Inject - Shitpost - Circlejerk - Hangout
This thread is for Hacks and/or Clones. Come in and get free stuff!
Try to keep requests simple, don't ask for a thousand Pokemon at once. Injectors can only work so fast.
Keep Injections, hacks, clones, etc. in this thread please.
>Is this thread legit or not? It is very legit. People will post here to try to tell you otherwise. Ignore them.
>No one has fulfilled my request yet? Why? Injectors fulfill requests out of the goodness of their own hearts, and on their own time. Be patient.
>What's the difference between this thread and Wi-Fi General? Wi-Fi General does not condone hacks, and asking for or offering a hack over there will result in a completely unnecessary shitstorm. Play the game however you want, but if you want injections, play here in a more friendly, less autistic environment.
Pokemon that CANT go through the GTS: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Darkrai, Manaphy, Arceus, Shaymin, Victini, Meloetta, Genesect, Keldeo, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion
Pokemon that CANT be shiny under any circumstances: Celebi, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, Zygarde, Hoopa, Volcanion
Items that CANT go through the GTS: mega stones, red/blue orbs, some berries
>>26665288 Previous ThreadEntrypoints: Browser/Menuhax up to 10.5, otherwise OoT/PSMD/Ninjhax/Freakyhax
>Read before requesting Pokémon >PKHeX directly on the 3DS throught Homebrew Launcher (WIP) >PHBank, free Pokébank alternative >What do I need Any XY/ORAS game.
A PC with a SD adapter.
A way to access homebrew.
>Instructions on how to inject and general info (DON'T BE A LAZY FAGGOT, READ THIS) Homebrew Launcher PKHeX Tutorial for new injectors
Axew (M) Ability: Mold Breaker Level: 1 Shiny: Yes - Dragon Claw - Poison Jab - Iron Tail - Dragon Dance
>>26676946 Were you referring to my post?
Entei @ Choice Band
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Flare Blitz
- Extreme Speed
- Stone Edge
Ho-Oh @ Choice Band
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 Hp / 196 Atk / 52 SpD / 12 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Earthquake
- Sacred Fire
- Roost
Deposited a level 32 Female Pikachu for the Ho-oh for starters. Message is Hnnng.
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26676949 did you go with the 2013 Japanese Extremespeed Genesect?
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26676965 Yes. I'll do these
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If someone could remake an old team member of mine I lost in a reset I'd appreciate it. I'll put up a level 2 female Wurmple with the description /vp/ on GTS. Sgt. Pickle (Drapion) (M) @ Black Sludge Ability: Battle Armor EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe Adamant Nature - Crunch - Acupressure - Rest - Sleep Talk
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>>26676976 Alrighty, thanks.
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>>26676974 I did. It's a little difficult to find but I actually have that one on hand.
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26676965 Do you care about legitimacy or no?
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>>26677104 Legit as possible, if possible
>>26677104 What is the legit nature for regenerator ho-oh ?
>>26677104 Actually never mind, Ho-oh just do Entei. I have an Ho-Oh in AS, might not be competitive but w/e. I'll put the same Pikachu up for that.
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
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>>26676965 I can get you the Ho-Oh but it won't have Adamant as its nature
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
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>>26677224 Alright. Lemme export real quick. Make sure you change your GTS
Anyone willing to do a full party for me? I already asked for one earlier, but there seems to be three injecters active right now.
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26677251 I will as soon as I get done with this one
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26677224 Post your FC because it won't go through the GTS
>>26677256 Appreciate it. Please make the OT: Garner
Carry! (Sableye) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 112 Def / 144 SpD
Careful Nature
- Foul Play
- Knock Off
- Will-O-Wisp
- Recover
Iggless (Ferrothorn) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Leech Seed
- Protect
- Gyro Ball
- Power Whip
Valkyrie (Volcanion) @ Power Herb
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def
- Solar Beam
- Fire Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Steam Eruption
Sanguine (Weavile) (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Icicle Crash
- Poison Jab
- Low Kick
- Pursuit
Minus (Mawile-Mega) (F) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 16 Atk / 244 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Rock Slide
- Sucker Punch
- Iron Head
- Play Rough
Augment (Chansey) @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic
- Soft-Boiled
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave
I will deposit a Level 31 Linoone female with msg /vp/ for the sableye. Can we do aquaintance trade after? My ign is Garner
>>26677291 0233 - 1053 - 4215: Doon
Would anybody be willing to send me a lvl 100 6IV ditto, preferably holding a destiny knot? I want to get into breeding. (The level is for limiting) I'm putting up Lv 1 Scyther from a wondertrade. Message is "Sire of /vp/"
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>>26676938 Anybody able to do this for me?
