>>26759307Sunne and Moone are the Old English spellings of Sun and Moon, which ties into the whole Alchemy theme with the two.
Form and Forme are actually different things. In Japanese they are different words: The first is "すがた", which is the Japanese word for form/appearance used for most Pokemon (like Unown, Burmy, Shellos, Gastrodon, Rotom, etc.). The second is "フォルム", "forumu", the English word in romaji. This is used for "special" forms, including all the legendary and mythical ones (Deoxys, Giratina, Shaymin, Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus, Meloetta, Aegislash, Zygarde, Hoopa... and Cherrim for some reason). Keldeo is not a Forme, for some reason.
In the French, German, Italian and Spanish games, they just use the same word for both. Only the English, Japanese and Korean versions distinguish (Forme is likewise the English word rendered in Korean).