Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost - Circlejerk - Mystery Eggs - Multis
This thread isn't for Hacks or Clones. There are other threads for those. Use them if that is how you like to play.
Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists and Safari requests reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin if you've got a long list to share.
A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: Previous thread:
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>>26691044 I thought we were gonna add something to imply injectorfag should fuck off?
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Still breeding Lure Ball Yanma if anyone is interested.
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26691076 Want anything in particular?
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26691082 Nope, just a shitmon like usual is fine.
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26690639 I got your DBHA female!
Put something up on the GTS for a lv 1 female Eevee!
>>26691082 I'm working on your Marills rn
>Tfw they all hatch Thick Fat Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26691105 That's ok. I can try for an Ability Capsule :)
>>26691095 Thanks! :D
Paulo 2853-0877-7597
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I still have a bunch of Heavy Ball Gligars and 4 4IV Friend Ball Machops that need a home. Put something up on GTS or send me a TR if you'd like either.
>>26691076 I'd love one.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26691124 Nah, I just hatched a female with Huge Power so I'll move on to Oddish now c:
Rose 2079-8001-6815
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>>26691158 Well ok then lol
Alex [2638-2055-6590]
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26691158 Did you happen to hatch any male marill with decent IVs? I'm planning on breeding lure ball marill soon and a male would be a huge help!
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26691203 Well the parents were both 6IV so i probably did. I'll check in a moment, I have a lot to breed for and I'm working on Buizels and the Eevees now!
>>26691186 Sooth bell and fight one of the audino grills in XY, insta evolve.
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26691219 No rush! I'm in the middle of a game of Gardening Simulator 2k13 on my spare cart anyway anyway
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26691186 That
>>26691242 or have them hold the Bell and feed them the EV reducing berries
>>26691245 All righty!
>>26691242 Audino grils? Where lad?
>>26691274 Route 7 Battle Chateau.
Alex [2638-2055-6590]
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>>26691266 Sweet. Thanks mate. But, Audino girls? The fuck is that?
Alex [2638-2055-6590]
There's no way to overtrain EVs right?
>>26691363 I don't think that's possible any more, no
252 is the limit
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>>26691371 Good, so whenever I'm at 252 I'll just do another horde and not lose any EVs from the total amount
Rose 2079-8001-6815
Anyone wanna help me get some berries? Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26691420 I think I have spares of almost all of those. I'll send over what I can when I finish breeding everything you asked for uwu
Buizel's being difficult
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26691440 Do you want anything for them? Any berries you need (obviously besides the ones in the pastebin)?
hey i was wondering if someone had a timid yveltal from the shiny event. ill trade sex
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26691460 Nah, I played so many Global Link games (RIP 30K Pokemiles) to get at least one of every berry
I have spare Babiri, Charti, Chilan, Coba, Haban and Occa on hand so I'll send them to you with the Goomy, Oddish, Buizel, Marill, Shellder and Sentret
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You guys ever look through new pastebins and see something weird? Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
Lex, for the Marill, would you rather have a pentaperfect heavy ball larvitar, or a love ball Spoink or moon ball Absol with pretty crappy IVs? I'm new here so I'm not sure what you already have
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26691500 Alrighty cool. I was gonna give your pokemon some berries but maybe I'll give them something else :P
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26691525 I'll give you the DBHA Eevee (as soon as I hatch one) and the Marill for your Love Ball Spoink and Moon Ball Absol if that's okay!
Here's my doc if you ever wanna see what I have: >>26691536 That's fine c: You don't hvae to give me any items in return!
Sorry this breeding is taking forever, I'm getting unlucky with the genders
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26691572 No problem. I'm just building up points in the Battle Maison :)
>>26691493 When and where would this even happen?
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
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>>26691572 Sounds good! I'll be a little while then so no hurry on your end. If you want to go ahead and do the berry trade that would be okay!
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26691602 Sure! I still haven't gotten your Eevee unfortunately but the male Marill I have is pentaperfect and has 4 egg moves!
Sorry if it takes some time
>>26691595 All righty, have fun!
Lono (2380-3176-8468)
>>26691105 Hmm not able to find it. Never used the GTS before, but after searching under those parameters I don't see any trades as you described.
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26691641 Oh, no, you deposit something on the GTS asking for a female Eevee levels 1 to 10
I was gonna send you the Eevee that way
Or we can trade directly if you add me to your friend's list! (my friend code is in my name)
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26691628 Excellent! I'm sure I won't get around to it tonight but at some point would you like a lure ball marill?
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26691676 I would love one, thank you in advance!