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26677320 It's not going through the trade
>>26677357 Is there an error with the Entei?
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26677365 Probably, lemme check
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>>26677365 E-speed is not legal in gen 6
>>26677372 Alright, then just put Roar in the Extreme Speed Slot.
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Crobat (M) @ Choice Band Ability: Infiltrator Level: 22 EVs: 252 Atk / 8 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Brave Bird - U-turn - Cross Poison - Defog (IVs: All 31, OT: Arekusu, Pokeball: Normal) Deposited a Lv.1 Gible with the message, /vp/247
Still won't trade with Roar huh?
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26677392 This is beginning to piss me off
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26677441 You'll have to get another Injector on this =. I don't know what I'm doing wrong
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>>26677443 Kek, I don't know what the heck is going on. I would think Sacred Fire, Flare Blitz, Roar, and Stone Edge was legal.
>>26677443 What's the problem?
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>>26677457 No worries man, thanks for being willing to help.
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26677307 Working on this now
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26677474 The Entei
>>26676965 is requesting isn't going through trade
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>>26677477 Ready and waiting.
So if I have an 11.0.0 New 3DS, then I am shit out of luck for injecting in a Living Dex, right?
>>26677487 I'll see what I can do.
>>26677497 You'll need one of these.
>OoT/PSMD/Ninjhax/Freakyhax Anonymous
>>26677505 Apparently E-speed isn't legal Gen 6, so replace it with Roar (or something else it can learn) and see if that works at all.
>>26677505 I'm not
>>26677497 . Can I inject with a 11.0.0 old3ds using the OP's guide?
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26677307 What is your TID?
hey Freaky came in today and i got everything set up I can help out with the injections
>>26677522 I can make that event, Or do you want a 6th gen one specifically?
>>26677534 You'll need one of these.
>OoT/PSMD/Ninjhax/Freakyhax Anonymous
>>26677487 Try removing Flare Blitz from the set and see if it lets you trade it. Apparently it's from a older event.
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>>26677593 Whichever method makes it legal I guess.
>>26677580 Perfect! Do you now how everything works? Like How to use PKHeX? Ect?
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>>26677596 its the gamestop event
it comes with flare blitz e speed and howl
>>26677608 yee I asked about the export earlier so i knew how it works
I have the entei event so i could make the mon from scratch with mine
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26677307 Do you want me to make the Volcanion legal or do you not care?
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>>26677637 Please try and keep everything legal. Just have them complete a GTS trade with you, and then give them their event via acquaintance.
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>>26677637 yes make everything legal. If i screwed up, it's because im not knowledgable enough on the matter. Thanks, guys
>>26676965 ahh i see what the problem was
this event has to be shiny
making rn
>>26677670 Alright cool, I put Pikachu back up
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>>26677580 I just finished setting up Freakyhax. It's a bit ridiculous how much hand holding that game has even for children. I'm glad it's being re-purposed.
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>>26677670 >>26677711 You'll probably have to put Pika up for another mon, and then trade via acquaintance since the Entei is an event.
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26677307 So do you want the Mawile to come in it's Mega forme or do you want me to trade it with a mega stone?
>>26677670 make it for a chansey
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>>26677746 The Megaform is untradeable. You'll have to give it the stone and trade via acquaintance.
>>26677760 yes
and whats your ign?
ib3x 4871 5929 8292
Breloom Shiny Jolly Technician Lvl 100 31 ivs in everything but sp.atk -bullet seed -mach punch -spore -swords dance Plz
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>>26677748 Just a tip I usually have a spare box of dittos that are readily accessible for situations like this. Chansey works fine though.
>>26677746 Just make it a regular mawile. I have my own stone for it. Thanks for asking though.
Also, we will GTS for the sableye as posted in my previous post. then acquaintance the rest.
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>>26677775 The name is "Doon"
Is it cool to request pokemon with illegal abilities and moves like Lighting Rod Mantine or a Florges with Light of Ruin? I enjoyed making fun hackmons but I don't have a laptop anymore.
Thanks in advance. Axew (M) @ Draco Plate Ability: Mold Breaker Level: 1 Shiny: Yes - Dragon Claw - Dragon Dance - Poison Jab - Iron Tail
Haxorus (M) @ Life Orb Ability: Mold Breaker Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Dragon Dance - Dragon Claw - Earthquake - Poison Jab Deposited a lvl 57 charizard
>>26677822 They would be untradeable so there'd be no way to get them to you. :/
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>>26677834 Oh, and Nicknamed Vulcan.
>>26677835 I'll get this one.
>>26677775 Thanks for the help man, sorry for all the trouble.
