanks for that random Gengar btw
>>26663402 What if it's only appearing to be an event mon? Would a non-event shiny Giratina go through?
>>26663378 I'll do it if you'll put in the correct format.
You'll put something up for a lv 100 ditto, and then we'll trade via acquaintance.
>>26662928 Sent
>>26663067 It doesn't let me trade it because it has Precipite Blades (The XY compatibility bullshit), I'll give it Earthquake and a Heart Scale
>>26663129 Are you the same anon as
>>26662731 ?
>>26663352 It doesn't pass the legality check because it can only learn Body Slam as a tutor move in Gen III, is Headbutt okay?
>>26663415 Haha, I thought you were someone else. No problem though.
>>26663437 thanks for the Sylveon
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26663433 would you mind making me this, it seems so fun
Blaziken (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Speed Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 48 Atk / 4 Def / 212 SpA / 244 Spe
Naive Nature
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 Def
- Superpower
- Overheat
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Protect
(2013 event OT:XY ID:10123)
>>26663437 Oh geez I keep forgetting to mention I'm on X but thank you very much
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>>26663427 yeah, if caught in ORAS giratina can be shiny
>>26663433 Alright, I'll put that Chespin up for the ditto.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
Quoted By:
>>26663489 I'll give my sister the Gengar since I had one but thanks a bunch!!
(Phelps) Kabutops @ Life Orb Ability: Swift Swim EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Adamant Nature IVs: 31 all - Waterfall - Stone Edge - Swords Dance - Aqua Jet OT Brandon deposited level 48 male tangrowth /vp/ in description, pls and thank you
>>26663437 Glare will do over body slam, then. Thanks for going through the effort!
>>26663510 I'll try this one out. I'm new to injecting so there is a chance of me fucking up
Sorry if this is a repost. I finished the hoenn dex btw. Battery (Electivire) @ Sun Stone Ability: Motor Drive EVs: 144 Atk/140 SpAtK/224 Speed Naive Nature -Wild Charge -Earthquake -Flamethrower -Ice Punch GTS Pokemon info: Ducklette named Duck level 1 male message inject
>>26663479 Sent, gave it a PP Max instead of the Heart Scale since you mentioned you were in X
>>26663461 No problem
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26663522 Thank you very much
I'm waiting till S&M since I skipped ORAS
Quoted By:
>>26663510 Also, i'll need your TID and SID
Do you want a specific ball or met location?
Quoted By:
>>26663518 i believe in you
>>26663504 Sounds good, can you post the reformatted version?
>>26663511 Are you sure you want Glare to substitute Body Slam instead of Rock Slide? Headbutt also has a 60% to flinch like Rock Slide because of Serene Grace, gets STAB and has 100 accuracy
Also you sure you want it Male? The fucker's pink when Shiny and is also gonna be getting the Ribbon animation when it comes out of the Pokéball
Quoted By:
>>26663518 I'm glad your here.
If you have any questions, just ask.
Here's a collection of 6th gen events if you don't already have them. !J09xrUULSY
Quoted By:
>>26663518 I'm glad you're here.
If you have any questions, just ask.
Here's a collection of 6th gen events if you don't already have them. Anonymous
>>26663437 Yeah that's me, Jiggs is still up
>>26663571 Honestly, I don't mind. Whatever you think will have the most utility with serene grace.
>>26663562 would you mind making me one of these?
Azumarill (F) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Belly Drum
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough
- Knock Off
Normal Pokeball and everything is fine, OT is Riley, TID 38348, I'm a male. If you're busy no worries.
Can someone please help me with these? OT: CELIS ID No. : 62746 (not required by me) If hatch info is needed just use normal date and any place in kalos This first one in a luxury ball and yes my name and nicknames in caps KAMINA (Krookodile) (M) @ Rocky Helmet Ability: Intimidate Level: 50 EVs: 248 HP / 76 Def / 156 SpD / 28 Spe Adamant Nature - Knock Off - Taunt - Stealth Rock - Earthquake This second one in a normal pokeball DARWIN (Archeops) (M) @ Choice Scarf Ability: Defeatist Level: 50 EVs: 176 Atk / 80 SpA / 252 Spe Hasty Nature - Head Smash - Stealth Rock - Dragon Pulse - Knock Off GTS pokemon (up for both, first krookodile then archeops) Female Scyther lv.51 with message inj thanks in advance
>>26663605 Would you mind checking what you asked for in the GTS? Already looked for a female Lvl 18 Jigglypuff but there's only people asking for the usual shit like Victini and Meloetta
>>26663562 Giratina
Ability: Pressure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Shadow Force
- Shadow Sneak
- Dragon Tail
- Iron Tail
If you can, OT SUM2013, cherish ball, and recieved on September 30th, 2013, but of course that's all optional.
