Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
>>26800796 post your favorite
balanced Pokemon, /wfg/
Looking for a Sassy Cresselia with good IVs that is able to be named (Calypso)
Offering pentas and legendaries. Legendaries are nothing special, just random extras Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
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Does anyone want a female Heavy Ball Clampearl?
>>26800835 ]Gardevoir :3 Dan
>>26800838 What you're asking for help s an injection so kindly leave or I shall call the cops
>>26800859 The Pokemon I am offering are legit and I expect what I get in return to be
>>26800878 You are going to be sorely disappointed desu. Especially if you trade with someone that uses the name May. They are an injector and not welcome here. Plus you would be better suited for the injector thread. Good luck though
>>26800893 Appreciated, I will try /inj/ as a last resort. Thanks for the heads up on May.
SET 5386-7707-6648
so what pokemon is a better breed, lilligant or whimsicott?
Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
>>26800911 raw viability, Whimsicott
cuteness, Lilligant
you should do Lilligant Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
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>>26800911 Whimsicott I think
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26800934 >raw viability, Whimsicott >cuteness, Lilligant yeah lilligant is adorable as shit and i already have a perfect one but i also want a whimsicott. too bad i can't have two grass types ;_;
Gavin 2165-9595-5060
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looking to trade for some vivillons patterns i need>Archipeligo >icy snow >jungle >ocean >river >sandstorm >sun >tundra >fancy I can offer:>garden >meadow >modern
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
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>>26800981 >too bad i can't have two grass types ;_; Why not?
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
>>26801198 watching
League of Legends H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26801220 LCS is boring though. Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
>>26801239 current meta is stale af I'll give it that as for Pokemon talk, how does /wfg/ get their 0 IV Pokemon? You breed them or catch one?
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26801220 >>26801239 Guess I'll go watch Orange is the New Black :P H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26801258 Have fun! >>26801256 You just have to get lucky really.
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
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>>26801268 I will. You too :) Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
>>26801258 I feel like it would be easier/faster just to keep breeding until I get a 0 IV rather than trying to catch a wild one...maybe one day it'll be easier
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>>26801256 Have a Ditto handy with 0IV (usually in Attack or Speed) and then breed whatever to have that 0IV passed down.
I ended up catching a bunch of Dittos in the Friend Safari until I got the right ones.
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My safari is Lillipup, Kecleon, and Ditto. Just throw me a reply so I know ya added me, and I'll add ya asap!
Red 4253-3542-0565
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Would someone happen to have a HA Fletchling to spare?
Gavin 2165-9595-5060
>>26801256 >>26801298 why would you want a pokemon with 0 ivs
Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
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>>26801416 max gyro ball damage, trick room setups, minimize confusion/foul play damage, things like that. Really only in things like Atk and Spe
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>>26800835 dis nigga right here
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tfw no Kia to bully.
So who do i ask if i want a shiny 6 iv ditto?
Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
>>26800775 it ready, you wanna direct trade or GTS?
Quoted By:
>>26801637 You ask yourself to fuck off to /inj/
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26801642 I've had a lot of bad luck with the GTS, so I just added you as a friend and we can do a direct trade
Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
>>26801737 sounds good. You can give me w/e doesn't matter
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
Mike (1676-3743-0526)
Anyone want to battle? I just watched the new Don't Hug Me I'm Scared and I need to clear my mind a bit.
Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
Quoted By:
>>26801818 no problem, good luck!
HA Pikachu anyone? Have stuff to trade
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26801829 I'm in the same boat... Just added you
That was such a crazy video
Have you seen the /co/ discussion on it? Anonymous
Repostan: Looking for Moon Ball Shinx, Level Ball Kangaskhan and Heavy Ball Onyx, but I'll consider all offers for ballmons I don't have.
Help me satisfy my balltism, /wfg/.
Mike (1676-3743-0526)
>>26801878 Yeah, it's a complete clusterfuck.
Red 4253-3542-0565
>>26801842 I can help you with that. Unless you have a pokemon in the Fletchling line with HA I'll take whatever you give me.
Quoted By:
I dunno why I'm so frantic about preparing for this tournament, you don't have to lock your team until Thursday.
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
Mike (1676-3743-0526)
Quoted By:
>>26802026 GG. Dragonite with Weakness Policy can be a real jerk.
>>26801958 Deposited a nice Slowpoke, message is /vp/. Dont have a HA Fletchling, sorry about that.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26801958 i've got an HA fletchling you can have
>>26802102 I'm not seeing it.
