I refuse to get hype! If it's good, i'll be happy either way, if it's not i will only be disappointed if i got hype
>>26730033Do they actually use doping medicines in your country?
in mine they just use numbing meds, so you don't feel anything but is still wide awake
how is it to use the dope? if you had a choice, which one would you pick?
also, good luck
>>26730119Want: at least one single pokemon that looks less like a regular aniimal
Expect: nothing, i refuse to get hype!
Fav so far: Rowlet, though i like Picody since it's still shrouded in mystery
Snacks: I got a big roast pretty cheap at the store today. it's meant for grilling, but i can't do that, so i'm wondering if i should pan fry it, or put it in the oven