Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost - Circlejerk - Friend Safari - Mystery Eggs - Multis - Balltism
This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones or Injections. There are other threads for those. Use them if that is how you like to play.
>Injectors please stay in /inj/ Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists and Safari requests reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin if you've got a long list to share.
A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: Previous Thread:
Put a scatterbug or wurmple on GTS then reply to this post for a level 100 ditto for a free Japanese 6IV jolly ditto! You can have more than one. Just let me know!
>you will never see Remi again >you will never see Vicky again >you will never see Cedar again >you will never see Eric again I hope SM works its magic and brings some people back from the dead. Who are you hoping to see again, friends?
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>>26773174 Sounds good to me. I'll tell you when I got 'em bred
>>26773186 They can stay gone imo
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
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>>26773181 Please go to /inj/
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>>26773201 What did they do to you?
>>26773186 Would you like a memento from them? They may not be back but their spirit lives on in their pokemon
>>26773174 Okay man, I got a female dream ball HA Hippopotas up on the GTS
>>26773228 I'm good. It's not possible for you have Remi's 6th gen SID, though. And I don't recall you being around for Cedar or Eric, either.
>>26773266 Got it, gotta be careful about trading anything valuable though, people get sniped.
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>>26773295 Alright I'll trade with you next time. Hold on the spiritomb, gotta breed it right quick
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26770546 To the guy looking to complete his pokedex and the 24 'mons left:
>Not sure if you're still here, but I have an update! I've finished! And I have the following pokemon to trade:
Ursaring (if you happen to need it)
And I know I didn't say it at first, but I just got my hands on another Chandelure that I'd be willing to trade, so include that in the list!
Just in case you don't see this by the time this thread archives, I'll post it in the next /wfg/!
>>26773293 I have Vicky's. Eric is not a unique name so i don't know if any of these are his. I do not have Remi's. Would dawny be a good substitute for you?
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>>26773326 i have a remi and dawny
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>>26773342 I have a vespiqueen if you still need it.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
Anyone here have a friend safari with charmeleon in it?
>>26773393 I have ha charmeleons.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26773404 thanks, but I need the safari, trying to get one in a very weird ball combo
>>26773315 if you need it again my FC is 5386-7707-6648
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
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>>26773429 >-Mismagius >-Honchkrow >-Maractus >-Jellicent >-Chandelure >-Aegislash, and >-Noivern Alright, all set! Just tell me when you're ready (Already added you through FC's by the way)
Krys 1134-7611-9733
>>26773418 What combo? I can catch it for you.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26773450 Gonna sound weird, but I want one in a dive ball.
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26773429 Wait... I thought we were trading back...
Krys 1134-7611-9733
>>26773455 Sure, I'll let you know when I got it then.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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>>26773481 any female is fine, it doesn't have to have its hidden ability. in fact, I would prefer it didn't
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
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>>26773474 I am dont worry
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26773474 >>26773429 Sorry about that! You gave me quite a scare!
Thanks a million for the (incredibly aptly named) Starmie!
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26773481 thank you very much
Krys 1134-7611-9733
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>>26773521 yeah i'm not going to fuck you over you're helping me out
and you're welcome enjoy that little cutie
>>26773521 Ok that's everything right?
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26773555 I mean...You can keep the Jellicent if you want... I just accidentally pressed B
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>>26773565 lol nah it's fine you can have the cute jellyfish
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26773555 Either way... Thanks again for the Starmie, have fun completing the Dex! (I'm at 596 myself... Home stretch!)
>>26773580 yeah thanks i'm only 3 away good luck
>>26773584 What do you still need?
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
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>>26773584 Something I did when I felt crazy was breeding a bunch of Phiones and depositing them on the GTS for stuff
ick 2123-0121-0896
>>26773493 hi what do you want tho?
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26773625 Love ball Zubat if you please
>>26773326 Pretty sure I have Vicky's as well. I mean Shaymin Eric. I'm pretty sure I have plenty of dawny's mons. I haven't seen her in awhile. I wonder where she is.
>>26773594 I only need this malamar now then i'm done
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>>26773804 never mind somebody took my squirtle bait
yay we did it thank you so much for your help quote i hope you can complete yours as well
>>26773803 We should exchange collections some time. Like looking through an old yearbook
>>26773863 Maybe I'll even give you Lex's.