Quoted By:
>>26802188 Someone traded, its Volbeat this time.
Luke: 3969-6216-1477
>>26801881 Would you trade my female heavy ball onix for a dbha female glameow?
>>26802159 Do you want something in return or should I just leave a shitmon on the GTS?
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26802316 any shitmon is fine
>>26802322 Okay, I'll have a Magikarp in there in a minute.
>>26802315 Sure thing, give me some time to breed it for you. I'll add you in the meantime.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26802330 sent. enjoy your soon to be flaming bird
Princess 3926-5695-0828
Building a somewhat generic team for shits and giggles. Anyone got Starmie, Breloom, Talonflame, and Garchomp with their HAs? Friend Safari or otherwise, I only need one each for breeding purposes.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Quoted By:
>>26802353 Well received, thanks. I'm gonna play it (well its progeniture) in the VGC next week-end.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>26802350 Thank you, i'm adding you too. Just let me know when you're ready. My onix is 31/31/31/31/31/x if that's alright with you.
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26802363 I have a HA shroomish. i'll give it to you when i get home
Princess 3926-5695-0828
>>26802415 Thanks, friendo.
>>26802410 It's no problem at all, I was planning on breeding it myself anyway. Do you care about the Glameow's IVs or would anything work?
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Anyone have Croconaw in their friend safari or spare reject HA Totodiles? Ball, IV, and nature doesn't matter
>tfw incapable of thinking of a defensive core that isn't VenuTran with a bulky water pls help
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>>26802509 Good old Gen IV UU
RIP Venusaur + Milotic
Luke: 3969-6216-1477
>>26802485 Don't worry about it, i can polish it up by breeding myself. Thank you though.
Quoted By:
>>26802509 Try Amoonguss instead of Venu.
>>26802550 Then I'm ready.
>>26802576 Cool, me too. I'm online just invite a trade when you're on.
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>>26802509 Just do what I'm thinking of but not shit. :^)
Mike (1676-3743-0526)
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Anyone else for a battle?
>>26802608 Thank you, friend.
Quoted By:
>>26802653 No problem, thanks for the glameow!
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
Palmput 2380-7104-8438
Does anyone have Volcarona or Larvesta trashmons to give away?
How well does Arcanine serve as a specially defensive pokemon?
>>26802700 Put something in gts and ill give you a modest penta Larvesta
Palmput 2380-7104-8438
Palmput 2380-7104-8438
>>26802943 Oh and it's a modest Silcoon, enjoy.
>>26802943 You know in serious right
Palmput 2380-7104-8438
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26802468 ok i added you just send me a trade requests whenever you are ready
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>>26802885 not well, considering how common eq is
>>26802991 Sent, it was a cascoon though
Palmput 2380-7104-8438
Quoted By:
>>26803007 Shit I always get those mixed up, thanks though.
Quoted By:
>>26802885 Has access to intimidate, decent bulk, and can Will-o-wisp. It can also Roar, Extremespeed, and hit relatively hard with CC, Crunch, and Flare Blitz. Hell, it can even recover naturally with Morning Sun.
I'd say it's a 7/10 physically defensive mon. More of a tank and semi-phazer support mon, with possible wallbreaking capabilities than an outright physical wall.
Princess 3926-5695-0828
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26803069 are you scarlett?
Princess 3926-5695-0828
>>26803082 Correct, and thanks.
SET 5386-7707-6648
Quoted By:
>>26803092 ok just making sure since it was a passerby trade. have fun with that little cutie
Quoted By:
>Lure Ball Toxicroak and Garchomp is an illegal combination WHY WAS THIS ALLOWED
SET 5386-7707-6648
ok next on my breeding list is a HealBall HA cottonee
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Quoted By:
>>26802691 Hey, did you ever figure out that SD card issue?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Shout out to the anon who was MMing in my stead while my 3DS is acting shitty and is now giving !e a shone Wooper!
>mfw trying to GTS something to myself and internet was being retarded so I got scared that I was going to get sniped Jesus christ I wish you could just transfer items through Pokebank
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26803139 thanks for giving me your balltism kia
>>26803106 3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
I'm looking for a Hidden Ability Nidoran in a Luxury Ball, if anyone has one. I've got a lot of stuff to to trade, including (but not limited to) things on this list: If you're looking for something that isn't on this list, let me know, and I'll see if I have it. Thanks!
