Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
Mawile is cute! Anybody got advice for a mono-steel team?
>>26759163 Lel. I haves such bad gas. *pbbbbfftt faaaaart* haha lol le poopy woopy in my spoopy shoopy lolololol poopstank smell my horribel farts and inhale the aroma poopy poopy hahahahaha lololol xD faaaart haha poopy woopy schmoopy xD lolololol hahahahahahaha inflatable mailmen cant defeat the crushing feeling of loneliness they destroied unlimted nipplez xD xD xD xD xD life isnt a dead meme kid you cant just go around spooning rabbits *pffffffbbbtt* stinky stanky farts oh their sooo nasty haha lololol xD TASTY POOP TASTY POOP :^) xD
>>26759163 >Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. :^)
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Looking for: Shiny Furfrou Shiny Musharna Have: Shiny Protean Froakie Shiny Vullaby Shiny Female Pyroar Shiny Event Xerneas
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>>26759186 Not really advice but I really like using skarmory. I also have been seeing people use M-Aggron a whole lot. Bisharp is fun to use too.
>>26759186 >tfw wanted to use M-Mawile in a team when I came back to the Pokeymans >It's banned to Ubers I want to use her anyway, but I'd feel like a dickhead.
>>26759242 Use whatever you want. Smogonfags are retarded.
>>26759247 I plan to breed for a competitive one eventually regardless, but whether I use her or not, I shall see.
I don't like when people spam a bunch of legendaries and broken shit, so I try to abide by that as well.
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26759181 I've got a very specific corner of the DBHA market cornered. Too bad they can't pass on their dream balls. Maybe one day it'll be possible.
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>>26759277 >I don't like when people spam a bunch of legendaries and broken shit Stay far away from VGC, in that case.
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>>26759163 >302 KB JPG Lel. I haves such bad gas. *pbbbbfftt faaaaart* haha lol le poopy woopy in my spoopy shoopy lolololol poopstank smell my horribel farts and inhale the aroma poopy poopy hahahahaha lololol xD faaaart haha poopy woopy schmoopy xD lolololol hahahahahahaha inflatable mailmen cant defeat the crushing feeling of loneliness they destroied unlimted nipplez xD xD xD xD xD life isnt a dead meme kid you cant just go around spooning rabbits *pffffffbbbtt* stinky stanky farts oh their sooo nasty haha lololol xD TASTY POOP TASTY POOP :^) xD
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26759281 That image makes me seriously sad...
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26759305 I think there's a bunch of Tauros and others in my Black Entree Forest.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26759320 Haha, it's a Safari Zone.
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26759331 A safari zone with Arceus just chilling way in back.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26759361 That's the best kind!
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26759378 I wonder if SM will have a safari zone?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26759401 There's no telling. I'm looking forward to SM just because it'll give me something to do (I feel like I've bred all there is to breed and fought every battle there is to fight at this point), but I've been very disappointed by the stuff they've shown us so far with SM. I don't have very high expectations.
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I've got quite a few Pokémon still chillin in my Entree Forest
>Cheek Pouch, Sitrus Berry Dedenne with Recycle Ahahahaha what the fuck am I watching RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26759450 At least the map looks nice. I just hope they do more base stat buffs like they did for XY and that the games run well in old 3DS.
Well I don't think I have much to do at the moment. Are there any particular DBHA females you're looking for?
pls no poop pics
I will supply any breeding or injection requests for up to 6 pokemon in exchange for trading me a single pokemon that has Lex as the OT. Simply contact her (with your trip on!) and convince her to trade you anything from her list!
She posts under the trip: Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
Her list can be found here: ---
You may choose from any of the following. I have all distributions for 2016. Please place something on GTS for a level 100 ditto then accept a direct trade.