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
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>>26677834 I'll get this one then
>>26677865 enjoy
>>26677842 Damn time to find another laptop.
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>>26677872 Quick and simple. Thanks, based injectbro.
>>26677884 Do you have homebrew? If you get PCHeX++ You could do them.
>>26677835 Sent,
>>26677834 put something up on gts for it and tell me what it is
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>>26677912 Level 23 Male Tropius, message is /vp/
>>26677505 Well, I have both OoT and PSMD, do I just head over to the homebrew general on /vg/ for more info?
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26677950 Ypu need an existing homebrew in order to install OoTHax and PSMDHax
Dragonite (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Multiscale Shiny: Yes EVs: 216 HP / 64 Atk / 228 SpD Adamant Nature - Roost - Dragon Claw - Extreme Speed - Fire Punch Deposited a lvl 39 delphox
>>26677338 Bumping this, I guess?
If you need a showdown set
Ditto @ Destiny Knot
Ability: Imposter
Timid Nature
- Transform
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
Im going to go for about 30-45 minutes. Have fun guys
>>26677950 >>26677959 Is correct. What firmware are you on?
>>26677969 I'll get this one.
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>>26677983 Will do. See ya man!
>>26677969 Put something up for a lv 100 ditto.
>>26677906 No, no homebrew installed. It looks like you still need access to a PC to get it installed unless I'm not understanding the directions. I'm not very savvy, it took me forever just to figure out the browser exploit. Homebrew feels out of my depth.
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>>26677987 Thank you so much!
>>26678015 Let's take this slow then. What firmware is your 3DS on? Is it new or old?
>>26678014 I already did. Lvl 1 Scyther.
Does it matter that I typed it in? The GTS wouldn't let me select it normally since I haven't actually seen a ditto yet on this save file.
>>26677912 Are you doing
>>26677967 ?
Or am I?
>>26678041 If you're Nathan, then it doesn't matter.
>>26678040 11.0.0
I imagine that's not good.
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>>26678090 And it's a 3DSxl
I bought it used a couple months ago.
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>>26677987 11.0.03, I believe.
>>26678090 Correct. Your only option is to buy either Freaky Forms Delux, or Cubic Ninja. (Ninja doesn't have support yet but it's coming)
>>26678082 I just got the ditto, thank you so much!
>>26678108 Alright. I'll buy Freaky Forms Deluxe. What do I need to do after that?
>>26678145 No problem. Enjoy!
>>26678156 This is the video I watched to set mine up. You'll need a computer or a smartphone to do the SD card stuff.
I looked on Amazon for one, and it's going for double it's original price. I'd try and buy it for around $25
>>26678198 Okay cool. My phone should work. I appreciate the help.
>>26678198 Not the guy you're rpelying to. Can i bypass all of this with a gateway card? or is that not homebrew?
>>26678216 No problem. Just let me know if you have any questions.
>>26678217 Gateway is closer to CFW, but I think it has some homebrew compatibility.
I'd check here. They'd know.
>>>/vg/144991637 Anonymous
Crobat (M) @ Choice Band Ability: Infiltrator Level: 22 EVs: 252 Atk / 8 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Brave Bird - U-turn - Cross Poison - Defog (IVs: All 31, OT: Arekusu, Pokeball: Normal) Deposited a Lv.1 Gible with the message, /vp/247
>>26678234 > >>26677967 are you still getting this one
>>26678237 You'll need to fix the EVs you have more than 510. Also, It will have to be lv 23 if that's okay?
>>26678234 Dope, I'll get Freakyforms on Tuesday, install the homebrew, then in comes all the stuff that comes with that.
>>26677912 Hey, um, still waiting for that Axew.
Sorry if I'm being impatient.
>>26678282 youre fine
its just my x file was incompatible and im trying to figure out how to fix it :/
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>>26678298 No prob, no prob.
>>26678298 If I need to I can get.
>>26678282 And you can take
>>26678274 ?
>>26678281 Sounds good.
>>26678324 What error was it throwing at you?
>>26678336 file is incompatible with your version or something like that
>>26678282 What did you put up for the Axew?
>>26678350 Tropius, level 23, Male.
Message is /vp/
Haven't injected shit in like a year due to a general lack of interest in the games themselves, but I guess I'm down to fill a request or two. Also, does the homebrew Pokebank have a Transporter function?
>>26678365 There's been talk of it for a while, but no dice yet.
>>26678385 Bummer, there doesn't seem to be any real point in using it (or the actual bank for that matter) without it.
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>>26678365 Would you be able to fulfill these for me tonight?