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26803287 How many items do you need transferred? Perhaps I can help.
>>26803326 Anytime, my friend. You're one of us now.
>>26803329 Thanks, though the person that deserves the congrats is the anon. I'm still really excited, though. I love shinies.
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26803339 Heya Kia!
I think I might have a Luxury Ball HA Nidoran female in bank somewhere
I definitely rememher breeding for one a while ago
I'll go check once I get home (in like 6 hours ;-; ) since I'm at work
If nobody helps you by then, I got you
Hey all, looking for 5IV Drillbur/Excadrill, or an ability capsule.. Offering 5IVs in return, let me know what you'd like.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Quoted By:
>>26803381 Thanks, Lex! You're the best. What would you like in return? I'm guessing that since you aren't home, you're on mobile, so you might not be able to see the spreadsheet. If you want, I can just breed you something
nice and surprise you with it. If you can see the spreadsheet, however, feel free to pick something out.
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
Hi, I'm trying to complete the pokédex without any hack. Currently I'm looking for a Drowzy/Hypno, but if you want to offer something else I'll check if I need it. Note that I just want the pokémon for the collection, you don't need to give me a level 100 6 IV pokémon. Here's the list with the pokémon I have to offer. The legendaries are at the bottom.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26803383 What ability would you like? I think I have some breedjects.
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26803412 i have a hypno just give me some random trashmon
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>>26803360 Thanks for the offer but I'm fine now, i just needed to transfer my Gyaradis and a heart scale to oras so it could learn Crunch
>>26803417 Sand rush is what Im looking for..
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26803430 Let me see what I have. I can give you a HA drillbur if anything.
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
>>26803428 Great, thanks. I'll add you now.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26803467 Hey there, good to see you.
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26803447 ok send the trade whenever you are ready
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26803467 Hi!
>>26803430 I have a DB female missing speed, is that okay?
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
SET 5386-7707-6648
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26803479 >>26803489 Good to see you guys still active. Has Masuda blessed any of you lately?
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
Quoted By:
>>26803496 I received it. Thank you very much.
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26803499 i got a shiny shroomish earlier that i gave away
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26803499 He has cursed me, personally. Both of my 3DS systems are on the fritz, and the remaining, unused one that I have is region locked, so that I can't really use it at all. I've put all of my Pokemon into Bank so that when my 3DS eventually dies for good, I won't suffer a huge loss.
Alas, he has blessed me by proxy. See
>>26803139 Anonymous
>>26803446 >>26803489 My wrong ability one is 5IV I appreciate it but I think Im just gonna re-breed it
Princess 3926-5695-0828
>>26803499 Sort of. I got a shiny Miltank relatively early into breeding for IVs.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26803499 Besides the recent shiny Elekid that came from Kia's gift, nope.
>>26803515 Alright.
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
>>26803510 Oh, I wasn't expecting both, thanks.
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26803530 yeah no problem i don't need them anymore good luck completing the natdex
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26803510 Nice. Congrats!
>>26803513 Based Wooper. How much will it take to get iut fixed, and can you let me know? I have a Pikachu 3DS that I may want to get fixed but I'm unsure of the price.
>>26803526 It's always nice to get a blue shiny, but sorry that it was premature.
>>26803527 Are you gonna use it competitively?
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
>>26803537 Yeah, thanks. I'm actually not that far from completing it. Besides legendaries, I have like 190 pokémon left and in there are included families, so the number of actual pokémon I need is lower. I might complete before the release of SM.
Looking for HA Aerodactyl. 4/5 IVs preferred, let me know what you'd like in return.
>>26803555 I can breed one for you. Do you happen to have a Starly? I'm looking for one for my dex
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26803547 It has 17 attack sadly, so probably not.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26803547 From what I've read online, the cost for this fix is about $90. I might as well just get a new 3DS, especially if both of them are acting up. The thing that bothers me the most is that if I send it to Nintendo, there's no guarantee that they won't send me a refurbished unit, and then I'll have lost my special edition.
>>26803555 Got any cool ballmons?
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26803554 Any other Pokemon you need? I'm also really close to finishing the Pokédex, and I'd love to help you out! Just to give you an idea, I have about 660 pokemon in the pokédex, so if you want something, chances are I'll have it.
>>26803568 Yeah I can get one from my pokebank. You want it IV bred at all or is this just for the dex?
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
>>26803585 Great! I'm looking my bank now and tell you in a minute. Is there any pokémon you need that I could help you with?