Full list:
20th anniversary distributions:
Mew - GameStop Various natures (Feb)
Celebi - Bold (March)
Jirachi - Jolly (April)
Darkrai - GameStop Timid (May)
Manaphy - Timid (June)
Current distributions from GameFreak:
Zygarde - Careful
Xerneas - Timid (shiny)
Yveltal - Rash (shiny)
Articuno - Timid HA
Zapdos - Calm HA
Moltres - Timid HA
Ho-oh - Adamant - Japan Pokemon Store Distribution (shiny)
Diancie - Naive
Hoopa - Modest McDonalds Distribution
Larvesta - Love Balls <3 - Bold
Money Smeargles - Moody Adamant with Happy Hour/Pay Day/ Heal Pulse/Celebrate with Amulet Coin attached
I also have 6iv japanese dittos in Adamant Jolly Modest Timid Calm Bold FOR FREE. Put something on GTS for a level 100 ditto and reply to this post
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26759528 I don't have many complaints about the map. I'll just keep a lot of repels on me because of all the water.
>A wild Tentacool appeared! >A wild Tentacool appeared! >A wild Tentacool appeared! >A wild Tentacool appeared! Hmm. Do you have a list? I think someone mentioned a DBHA Cottonee last thread and I realized that I don't have one.
>>26759549 how bout giving some to me anyway even though I dont have any pokemon with Lex as the OT
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26759555 I haven't updated it in a while. I do have DBHA Cottonee though. Seems I forgot to put it on the list.
>>26759549 I have a bunch of mons from Lex but why do you want them
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>>26759510 Damn, dog. That's pretty crazy.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26759599 Sweet. What would you like for it?
>>26759584 okay. Put something on GTS for a level 100 ditto
>>26759624 no reason. It's copypasta
>>26759624 He wants to copy her SID and distribute hacked Pokémon with her as the OT.
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>>26759693 what a happy ditto
>>26759652 I put a furfrou up, can i please have a manaphy hoopa diance zygrade xernas and yveltal
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26759640 How about Bidoof?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26759747 >mfw someone finally wants something I already have bred Sure, let me pull it out of Bank!
>>26759655 what does that accomplish. I'm pretty sure the 6IV groudon I got from lex is hacked already
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26759786 Actually, these strangely don't have any egg moves on them, despite being Penta... do you care about egg moves or no? If you do, I can just breed them on real quick.
>>26759799 >what does that accomplish Nothing, it's just their particular brand of autism.
RPK 1590-4696-6672
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>>26759836 Nah, it's okay. I was just missing DBHA Bidoof.
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>>26759857 Please accept a trade request from May, the girl in the cute hat
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>DBHA Exeggcute from WTW Based Japan.
>>26759599 Is there anything I can offer for your Moon Ball Houndour?
And maybe a DBHA Cottonee too. Mine lacks the HA. RPK 1590-4696-6672
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26759930 How about DBHA Bagon and Mankey?
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26759962 Gotcha, I'll get on it in a minute.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26759936 Nevermind, I totally messed up. The one that's penta isn't even HA. I apparently just kept it because of its stats. Do you want to wait a little bit till I can at least breed you one with egg moves?
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26759972 The egg moves aren't necessary.I don't mind waiting though.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26759984 Cool, I'll trade you this one now. When I breed the egg moves on, I'll give you one of those, too. It works better that way, since I'm "in the zone" working on my spreadsheet right now.
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26759970 >>26759993 I'm gonna need a few minutes to breed two more Cottonee. I put the new one on the daycare because I thought I'd have a more time.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26760038 No problem, just let me know when you're going to send the TR. I'll be in my PC for the time being.
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
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>>26760038 No worries, I haven't even hatched my first Bagon egg yet since this kid won't give me any eggs.
Anyobody have a spare Kelpsy Berry they can part with? I have a few 5IV mons in the Bank and currently have some Quick Ball Yanma on hand
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26760078 I've got one you can have. Add me and give me a derp.
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26760042 Okay. Have more now.
>>26760085 Added, are you fine with a Yanma? Or would you like to see if there's anything else I can offer?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26760090 Thank you! Whimsicott is seriously one of my favorite Pokemon, so I'm glad to have this.
>>26760103 Yanma or anything else you want to give me is fine. I have 42 Kelpsy Berries and I never use them, so this is really no loss or sacrifice on my part. I'll add you now.
>>26760116 Thanks a bunch!
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26760116 No problem. Thanks for the muffin face!
