>>26807593At least THOSE make some sort of sense, senpai, no matter how much you try to force me those examples of final evolution of starters are so completely different and non-sensical when in fact, they still make some sort of sense design-wise, although only when you take a closer look upon them.
>Chespin already had his hoodie which would further imply a armor of some sort>Even though Froakie changed quite a lot, the place where his bubbles would usually be would in fact be the actual place his tongue would be afterwards>Implying Snivy which is in fact, a grass snake itself, wouldn't have the possibility of losing its limbs in order to become more of a snake in its final evoSo, who knows, these might in fact be real and there might be some resemblance to their first forms, but so far, Popplio's is by far, the one that strays the most away from its first form if Poppmaid is to be believed. For Litten's case, you might as well say he went full Tepig since Tepig walked on all fours too until middle evolution and final evolution happened. Heck, who are we to know if there isn't a middle evo of him that ends up being a connection to Tigre and just so happens to be bipedal as well.
Rowlett is a more unusual turn of events because we already know Rowlett throws feathers as daggers and here, we see... Well, him using feathers as ARROWS instead and using his wing as a bow, which feels quite different. Some people already reached out saying that could be a evolution of a rogue becoming a archer, but that seems far'fetched, then again, we had Froakie practicing throwing rocks, but even so, Froakie didn't just went from throwing rocks (which you could say would be shuriken practice to a extent) to just becoming something that wasn't a ninja.
Fuck, I'm trying so hard to be civil, but I just want to show my point of view. I'd definitely be up for some middle evolution leak, although that definitely won't happen so soon.