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26803572 Well, it'll make a great trophy unless you're willing to MM another.
>>26803576 The latter is what I'm afraid of also. You have 4 systems, right?
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26803590 Just for the dex please. I'll have it ready for you soon!
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26803601 I desperately need Stunky, Patrat, Timburr, Trubbish, and Elgyem. I'd also be willing to trade an event Xerneas for an Yveltal
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>>26803605 Ok, I have your starly whenever youre ready just trade me
FC- 4356-0185-5607
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26803603 3 now. I sold the smaller red one.
>>26803623 NO U
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
>>26803627 I have all of those, but I need to breed an extra Stunky for you. I also have two extra Yveltals, I don't need Xerneas, so I can just give you one. But if you have any extra legendary let me know to see if I need it.
Quoted By:
>>26802509 Gyarados/Magnazone
You can interchange the partners, too.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26803647 Awww.
I could've bought it off of you. Ojisan 1177-9999-7638 !gsan.Xz0BY
Quoted By:
These are free, please take them. Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26803671 I have an extra Raikou, if you'd happen to need it. I also have a lot of pseudo-legendaries (Tyrannitar, Salamence, Spiritomb, Goodra, Noivern, Dragonite, Metagross, etc...)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26803707 This might be a coincidence, but it seems like the glitchiness changes depending on how I hold it. If I lay it flat, the screen goes completely black. If I hold it upright, it seems to work normally.
You should just buy me a new 3DS (^: Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
>>26803719 I'll take the Raikou. I separated the six pokémon for you (one is an egg of Spunky). I'm making the list of the pokémon I need, just give me ten minutes.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26803726 I've never known about that to be a problem. It's usually a hinge problem that causes the screen to malfunction since it has little support.
When I get a PS4 first, I'll think about it. Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26803745 Yeah, if you give me a list, I'll be able to breed a bunch for you
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26803754 That could be it. Either way, turning it upright seems to be correcting the issue, so it's okay. If I just can't hold it in certain ways, I can deal with that.
I have a PS4 that has just been sitting there for months. I'll trade ya. Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26803768 Is it a N3DSXL, regular XL or (N)3DS?
That offer would be pretty stellar if I weren't broke. Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26803820 Both are N3DSXL. One is a Persona Special Edition, the other one is the Pikachu
with nipples special edition.
I'm just kidding. I've had it awhile and haven't used it (it was a gift), but once Persona 5 releases, I'm gonna be wearing that PS4 out. Anonymous
>mfw Clefable is sweeping the Super Single Battle Maison stalling faggot pokemon Holy shit I knew I was right when I said that Clefable was my favorite pokemon in RBY, fuck you for making fun of me and calling me gay David
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26803844 I mean, Clefable was pretty shit back in the day. It's awesome now, though.
Princess 3926-5695-0828
Quoted By:
>>26803844 Not to rain on your parade, but it's type is "fairy" your prancing lala homo man.
>>26803854 its actually PU
>>26803854 It was my ace in game back in the day since it could learn almost every useful TM
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
Quoted By:
>>26803843 You should post that pic again of your systems. I didn't know there was a N3DSXL Pikachu system.
I'll be doing the same once KH 2.8 is released, but I'm still a bit skeptical about the PS 4.5 that's releasing next year, supposedly. Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26803866 That's singles, though, right? I meant in VGC.
>>26803873 Fair enough. I just never liked normal types.
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
>>26803755 Sorry I took a lot. Here it is. I need more than these, but I can breed, evolve or catch in another game I have; these are the ones I really need.
Quoted By:
>>26803884 Even in singles it's OU, that guy is just shitposting.
>>26803884 You really never liked Persian, Chansey, or Snorlax. Those were my other favorites from RBY
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
>>26803897 I'm interested in Chansey, my trade list is
>>26803412 but I could breed almost every pokémon that is not in this list
>>26803889 Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Quoted By:
>>26803908 I think I used Persian in my FR speed run and that was neat, but I'd never really put a normal type on my team.
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26803889 Alright... I can do the following:
* =I can give you three Tyrogues, as getting a hitmontop, hitmonlee, and hitmonchan would take quite a long time
I can do trade-backs for Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Mew
Again, this might take a while, but I'd do it to help a pokemon master out
>>26803923 Eh, I don't really need anything in particular. I'm just bored.
Gimme a bit and I'll get an egg for you.