Lono (2380-3176-8468)
>>26691653 Ah got it, I put up my old HA level 1 female Eevee looking for a female Eevee. Your name is in the comment!
I added you to my 3DS friends list anyways
Lono (2380-3176-8468)
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26691686 Sent! She's 5IV (missing Sp Atk unfortunately)
Have fun breeding!
>>26691676 I just got your Eevee by the way. Put something on the GTS for a lv 1 female and then we can trade via acquaintances
Lono (2380-3176-8468)
>>26691720 Wow that really helps me out I can almost just start using destiny knot right away! Thanks a ton
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26691754 I suggest using the Destiny Knot immediately so you have a chance for better IVs!
Put an Everstone on the Eevee I gave you (so the offspring are Timid) and breed her with any male with at least perfect Sp Atk and keep breeding until you get your pentaperfect Eevee
Good luck!
>>26691602 might need some time to figure out travel, etc. i really need that yveltal though and im horny as fuck
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26691720 I'm working on breeding your absol and Spoink at the moment, so I'll wait until those are ready. Also, I just remembered we had originally agreed on a love ball Mareep for the Eevee. Would you mind breeding a dream ball Feebas to make it an even three?
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26691791 Oh yeah, I had forgotten about the Mareep!
Of course, I'll get right on that
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Sup /vp
On a road trip tomorrow. I could use some perfect 5IV pokemon to EV train. I have some I can offer back. Let me know if youre interested! Michelle 4313 4458 3041 !/OdqCkXlJc
>>26691572 Can I grab an east shellos or drillbur to breed out from you?
I have imperfect HA dive ball bold eevee, adamant timer ball pawniard, and timid magnet pull magnemites
ick 2123-0121-0896
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pls take: penta female 4em dream ball dry skin croagunk, penta female 4em moon ball ekans pls gib: heavy ball wurmple, dream roggenrola i have male penta croagunk too if you only want the egg moves
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26691832 Oh yeah, sure!
I remember seeing you post earlier but forgot to reply. Sorry, it's pretty late and I'm pretty spent nwn"
I'll have to decline trading with you for now, I still have like 3 mons left to breed for Rose and more to breed for Amy
Sorry! Maybe another day?
Michelle 4313 4458 3041 !/OdqCkXlJc
>>26691884 okay that's fine. I'm trying to make a bunch of competitive steel type mons. I can ask again later if you like.
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26691921 I'll have the Drilbur ready for you on Sunday if that's okay
Did you want the Dream Ball Mold Breaker one?
If so, were you looking for a particular nature? I'll see if I can breed it for you since mine doesn't have a good nature
I'd like your Magnemite in exchange
Michelle 4313 4458 3041 !/OdqCkXlJc
>>26691944 Yes, that one please. I'm going to breed it for Jolly. You don't have to breed nature if it takes time. I have a magnemite ready
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26691973 Nah, I have plenty of Jolly mons I could breed it with
So you'll have your Jolly Drilbur on Sunday!
Also Rose, sorry! I only have about 4/6 of the Pokemon I owe you but I'm getting super tired so I might head to bed after I hatch the 5th one
I'm working on Amy's Feebas too
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26692037 That's ok. I'll be on tomorrow too :)
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26692045 Unfortunately I have work tomorrow too so I wouldn't be able to get the Pokemon to you until Sunday
Is that okay? Sorry
;w; Amy, if you're still around then I hatched the DBHA Feebas for you but it's only 4IV (missing Sp Atk and Speed) which is pretty unacceptable
I'll keep trying but I might go to bed after this batch
Rose 2079-8001-6815
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>>26692113 Sure! As long as I get them I'm happy :3
ick 2123-0121-0896
>>26692045 i dont remember if I posted this already, but the anorith trade never came through. i'd be happy to make it up with some other poke though
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26692131 Aww. What else do you have?
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26692113 I'm still here! I'm almost done with your Spoink. I actually managed to hatch an hp/at/SPD absol, not bad for a mom with no IVs! I'm happy with whatever the best of the Feebas batch turns out to be :)
ick 2123-0121-0896
>>26692136 im currently getting my total list organized, but is there a specific ball you prefer?
Rose 2079-8001-6815
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>>26692159 Love, Safari or Lure
Or if you have any of my wants: Anonymous
>finish EV training >try stat nothing else was in to see if cap is hit >its not I definitely didn't miscount what the fuck is going on here? The Pokemon I was EV training was holding a macho brace, and was never switched in. I trained using another Pokemon and with EXP share turned on. I used surf 25 times (I was counting PP and making notes) to defeat mobs of 5 in one hit. After, I defeated a single one, and should be at 252. I did that for 2 stats, then I defeated 2 single Pokemon for another stat to get the remaining 4. What's going wrong here?