>>26663647 Eh nevermind, it got sniped. Don't worry about it, I found a 6IV ditto from spain
Quoted By:
>>26663639 I put up a Lv. 30 Klang with message "/vp/" if anybody feel like doing this one.
>>26663666 Sent, it can also relearn Bite, Astonish in case you're wondering, not like they hit any hard but they also have a 60% chance of flinching, it can also relearn Agility in case you want to outspeed shit or something
Alright, my .pk6 files are done. I do have 8 of them for breeding purposes, if that's okay. I can give away any breeding rejects if people are interested. Oh and the event mon is the English HA Zapdos which if I can get a few different ones for hidden powers, when I'm able to inject I'll clone them and do a giveaway in this thread if you don't mind going above and beyond in doing this. Otherwise I just need this set for it: Zapdos @ Sitrus Berry Ability: Static Level: 100 EVs: 248 SpA / 8 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 30 SpA / 30 SpD / 30 Spe - Thunderbolt - Protect - Hidden Power [Flying] - Heat Wave
>>26663725 >Dittos learning bite Anonymous
>>26663510 Sent! Holy crap that took forever, but it was fun
>>26663447 I got another one for you today, if you'd be so kind.
Zapdos @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Evs: 248 HP / 64 Def / 180 SpD / 16 Spe
Calm Nature
- Hidden Power Ice
- Volt Switch
- Roost
- Heat Wave
OT: Doon
I believe the ideal IV spread of HP Ice is 31/30/30/31/31/31
I deposited a Level 30 Donphan female. Message is "hnnnng".
>>26663540 >>26663654 Have yours done.
>>26663639 >>26663643 >>26663790 I'll do these next
>>26663761 Can do. Just post your link.
>>26663790 Ideal spread is actually 31/0/30/31/31/31 due to the change to Hidden Power's BP being fixed.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26663816 Just wanted to make sure since it is a decent amount, granted all the hard work has been done for you. Thank you! As far as if you're willing to do multiple Zapdos, I'd like one that's HP Ice and one that's HP Water as well, HP Water's spread is 31/0/30/30/31/31.
>>26663816 Just a general question, I know Zapdos can only be gotten in ORAS through trade, so I guess you have to say it's from XY?
>>26663820 Oh, thanks for letting me know.
Quoted By:
>>26663816 Thanks, I'll be online and waiting.
>>26663854 Or it's the HA event from the Pokemon Newsletter from about a month ago.
>>26663779 thank you for your efforts kind sir!
Quoted By:
>>26663868 Alright, I guess he can do whatever is the least hassle.
I'll be ready online whenever.
Colby !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26663870 You're welcome!
>>26663790 This is the correct format. I'll have it done in a second.
Zapdos @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 64 Def / 180 SpD / 16 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Volt Switch
- Roost
- Heat Wave
Quoted By:
>>26663933 Cool, I'm ready whenever.
>>26663854 Correct, unless it's an event.
Quoted By:
>>26663948 Gotcha, that's what I thought. Just let me know when to hop on GTS. Thanks for everything.
>>26663911 Can you grab this one?
>>26663984 Colby !iKI2NYfcpM
Quoted By:
>>26663853 >>26663993 Hey, sorry I forgot to mention just let me know when to post something to the GTS. It'll be a level 1 Mawile when you do go looking though.
Colby !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26663984 Do you want specific IVs, Ball, etc.?
Also, what is your TID?
Quoted By:
>>26660602 bump
im trading elsewhere so just reply if anyone bothers so i can reupload it
>>26664038 Nah don't care about IVs and shit this is all for the living dex.
ID is 39642
>>26663540 >>26663654 Are you guys online?
>>26663639 Sent
>>26663643 Sent, I'll get the other one to you via acquaintance.
>>26663790 Sent
>>26663761 >>26663853 Can do those too. I'm working on them now.
Working on yours now
>>26664078 I got the Ditto, you're not showing up in acquaintances though
>>26664078 Thank you very much for the krookodile and archeops, i really appreciate it
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26664078 I have been for sometime but thank you so much!
Quoted By:
>>26664130 I see you, I'll trade you via acquaintance.
