>>26797553>Option 2:Ice type and its Pokemon needs some minor but definitely deserved if not mandatory fixing.
Primary example being Kyurem, like Reshiram and Zekrom, the Unova main trio had an incredibly poor movepool overall, they can barely learn any physical attack and have reliable coverages beside Focus Blast and Earth Power being somehow usable only thanks to their abilities. These shitmons can't even learn Earthquake that is pretty much a quite easy move to obtain for most of the 721+ Pokemon, even forgettable trash ones. They cannot learn Calm Mind or Bulk Up, some cannot learn the elemental punches too.
Kyurem (and the other two) would make a huge difference once it gains Earthquake and Stone Edge or Rock Slide, and specifically Icicle Spear, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard and Ice Punch would already make all Kyurem forms viable.
It's even more disgusting witnessing Regice, Glaceon and Kyurem not being able to learn Freeze Dry.
Anyway, returning on the movepool theme for all Ice types, the directors should definitely work better on the movepool selection of Ice type that overall have a quite poor selection of viable attacks as much as pure Steel types and pure Grass types, they can easily introduce new physical attacks and special ones with intersting side effects that aren't just a 10% freeze chance. Glaciate should have been a base 80BP attack with the Freeze Dry effect and -2 stages Speed drops. Another way to increase the viable movepool of Ice types is as said before introducing new Pokemon themes and secondary types, you can't expect much from a literal ice cream cone that cannot breed for better moves anyway.