>>26773871 Sure. I think i got all of hers now though. She helped me out on an alt a night out two ago
ick 2123-0121-0896
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>>26773898 She said she had multiple so anything you have will still be welcomed.
I'm sure most of the old regulars will be back when s&m is out. It looks good. XY quality improvements. I suspect everyone will get it and other communication platforms are terrible in comparison to 4chan so they will be back here soon
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26773930 Cool cool, connecting now
ick 2123-0121-0896
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
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>>26773970 No problem. Thank you!
>A Mega Mawile outsped my max speed Crobat without any trick rooms or anything on Battle Spot What the fuck? Are people using illegal mons on there now? This happened a few days ago too, it's ticking me off.
Anzu 1118-0480-4405
>>26774039 Sucker punch is a priority move.
>>26774057 No, it used Iron head. Another battle a few days ago, my Staraptor was taken out by another slow Pokemon's thunderbolt. This is the Specials on Battle Spot. Are people using hacked stuff online now?
>>26774069 Some possible explanations off the top of my head.
Tailwind in effect?
Choice Scarf? (Staraptor)
Quick Claw? (Staraptor)
Was Crobat's speed lowered?
Was Crobat paralyzed?
Was Mawile passed speed boosts?
>>26774089 Both battles had no tailwind in effect. In fact, the opposing team was a trick room team which didn't use trick room until the second last turn of the entire match, I made sure on the replay.
Choice scarf wasn't possible since I think the Pokemon was holding a life orb but i could be wrong there (I doubt it) and no quick claw activated.
Crobat didn't have its speed lowered since it happened on the very first turn of the battle, and it wasn't paralyzed plus Mawile couldn't have had speed boosts passed on as a result.
This baffles me, the only conclusion I can think of is that hacking is becoming a thing online. Also, on the topic of online battles, do you know any good Groudon counters other than the other ancient mons? Everyone and their mother is running one.
>>26774110 You didn't get one of the joke injections on here with 0 in every stat while calling them 6iv, did you?
>>26774110 Post the replay and we'll figure it out.
>>26774132 I don't know about this. The Crobat's got the max possible investments in speed, 200, and its Atk is 142, the max possible since it's Jolly. Are you saying the game can recognize these stats but they aren't calculated in damage? I bred one myself from a 4IV Zubat someone gave in one of threads a few days ago.
>>26774145 Don't judge my battle style, I got pissed right off the bat and lost all hope. Z6RW-WWWW-WW49-ZTYV
Actually, looking at it again, even my Landorus and a Kyogre outsped the Crobat. Maybe the Crobat is fucked somehow?
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>>26774154 IVs/EVs/Stats/Nature on the Crobat?
>>26774110 Vanilla Rayquaza is my personal favorite, just dump Surf on it and be done with the affair. Most people lead with it if they use it, so the Fug counter-lead is always a solid choice.
Choice Scarf Golduck is a more trollish way to accomplish the above. It can't switch in on anything, though.
Earthquake Ho-Oh isn't a bad choice, a good chunk of P-dons neglect rock coverage.
Earthquake Lugia works decently, and will catch P-don off-guard.
Earth Power Palkia isn't the worst choice you could make, but is generally a bad idea on a team unless you have Xerneas locked down.
Arceus is a decent choice, whatever form you pick, so long as it isn't Steel.
Soul Dew Lati@s is a passable answer, if you are lucky enough to have a Soul Dew. Personally, I think Latias adapts better to Ubers in general, but whatever, both can switch in, tank P-Don's worst and threaten back with a Draco Meteor.
Mega-Mom is always an answer.
Mega 'Mence is an alright answer as well.
>>26774154 You used Whirlwind, a decreased priority move.
That was the problem.
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>>26773885 Aw. Thank god I'm moving my stuff to my ORAS file anyhow
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>>26774182 Wow, I never knew about its -6 priority. So that solves that then, time to replace it.
>>26774171 Surf on Rayquaza sounds simple, though I've been running Earth Power on it and it can nearly KO Groudon, I'll test it out then. Latias seems alright too and I have a Soul Dew, I could try that out too. I'll even try Girantina.