If possible please make the OT: garner and TID: 07211
Heated (Heatran) (F) @ Power Herb
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Solar Beam
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Lava Plume
Rash (Rotom-Wash) @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hydro Pump
- Pain Split
Support! (Garchomp) (F) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 240 HP / 176 Def / 92 Spe
Impish Nature
- Dragon Tail
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Earthquake
>>26678237 >>26678363 Sent.
Also, I'm headed out now, I'll leave it up to you guys.
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>>26678413 We'll it's nice to have a place to keep my event mons.
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>>26678418 thanks injectbro. See you tmrw hopefully.
Carvanha (M) @ Life Orb Ability: Speed Boost Level: 15 EVs: 252 Atk / 12 Atk / 244 Spe Naughty Nature - Protect - Crunch - Waterfall - Ice Beam (IVs: All 31, OT: Arekusu, Pokeball: Normal) Deposited a Lv.1 Gible with the message, /vp/247
>>26678367 its the latest one
Im running through the beggining to trade this dragonite
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>>26678418 alright see ya
thank you for your time
>>26678365 >>26678474 Well if either of you have the time, I'll put up a level 1 Eevee with msg /vp/ for the Garchomp.
Hydreigon (M) @ Life Orb Ability: Levitate Shiny: Yes EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Hasty Nature - Draco Meteor - Dark Pulse - Superpower - Roost Deposited a lvl 61 greninja
Are IV requests allowed? Since 31/30/30/31/31/31 would be great for the hidden power I want. But to be honest I don't mind Zapdos @ Leftovers Ability: Pressure EVs: 248 HP / 64 Def / 180 SpD / 16 Spe Calm Nature - Thunderbolt - Roost - Defog - Heat Wave Put up a female lv 1 Ponyta, with message /vp/
>>26678526 mine got sniped depositing a lvl 36 xatu instead
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>>26678601 sure You'll be the last then i have to go
>>26678601 its a special pokemon
could you put it up for a lv 36 xatu and we'll trade directly through acquaintance
>>26678807 I don't own a Xatu. Could I put something else up instead, like a level 48 Zoroark?
>>26678881 sorry i meant put the ponyta up for a lvl 36 xatu
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>>26678891 Ok, deposited looking for a Xatu, message still /vp/
>>26678891 Received. Thank you so much for what you do!
Delphox (F) @ Ability Capsule Ability: Blaze Level: 100 EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Overheat - Psychic - Hypnosis - Wish (IVs: All 31, Pokeball: Premier Ball) I put a Machop (lv.16) for it. Thanks.
>>26679066 Can I nickname it milf?
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Absol (M) @ Scope Lens Ability: Super Lucky Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 Atk / 6 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Night Slash - Psycho Cut - Stone Edge - Cross Poison
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>>26679120 I mean, It's for breeding anyway.
Aromatisse @ Safety Goggles Ability: Aroma Veil EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SpD Relaxed Nature IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe - Trick Room - Moonblast - Disable - Wish i deposited a level 7 female zigzagoon for this aromatisse
Quoted By:
>>26679825 Aromatisse @ Safety Goggles
Ability: Aroma Veil
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Moonblast
- Disable
- Wish
i deposited a level 7 female zigzagoon for this aromatisse
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26680741 hey, i wanna ask whether u know the best ser for competitive regice in doubles.
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
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>>26680764 It's okay.
DESU I don't know that much about competitive play. I'm more akin to the TCG more than the VG. I would recommend asking around in different threads for answers
can someone give me a 6IV ditto? i want to get into breeding my own mons but IV breeding without a good ditto is just a pain in the ass. will put up a lv2 zorua in the GTS, message is /vp/. thanks
Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
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>>26680850 they give out free dittos all the time in /wfg/
>>26678242 Colby4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
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Duck.exe (Porygon2) @ Eviolite Ability: Trace Shiny: Yes EVs: 244 HP / 180 Def / 8 SpA / 76 SpD Relaxed Nature IVs: 30 HP / 0 Atk / 30 Def / 30 SpD / 0 Spe - Ice Beam - Tri Attack - Recover - Hidden Power [Ground] Deposited a level16 male far'fetched for porygon2
>>26676854 im inheritly new to injections and all but i got this fun idea about making a torterra in a safari ball and spread a bunch of safari ball turtwigs trough wonder thread and spread the love.
is there anyway this can backfire on me or am i just paranoid?
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>>26681597 it won't because you are just doing charity :D can u help me inject a hitmontop/ hariyama?
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Want to traid shiny battle ready metagross, ursaring, slowbro and hydreigion. Looking for shinies.