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26692190 6 would be left over. Not 4. But those 2 don't matter so its whatever
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26692190 You're missing the last 2 EVs. The maximum EV cap is 510
You only accumulated 508 (252+252+4)
>>26692157 All right, I didn't actually hatch a female in this batch unfortunately
But I'm ready to trade! Wanna do it directly or through the GTS?
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
The Spoink turned out pentaperfect! The rng gods have smiled upon us today. I'll put up a Ralts in a moment
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26692210 Yay!
Okay, I'll be on the lookout
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26692205 I'd prefer directly, no chance of sniping
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26692217 All righty, adding you now
>>26692205 >>26692200 Oh, is there a reason Smogon leaves the last 2 out?
Rose 2079-8001-6815
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>>26692224 Because 4 adds a point in the stat. So the last 2 won't do jack
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26692224 EVs only matter in multiples of 4
4 EVs = +1 in that stat
So the last 2 are useless
ick 2123-0121-0896
>>26692200 i have sport ball kricketot
i'll begin breeding right now
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26692248 Ok cool. I'll be here :)
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
Thanks so much Lex! I'll hopefully have that marill ready for you tomorrow or Monday :)
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26692273 Thank you so much! I'll try to have something nice ready in exchange for it!
>>26692254 I'm gonna be heading out now. Good night, Rose!
Rose 2079-8001-6815
ick 2123-0121-0896
>>26692301 ready when you are
also, here is a list of y available love, safari, and lure balls if you're interested
>finally get 6 iv Magikarp >about to go EV train it >the route is raining so no hordes Fuck this gay random weather effect, I hope they get rid of it in sun and moon
ick 2123-0121-0896
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26692351 Oops sorry. I was Super Training. I'm ready now :P
ick 2123-0121-0896
Rose 2079-8001-6815
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>>26692362 Thank you too! I'll keep your pastebin open in a tab for now because I'm getting tired.
Here's mine so you can look for anything you want later: Anonymous
>>26692350 Literally looking all over for rain to evolve a certain retarded looking dragon cant find them anywhere. trade me
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>26692399 XY or OrAs?
XY has rain at the forest with the scary house
OrAs has rain at the clima intsitute.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>26688042 Wondering if you´re still there
Id give you either a shiny shaymin or a japanese volcanion for that shiny rayquaza.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26689816 >>26688956 Sorry for the late reply, my IP was range banned last night for some reason.
If you still want the shaymin regardless, it's yours. I'd rather not take a Meloetta because the hedgehog is not worth it, but I really do want to use one competitively. Is there anything else I can give you to make up for it? And timid with decent IV is fine (if possible) please.
0576 7565 9234
I'm looking for some gen1 Pokémon to complete my dex. I need : Pinsir Jynx Kabuto/tops Articuno and Zapdos if you have a spare. I have a few shiny FS Lampents in exchange, I can also breed competitive dudes.
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Shiny Kangaskhan in GTS for MewTwo any level
>>26693224 I have kabutops and pinsir
Do you have competitve slowpoke/skarmory/bagon/drillbur?
Only one of those is ok for both
>>26692974 Is that why everything was whited out, sans O-Powers?
Alice !JeSter8CDw
0576 7565 9234
>>26693395 Nice.
I can have one ready in an hour or so if that's ok with you. Post your set
4571 - 1018 - 5033
0576 7565 9234
>>26693563 Added, which one do you want in exchange is what I meant?
>>26693626 Oh kek, sorry
Salamence @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Roost
- Double-Edge
- Earthquake
Slowbro @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 232 Def / 24 SpD
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Slack Off
- Thunder Wave
- Psyshock
Skarmory @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Iron Head
- Stealth Rock
- Roost
- Whirlwind
0576 7565 9234
>>26693705 yeah ok the Bagon will be quick, I'll see if I can get you a second one within an hour or so.
I'll post when they're ready.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26693436 I was doing WT until meds made me drowsy again.
>>26693705 >Scald and Psyshock >T-wave I understand why, but I never liked not running Calm Mind or Disable on my Slowbro(s). Preferences I guess.
>>26693753 Ok
>>26693760 If you have a better set I'm all ears
I'm really new here
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26693787 Your set isn't bad, it's just a matter of preference.