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
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>>26760139 Got a female HA Bagon, moving on to Mankey.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
So I see some DBHA Cottonee talk... no one would be interested in, uh, gettin' me one them there bundles of fluff, would they? (^:,'
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26760156 I wouldn't mind breeding one for you later if you've got some cool ballmons to trade for it. Do you have a list?
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
>>26760197 Nope, because I'm shit and am just getting back into this, unfortunately.
Working on finishing my teams before I try getting into any collecting business.
Maybe when that's done I'll hit up my SS and try getting some cool things.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
Did anyone get anything interesting from WTW?
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>>26759163 so does the gen 7 weakness shit show abilities like sap sipper?
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
RPK, I've got your mons ready.
>>26760244 A DBHA Exeggcute. Gonna breed and hand some out when I can, probably Friday.
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26760264 Okay, just send me a TR.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26760264 That sounds neat. I got an interesting Cloud Nine Lickytung. I might mass breed those.
I still have like 80+ Adamant Love Ball Meditite with Bullet Punch/Fake Out/Ice Punch if anyone wants them. Still MMing for a shiny.
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26760270 Are my TR's getting through?
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26760294 Nope.
Let me try reconnecting.
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Good morning /wfg/. Hope you're ready for another wonderful day of MMing, doubles and giveaways!
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
RPK 1590-4696-6672
>>26760280 I'm interested. I'm MMing Fast Ball Growlithe if you want to trade.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26760325 Turned off my DS. About to k.o. remind me in the morning.
Goodnight /wfg/.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26760342 Night, Meredith.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>updating my list's Moon Ball section >going through all these Pokemon people have traded to me in the past >all these mons don't have any egg moves People without 4 Egg Move autism are literally the worst.
Cirno 5413 0089 8068
Could I get a little help around here? currently doing a nuzlocke challenge on Pokemon Y and wanting to evolve my pumpkaboo
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26760445 >I have balltism Pokemon leftover from when I first started breeding >Some only have 1 egg move I was such a fool
>>26760450 I can help you! Add me
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26760462 Hey Lex, how you doing?
Cirno 5413 0089 8068
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26760462 >tfw I hate breeding egg moves onto Pokemon >tfw I relied solely on others to give me my collection of 4EM Pokemon >tfw I'm going to have to breed EMs onto some of these Pokemon because I was lazy and didn't care before and accepted mons with no egg moves Oh boy.
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26760473 I've been doing good
I saw /wfg/ and /vp/ as a whole was sort of a massive shitstorm so I opted out for the most part and have been mostly just hanging out on
Skype How are you?
>>26760476 Gotcha! Getting online now
>>26760479 Well, you've got a big collection so I'm sure getting most egg moves shouldn't be an issue for you
Lemme know if you need anything in particular!
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26760445 >all these balltism pokes I have to get males of and then breed onto a different balltism female Most of the work's cut out but still, this EM backlog is growing.
>>26760479 >>26760476 >>26760473 >>26760462 >NOT voting You don't actually do this, right?
The poll is still open, don't lose your chance at voting and sharing your opinion with the rest of /vp/! :D Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26760486 i'm doing okay. currently putting my list of balltism mons together, which is taking a while.
actually was hoping you could help me out with something. do you have access to a friend safari with charmeleon in it?
also, do you mind if i add you on skype? Cirno 5413 0089 8068
>>26760486 Thanks a bunch!, hopefully I'll make it to the end
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26760486 Ha, yeah. I'm just complaining. If you have an egg move Murkrow though, I'd appreciate it. He's the only one I have that has 0 egg moves. The others have at least 2.
>>26760487 I know that feel. I'm not looking forward to all of the breeding. It isn't like I can really MM when I do it, either, so there's no chance of an accidental shiny coming out.
>>26760491 I already voted.
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
Quoted By:
>>26760509 Good to hear that you're all right
I got some more balltism mons a while ago but have been too busy/lazy to add to them to my list
I think I have a Charmeleon FS, lemme go check
Sure! My Skype is the same as my Twitch name >>26760511 Best of luck to you!
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>>26760535 Why are you shilling this poll so hard?
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26760522 I think I've got Murkrows with Psycho Shift, Mirror Move, Whirlwind and Brave Bird
I'll see if I've got any leftover males to give you, otherwise I'll breed you one!