Thanks anons.
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>>26773186 eric was just here the other day
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>>26773186 I traded with Vicky a really long time ago
jesus christ i forgot that getting a female eevee is a 12.5% chance. i don't want a shiny one anymore ;_;
>>26775755 Just give in remember that enjoying Eeveelution cock doesn't make you gay.
>>26775861 but i want a sylveon and a male one makes zero sense to me
>>26775907 oh well if S&M doesn't have following pokemon then this whole project is a bust anyway
>>26775921 >Banking on a feature that hasn't been relevant for 2 whole generations I have no idea where your hopes are coming from especially since we've already seen gameplay
>>26775933 >I have no idea where your hopes are coming from especially since we've already seen gameplay well my is for GF to quit removing cool features
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>>26775944 It seems a little late for that
I'd like following Pokemon to come back too but it's not gonna happen
So I guess your Eevee project is a bust
What should I replace with taunt? I was thinking Roost. Also, do I need a dragon type move on Noivern?
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Hey does anyone here have an event Hoopa they'd be willing to trade? I missed my chance a few months ago and I need one for my living dex.
0147 2067 6579
can anyone help me evolve a haunter?
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26776019 I'll help you out
>>26775903 Why don't you check your privilege you fucking bigot
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>>26776059 Thank you! cool guy
>>26775995 But Roost is already there?
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>>26776195 No, I was thinking I should replace Roost with Taunt.
>>26776068 >Why don't you check your privilege you fucking bigot i already did i'm a transexual demi nigger now mind my pronouns shitlord
>>26776068 >implying that sjws give a shit about men top kek check your male privilege shitlord
Quote !bweD1LGLtg
>>26773856 Thanks a million! Just broke 600!
>>26776395 Good job!
what are you missing when i get home i can help you out
Quote !bweD1LGLtg
>>26776435 Nah, don't worry about it too much... Just missing some sinnoh pokemon and I'm making pretty good headway through the GTS....
However, if you could give me a hoppip, a carnivine, or a finneon, that would be a godsend.
>>26776490 yeah i can help you out with all 3 i'll send you a trade when i get home
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>>26776215 >>26776229 I'm a shitlord, and I take offense to this dialogue.
>>26776638 Thank you! Just let me know when you're ready!
Could anyone get me a Smeargle? Offering a Shiny Gastly for it.
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26776954 I have a Smeargle!
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>>26776976 Nice, added you! My IGN is May.
>>26776976 Thanks for the quick trade!
Quote !bweD1LGLtg
Æther; 4570-6911-8248
Does somebody have a extra Croagunk I could take off their hands?
Can anybody give me a darkrai?
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>>26777725 Depends... What are you willing to part with?
>>26776732 ok i'm home and i have your pokemon
>>26777721 I have a toxicroax you'll have to breed it
Alice (0490-6267-6757)
Ayy anyone want to 6v6? Finally got my team to a decent standing, would like to try it out
>>26777721 >>26777913 i really need to add my fucking FC to these things my FC is 5386-7707-6648
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26777919 I have a shit team, but I'll battle you
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>>26777721 I've got some. What ability did you want?
I only need 4 more mons for my living dex - Swirlix/Slurpuff and Clauncher/Clawitzer. I don't care which one of either line I get. I can get you any other breedable Pokémon you want. I'm offline rn, but will check back in about an hour. Thanks, guys.
Æther; 4570-6911-8248
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>>26777944 Sound good Ill add you
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26777901 Alright then! I'm ready! You don't mind if I send you random pokemon, right?
Alice (0490-6267-6757)
>>26777972 Cool give me a sec to add ya and we'll start it off
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Ok lol that was you i was trading with aether lol i got confused
Æther; 4570-6911-8248
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>>26778090 Yeah sorry i would have bred you a good one but i'm busy with my eevees right now
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>>26778034 Lol cute togepi
Im about to do my first nuzlocke and have a question if i kill the first pokemon i see am i not supposed to catch any in that area?
>>26778195 Correct.