Mine is:
Bold @Leftovers (I play on XY, no ORAS)
252 HP, 252 Def, 6spDef
Calm Mind
Slack Off
I get walled by anything with Water Absorb/Storm Drain abilities, but that's what I have 5 other mons for. But yeah, preferences. I find Disable to be a good move that gives me safe switches often and forces opponents to overpredict. Then again, take that with a grain of salt, I'm not a great battler.
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>>26693884 **mine it's just copypasted from smogon**
I will give it a try
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Looking for a Moody Smergal, need not have perfect IVs or a specific nature.
Seed Flare !sShaymin0c
Hoping Sun and Moon are great. I want to get back into Pokémon.Shaymin is love. Shaymin is life. I wonder how many of the oldies still play.
0576 7565 9234
>>26693787 I got you your Skarmory and Bagon.
Skarmory still needs to be tutored Iron Head, and you'll need to evolve Bagon to Sally to teach it earthquake and roost, and train it to level 63 for double-edge.
I'm online, ask for a trade. IGN BreastQuest
Matias (3523-2206-2460)
>>26693224 Anon, if you give me a few minutes, maybe I can help you out. I have everything on that list except the birds. Reply when you're ready to trade
0576 7565 9234
>>26695133 Thanks,
>>26693395 has the Pinsir and Kabutops for me, I'll add you and request a trade for Jynx then
Matias (3523-2206-2460)
>>26695133 Oh yeah, since I'm here already...I need a goodra and a zapdos for the dex, anyone can help?
Matias (3523-2206-2460)
0576 7565 9234
>>26695188 >>26695214 Ok I'll be there in a minute, I have a Goomy if you want
Matias (3523-2206-2460)
>>26695246 that's okay, I only need the third stage and I'm lazy as shit
Would gladly accept the shiny lampent
0576 7565 9234
Matias (3523-2206-2460)
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>>26695308 No problem, good luck with the dex!
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>>26692350 >go to another route before I go to sleep >turn off 3ds >go to bed >wake up >the route is still raining Life is such a fucking meme
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>26694667 What do you consider "oldie?"
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
Just out of curiosity because I've never done this before and I'm not getting a clear answer online: Are Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres shiny-locked?
Matias (3523-2206-2460)
0576 7565 9234
>>26695397 >>26695419 I'm pretty sure they are in XY, serebii seems to agree
Matias (3523-2206-2460)
>>26695481 Really? that's...odd
welp, maybe I'm wrong then, don't mind my post
0576 7565 9234
>>26695507 If you've been traded one, it's definitely hacked. I have a box full of traded shiny 6IV legendaries including a Zapdos.
I never released them because some people don't mind.
I know this is not the appropriate thread but if one of you guys want one, consider this a giveaway.
Matias (3523-2206-2460)
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>>26695583 I'd looove one if you don't mind
>>26695583 >I know this is not the appropriate thread then why post it
seriously, fuck off
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
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>>26695481 >>26695419 Guess I'll have to SR for it in SoulSilver. Thanks guys.
0576 7565 9234
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>>26695609 You're right, never mind
What's a good album for the grind /wfg/?
If Walter I here, I just got my mew code email Also, still giving away Modest Lure Ball Yanma.
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Looking for nest ball rowlet cuz nest for flying types
>>26696269 I need a Yanma for my Dex... I could trade you a Careful Gligar with its HA
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>>26694676 Sorry, had to go
Give me 15 mins and I'm back home
H.P. (Phoneposting) !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26696700 Alright, I'll be back home in about 30 minutes.
>Meredith's starting team
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26697129 Uhm...I don't follow?
I like Fennekin, Braixen, and Chespin just fine. Not a fan of the Froakie line though.
>>26697215 You're missing the forest for the trees. If you really have to know, check next spoiler Its not the fact that they're just starters. They're muscle bound starters that crush all that stands in their way Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26697215 hey meredith, do you still need help finishing your pokedex?
0576 7565 9234
>>26697242 Sorry I wasn't paying attention. Invite to trade whenever you're ready
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26697279 You give me WAYYYY too much credit. But thanks. <3 >>26697297 I do. These are my missing pokemon. I'd be happy to just touch trade them, I don't need a living dex.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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>>26697458 ok, i can help with a lot of these, but I don't have some of the mid-evolutions on my cart atm. touch trading makes it easier, whenever you're ready send me a trade request
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>>26697418 Sorry for making you wait
0576 7565 9234
>>26697242 Grazie, you're cool.
Don't be too mad when we beat you tomorrow night
>>26697418 I can also give you a kabutops for a shitmon, if you want
>>26697458 Can I ask why you haven't bred for a few of these or just went and caught and leveled up? Rattata -> Raticate seems trivially easy.