>>26664078 Great, thanks for the Zapdos.
Colby !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26664140 Sorry about the wait haha. No problem.
>>26664129 >>26664144 No problem. Enjoy guys!
0447-9056-7367 (Ign Henta)
Quoted By:
Can injector put the OT as Henta! Mamoswine @ Focus Sash Ability: Thick Fat EVs: 252 Atk / 164 SpD / 92 Spe Jolly Nature - Knock Off - Ice Shard - Rock Slide - Protect Jolteon @ Life Orb (F) -Level Ball Ability: Volt Absorb EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA - Volt Switch - Shadow Ball - Hidden Power [Grass] - Wish Mienshao @ Assault Vest Ability: Regenerator EVs: 132 Atk / 160 SpD / 216 Spe Adamant Nature - Fake Out - U-turn - Drain Punch - Poison Jab
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
Quoted By:
>>26664167 no problem at all I do appreciate all your help
Quoted By:
>>26664167 Thanks do much man, I appreciate it.
>>26664167 Posting my Mawile now. It'll have the message /vp/, looking for lvl 100 ditto right?
>>26664199 What did you have?
Quoted By:
>>26664245 The Zapdoses, and the dropbox file.
>>26663853 Your's are done. Just to make sure you have three Zapdos with HP flying, ice, and water, right?
You can put something up for Jellicent, and I'll get the rest to you via acquaintance.
Quoted By:
>>26664274 That works too, let me change my gts request really quick then.
>>26664274 Also, just realized yes to the 3 Zapdos if possible.
Maggie (Magmortar) Female @ Sun Stone Ball: Poke Ball Flame Body EVs: 64 HP/ 252 SpA192 Spe IVs: Any Modest Nature Fire Blast Thunder Bolt Focus Blast Earthquake Trainer ID:39642 GTS Info: Spritzee named Spritz male level 1,
Machamp (M) @ Life Orb Ability: Guts Level: 30 Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def Adamant Nature - Ice Punch - Thunder Punch - Earthquake - Fire Punch put a lvl 1 petilil with /vp/ as a message thanks!
Colby !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26664321 Exit the GTS, and I'll trade you your mons. I'll tell you your trainer info if you want afterwards; that way you can make Pokemon with your OT.
Quoted By:
>>26664374 Nah, I appreciate the offer, but I'll do that later when I can inject again. Thank you so much for doing this, like I said I'll clone these when I can and I'll do a giveaway on /vp/ sometime soon.
>>26664450 Woops, I ended up passing out last night. Should I still put something up on the GTS for the Piplup?
Colby !iKI2NYfcpM
Colby !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26664450 Hey, I think the HP Flying Zapdos got messed up since legendaries have to have 3 perfect IVs. So the spread should be 31/31/31/30/30/30. Anyway I can get this swapped so it's legal?
>>26664530 They can have more than three perfect IVs, they just can't have less than three perfects.
>>26664564 Which is the problem, Serebii's IV calc was spitting it out as 30/30/30/30/30/31.
>>26664499 thanks! if its not too much trouble can i have one more?
Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Level: 30
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 156 Def / 196 SpA / 156 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 25 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Signal Beam
- Scald
- Shadow Ball
put a petilil with vp as message again
>>26664570 Which Zapdos did you check? I'll give it a look?
Colby !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26664594 sure, i'll get to work
>>26664460 You'll need to repost the set.
And yes.
Quoted By:
Titanium (Steelix) (F) @ Sun Stone Ability: Sturdy EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef / 4 Spd IV: Any Careful Nature Toxic Earthquake Dragon Tail Ice Fang GTS: Swirlix named Fairy Floss male level 1 message inject
>>26664610 oh could it be illegal? if its illegal ill get it at lvl 50 instead!
deleted the prev post cos im retarded
Colby !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26664637 Never dealt with legendaries but i'll try
>>26664605 I checked the flying one, and you are correct. Do you have an IV spread that would allow it to be legal?
>>26664652 31/31/31/30/30/30
If memory serves the only illegal is HP Fighting for legendaries from gen 6.
>>26664618 I have you on my list but I''m putting up a Pokemon now! Level 16 Solrock on the GTS for you. With message /vp/ as usual.
>>26664663 Worked like a charm. Sorry about that. I'll see if Kathotics will add that to the checker.
>>26664669 Woops, forgot the set, here it is.
