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No.26690995 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Gen 8
>Megas retconned out
>any Mega that wasn't a third stage stays in
>device that allows the use of a Mega Stone that weakens its overall strength boost, but induces a permanent evolution

For example, the Houndoomite forces Houndoom to evolve into...idfk, "Houndread". But instead of getting a 100BST boost, it caps out around 75. Some Pokemon that really need it, like Glalie, keep 85.

Is this a good change? Is it dumb? How would you retcon Megas but still keep designs for the ones that aren't 3 stages?

Many of the stage 2 Megas (and even stage 1s) like Mawile, Sableye, Houndoom, Pinsir, Gyarados, Banette, etc... are the next logical step in evolution, in terms of appearance. Why weren't these just standard evolutions? Would my proposed idea work?

>tfw Life Orb Skill Link Atlucross