>>26778073 tfw you substitute for the 7th time in a row (but it's fine, don't worry)
Alice (0490-6267-6757)
>>26778213 Ayy I needed to stall that down
>>26778274 Also... I blinked and my Aegislash fainted... What happened?
>>26778307 I can't remember exactly either lol, but I think you switched into a hoopa shadow ball, I'm glad I stalled that down with whimsicott otherwise I wouldn't have gotten that down with all its sp. Def.
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>>26778330 But yeah man, gg
>>26778336 Yeah... If you couldn't tell I'm not very experienced (and only three of the pokemon were EV trained)
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does anybody happen to have any marril breeding leftovers with aqua jet?
>>26778354 Yeah i could kinda tell, but you did great either way. I think your biggest mistake was getting trapped by whimsicott. If that didn't happen I could very well see myself losing that match-up. Which ones weren't ev trained?
>>26778400 Only my Aegislash, Pinsir, and Herracross were EV trained... And this is 300% a dumb question, but how could I have not gotten trapped by whismicott? Other than that Encore+SwordsDance thing you got me in at the beginning, I couldn't see a way past your strategy other than brute-forcing it
>>26778011 >>26778050 I'm back. Are you still around?
>>26778466 What's your FC? And are there any specific Pokemon you want?
>>26778424 Well if you led with iron head on that first turn, I wouldn't have been able to leech seed, thus dead. You have to prevent him from getting a substitute up for more than a turn, or stop him before he subs somehow.
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>>26778481 my FC is 5386-7707-6648
and just give me whatever
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>>26778486 Yeah.... That's fair... I guess I shouldn't have lead with a swords dance... But again, Good game!
>>26778481 if your ign is zayi i'm going to be very upset with you
>>26778834 you where trading under acquaintances and didn't tell me your ign so i didn't know who you were
>>26778876 Oh... Sorry. That was actually the first time I traded with someone I don't know irl. You showed up under friends for me.
Thanks a lot for helping me out though!
SET 5386-7707-6648
i have a bunch of perfect modest eevees, anybody want one?
Sput 0147-2067-6579
SET 5386-7707-6648
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>>26778893 oh well at least you got what you needed and congratulations on completing the NatDex
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
>>26778941 Me, 3797 7461 1485.
Sput 0147-2067-6579
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>>26777919 If you're still looking for a battle 4657 0294 0878
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26779029 what's your ign?
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
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>>26779065 Ooops, give me a minute to add you.
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26779074 Ok making sure that random passersby wasn't you, trade whenever you are ready
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
>>26779090 Is Anko your IGN?
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>>26778213 >Gen 1 >Erika's Gym >NPC trainer wrap locks me, only thing that keeps me from being stun locked to death is that one of my Pokemon has quick attack that I can use once every 3+ turns Bind moves were a fucking mistake.
SET 5386-7707-6648
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
>>26779133 Thanks, I really ought to stock up on trashmons
SET 5386-7707-6648
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>>26779156 no problem, have fun with that little cutie
SET 5386-7707-6648
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ok i still have 4 perfect eevees 3 are modest 1 is timid and they all have adaptability, if you want 'em come get 'em
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
Kek, why is Choice Scarf T-Tar such a freak of nature?>Throw T-Tar >He throws Jolteon >He switches to Mamoswine >Stone Edge gets him to 50% >Next round I out speed him and KO'd >Out speed Talonflame >Out speed Jolteon
le epic fighting moves crit more because le epic fighter exploits le epic opening FUCK you. Fuck this shitty game made by retards for literal retards.
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
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Has anyone seen Steffy?
so uh. I got some 5 iv shinxes, larvitars and sableyes. Anyone want one?
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26780355 i want a cute little larvitar
>>26780395 Throw something up on the gts and tell me what it is.
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26780479 Level 1 female vulpix
>>26780506 There you are friend
SET 5386-7707-6648
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26781109 hey it's jay z! i hate your music
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
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>>26781161 I don't know what you're talking about
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
Still working on some 5 IV Ferroseeds. Might not get around to it until tomorrow. Give (You) if you want one
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26781732 I would appreciate the Ferroseed to no end, and take your time!
Looking for a technician smeargle if anyone is kind enough to give me one.