Snorlax @ Rocky Helmet (lvl 100) (M) Impish Ability: Immunity -Rest -Snore -Body Slam -Double Edge And (Shiny) Gyrados @ Quick Claw (lvl 100) (M) Naive Nature Ability: Moxie -Whirlpool -Avalanche -Dragon Dance -Hydro Pump 6 IV for both. Deposited a level 15 male Grimer with the desc /inj/ for the Snorlax. IGN: Rin.
need all 718 pokemon shiny each with their hidden abilities and best sets. All in safari balls. plz need right now
Blair 2638 3992 9843
Two requests today: first is the shiny ho-oh that was distributed in japan, because i collect shit like that. adamant nature, if you please. second is this pancham: Knuckle (Pancham) (M) @ Choice Band Ability: Scrappy Level: 1 Shiny: Yes Adamant Nature IVs: 0 SpA - Storm Throw - Foul Play - Me First - Gunk Shot (Dusk Ball)
Blair 2638 3992 9843
Quoted By:
>>26683608 forgot the picture pbbt
can i get a perfect iv ditto any nature with destiny knot please
>>26683608 dou you have a fridge?
Blair 2638 3992 9843
Quoted By:
>>26683761 yes, i've actually posted a picture of it in an old thread
0447-9056-7367 (Ign Henta)
OT:Henta! Golurk(F) @ Leftovers (Dusk Ball) Ability: No Guard Shiny: Yes EVs: 180 Atk / 96 Def / 96 SpD / 136 Spe Adamant Nature - Drain Punch - Phantom Force - Earthquake - Rock Polish Mantine (F) @ Eviolite (Dive Ball) Ability: Water Veil EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Scald - Rest - Sleep Talk - Confuse Ray Malamar (F) @ Assault Vest (Premier Ball) Ability: Contrary EVs: 148 HP / 176 Atk / 72 SpD / 112 Spe Adamant Nature - Superpower - Knock Off - Psycho Cut - Topsy-Turvy
>>26683947 >mantine@Eviolite literally why
0447-9056-7367 (Ign Henta)
>>26684035 >Base Def is 140 >Not running Eviolite Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>26684053 mantine is fully evolved you fucking autist
>>26683947 do you have anything bred by yourself?
are you freki? 0447-9056-7367 (Ign Henta)
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>>26684098 Yeah I have a few
Colby 4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26683947 Has anyone fulfilled your request yet? I just woke up some I'm willing to do some injections
Colby 4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
Quoted By:
>>26684332 >4 Okay good. It's good to have multiple injectors so we're not being overflowed
Really need this pok. Dont care about ev/iv/nature. my fc is 0275-9628-4779 Slashka. I got my freakyforms only on monday =/
Blair 2638 3992 9843
>>26684332 thanks friend. do you want to do the whole gts for pancham and then acquaintance trade for ho-oh?
0447-9056-7367 (Ign Henta)
>>26684315 No I don't think anyone is
>>26684388 yep, put something asking for a Lv1 pancham and let me know
Colby 4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26684392 Alright lemme get to work
Yveltal @ Leftovers Ability: Dark Aura Shiny: Yes EVs: 132 HP / 28 Atk / 252 SpA / 96 Spe Rash Nature - Dark Pulse - Oblivion Wing - Sucker Punch - Taunt Basically the event shiny Yveltal, I put a Teddiursa on GTS with the message: /vp/
Quoted By:
>>26684432 shiny yveltal cant go through the gts
Blair 2638 3992 9843
Colby 4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26684392 What is your TID?
Quoted By:
Geodude Ability: Sturdy Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Adamant Nature -Earthquake I deposited a lvl 20 Tentacool in GTS with message /vp/
>>26684402 >>26684487 Hey again, Colby. Glad to see you back at it again.
If you have the time can you help me with these:
I think we're acqaintances now, if not friends. I'm garner.
Please make the OT: Garner
Thanks ahead of time!