Piplup (M) @ Reaper Cloth
Ability: Torrent
Level: 1
Serious Nature
- Aqua Ring
- Pound
- Agility
>>26664702 Why not Jolly/adamant with its hidden ability since that's been released so you can breed it at will?
>>26664691 No worries, shit happens. It's why I try to check as much shit as possible that goes through here when I can for you guys since I can't inject currently; it's also why I double check my mons I receive just in case something like this happens. Not that I don't trust you, just being cautious.
>>26664649 reposting the set just in case
Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Level: 30
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 156 Def / 196 SpA / 156 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 25 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Signal Beam
- Scald
- Shadow Ball
petilil with vp as message!
>>26664732 Truthfully I never...thought about it haha. The nature doesn't matter too much since its just gonna be bred but I guess the HA would be nice!
>>26664732 I'm glad that you caught it, I'll be looking for that from now on. I'll be online in a second.
>>26664754 I'll fix it.
>>26664649 Are you doing this?
>>26664753 Colby !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26664753 Sent
Also I've got 4Chan X o I can see deleted posts
>>26664753 Is this from the 4th/5th gen events? If so it's nature locked, if not then you need to up the level to 50 if it's from gen 6. Also, why not just make the Atk IV 0 or 1 as opposed to 25 if you're going for a specific hidden power?
Quoted By:
>>26664789 You're the best. :<
Empoleon @ Leftovers Ability: Torrent EVs: 64 Hp / 252 SpA / 192 Spe Timid Nature - Hydro Pump - Ice Beam - Agility - Flash Canon Deposited a Level 17 female Hippopotas. Message is "Hnnnng" of course.
Colby !iKI2NYfcpM
Quoted By:
>>26664789 No worries, I can wait a bit. I probably won't pass out for a good few hours anyways.
Quoted By:
>>26664793 hey! ill be honest im just messing around showdown and seeing what happens
Quoted By:
>>26664789 Thanks! I did a quick double check while we were trading and it looked great!
>>26664702 Can you redeposit for this?
>>26664903 Sure, I'll redeposit the Solrock?
>>26664917 >>26664903 Or wait, it got traded, let me find something new. Level 19 Deino.
Colby !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26664812 Sent
Also I'm going to go catch some sleep, so I won't be doing anymore injections. Cheers everyone
Quoted By:
>>26664973 Thanks for the help man.
Quoted By:
>>26664973 Night thank you mang.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
I know I must be a pain but could I have 2 Zapdos made? !J09xrUULSY
>>26664928 Sent. If you start naming yourself I'll make your mons with your OT.
>>26665048 Hey, based injectbro. I'm back for another request if you hav the time tonight!
Attacker! (Garchomp) (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Rough Skin
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Fire Fang
- Iron Head
I'll put up a level 25 masquarain with the message /vp/. I really appreciate it, and hope you get to me.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
Quoted By:
>>26665048 You're the best!
Quoted By:
>>26665056 Okay! Hah, sorry I didn't want to bug you too much with this request so didn't want to ask for too much.
>>26665027 Also I don't mind at all.
>>26665061 Gotcha.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26665097 as always I appreciate your help
>>26664078 thanks for the Azumarill! Makes coming home from work that much better
>>26665061 Doing now.
>>26665117 Looking for you.
>>26665139 No problem.
Geodude Ability: Sturdy Shiny: yes EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe 6 IV Adamant Nature -Stealth rock -Stone edge -Earthquake -Sucker Punch I put a Lvl 12 Sunkern in Gts with the message /vp/
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26665176 ok I'll get online now
>>26665263 I've got a mon for you to help me test too.
Quoted By:
>>26654442 I made a new thread since this one hit 300
>>26665288 Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
Quoted By:
>>26665289 no problem guess it didn't work but thanks as always.
anytime you need to test something I'll help
Quoted By:
>>26665200 Geodude
Ability: Sturdy
Shiny: yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
6 IV
Adamant Nature
I put a Lvl 12 Sunkern in Gts with the message /vp/
Quoted By:
>>26665289 Thanks so much for the garchomp! Can you also do any (or all ) of these for me tonight? I'll be on for a while.
Support! (Garchomp) (M) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Dragon Tail
- Toxic
Siriua (Starmie) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Recover
- Hydro Pump
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
Darkengard (Skarmory) (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 232 Def / 24 Spe
Impish Nature
- Roost
- Defog
- Iron Head
- Whirlwind
I'll start with a deposited level 38 medicham for the starmie. Then go from there. Thanks ahead of time, injectbro.