>>26696489>The console Pokemon games just have arenas that are huge enough to accomdate those scales.Not the forested ones. Or the city ones. They're large, but not only do the scale, but they actually get rid of other elements typically surrounding you that would obstruct the battle.
>You're just switching around the lack of realism here.Naturally there's going to be some give or take, but what's better to shift the attention on, a rare circumstance of using a massive pokemon in a forest to make sure that the already-scaled-to-size forest is more feasible, or the actual pokemon?
In real life battles, shit would get destroyed and thrown around, and the land would be scorched and shit, but I'm not complaining about that because it's an ass load of work. Scaling the pokemon to the appropriate size isn't even a matter of work, it's a specific artistic choice, and it's one that I think looks really dumb.
It would've been JUST as easy to scale them.
>My advice is for you to stop being autistic and upset about minor details that dont matter.>Any criticism that's not about a game breaking element is badIt's not like I'm not gonna buy the games or anything because of this, but everything is critique-able. End of story.