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No.26774009 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Don't get me wrong,I like Mega evolutions. I didn't at first, but when I did it for the first time, it just felt great. But can someone honestly justify these things:

>Two different -ites for Charizard. Mewtwo was fine because it was a singular entity, Charizard is a Starter line Pokémon, meaning it's part of a trio. The other two did not get two megas, and neither did the gen 3 starters. So why did Charizard, when Mewtwo already accomplished the whole "oooh version exclusives!" thing.
>Same thing for Beedrill. Why not Beedrill AND Butterfree? And if it's because Butterfree sucks, then why did an equally unused Pokémon get a Mega? I'm fine with Beedrill having a Mega because I like it, but why not do it as a pair?
>Why, just why, why did ABOMASNOW get a Mega? Same for Slowbro. Why not give it to Slowking, the better of the two?
>Why are some arts so shitty? Why does Kanghaskhan just get the baby out? Why does Gyarados just gain 100 pounds? Why does Manectric just get a terrible hairdo? Aerodactyl only got some spikes, but seriously, it at least doesn't look like complete shit
>This is the least angry of the questions, but what made them decide Lopunny and Audio get Megas? Okay, Lopunny has a cultwaifu following, so sure, but why not something else? I just feel like Lopunny and Audino were done 'just cuz' and that bothers me. I would rather have either 2 less Megas or 7 more justifiable ones than those two specifically.

Also, I kept Abomasnow separate from Lopunny and Audino for a reason. Abomasnow was part of the implementation of Megas, it was one of the Pokémon in the first group to ever get Megas. So why choose a late game Pokémon from DPPt?

>inb4 salt
I'm just using Megas for the first time this week and I'm actually enjoying them. I just feel like some choices made with them were bad.