>>26760535 What if I hated everything? Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26760541 Thanks, Lex! I added Moon Ball mons to my list, so you can choose from those or Moon Balls for what Pokemon you'd like for me to give you in return. Anyone else can feel free to request stuff, too.
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26760551 No problem!
It looks like I don't have any spares leftover so I'll just breed you one.
They're HA in Luxury Balls
I'd like one of your Moon Ball Shinxes if you don't mind!
You need a male, right?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26760584 I'll take a female just so that I can have one that will pass down the ball for later use, if you don't mind. I'll breed a male from it. And sure, I'll get a Shinx for you!
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26760591 That's fine then
I'll let you know when I hatch hatch a female!
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26760607 Alrighty! I'll start to breed now.
>>26760610 I wouldn't mind a Wooper. I might want to MM it in a Dream Ball. I'll breed yours after I finish Lex's Shinx.
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26760625 I'll just pull an extra from my bank. Did you want the -Spe one?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26760639 I finally got one after hatching like 19 males
She's only missing Speed
I forgot if we're friends or not already
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26760710 Oh man, I'm sorry it took so long! That's some crazy weird luck, since Murkrow has a 50/50 gender ratio. Don't worry about the Speed. Anyways, I think I saw you online last time I was online, so we should be friends. I just hatched your Shinx, so I'll get online now.
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26760722 Nah, don't worry about it uwu It seems I have incurred RNGesus's wrath
Thanks for the Shinx!
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26760731 No problem! I'm glad my Murkrows will finally have some decent moves now.
>>26760610 Breeding your Spoink now.
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26760780 I'll be around, just WT'ing breedjects.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>Safari Ball Kangaskhan >Shiny Frogadier Wew, a shame he's nicknamed Geoff and has shitty IVs.
>>26760885 Thanks a bunch too!
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26760894 I hate getting nicknamed shinies on WT. I can hear the OT laughing at me from miles away.
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26760900 I'm not a fan of nicknames in general, but I've gotten some cute ones. A shiny Vanillite named Strawberry and a shiny Espurr named Cotton Candy.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26760914 I never really nicknamed my Pokemon until I was peer pressured into it this gen. I'd multi with everyone, and they'd all have their Pokemon nicknamed, and mine would just be there with their plain names...Strawberry and Cotton Candy are really cute nicknames, though!
Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
How reliable is WT for you guys? It seems like only 1/10 isn't something like a Zigzagoon when I do it...
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
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>>26760943 I seem to get a lot of bulbasaurs.
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26760930 I kinda want to nickname one of my Machamps for the hell of it.
"Go! My Champ! or something silly like SUNDAY. >>26760943 If the WT'er is from Japan, I usually get something good. Europe is almost a guaranteed Zigzagoon for me.
Gotta head to bed soon, g'night folks!
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26760962 My Champ would be pretty funny. Goodnight!
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
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>>26760962 I concur. Japan is usually at least something reasonable that fills a dex slot. Everything from Germany or Spain is garbage.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>tfw Japanese people are probably on 2chan complaining about us Westerners sending them shit on WT
FC 4227-2072-9843 Jackiie
Hey guys I need a Keldeo I'm willing to trade for anything like a legendary for a legendary I know in October it's out but I don't want to wait and GTS are assses
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>>26761006 >they're the type of cancer to make a thread when they just need to trade for 1 Pokemon Oh boy.
FC 4227-2072-9843 Jackiie
>>26761014 Are you offering
>>26760997 I hope they like those modest shiny 0/0/0/0/0/0 scythers with metal coats I keep sending, haha
>>26761006 >>26761014 I don't think there's a gen6 distribution of keldeo yet, right?
>>26761022 What part of his post would have made you think he was offering?
>>26761014 Sent!
>>26761041 I sent you a Keldeo! You didn't get it?
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>>26761047 >>26761037 >replying to a shitty meme stop
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>>26761031 There were the pokescrap things or something, Keldeo was released then I think.
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>>26761047 Haven't you got a gay bar to shoot up Amerifag
So if i can get me pokedex down to 30 missing can one of you guys help me fill in the blanks? i'll trade them back i'm not interested in a living dex, i'll give you my shiny starmie as payment
>>26761131 What Pokemon are you missing?