Does anyone have a competitive pentagon Cresselia they can spare? Sassy preferred but would accept relaxed/calm/bold.
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26781991 I can breed one for you. Which nature would you like?
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Hey, does anybody have two leftovers? Will trade a legend or something for them
>>26782098 Adamant please.
Won't be online much longer, so I've put a lvl 8 eevee on the GTS.
Thanks in advance.
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
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>>26782236 All right. It'll be ready soon!
2337-6928-6556 IGN: Kevin
Can anybody help me out with a Mystery Egg run?
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26782269 How many eggs do you need?
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>>26782046 >begs but doesn't offer Anonymous
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What's a good move set for a Braviary with Sheer Force?
2337-6928-6556 IGN: Kevin
>>26782287 More than one, preferably. I just want a few for now.
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26782383 I can give up to 6 bankball eggs if you'd like. Add me and send a TR whenever.
2337-6928-6556 IGN: Kevin
>>26782422 Thanks man, I appreciate the help.
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26782493 Oh wow, thanks for the Shiny BB Slakoth!
2337-6928-6556 IGN: Kevin
>>26782535 No problem. Hope you use it more than I did.
Thanks again for the help.
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
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>>26782560 No probs. Let me know if the eggs turn out to be something decent.
>>26781779 planning on leech seed
>>26781879 will let you know when they're done!
Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
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>>26782575 forgot trip, changed computers zzzzz
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26782575 Ehh, I'll be fine then.
Josh 2380-6386-1560
hi /wfg/, I'm looking for a Suicune to use in the Battle Maison. Would prefer a Bold nature if possible. Could you help me?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
I found an especially cool looking Pidgey today.
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26782641 Is... is it fainted?
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26782621 I'd love to help you! I haven't caught a Suicune in my OR game, so I'd register it in my Pokedex, check the nature, and give it to you! What are you offering for it?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26782658 It's okay in the picture. I left it in some grass so that its parents could take care of it. They were in the tree above it. There was no nest to be found, so I'm not even sure how it got there. When I went back a few hours later, it was gone. Hopefully a cat didn't get to it.
>>26782672 They weren't that great, so I released it. (^: Josh 2380-6386-1560
>>26782675 I could give you my Raikou (Lax) or Entei (Brave) for it. Or I have a 6IV Ditto if you want it
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Josh 2380-6386-1560
>>26782675 Is there anything in particular you're looking for?
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26782716 >>26782728 I already have a 6IV Ditto, but I'd be willing to part with a Bold Suicune for the Lax Raikou... You might have to wait a while, but I'll keep you updated... If it comes to it, would you be willing to wait until tomorrow?
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26782236 I'm sure you won't see this, but your Eevee won me fourth place in the lilycove lottery, so thanks!
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
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>>26782841 Er, second place I mean. Four digits matched
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Hey /wfg/, I'm currently breeding DBHA Riolu. No HA Females yet, but I have 5 Flawless non HA Males and 3 Flawless HA males. They're Jolly, and have HJK, Blaze Kick, Crunch and Bullet Punch as EMs. Is anyone interested?
Josh 2380-6386-1560
>>26782792 Sure, I don't mind waiting. Thanks a lot! Got your Raikou ready when you are.
2337-6928-6556 IGN: Kevin
>>26782269 I'm still looking for more eggs. All help is appreciated.
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26782884 I'd like a non-ha male! I can give you a perfect DBHA nidoran female for it
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26782915 Are you sure you want to give me a perfect for a flawless? I'll take any shitmon for it.
>>26782792 >>26782716 >Lax Raikou and Brave Entei Couldn't you get worse natures? At least Entei can be useful banded in a trick room team if it's got decent IV.
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26782913 I can give you 6 more. They've just been picking up dust so I might as well let someone else have them.
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26782927 Well, if it bothers you I could give you one of my nidoran breedjects? I feel weird getting something for nothing
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26782913 >I'm still looking for more eggs Where were you a week ago when I literally had 3 boxes of eggs??
I would appreciate some eggs for an egglocke if anyone wants to assist.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26782950 Well, it doesn't exactly bother me, I could start pumping out Nidoran after that since I have a perfect male, so sure, send me a trade!
