>>26712895Yes, it's their beliefs and that's fine. Many religions believe that and while it's fine to condemn the actions of another, it's different to actively take action against those people.
If you secretly wish for someone to die, that's fine whatever, you aren't actively going out and shooting that person or those people in the head yourself. If you get my meaning. But yes you are right in that it's a problem when you start getting into those types of people, they certainly aren't good people and even some go against teachings of whatever it is for whatever religion or non-religion or whatever, but I was getting more into the people that actually take said action against others.
It's like the people that preach equality and stuff on tumblr, yet try to drive someone to suicide because they disagree with whatever it is that person was doing, that's an action and it's silly, they're actively trying to get a result and goal. If they're sitting there being quiet yet agree with it, how are we to know? Sure they may be in a bad mindset, but they're free to believe that, it only becomes a problem when you actually start being a shit person and making it known/obvious.
I hope that got across, I'm not very good at explaining sometimes.
>>26712899Isn't the war part much like Judaism and Christianity where it's more to protect one's country and people than it is to just go out and start a war to justify your killings?