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>>26697536 >>26697562 Also we are going to lose really hard, half of our team is old and the other half sucks.
If we go past the first stage, its a miracle
0576 7565 9234
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>>26697562 Yeah ok that's nice!
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26697596 Only time I ever saw a Ratata was in WT and didn't really think about it. That and I'm on Y, I don't think I can find wild Ratata anywhere.
>>26697639 That's all I needed to know, let me check my huge backlog of wondertrades that I didn't resend out and I'll see what I can get you
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26697688 Thanks! And thank you too Ken! I can't wait to learn what it feels like to be blessed and fucked over by Masuda.
>>26697720 I'll need you to touch trade these, these guys are from my living dex. This will take care of the kanto portion of your dex.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26697738 I'm trading with Ken atm, pretty sure he just covered Kanto. I'll let you know which mons are still missing by the time we're done. Thanks again though.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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>>26697738 >>26697769 the missing ones will most likely be mid-evolutions. my "living dex" is kind of abridged, I only have final evolutions
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>>26691044 Might restart my pokemon X probably won't give out any pokemon tho just letting you know they'll all be lost to the void
>>26697458 > I can touch trade you the
and Aurorus
If you want to keep any of them, lemme know and we can work something out
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
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>>26697847 Forgot to update the post with my name and friend code... I think we've already traded
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>Dream Ball HA Lugia Neat/10. Sucks about the nature, but I'm sure it's still VGC viable. Neutral natures can be somewhat viable if I've learned anything from youtube.
New to new games -oldfag here. What pokemon goes best in the GTS thats easy to get in Y? Also, how do I into foreign Ditto as a EUfag? Got Y like 2 weeks ago
>>26697894 >oldfag here kill yourself faggot
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26696700 Are you still around?
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
Quoted By:
>>26697894 >>26697894 Vivillons. Or scatterbugs.
nips are lusting after them like hell, even more if you got a rare pattern.
that and pokemon who evolve via trade/via trade items.
i got like 150 pokemon only with vivilllons
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26698066 Yup! I'm currently battling in a Blissey Secret Base, but I'll be free in like, ten minutes!
>>26697458 My bad. I can't touch-trade the Aurorous (I forgot you need to level Amaura at night for it to evolve), but everything else is good to go!
Seed Flare !sShaymin0c
>>26695393 Ramsey, Tia, Kirzi, Remi, Nappa, Amoeba, Yang, Nitrox, etc
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26697720 meredith, let me know if you're getting tired or if you want to finish this up later
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>>26698159 most of them don't really come around here any more. Although maybe that'll change when SM come out
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26698228 Sorry I there's a delay, I'm making an omelet. I'm good, but we can take a break if you want.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
Quoted By:
>>26698323 we're almost finished, might as well get it done now
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26698178 Added, I was making lunch, sorry.
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
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>>26698368 Alright... Let me add you and we can trade!
Atlas 0791 1025 1013 !qtb3xV2Jn6
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26698323 that's all i got for you right now. game won't let me trade groudon and kyogre because they've got they're ORAS sig moves. give me a sec to remove a mega stone and I can touch trade you a lopunny
Atlas 0791 1025 1013 !qtb3xV2Jn6
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>>26698479 Don't tell me what to do.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
Thank you so much Ken! You can keep the mon + leftovers if you want, I want to thank you somehow for helping me. Also the only mons I'm missing are: Venonat Pokemon #182 Vigoroth Groudon Kyogre Grovyle Monferno Lopunny Pignite Pokemon #521 Krookodile Vanillish Pokemon #600 Chandelure If anyone can help me out with those I'd really appreciate it.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
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>>26698528 Alright, thanks, I have to reset my Internet though, router farted.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26698542 I could touch trade my gen III Japanese Groudon if you'd like!
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26698542 Alright... I have the following
maybe Chandelure... I'm missing a Dusk Stone, but I have a Lampent
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
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>>26698585 Small correction... I also have 182 (Bellossom)
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26698542 didn't I trade you a krookodile?
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
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>>26698629 Sorry, meant the middle evolution.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26698542 sorry, i didn't see bellossom and chandelure on the list the first time
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26698705 I probably forgot their names or to write them down. Sorry. All I'm missing now is Kyogre/Groudon and the middle evolutions and the pokedex is done. That jingle that plays when you talk to Sycamore is so uplifting though.
Is this Sableye build good enough to counter Mega-Mom?>Careful >252 Hp/128 Def/128 Sp.Def @Rocky Helmet>Recover >Protect >Will-O-Wisp >Foul Play
I haven't played competitive in a while and I'm bored so I'm thinking of breeding a bunch of Eevees Is Jolteon, Umbreon, and Vaporeon still good? How did Sylveon pan out?