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26782955 FC? I can had you some after Kevin.
Quoted By:
>tfw I made my 6IV Ditto Shiny too If you're going to go 6IV, why the fuck wouldn't you go shiny?
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26782970 Sorry. Like I told RPK yesterday, I cleaned out my boxes :/
2337-6928-6556 IGN: Kevin
>>26782944 All right! I'll be on in a sec or 2. Thanks!
>>26782953 I was finishing a Nuzlocke on SS. Holy shit the level curve.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
Thanks H.P.! Just for future reference, does flawless = pentaperfect and perfect = hexaperfect?
Beth 2595-4257-1316
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26782999 Good luck on your Egglocke! And thanks again for the shiny Zangoose!
>>26783053 Adding you in a minute. How many would you like?
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26783057 Oh okay. I was thinking it was the other way around. Thanks again!
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26782884 i'll take a male just for the egg moves.
good luck getting a female, the gender ratio on that mon sucks
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26783066 No problem.
I also just hatched two flawless DBHA Females if anyone wants them.
>>26783072 Are you sure you don't want a female?
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
>>26783051 flawless and perfect mean the same thing. specify
2337-6928-6556 IGN: Kevin
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>>26783065 Thanks again man. Greatly appreciate it.
Also if you need anything, let me know. I've a nice list on Competitive Shinies. Enjoy the babes.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26783082 To me at least, flawless means all important stats are maxed, while perfect is straight 6IV.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26783079 I already have a female DBHA riolu.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26783095 Alright! Send me a trade then.
Beth 2595-4257-1316
>>26783065 At least 6, but 12 would be best if you don't mind.
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26783105 I've got 14 left if you don't mind taking the rest.
Beth 2595-4257-1316
>>26783120 That sounds great!
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26783123 Kay, send me a TR when you're ready.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
I have a sort of weird request. Does anyone have a female HA Cranidos in a Dive Ball? I'm pretty sure you can catch them in hidden grottos in Gen 5 along with other fossil mons. Also looking for female Anorith in Net Ball.
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
>>26783137 >I'm pretty sure you can catch them in hidden grottos in Gen 5 no, they were available in the dreamworld
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
What are the good Technical Machines in Generation One?
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
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>>26783123 Sorry for the wait, got trade sniped by a Japanese dude offering a Shiny Haxorus.
Beth 2595-4257-1316
>>26783130 Thanks at ton, I have to transfer some 'mons over really quick. I'll TR again, in just a few minutes, sorry!
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26783216 Gotcha, I'll be online.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26783152 Something like that. All I know is that you can find them in Gen 5. Pretty sure it's gonna be a tough one to find, but it's worth a try. Anyone?
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26783250 The only SBHA fossilmon I've got is a Heal Ball Cranidos, unfortunately. I'll be on the lookout for one.
Krys 1134-7611-9733
>>26783250 I have Net ball Anorith, but Cranidos in Luxury and Premier instead.
Been trying to collect fossils in other balls as well.
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26783276 If you don't mind, I'd like one of those Anorith too. If its not HA that'd be ok.
Here's a list of stuff I got: Beth 2595-4257-1316
>>26783224 Thanks a ton! I can't wait to see what I got!
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
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>>26783250 >Something like that exactly like that, actually
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
Krys 1134-7611-9733
>>26783291 Sure, it'll be a while because of the gender ratio.
I'd love a Heavy ball Remoraid.
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
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>>26783334 Alrighty! And like I said, if it's not HA that's ok. Just gimme the first female that pops out :)
Krys 1134-7611-9733
>>26783331 For just Anorith or Cranidos as well? If so, which Cranidos?
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26783331 I'd like the DBHA Koffing and Moon Ball Marill, if that's okay. I'll get to breeding in a bit.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Got the Friend Ball Section updated as well: Slowly but surely, I will catalog all of these ballmons. I'm taking requests for now, though.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26783353 Anorith + others if you have the time. Doesn't have to be anytime soon, there's no rush. When you get around to them is fine.
>>26783372 No rush on the stuff. I'll get to them soon. MM and WT some Love Ball Meditite atm so I'm a little burned out on breeding.
Krys 1134-7611-9733
>>26783390 I'll breed you the Net Anorith and Luxury Cranidos then.