Quoted By:
>>26761141 I still need like 50 i want to trim it down so i'm not asking the world of some anon. Let me pull up my list
>>26761141 Ok never mind i miss counted i still need 81 ;_;
FC 4227-2072-9843 Jackiie
>>26761141 I'm missing keldeo if you could help
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26761184 If you're willing to sit around for like an hour trading, I'm willing to help you!
>>26761203 Well, I don't have a Keldeo to give you but I can touch trade mine with you
FC 4227-2072-9843 Jackiie
>>26761210 Yes even swap backs would be awesome
>>26761210 >If you're willing to sit around for like an hour trading, I'm willing to help you! how much longer are you going to be on? i'm running threw y trying to grab what i need to thin the number
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26761216 Sure. I'll grab my Keldeo out of bank then, gimme a sec
I'll add you as well
>>26761223 I'll probably be here for another 2-3 hours so don't worry
FC 4227-2072-9843 Jackiie
Quoted By:
>>26761210 I'm online now I'll just add you
>>26761235 >I'll probably be here for another 2-3 hours so don't worry ok thank you i'll try to be quick
FC 4227-2072-9843 Jackiie
>>26761235 Ok lex I've added
>trusting a non-regular to do a tradeback with you Oh boy.
FC 4227-2072-9843 Jackiie
Yeah I ain't a cunt thats why
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26761246 Added! I'll get online!
>>26761239 Take your time
>>26761255 Well, worst case scenario they steal some random Pokemon or if they get my mythicals, there's always gonna be another event
>>26761257 You sure did convince me.
>>26761261 I suppose so. Good luck trading.
FC 4227-2072-9843 Jackiie
>>26761255 Honestly go fuck off your a shit stain to society following around a person who wants to trade pokemon
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
Quoted By:
>>26761263 I'm not too worried about it
He's being a bit rude though
>>26761265 *you're
Can you blame me for not wanting someone as sweet as Lex to get ripped off by someone as vulgar and stupid as you?
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
>Bred 6IV Cottonee >It has infiltrator It's time like these, man.
FC 4227-2072-9843 Jackiie
>>26761235 Thanks lex I appreciate it Thanks for giving mine back
And to all the other trolls go fuck yourself
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26761280 Would you like a 5 IV Prankster one?
>>26761286 No one's trolling you, idiot.
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26761280 Well, there's always Ability Capsules if you have the spare BP
>>26761286 You're welcome!
Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
>>26761280 >the past 30 hatches all had HA >the one with 6 IV doesn't every time
FC 4227-2072-9843 Jackiie
>>26761274 Really Grammar remarks? Please go be useful to society already
Quoted By:
>>26761302 >shits up an imageboard begging for pixels >doesn't have a grasp on basic English >flies off into a rage when called out on bullshit >"go be useful to society!" You first.
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
>>26761291 I'm autistic about having the OT. Thanks anyway, though!
Just going to grind out an ability capsule.
>>26761294 I spent it on necessities, but it's not too hard to get a 40-50 streak going.
>>26761298 This is the life we chose.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26761326 I can give you an Ability Capsule if you want. This gen is almost over and I've got more BP than I can use in ORAS thanks to Bank. Just let me know.
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
>>26761349 That would be really nice if you want to do that.
Though I'm starting to feel awful with the amount I've leeched off of you now.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26761394 I can't recall you leeching off of me, but even if you have, it's alright.
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
>>26761411 Well regardless it's much appreciated! Thanks!
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26761453 You're welcome!
>Contrary Snivy with 4 egg moves Neat! I've been wanting one of these for awhile, but never got around to trading for one. Thank you very much, Anzu!
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
>>26761466 Oh, I could have grabbed a 5 IV one or female 4-5IV out of the bank if you wanted one. I was just grabbing a random that was taking up space.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26761483 If you don't mind giving me a 5 IV one, I'd really appreciate it! If you don't mind, I'll keep this one and pass it to someone who needs it. People come in here and ask for Contrary Snivy somewhat often. I'll give you a neat Ballmon for the 5 IV one. Let me know when you're ready to trade.
