>>26748301You know what, I agree that amie displays the model better - and the animations help it a lot. I never used Jirachi in amie and everywhere else the features are lost. But I do think the shading is a big part of what ruins it for me. it makes it look like its "chin" is way higher up than what it should be from anime renditions.
However because that shading exists on the model, I have to include it while judging as a "whole". I think it's still uglier, it may be a minimal feature but that shading does a lot and changes perception. I thought its head was a bit more bobbly, but it gradually just goes down into a body. The model also looks terrible while in battle, where it's objectively more important than in Amie. Another factor is that it wasn't "scaled" entirely correct. Hopefully SM will fix that shit with the smaller pokemon.
It really is just the shading though, it's way too high.