Heated (Heatran) (F) @ Power Herb
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Solar Beam
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Lava Plume
Rash (Rotom-Wash) @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hydro Pump
- Pain Split
Support! (Garchomp) (F) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 240 HP / 176 Def / 92 Spe
Impish Nature
- Dragon Tail
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Earthquake
Lass (Chansey) (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled
- Heal Bell
- Sleep Talk
Magnus (Gliscor) (M) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 248 HP / 188 Def / 72 Spe
Impish Nature
- Toxic
- Earthquake
- Taunt
- Roost
Colby 4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26684519 I'll get these done after i'm through with another
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>>26684527 put something on the gts asking for a Lv100 ditto and let me know
0275-9628-4779 Slashka
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>>26684371 Bump for request
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26684527 hurry up or lose it
>>26684533 >Duck.exe (Porygon2) @ Eviolite >Ability: Trace >Shiny: Yes >EVs: 244 HP / 180 Def / 8 SpA / 76 SpD >Relaxed Nature >IVs: 30 HP / 0 Atk / 30 Def / 30 SpD / 0 Spe >- Ice Beam >- Tri Attack >- Recover >- Hidden Power [Ground] >Deposited a level16 male far'fetched for porygon2 0447-9056-7367 (Ign Henta)
>>26684487 My TID is 59439
Colby 4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26684587 Glad you're here. Can you grab some of these? I'm doing
>>26684519 rn and some others are requesting
Colby 4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
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>>26684599 Too late cause I just imported them. Go ahead and add me
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26684603 I'm sorry but I don't inject
just another beggar unfortunately
Colby 4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26684656 It's okay. Im just a bit overwhelmed with requests
Zach 1821-9410-5479
Hey, I'm new to this general so forgive any faux pas. I was wondering if someone could make the following two for me? Hexaperfect if possible. OT would be Zach. ID is 62894 if that matters. Beheeyem (F) @ Choice Specs (Luxury Ball) Ability: Analytic EVs: 212 HP / 252 SpA / 44 Spe Modest Nature - Psychic - Signal Beam - Hidden Power Ground - Trick Beldum @ Choice Band Ability: Clear Body Adamant Nature -Take Down
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
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>>26684679 Don't rush yourself if they can't wait don't bother
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>>26684595 male vulpix lvl 1
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>>26684688 Disregard the Beldum, my apologies
Colby 4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26684688 Do you want specific EVs on the Beldum?
Zach 1821-9410-5479
>>26684836 No thank you, I don't need that one anymore. I forgot I had a good Beldum for breeding in my bank.
Mostly just need the Beheeyem at your convenience.
Colby 4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26684519 Hey Garner, can you give me your FC?
Colby 4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
>>26684862 Registered as a friend
Nick 1891 2146 7065
Is there any way I could get an impish HA female scrafty with an assault vest and thunder punch. IV/EV's don't matter.
Zach 1821-9410-5479
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>>26684873 Registered you as well.
Whenever you're ready.
Quoted By:
>>26684864 sure its 4227 4244 3223 name is 3cheeky
Nick 1891 2146 7065
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>>26684875 Ohp I meant Ice punch sorry.
Zach 1821-9410-5479
Thanks a lot, Colby, I really appreciate the Beheeyem!
Colby 4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
Nick 1891 2146 7065
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>>26684875 Oh damn and I meant careful nature.
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>>26684917 Thank you, again, as always Colby. Enjoy your weekend!
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I make pkhex file, but I cant link it here =/ for inject
Colby 4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
Colby 4227-4943-0525 !iKI2NYfcpM
I'm sorry to people who are still waiting on injections but I've got to leave for ~2 hours. I will be back though
Nyula (Sneasel) (F) @ Razor Claw Ability: Keen Eye Level: 5 EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Icicle Crash - Knock Off - Ice Shard - Low Kick Aquatus (Wooper) (F) @ Leftovers Ability: Unaware Level: 5 Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD Adamant Nature - Earthquake - Waterfall - Recover - Slam Nymph (Eevee) (F) @ Leftovers Ability: Adaptability Level: 5 Shiny: Yes EVs: 240 HP / 252 SpA / 16 Spe Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe - Hyper Voice - Hidden Power [Fire] - Charm - N (Zorua) (F) @ Black Glasses Ability: Illusion Level: 5 EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Dark Pulse - Grass Knot - Nasty Plot - Extrasensory Aurora (Ralts) (F) @ Pixie Plate Ability: Synchronize Level: 5 Shiny: Yes EVs: 100 HP / 252 SpA / 156 Spe Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Calm Mind - Dazzling Gleam - Psyshock - Shadow Ball Jauz (Gible) @ Rocky Helmet Ability: Rough Skin Level: 5 EVs: 72 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Def / 56 Spe Adamant Nature - Earthquake - Dragon Claw - Iron Head - Stone Edge starting a fresh X playthrough. will put up pokemon in gts when you get things done. thanks.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
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>>26684993 enjoy your day and see you later
>>26683642 re requesting again since i missed the last one
female lvl 1 vulpix up message is /inj/
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>>26685069 to the person who sent me the ditto thank you i will love you forever
can anyone inject me my pkhex file? it's here piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26685818 done. how should i get it to you?
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
Quoted By:
also FYI, anyone who is waiting for an injector I am available for a bit, lmk if your request hasnt been filled yet.