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Did you buy rhythm heaven megamix /wfg/?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26761506 >not playing the official Pokemon rhythm game Jayz, pls
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
>>26761525 >Android, iOS also
>playing Pokemon FC 4227-2072-9843 Jackiie
Quoted By:
Thanks, Lex :^)
I have a feeling this isnt legit. How do i tell?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26761538 >not having an Android OR iOS device What're ya, poor? (^:
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Quoted By:
>>26761562 >6 IV shiny legend That's how you tell.
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Quoted By:
>>26761564 I have an iphone, i just
haven't updated it in literally years 0576 7565 9234
Nice OP picture, I was just looking to breed a Leavanny. If any of you guys have one, or any prior evolution, I still have a shiny FS Lampent in exchange (or any other request I can fulfill). A few good IVs, Adamant nature and Chlorophyll would be a plus.
RPK 1590-4696-6672
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
>>26761501 Alright, so after sifting through my Snivys, I found a 31/31/xx/31/31/31 female and I have several penta males.
Then I have one perfect male, but I used him for breeding so he lost his egg moves, but I can go grab those right quick if you want him.
So if you want any of those, just lemme know.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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Anzu, ya coming? If you need more time, we can just trade later today. It's 7 am and I haven't slept yet...oops.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26761663 Oh, there you are. I'll just take a penta male. Thanks!
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
>>26761678 Couldn't remember where I put him. Sorry 'bout that.
Also, I love Cacneas and Cacturnes, so thanks!
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26761705 You're welcome! It's in a Safari Ball and has 4 egg moves, so hopefully you can breed him and use him. Thanks so much for the Snivy. You just saved me a ton of breeding.
Is injectorbro here? My nieces really want a shiny eevee both.
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Who /watchingtradesgoby/ at work here?
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26761280 What are you planning to use it for?
Specs Cottonee is FUN.
Rui: 2277-6638-8237
Can some of you add me so I finally get a decent friend safari? Please.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26763651 What do you define as decent?
I have a water safari with Quagsire if you're interested in that.
Rui: 2277-6638-8237
>>26763701 I ment decent in size.
I take what I can get.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Rui: 2277-6638-8237
>>26763834 Yay thanks.
The pikes that live there are quagsire and poliwhirl.
Can you tell mine pls?
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26763950 I'm only at the beginning of my Y save, I mostly use AS for trading, so I'm afraid I can't tell you.
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>>26763995 Its cool thanks
Asking again if anyone got a HA Cranidos. Would give in exchange other Pokémon with HA
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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anyone here have a friend safari with charmeleon in it?
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26764567 i can get you one.
>>26764608 That would be splendid. What would you like in exchange?
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26764628 anything is fine
>>26764634 HA Goomy maybe?
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26764662 Okay, give me a sec. I realized I don't have any Goomy leftovers, gonna breed a new one quick. I think we did trade before
IGN: Philipp (icon was a Ranger)
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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>>26764679 if you don't have a goomy, anything you have is fine. I don't need anything in particular
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26764679 also, i've got your cranidos ready
>>26764733 Thanks a lot for your help, appreciate it :)
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26764768 no problem. you're gonna want to rebreed that one though, it came out missing its Attack IV
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
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>>26764780 Thanks for the tip
Forrest 4570-7218-6021
Hello everyone. I just started a run of HeartGold, and was really hoping to use a Sneasel early on. Would anyone be willing to trade one for me? I will breed him/her, all I need is the parent.
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
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>>26764971 >HeartGold >trade Nintendo Wi-Fi for the DS is dead.
Nico 1822-3051-7448 !!fuzmfz/VTT7
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>>26761594 Add me I'll trade you one for the lamp
I want to breed a flying defensive mon. For VGC, but nothing really serious. I'm deciding between Noctowl and Mandibuzz. Now Mandibuzz is obviously the better pokemon with its superior typing and stats, BUT Noctowl does have access to Magic Coat which is really fun to use and I really like Noctowls design.. Opinions?
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>>26763950 Hey Rui I'll add you. Let me know if you're still here and I'll post my FC.
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>>26766389 Love it!