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
>>26803933 Thanks, but let's be fair. I'm giving you six pokémon, just give six pokémon. And about Tyroge, just give me one and I'll do the rest.
Those six pokémon, I choose: Tyroge, Tangela, Murkrow, Raikou, Slakoth and Spiritomb.
Is it okay by you? I already added you to my friend list.
>>26803944 Great, thanks.
>>26803990 Turns out I had an extra in the bank.
I'll add you now.
My FC is in my trade list.
>>26803605 You still here?
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26804007 Yeah, sorry. This is taking longer than I thought. I'm breeding for IVs now
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
>>26804004 Got it, thank you.
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26803990 Oh, alright, so I'll trade you the six pokemon.
I'll get Yveltal for the Raikou, and for the others, Trubbish, Stunky (egg), and whatever other shitmon you want to give.
I can still do tradebacks for the legendary birds if you'd want.
Not saying you'd have to do it, but It would REALLY help if we could do tradebacks for Spritzee and Swirlix (I'm having them hold the trade evo items, so they'd evolve. I need them for my pokedex)
Quoted By:
>>26804053 You're very welcome.
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
>>26804056 I'm giving you the ones you asked earlier: Yveltal, Patrat, Timburr, Trubbish, Elgyem and Spunky (hatched).
And I can trade your Spritzee and Swirlix for my Spritzee and Swirlix, just give a minutes to get Sachet and Whipped Dream.
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26804115 Alright! I'm hatching your pokemon as we speak, so I'll tell you when I'm ready
>>26804024 Dont sweat it honestly I really just need the HA, and Im online now
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26804138 All right. Let me finish hatching these last couple just in case, then I'll add you
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
>>26804130 I'm ready, just let me know when you are ready to begin. Will you want to trade back the evolved pokémon? I have to warn you, my game is in japanese, so when they evolve their names will be in japanese, same with Spunky since it hatched in my game.
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Quoted By:
>>26804185 I stopped after season 3
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26804185 i'll be watching it later tonight it better be better than last weeks shitshow
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
Quoted By:
>>26804185 Me! But I haven't watched yet so :P Anonymous
>>26804185 I'm shitposting on /tv/ at the same time.
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26804173 If anything, that's even better! (Because of Masuda Method). We don't have to trade back the evolved pokemon.
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Quoted By:
>>26804192 >it better be better than last weeks shitshow shouldnt be too hard
>>26804196 same
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
>>26804198 Ok then. Also, if you want, I can get you some japanese pokémon if you want to try to breed a shiny.
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
Quoted By:
>>26804138 Send me a request when you're ready, you don't seem to be available
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
Quoted By:
>>26804249 Thanks! Sorry about the IVs. I managed to get you speed at least
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26804228 Nah, don't worry about it...I'm ready!
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
>>26804308 Got them, thank you man. Hope to trade again someday.
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26804406 Thanks to you, as well! And same!
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
>>26804418 I just have one question, why is Raikou nicknamed Registeel?
Quote, FC: 1092-2024-2014 !bweD1LGLtg
>>26804435 I was really tired, Raikou was being a bitch, and I wanted to spite him. Also, I thought it'd be a bit funny.
Parin (パリン) 1478-4084-5261
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>>26804454 I understand, my other Yveltal is nicknamed Ano (anus in spanish).
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26804529 Can I get a female Tangled Feet Pidgey?
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
Just a heads up, WT is unexpectedly fire right now
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>>26804684 >AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26804529 I'd like a pidgey as well!
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>tfw been so tired the past week from work that the only things I've done have been get home, take an hour nap, wake up, play the pokemon bike mini game, and go to sleep I miss being a NEET and playing pokemon for 14 hours a day
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26804684 Guess I'll fire up my game and give it a go. I haven't WTed in ages.
>>26804632 Sure, put something up for it!
>>26804708 Which one would you like specifically?
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
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>>26804687 Balltism and good iv male breedjects. Usually it's crap this time of night
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26804741 Any one is fine. I'll put up a male Elekid with the message /vp/
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26804741 Depositing a level 1 female Lickitung :)
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Here's what I'm starting with. Some good balloons. Let's see how much shit this box is filled with by the time I'm done.
>try showdown >literally everyone uses xerneas, talonflame, smeargle, and kanghaskan People are into this shit?
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>>26804848 Don't play Ubers?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26804848 What tier are you playing in?