InjectorBro, the snorlax I asked of you was sniped, I put up a level 21 baltoy, desc /inj/ (if youre here)
>>26686087 My fc is on top now. Sorry ^^
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26686148 2423 5248 9040, ign is name on here
>>26686165 my ign is slashka/slashkin
Quoted By:
>>26686165 ty ^^ I'm so happy now!
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26686181 actually stoked. volbeat is one of my favs. haha.
enjoy mewtwo
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26686117 has whoever was serving you gotten you back yet or should I get on this injection?
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>>26686220 :3 ty ty ty, I so happy, finally I got shiny mewtwo.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26686353 how are you today?
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26686385 im pretty good. nothing too exciting. got my textbooks for summer. easy shit, econ and history of rock and roll, both satisfy some requirements or something. hbu?
>>26686410 okay sounds good anon. thanks.
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26686117 i got you snorlax. we should direct trade Gyarados, it may not like the GTS cause its from a previous gen game. are you "rin"
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26686418 Always good to snag easy credits, but I'm just bumming it up and listening to music on a friday as I usually do.
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26686458 i mean. i want to transfer to university, and i spent four years being NEET so im trying to speed up the process and take all the classes i need to transfer here in california.
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LF: outstanding Kyogre I don't care what it has or the nature it's just for my collection I'm not even going to use it
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26686477 I don't blame you I went to a community college just for gen ed.
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26686508 same as what im doing. i just spent several years like, living in the woods and shit. then I realized it wasnt a sustainable lifestyle if i dont have money to get my own property at the very least so here I am going to school. haha
>>26686456 Yeah, sorry for late reply, I was busy.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
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>>26686533 More power to you, I'll be back in a few need to make a store run
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
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>>26686540 no worries, im not busy, if i was i wouldnt be on /inj/ lol
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26686540 sorry I will have to try this injection again. it doesn't like the gyarados i made.
>>26686567 alright, no worries, just send a trade when you're ready, i'll be online
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
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>>26686581 okay hopefully it works this time. im still working on getting everything right for previous gen mons. if it doesnt work we can try again.
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
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>>26686581 you aren't showing up on my acquaintances, wanna offer me a trade request?
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26686399 ok sorry about that
something came up
working on them now
>>26686724 Im in no hurry. Take your time, youre doing gods work. Thanks
>>26686709 I'll be doing the Battle Maison in the meantime, so I might take a little bit to respond.
Can anyone make me a Hot Hilda@ condom Ability: limber Jolly nature Capable of taking a pounding - twerkin - pole dancing - lap dance - doggie stylin #LmfaoCouldntHelpMyself #TrickIsThicccc
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
Quoted By:
>>26683354 i know your a troll, but only 714 mons can be shiny. try harder next time.
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26686894 dayum. wish i could. sounds like my kinda lady.
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26686748 sorry idk why you wont show in my acquaintances. your gunna have to offer a trade to me after your battle is over or something. i am ready to try again.
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>>26686940 Lmfao I know right Hilda is my girl she makes all the others look like nothin
>>26686968 Does it have the blue pentagon? I can't think of any other reason it won't work.
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When I tried to add Dragon Dance to a "hatched" charmander pkhex said it was invalid. Any idea where I may have messed up?
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
I'm back went out to buy super worms for my bearded dragon I have a couple requests if anyone will help but no rush at all
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26687037 definitely no blue pentagon. i have checked everything on it. i have made it from scratch and from a couple of different pkx and pk6 files i have. idk whats going wrong. i just traded for one without a blue pentagon on the GTS to try and modify it to be what your looking for haha. figured if it goes thru GTS its prolly gunna work.
>>26686737 ok got the mons
after sending the first mon through gts we can trade directly through acquaintances
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26687079 lmk whats up. i got you.
>>26687146 Yeah. Deposited a zigzagoon with the message VP
>>26687127 Maybe try replacing Avalanche with Earthquake and Double Edge with Scald?
Those are BW only moves, I just checked serebii and that may be the problem.
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
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>>26687218 i have it one more time, if it doesnt work then i will replace moves and try again. i just got online offer me a trade. theyre actually gen4 moves, to be more precise, but I should have this worked out now hopefully.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26687189 was it sniped?
dont see it
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
Quoted By:
>>26687251 only males show up in GTS?
>>26687251 For the sneasel**** sorry.
Scizor Ability: Technician EVs: 248 HP / 60 Def / 200 SpD Nature: Impish - Bullet Punch - U-Turn - Defog - Roost i deposited a level 10 male magikarp with the message /vp/ please and thank you
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26687218 damn it really doesnt like those gen4 moves. idk. ill replace them. since you arent getting the gen4 moves do you care if its pentagon free anymore?
>>26687289 i dont see the zigzagoon
could you check on it and tell me the level?
