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I kind of wish they are fake, I don't mind rowlet's evo but the other two... Oh god the other two are soo bad its funny, I mean really another bipedal fire starter... Really? I know very fire starter has ended up bipedal, but myself and a whole bunch of others would like some divestiy I got kind of hopeful looking at the litten diversity evolutions that we would get an awesome tiger or sabertooth tiger, but NO just another bipedal fire starter.
And as for popplio's evolution, it turns me off completely I actually didn't mind popplio's first stage but This!? This is ridiculous, it's far too feminine to be a starter and the gender ratio of starters doesn't help either. I don't why but I seen so many people who like this evolution and it confuses me, but then I see their comments saying 'she' is soo beautiful, so I was like ah that's it, they all know that it does look like a female. And I guess if it floats their boats they can go ahead and start with popplio hoping they get a female one, cause apparently they aren't going to start with a male popplio, but this makes me feel sorry for every male popplio.