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26698730 If someone else doesn't get them for you, I'll breed and evolve them for you later. I just don't have the energy for it right now.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013 !qtb3xV2Jn6
>>26698789 I'd make it a mega, honestly. Higher defenses + WoW = more survivability
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>>26698811 Here's the smogon, tl'dr version of the Eeveelutions... I mean, it's smogon, so make of it what you will.
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>>26698811 Umbreon is a faggot toxicstaller
Jolteon is still good
Vaporeon is still mediocre
Sylveon is the best cleric in the game and tied for second best non-uber Fairy
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
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>>26698866 I'm gonna see which ones I can catch and evolve in game. Starting with the ice cream cone. Sandile is next. I don't think I have any of the other mons handy unfortunately.
>>26698874 M-Scizor is already occupying my mega slot. So I can't do that. Mega-Mom is just a specific threat I see cropping up frequently. But not enough to waste a mega slot in a volt-turn team on a non-core member. Rotom-W almost does it's job better excepting that it doesn't immune/resist the goto for M-Mom normal/dark. Foul Play is nice in that it offers the ability to tank and use the performance boosts against M-mom.
As you can see I have thought myself into a circle about this.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013 !qtb3xV2Jn6
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>>26698971 >cizor is already occupying my mega slot. So I can't do that. Mega-Mom is just a specific threat I see cropping up frequently. But not enough to waste a mega slot in a volt-turn team on a non-core member. Rotom-W almost does it's job better excepting that it doesn't immune/resist the goto for M-Mom normal/dark. Foul Play is nice in that it offers the ability to tank and use the performance boosts against M-mom. >As you can see I have thought myself into a circle about this. Oh, I see.
Honestly I'd switch them, particularly for M-Sableye's Magic Bounce for incoming status moves that can be switched in on the fly in addition to being a better counter for Mighty Mother.
But that's just me.
Anyone have a level 1 Sneasel with a decent ability ?
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26699781 The ability really doesn't matter on Sneasel. You probably mean nature.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Do any of you use the inverse battle shop for getting items? If you use trick-or-treat, then switch to something with false swipe, you can get as many super effective hits as you need without killing it.
The problem is even mid level mons will kill level 100s eventually, and a lot of Inver's mons use annoying moves like double team. So I'm not sure what the best false-swiper to use is.
Mew is an obvious pick (taunt, roost, good stats), but not everyone has a mew.
I was using a Breloom with spore and poison heal, but it dies too easily and it has no taunt to deal with those annoying moves.
You could also use a different mon to baton-pass to your false swiper, but that's a lot of extra time making the whole thing less efficient.
Any ideas?
>>26700068 I tried using Inverse Battles for the Evolutionary Stones... But then I realized the fact that it's randomized and once a day makes getting the ston you want that much harder.
I started using the Pokemon Global Link (to a bit more success), and am using Secret Base Pals for stones
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>>26700113 When I was completing the dex I needed a few of all of them anyway, so just stopping by every day worked well.
Also having a bunch of rare candies is pretty useful, and 3 a day is pretty good considering the battle doesn't take very long.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013 !qtb3xV2Jn6
Ugh. I just discovered that the Mew code from the Pokemon Company's newsletter only works if you didn't get Mew in February. I know it says, "in case you missed out" but I didn't think they'd be mutually exclusive. anyone else run into that?
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>>26700178 no, because i'm not a fucking retard
>>26700178 I discovered that although I made an account before June, I forget to verify my email so I missed it.
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>>26700253 Same... It's a hard knock life sometimes
Atlas 0791 1025 1013 !qtb3xV2Jn6
>>26700253 That sucks. Did you still need a code?
>>26700452 Yeah but it's not as if I really needed it.
I didn't even bother getting a darkrai code.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26700509 >darkrai code Got you man. How do you want it?
Atlas 0791 1025 1013 !qtb3xV2Jn6
>>26700509 Alright then.
Cuz I have this extra code that is quite useless for me and I'd rather it get used by someone here than expire.
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>>26700523 >m-maybe then wfg will like me Anonymous
>>26700523 I can use one, my newsletter sub was deactivated, how i don't know, after the bird trio. I need Mew for my living dex.
>>26700520 >>26700523 Well here's an email if you can't find anyone who needs it more.
[email protected] I have a 710 mon living dex for the shiny charm already, this would be another step closer to the full thing though.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26700650 I'll let you know when I've sent the Darkrai code to you.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013 !qtb3xV2Jn6
>>26700650 Since you got the Darkrai code, I'm gonna give it to
>>26700601 instead.