I'd like a Safari ball Pineco, no rush either. So close to finishing Safari list.
I don't think it's worthy of a thread so here. I wanna have some fun in the June comp thing, and was thinking about making a team close to this. Am I gonna get swept by a cheesy cunt? I don't expect to do even close to decent, just not be shut-out in a boring way.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26783433 >Cut on Greninja W-why?
SET 5386-7707-6648
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i have two timid flawless eevees with four EM, does anybody want them?
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>>26783433 Oh and delete shit-HMs obviously, just too lazy atm.
>>26783433 Isn't it in VGC format? You're going to get an ally raped if so.
>>26783433 You're going to get destroyed using your ingame team
>>26783276 Are these all HA? What other bankball fossils do you have?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26783433 You're going to get raped by everyone.
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Krys 1134-7611-9733
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>>26783464 Yup, all HA or non-HA if requested.
I have:
>Dusk, Luxury Aerodactyl >Dive, Premier Omanyte >Luxury Kabuto >Nest Lileep >Repeat Shieldon >Dive, Net Tirtouga Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26783380 Since we're on the topic of Cranidos, what mons would you like for your DBHA Cranidos?
I gotta leave for an hour or so to go run some errands, sorry Meredith! Anonymous
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>>26783519 >Greninja >Torrent Pls go and stay go. Pojo might be more your speed.
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Exchange help finishing Dex?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26783515 Let's do fossil for fossil. I'll take an Anorith, if you don't mind.
>>26783519 No. Seriously, no. Your team is fantastic for an in game team, but that's just what it is, isn't it? An in game team? You need to breed and train up Pokemon specifically for a tournament. That's not going to fly.
>>26783573 >You need to breed and train up Pokemon specifically for a tournament Even just to have a sliver of worthless fun? You're saying 100% of participants are hyperautists who devote their lives to hundreds of hours of grinding out eggs and shit? Not even a few slip through in the bottom 10,000 slots?
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26783420 I have your Remoraid! Send a trade request when you're ready :)
>>26783585 Yes, for a tournament that's exactly what we're saying.
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>>26783585 >You're saying 100% of participants are hyperautists who devote their lives to hundreds of hours of grinding out eggs and shit? Where do you think you are?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26783585 >Even just to have a sliver of worthless fun? If you consider losing to be fun, then go ahead and enter with that team. Post results.
>You're saying 100% of participants are hyperautists who devote their lives to hundreds of hours of grinding out eggs and shit? It really doesn't take that long if you have any idea of what you're doing. And for a tournament, most people are not going to enter with their in game team, because most people are not looking to spend their time getting fucked up the ass.
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>>26783585 You're going to get swept by a boosted special attacker with that shit team it's so easy to see
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26782938 I'm doing it as a favor...
By the way,
>>26782893 , just got home and going to the place where you catch Suicune, but I'll have to wait a bit
Krys 1134-7611-9733
>>26783590 Still all males so far. ;_;
>>26783594 I just want to make sure you understand that I'm not trying to vie for an even slightly meaningful "place", I just wanna do some online battles for the shiny mewtwo.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26783604 We understand that you're going to get raped up your ass. That's what we understand. You can enter with that team if you want, but don't say you weren't warned.
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26783603 No problem. Take your time. I'll just be over here breeding Tyrogue's for whatever reason :P
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26783604 i can give you two good pokemon i bred, you more than likely won't win with them but it's better than what you have now
Still lookin for a few leftovers if anyone has two to spare, I have a few starters and some stuff here and there to offer
Krys 1134-7611-9733
>>26783616 Spoke too soon, got 2 females in this batch! Coming on now.
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26783631 do any of them have HA?
>>26783604 But you should still try! For what good is a man who never even dared to reach his full potential? To apply himself? They are nothing but base criminals, as destroying what could be a truly great venture is a crime within itself!
Or don't... Whatever. I'm not your dad.. Fuck you. Good luck at the competition
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26783631 >please trade me a rare item >for some starters Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26783637 Thank you! And sorry for the lack of egg moves. I just got this yesterday :/
>>26783612 I'm finding it hard to comprehend 50,000 (fifty thousand) people ALL being this autistic, and I spent a stint browsing /r9k/ during the birth and explosion of REEEEEEposting. This has to violate some law of causality.