Quoted By:
>>26687298 Kind of. I believe the moves were the problem, so that should restore the legibility. But if it doesn't have it, then that's fine too.
Thanks for keeping with me through all the errors, I really appreciate it.
>>26687312 Its lvl 4 female and still up
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26687326 your female zigzagoon WILL NOT SHOW UP!
post something else
(your welcome Luvdig)
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26687218 I actually think theres a good chance the Moxie ability wasnt available in the gen4 games. i dont know for sure but that seems like the only reason it wouldnt work to me.
>>26687341 Oh i didnt know. Excuse my stupidity. Deposited a lvl 10 farfetch'd
Quoted By:
>>26687341 thank you
>>26687326 could you post something less common?
>>26687355 It appeared in gen 5. Maybe try getting an ability capsule with it while it has a different ability?
Discard the quick claw if you want, I think I can find another somewhere.
>>26687411 Thank you and sorry for the inconviniences. Hope you have a great day. Also yeah unoriginal names woop woop
PAC-man (Glalie) @ no item Ability: Inner Focus EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Naughty Nature - Explosion - Double-Edge - Earthquake - Ice Shard Deposited the same glalie with the same name and note /vp/
piratezeek !FBuQUsvdBU
>>26687403 its actually a hidden ability so the ability capsule cant give it Moxy. sorry about the level i forgot to fix that. you can level it up though. itll work for online nd shiz. major apologies.
Quoted By:
>>26687478 Really? I could've sworn that ability capsules can access hiddens too.
Anyways, thanks!
Requesting: Chance (Eevee) (F) @ Choice Specs Ability: Anticipation Level: 1 Shiny: Yes EVs: 240 HP / 252 SpA / 16 Spe Modest Nature - Hyper Voice - Hidden Power (Fire) - Charm - Wish (Pokeball: Luxury Ball / OT: Nathan / ID: 14063 / Location: Battle Resort / Egg Received/Hatched: Today) Deposited a level 1 male Eevee with the note /vp/
/r/equesting: git gud (Ferrothorn) (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Iron Barbs Level: 75 Shiny: Yes Happiness: 50 EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD Relaxed Nature - Stealth Rock - Giga Drain - Power Whip - Thunder Wave I uploaded a level 6 male Cascoon, note is /inj/. IGN: Rin.Last request, I swear.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
Hello back since 4chins stopped being a shitter
>>26687687 did you have connection errors too?
Quoted By:
>>26687293 didnt see the karp
>>26687536 >>26687544 I'll work on them rn
Quoted By:
>>26688603 everyone did, I checked a bunch of boards and they all stopped at around the same time
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>26688603 yeah it was really annoying even restarted my router but friends told me it was 4chins shitting the bed
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
Quoted By:
>>26688603 yeah it was lame likely piratezeek left
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
Quoted By:
I need to delete my history since I'm tired of accidentally posting with my cousin's tripeven though its fun to shitpost as him
>>26687544 sent
>>26687536 didnt see the eevee
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26689135 would you help me with
>>26687243 it's cool if you're busy i'll return tomorrow
>>26689174 oh sure
I'll work on them rn
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26689195 Thank you and take your time I'll be around
>>26689052 Aw fuck, it got sniped while I stepped away to take care of a few things. Lemme put up a random Machop I have laying around. Level 1 male with the message /vp/
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26689532 I put up a Lv13 Illumise for lv50 Nidorina
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26689740 Thank you so much but sorry about the shitty internet haha
>>26689824 no trouble
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26689861 I shall but only issue was both kangaskhans were adamant haha but no worries
Stefan 1392-6011-0216
>>26689861 May I make a request?
Magikarp (Magikarp) (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
Level: 1
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 0
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/20
Quiet Nature
- Splash
Pokeball: Regular Pokeball
OT: Stefan
ID: 22917
Location: Battle Resort
Egg Received/Hatched: Today
Level 19 Magikarp will be up shortly
>>26689883 oh i gave you the same kang
my bad I'll get the other rn
>>26689891 making it rn
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>26689930 It's cool and thank you but don't rush yourself
Hey I may I also get a pokemon? Diancie (Diancie) Ability: Clear Body Level 100 Shiny: No EVs: 248 SpA 252 Spe 8 Atk IVs: 31- Naive Moonblast Diamond Storm Earth Power Protect Cherish Ball OT: Hope A Lovley Place ID: 34018 Ill put a voltorb up, level 25 and Ill add vp for the comment. Thank you so much stranger!
>>26689955 got it
>>26690105 i think we have to trade diancie directly
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>>26690258 Oh sure I don't mind if it's no trouble for you, My FC is 2852-8756-9085