>>26700601 Ay, hit me with an email address I can send this to.
>>26700688 No worries, I'm sure by the time I get arceus/genesect/the gen 6 events/everything in gen 7, there will be another mew event.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013 !qtb3xV2Jn6
>>26700712 Yeah I imagine with all the Gen 1 throwbacks they're doing this year, there will likely be another Mew to nab somewhere.
>>26700742 Sent, brochacho.
>>26700790 Thanks, I appreciate it.
Atlas 0791 1025 1013 !qtb3xV2Jn6
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>>26700836 Any time, dude.
>>26700669 I'll keep the thread open, I appreciate it anon.
>>26701264 This is hilarious. Saved
>>26701412 i'm calling the cops
What's the FAZE clan of Gen VI?
>>26701475 Saved again
ahahahahaha Anonymous
Did anyone see the new Zygarde formes in action yet?
>>26701774 If you insist
just kidding Anonymous
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>tfw heard Lex sing >tfw it sounds great
>>26701935 Is she streaming now?
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26702004 Nah. I don't think I can stream tomorrow either, I have to babysit my younger cousins. Maybe Monday? I'm on break at work rn Anonymous
>>26701834 >The code is incorrect. >Please check your code. Was one of those 5's supposed to be S's or something?
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26702039 Yep, you're right. I wish they printed this bigger.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
Rose 2079-8001-6815
Is Ick here? I'm looking over your list again rn :)So good to be home in some AC again!
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26702127 Eyyy Rose, I'm here and I can trade with you real quick. I finished breeding your stuff this morning
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26702141 Sure! Lemme just pop on :D
>>26702074 >>26702086 Ah there we go.
Thanks anon. If I keep up with the events all year, a truly complete Dex is well within reach.
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26702154 Also, sorry if the Sentret has shit IVs, the one I had was 0IV
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26702190 That's fine. Just glad to have a female :)
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
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>>26702173 Hopefully someone will have a spare Mew code for you.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26702032 I got Y and I'm loving how comfy the routes are. But I haven't bred anything at all today. Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26702208 No problem! Thank you for all the Heavy Ball Pokemon!
I have to get back to work. Thanks again!
>>26702231 I know, right? Kalos is the most comfy. I love the atmosphere Rose 2079-8001-6815
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>>26702241 Thank you too! See ya when you return :)
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26702241 I'll try to stay up Monday and make a new team for the stream, but I can't promise anything. Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26702173 I've got a spare Mew code for you. I can email it to you real quick before I go
>>26700650 right?
RPK 1590-4696-6672
Anyone need/want one of these Safari Ball mons? I was going to transfer a few others, but I need to do six at at time anyway. I also have some extra apricorn balls if anyone has something in particular they want from HG.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26702281 Could you maybe get a level ball Mareep?
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26702281 Oh my yes...
I would like Carnivine, Golduck, Farfetch'd, Sandshrew, and Machop please
Here's what I have: Rose 2079-8001-6815
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>>26702281 >>26702374 Also could you do Love Ball Magmar?
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26702327 Yeah, sure. Should be easy to find.
>>26702374 I'll transfer those over then. Magmar will probably take a while to find though.
I forgot to mention that I also need to breed them once their transferred, so it'll take a while. Probably won't go for IVs and EMs, but just enough to get another female at least.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26702436 No IVs and EMs is perfectly fine. Let me know when you want to trade so I can get on my AS cart.
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26702436 No need for IVs or egg moves. I can do that. I'd just like females. And can you add Manectric?
>>26702281 Do you think I could get a Safari Ball Abra or Bagon?
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26702460 Yeah, okay.
>looking for a male with cute charm in my boxes >remember I have a level 100 male Skitty from trying to MM For once, this Skitty will be useful.
>>26702501 Yeah. Because this is all going to take a while, a name and FC will be helpful.
Does anyone have an extra Adamant Drifloon or a Drifloon with Destiny Bond I could use for breeding?
Rose 2079-8001-6815
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>>26702533 If you want stuff in exchange for them, I posted my pastebin
>>26702374 Caligula/Fog (0018-0101-5112)
>>26702281 I would love a paras, cubone and trapinch if possible. If you can get a moon ball teddiursa i'd hug you.
Caligula/Fog (0018-0101-5112)
>>26702572 Nvm the teddiursa, he's SS only. :c
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26702572 >>26702591 Ah, I was about to go search for it. Thanks for noticing though. lol
I've added the other three to what I'm transferring.
