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Pokémon Clover: Camel's Birthday Edition

!X.jt37ypTM No.26657068 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
--- Pokémon Clover: ---
>FireRed hack
>252 Fakemon, created by /vp/
>Fairy type and Physical/Special split added
>Some Gen 4-6 moves and abilities added
>Trainers will be made more challenging and edited to use the new Pokemon
>New region: Fochun, somewhat based on the Kanto model
>TMs and HMs are mostly the same, with a few changed for the better
>Uses MrDollSteak's decap/attack patch
>Battle Facility where you can rematch people and buy rare items.
- Maintained by Camerupt, Squeetz and NDC -
>Dex is LOCKED, no more mons needed!

--- Public Alpha (5/1/16) download ---

- Things to note: -
>Patch on a clean Firered 1.0 US ROM
>Intro text is unchanged from the 2-gym demo, ignore it
>The current Alpha goes up to Triport and the SS. Ayy aka the Ruse Cruise
>Expect bugs!

- How to patch -

--- Pokémon DubsClover ---
>Essentials(?) Game
>A completely new region, the Inavia region
>Some new characters, some old characters
>Completely new plot
>An additional set of 135 new Pokemon to go with the 252 from Clover
>Mega Evolution!
- Maintained by Dexanon -
>Not something we are focusing on atm


Pokémon Clover main doc:

Pokémon DubsClover main doc:

-Clover IRC-
#PokemonClover @

-DC Battle Tower Demo-