>>26765242 I think Mandibuzz would be a better fit due to how situational Magic Coat is... Ultimately, it's up to you, but my vote is for the Vulture
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>>26761632 Get google opinion rewards. Do surveys for google money
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>>26761663 Get heart scales and reteach his egg moves
>>26761940 How about you fuck off to /inj/ like the OP suggests?
>>26766570 >Implying he's old enough to read Anonymous
>>26766582 Guess I shouldn't use the fuck word then...
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
>>26766570 >>26766591 >>26766582 Aren't you two special little snowflakes. Kek
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
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>>26766892 No problem, senpai.
Anyone want to trade rare ball females (tm)? I have a bunch of female Raltses in love balls.
>>26764804 4657 0294 0878
Down for 6v 6 singles from anyone.
Currently looking for an adamant field male that has pursuit
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
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>>26767343 3797 7461 1485, my team is "Anything goes" says Showdown
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26767458 They're preferred but I can do without
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26767470 Well, if no one else offers, I can breed you some DBHA Houndours, want just a male, or both sexes?
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26767470 I'll check if I have any leftover males with Pursuit, gimme a sec
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Is there a reason my mirage island won't reset? It's been 4 or 5 days now. No issues with getting other people's every day.
>>26767553 >>26767497 Don't trade with Titler, newfriends
>>26767497 Just male. Breeding into a weavile.
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
>>26767570 Why?
>>26767343 What a bad luck I have.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26767570 Any particular reason?
>>26767573 I'd offer one of mine, but they're Jolly Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26767573 I've got an Adamant male Slakoth with Pursuit. I'll go check its IVs real quick
>>26767577 >>26767587 He's a deplorable human being and an all around piece of shit
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26767601 Well.. Do you have proof?
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
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>>26767611 Yeah, and I kept hoping for that 15% chance FRZ
>>26767601 Kia pls kill urself
How am I supposed to get a Hoopa? Am I forced to have a cheater give it me?
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
>>26767630 Now now, you attacked him first little Kia.
>>26767627 Don't talk that way about Kia, especially when you know she'd have the balls to tell you to fuck off with her trip and that this obviously isn't her.
>>26767644 >implying I'm Kia >implying anyone who says Kia should kill herself isn't a piece of human trash Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
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>>26767637 >Contact Trade with someone who ACTUALLY went to a McDonalds
THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN. >>26767649 titler
>>26767649 >>26767630 Kia defense force in full effect
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26767661 Don't know what your beef with Kia is but if you're gonna be an ass then you can find your Pursuit male elsewhere
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
It's really funny how you talk about me when I'm not even here, Titler. I believe I even caught you calling me a nigger when I was on hiatus. I sometimes checked the archives. Anyways, yes, I would have told Titler to fuck off with my trip on. I won't multi or trade with him, but I don't care if anyone else does. Although if this doesn't prove to you that he's an asshole, I'm not sure what will.
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All these new people I don't know about, and here I thought WiFi threads were dead :^ )
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LF: Jolly Meditite leftover Have: leftover Ferroseed, Timburr, Scyther, Deino, Totodile
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
>>26767696 So what's the story?
On another note, while I was busy typing this I was having a match and didn't got time to attack, turns out my T-Tar 1KO two Pokemons.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26767735 He's just a general asshole and crude, unpleasant person, in my opinion. I'd usually refuse to multi with him just to mess with him, but I think that's it. This hate boner he has for me is cute. D-don't you think he likes me?!
>>26767775 He might not,
b-but i do Anonymous
>>26767775 Don't invite the waifu posters, because I will happily call you a qt. titler
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Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
>>26767775 I dunno, if you post pics I can be the judge.
Don't .
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26767797 >>26767808 Haha, thanks you guys. And Lex, too.
>>26767820 I wouldn't.
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
this is kinda random, but does anyone have a pinsir they could give me? just any old one, though I would preffer a female in a nest ball (or sport ball if possible). i can give a 5Iv poke in return.
>>26767797 >>26767820 >>26767808 This thread got pathetic real fast
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
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Why are people online (ORAS) either the biggest tryhard retards or the stupidest? I just had a nignig switch from Raikou to Pidgeot when he knew I had a Stone Edge on the way.
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
If I wanted to get a Hitmontop for Rapin Spin babies, what's the best way to do that? I don't know how to get the attack and defence the same...
