well, there was a time in 2011 when eelektross was actually pretty decent in competitive pokemon making it to masters finals at worlds used by Matteo Gini. It can't be struck for even neutral STAB damage by any of the genies. The best tornadus can do is superpower it and can be OHKOd by thunderbolt. Thundurus can't phase it, landorus wasn't legal that year and can't do shit against it so it was a solid answer for the genies. Thunderbolt/flamethrower/hp ice is also fantastic coverage and eel is very durable with sitrus berry although I think matteo used life orb. But no, eelektross is not OP because it 'doesn't have weaknesses' it is struck for neutral damage by just about everything, is slow and doesn't hit too hard. These days its not a good competitive mon