>>26758754Pokemons like Tauros would wall a lot of pokemons due to its blizzard plus earthquake combo. Starmie killed water pokemon and flying pokemon which was a reason none of them were used. Gengar walled water pokemon too as well as fighting pokemon and prevented many normal pokemon from being used as well. Alakazam was your first in line mon since he couldn't easily be put to sleep and psychics were OP at the time. Snorlax was a HP wall and could take a lot of damage and with amnesia made him a beast to handle as he could set up easily and wall the entire team. Dragonite was hella annoying after pulling off agility and spent the entire match tangling other mons up and then spam hyper beam. Eggexucute was a psychic killer and about the only pokemon that could take on Mewtwo. Leech seed and toxic was a match ender as well forcing switch ins left and right allowing you to predict who comes in and who doesnt. Clefairy and Chansey were physical/special killers and golem was decent as well. Slowpoke was used as well called them toby bros, very predictable as were tauros. Every other mon was shit.
Mewtwo and Mew were banned and if they were not you would just pray you could pull off the blizzard to freeze him. If not you're SOL.
My team was Eggexecute, Starmie, Clefairy, Clansey, Gengar, and Jolteon.
I would have Eggexecute in front to mop up any psychic, ghost, or water pokemons that opponent used. Starmie was my gyrados and flying counter. Tauros for basically everyone. Jolteon to get the speed on other pokemons and take out using pin missile or thundershock to take out slowbro. Gengar for multiple types since I outfitted him with mega drain, thundershock for rock pokemon. Clefairy and Clansey to stall out.