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26767878 I have a Pinsir Safari. You can add me if you want.
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
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>>26767895 Yup, so when are you getting the fuck out?
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26767911 If you're willing to spend money on it, vitamins, or just super training.
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
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>>26767923 Good thing it's easy to be a millionaire in XY :P
>>26767911 Tyrogue's stats are all equal
Get a neutral natured one and then evolve it
Or do what
>>26767923 said and use a stat calculator to know how many EVs you need to put in
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>>26767895 Thanks for the (You).
>>26767911 If you are brain dead you can save at level 19, test to see what it turns into, reset, make slight ev modifications and then level it up to 21 or 22 and rinse and repeat until you get a hitmontop
>>26767913 added. thank you.
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26767949 But mine is already Adamant :/
>>26767977 Then do the second part
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26767971 Added you back. Happy catching!
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
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>>26767969 I always forget to save and try. Oops :P
>>26767992 Yup yup
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
Rare candies don't give random evs do they?
>>26768005 would you mind going online for a few minutes? pinsir is your third poke
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26768100 Oops, sorry. On my way.
>>26768074 No, they just level up.
>>26768074 No, they don't
You really should Google this stuff
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Anyone in here have am eevee friend safari?
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26768147 Why do you insist on wasting other people's time instead of just doing stuff yourself? Is that your thing, are you that lazy? Are you on welfare? Does your mommy bring you your cereal in the morning? Do you cheat off your classmates' homework? I'm seriously curious.
Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
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Hey /wfg/. Gonna be breeding Ferroseeds today, gimme a (You) if you need one
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26768173 I asked questions and people answered. The only one that has a problem with this is you :)
>>26768187 >thinking only one person has a question with you asking retarded questions all of the time and shitting up the thread wew
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26768201 >>26768206 Well have fun being mad ;)
Playing Pokemon Yellow, is there any point in Eevee considering I already have Charmeleon, Wartortle and Pikachu? Like does Jolteon outclass Pikachu enough to justify training it. Also does anyone want to trade Gen 1 Pokemon?
>>26768224 have fun being retarded
>>26768226 you cannot trade gen 1 Pokemon over wifi
Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
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>>26768226 Honestly it's more about preference in G1 than viability. If you like any of the Eeeveelutions then go ahead and put them on your team.
Also I would trade but I barely got into G6 a month ago so I don't have much to offer...
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Who would like some DBHA Houndours? I'll be breeding some later.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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>>26768250 I don't have one of those yet, so I'd like one.
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>>26768226 pokemon yellow was for fan service, not balance. Choose your bro
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26768228 Oh, is Gen 1 just local wifi? That sucks.
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
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>>26768226 Jolteon is the unequivocal best Electric type in gen 1.
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
Anyone wanna do some 6v6 singles?
Not trying to sound like an ass but I'm really curious about why you people breed so fucking much, like is it because MM or competitive or both? I mean I just have to breed like three or four batches to get the right nature and IVs and then WT/release the rest when competitive but of course breeding for shinies is another story I think I spend more time EV training
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26768574 It's something I do in the background while watching a movie or something, eventually, I might get into competitive, but I'm a long ways away from that.
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26768558 I'm down, haven't battled in a while. Gimme a minute to add you.
Switcheroo 2681-3494-5004
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Small request, could anyone get me a HA (Defiant) Farfetch'd? IVs/nature don't matter, I'll handle that myself.
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
>>26768615 Sec, thought I could use battle box.
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>>26768574 I just do it so I can have the intended feeling. Having strong versions of crap I would never actually use in battle makes me look through my PC and think "look at all these killing machines" and opposed to "look at all this garbage"
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
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>>26768646 Send me a BR whenever, I just had to set my alt team.
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>>26768598 Oh I see, so am I right to assume you breed for shines? Since you don't breed for a pokemon to use competitively
Or else wouldn't make sense to have a lot of the same species (at least for me lol, I just keep some for balls nature and EMs)
or maybe just to trade? (which if you do for species you don't have could be helpful for later breeds when you start playing competitive)
lol sorry again I'm making such a big deal of this I better leave to each their own
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I desire a Snover with leech seed. How do I go about creating this abomination