>>26758025Okay okay. Let me level with you, because you seem like youre genuinely trying to discuss it without shitposting.
First, it's important to lay down a few guidelines, since we're dealing with subjective shit here.
>"Ease" to "Difficulty" is a scale. It's a relative scale. XY were definitely easier than Platinum, for isntance. No Pokemon game has truly been difficult, but there are some easier than others. Generally speaking, the difficulty has been pretty scattered, with Platinum and BW being more difficult than XY or GS for instance.
>"Challenge" is not the same as "Difficulty"Super Mario 64 is a challenging game. It's not a difficult one. Challenge is to say that it requires some degree of thought/skill/precision/whatever, but it's not mutually exclusive to how difficult a game is. There's a relation between level of challenge and level of difficulty, but it's not 1-to-1.
This is important because a game like Platinum could be described as having challenge to it, but not being a very difficult challenge.
So yeah, youre probably thinking "no shit". But it's important to say that to avoid confusion.
What people want is challenge. We all know that no Pokemon game has been difficult, but a game like XY was both piss easy and not challenging. There was no grinding required (which while not the best form of challenge, is technically one), all the trainers were stupid easy, and you had access to end-game level threats early on. The problem with having an easy game with no challenge is it's essentially just mindless button mashing at that point. You dont even have to focus on what youre doing toplay. It's disengaging.