>>26783630 What are they, anyway? I'd rather slowly learn this stuff than get freeshit'd in over my head.
>>26783642 Thanks grandpa
SET 5386-7707-6648
YES! i finally did it the little bastard hatched
Krys 1134-7611-9733
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>>26783652 No problem, thank you too!
While we're talking tournament teams, what are some must haves for VGC?
SET 5386-7707-6648
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>>26783654 >What are they, anyway? I'd rather slowly learn this stuff than get freeshit'd in over my head. one of them is a flawless modest vulpix with drought. the other one is a flawless timid eevee with four egg moves
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
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>>26783664 >must haves for VGC? autism
>>26783654 Gen VI took away the autism of the breeding and EV grind, the only autism nowaways is caring what pokemon your breeded pokemon come in but that does matter
It takes almost no time to get pokemon with 31 IVs and EV training takes less than 5 minutes
>>26783674 I'm guessing the most tedious part is finding a perfect Ditto, since I hear so much about those?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26783654 You'll be the casual. You. You alone. You will be swept by a Power Herb Xerneas. If you don't want to train up some decent stuff or at least trade for some pentas, then don't. But don't you dare get mad and disconnect, call hax, say that the game is unbalanced, say that whoever beat you is an autistic loser, or feel salty in general when you lose.
>>26783657 >Pokeball W-why?
Congratulations, though.
>>26783664 Primal Kyogre and Groudon, Dark Void Smeargle, Purrloin, Mega-Salamence, and Mega-Kangaskhan are common threats.
>>26783682 >finding a perfect Ditto You can't find a perfect Ditto in game. All perfect Dittos are hacked. If someone offers you a perfect Ditto, it is hacked.
>>26783690 >Xerneas Banned in the tourney fammy
>>26783682 You can just get a hacked one like all of the top players and everyone else ITT even though they don't like to admit it
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26783700 Ah, I thought it was VGC rules. My bad. He's still going to get BTFO with that team, though.
>>26783690 >implying you can tell that a "hacked" ditto was used for breeding :^)
Josh 2380-6386-1560
>>26783601 >>26783601 Not a problem, I'm still here. Breeding in the meantime. Would you like an item on the Raikou? I can give it a Master Ball, Ability Capsule, Berry etc.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26783703 >he didn't autistically breed up from 5 IV breedjects until he had the males to get the eugenics program started. Why are you here?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26783706 You can't and no one else will be able to. It's just not welcome in this thread, is all.
>>26783690 Also, I mean Liepard, not Purrloin.
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26783690 >Pokeball >W-why? >Congratulations, though ehh, the mother was in a pokeball. besides i could really give a fuck about the ball
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26783722 I guess that's just my autism. Nice that it's a female, though. What will you evolve it into? Are its IVs good? I really, really regret trading my shiny Eevee away for a shiny Skarmory.
SET 5386-7707-6648
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>>26783737 it's timid, it's stats are flawless only 5 is in attack and i'm torn between glacion or slyveon. really the only thing bad about it is the run away ability but that can be changed now
>>26783631 Hey man... I get that Leftovers are a good competitive item... But come on, Starters? Really?
I got a 2008 Event Pokemon for two Leftovers... All I'm saying is that it's too much of a one-sided trade
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>>26783709 Hey! Accidentally missed the 20-minute window for Suicune
FUUUUU , but while I'm waiting for the next round, I'm kind of embarrassed I didn't ask sooner: would you like a particular pokeball with the Suicune? Maybe a Dive Ball for the color-palette or a Luxury Ball?
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26783709 Also... I'm going to be posting in the new thread for a bit... I'll keep you updated!
>>26783959 I'm the guy who gave you that if you mean the roar of time darkrai lmfao
>>26783638 I have a jolly protean froamie
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>>26784331 Oh dude, I remember you! But I am kind of getting concerned... Why so many leftovers! With the one you get in-game, the two I gave you, and the two you're asking for... That's 5!
Josh 2380-6386-1560
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>>26784006 10-4. I'll be lurkin'