I've got room for one more Pokemon to transfer in this batch if anyone wants something.
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
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>>26702533 Oh, my bad! Again, thanks a lot for agreeing to do this!
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>>26702638 Too late friend.
>>26702263 You guys really are the best.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Should I buy SS at some point?
>>26702702 who fucking cares
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26702635 There wan an anon that wanted the Torkoal. I'd say transfer that.
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26702797 Yeah, I added that one already. I'll just add a friend ball Relicanth I found in a box and start sending things now.
From your list, how about:
Dream Ball Hoppip, Teddiursa, Shinx, and Pachirisu
Sport Ball Nincada and Combee?
That'll leave one more you'll need to send, but just make it whatever because Combee is in there.
Rose 2079-8001-6815
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>>26702856 Ok cool. I'll get on it :)
RPK 1590-4696-6672
Oh, this reminds me. I think I found a DWF Tirtouga in Entree Forest in B2. Being a fossil Pokemon, did anyone want one in a particular ball?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26702923 Dream Ball, of course.
Rose 2079-8001-6815
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26702986 I already have a Dream Ball one though.
Also, I have the Axew and Finneon for you.
>>26702993 There's something about Net Balls I don't like, but it does match pretty well with shiny Carracosta.
Rose 2079-8001-6815
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>>26691044 >all those trips I feel sad. Why is november so far away.
Rose 2079-8001-6815
>>26703113 Hey. I have to go right now, but I should be on later tonight. Then I can finish up your breeding projects :)
RPK 1590-4696-6672
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>>26703229 Okay. No problem.
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>>26703271 there are loads of people streaming. shut the fuck up
Mike (1676-3743-0526)
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Evening /wfg/. I'm working on a new team and I'm looking for some feedback/advice. Right now, my idea is either a Galvantula or Smeargle lead with Sticky Web, just to get that set up. From there, I've got Mega Sableye to block Rapid Spin and Defog, as well as spread burns like herpes and Sheer Force + Life Orb Nidoking with Sludge Wave/Earth Power/Ice Beam/Flamethrower to take full advantage of the enemy team being slowed down. Nidoking hits like a fucking truck, but it doesn't normally have the right speed, which Sticky Web can provide. Any advice on the last 3 team members? Also, up for a battle if anyone wants to.
In a bit of a jam before a tourney since I wanted to show off a "ready to go" red shiny Gyarados but the dude I was trading with cancelled on me. Anyone up for the task of getting me one? I've got some shones if interested. I'll lurk till someone posts. Also got some other random if we wanna hook up. Thanks :)
pat 4768-8235-3380
looking for HADB females, will be bred on trade request, also need HA 4th gen starters and treecko, ball doesn't matter Anonymous
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>>26703499 I've got two. A bulky mega one and a standard moxie beater. Whatcha offering? It took me a couple thousand eggs to hatch these.
>>26703505 What ball are your pokemon even in? I dont see anything other than a list
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>>26703655 They're labeled at the bottom by sheet.
Alex 5129-4869-9281 !!CtB6uTRe2bh
Good evening everyone! I am here again asking for some specific pokemon that I can't get ingame. I need: Bronzor Baltoy Yamask They don't need to have good natures or anything like that. I'll be trading some derpmons for them if that's alright.
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>>26702551 Still lurking! I'm pretty much here all the time so yeah
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26703505 I can breed you a piplup but I'll be a while. Trade you for HADB mudkip?
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26703675 I have Bronzor, Baltoy, and I *might* have yamask, but no promises. And yeah, derpmons are fine
Alex 5129-4869-9281 !!CtB6uTRe2bh
>>26703756 Alright. I'll add you. Let me know when you're ready. Thanks so much!
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>>26703499 What stats do you want? Put something on GTS for a level 80 Gyarados
>>26703809 Alright... I just forgot I need to do something... Would you mind waiting like 30 minutes?
Alex 5129-4869-9281 !!CtB6uTRe2bh
RPK 1590-4696-6672
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>>26702447 The Mareep is ready.
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Does anyone have a Volcanion for trade? I finally got a Hoopa
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new thing
>>26703903 new thing
>>26703903 new thing
>>26703903 pat 4768-8235-3380
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>>26703739 I don't have any DB starters, they're all regular pokeball sadly
willy 5430-0095-5207
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Anyone have a female HA Slowbro they can trade?
Goldfish 4527-9113-2884
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>>26692798 If you're still around, I'll trade for that Volcanion
I need a Keldeo and an Arceus for my living Pokedex; I'd like to have them before their distributions. Trading all kinds of legendaries, including a Japanese Event Meloetta