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26804823 Thank you! :D
>>26804844 I'm trading out Clampearl in Heavy Balls and my Tyrogue breedjects
>>26804864 I clicked on VGC cause I assume that's what 99% of everyone is in.
SET 5386-7707-6648
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fucking cottonee finally get a good one with 31 across the board and it's missing speed ;_;
>>26804872 >clamperl in heavy balls Isn't that an illegal combination? Why are you spreading this cancer?
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>>26804877 No, that would be OU.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26804877 Yeah, but come on. VGC is where the stakes are high. People are going to use whatever they can to win.
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>>26804894 They're a swarm Pokemon in HG.
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26804894 It's not. And neither is the Remoraid in Heavy Balls I'm sending out either
Try harder ;)
>>26804916 Why are you such a qt? Anonymous
>>26804529 could I get a female pichu, if possible? I put up a lv 1 woobat.
>>26804529 Could i get one of those female Nidorans please? Ill put up a level 1 female Roselia for it
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
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>>26804948 still an 8.5/10 Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26804943 I hope you get something worthwhile, I feel kind of guilty now... WT is always about 1/3 zigzagoons thought, the other 2/3 varies in quality
Krys 1134-7611-9733
>>26804943 >>26805001 I'm getting nothing but shitmons so far. ;_;
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>"We can't get you a 2DS now, we're short on money and need to save all we can." >buys us tickets to go white water rafting and horse back riding reeeeeeee mom you're killing me
>>26805001 It's ok, these ballmons were just sitting in my bank. The only thing that would really upset me is if someone got them and released them or something like that.
>>26805022 Same.
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
>>26804943 >tfw sending out ziggies Anonymous
>>26805035 >you will never be underaged again I miss those times
>>26805035 Have you thought about setting up a kickstarter or a gofundme? I've seen dumber things get funded. Like a guy that just wanted taco bell and stuff.
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26805037 I hate you.
>>26805049 I'm not underaged, my mom and I just have a unique financial situation.
>>26805053 I've thought about it as a joke. I'd never seriously do that, though.
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I got a love ball Vulpix.
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>>26804684 Thanks for the heads up I just got a shiny Sealeo for a breedject pokemon
>>26805067 >you will never be a NEET again I miss those times
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>>26804684 Just got a shiny Swadloon with an ability capsule.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26805095 Sometimes I pay the bills instead of buying myself stuff. Sometimes she buys me stuff instead of paying the bills. That's all.
Although, I guess I have become a NEET since April. Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
I got a Quick Ball Cleffa...
SET 5386-7707-6648
ok finally got my female penta HA healball EM cottonee damn was that annoying
>>26805157 That feel when have 18 pentaperfect leftover Cleffas
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26805169 Sounds like you need to join in on the "fun"
Princess 3926-5695-0828
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>sending up 3/4IV breeding leftovers >getting solely trash mons This is some bull.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26805101 It's definitely worth a try, and I might even meet my goal. But it's not worth giving up my dignity for. e-begging is still begging. I feel like kickstarters should be reserved for worthy causes, not "pls my 2 consoles are broken hlep me", you know?
>>26805168 Are you going to MM?
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Link all WT wins here. I got a Shiny Floatzel with an Air Balloon.
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26805188 >Are you going to MM? hell no i did that last time with that eevee and got shit on ;_;
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>>26805184 I can't, I got addicted to hatching Cleffas because of how cute they are and I ended up with 200 of them but I don't want to give any away
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
Finally got something decent. Pentaperfect female Sneasel with pokerus in a pokeball
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26805197 BECAUSE YOU USED AN INAPPROPRIATE BALL REEEEE. Shiny Whimisicott is a qt though. I might resume my hunt for it in a Dive Ball.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26805215 I can breed you one in a Dream Ball. Anonymous
>>26805217 I don't get why you guys don't like pokeballs, they look the best for most pokemon
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26805217 I got a non HA female in a Dive Ball I could breed.
>>26805237 That's ok. I got one in a Moon Ball :P
SET 5386-7707-6648
>Shiny Whimisicott is a qt though. I might resume my hunt for it in a Dive Ball. No Heal Ball is best ball fot qt's
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26805247 To each their own, but I really hate Pokeballs.
>>26805253 I've got penta Dive Ball Prankster ones that I'm about to WT away.
>>26805257 B-but you need the ball to match the mon! Whimsicott has no pink in it. What are you thinking?!
SET 5386-7707-6648
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>>26805237 >I can breed you one in a Dream Ball. thanks but i like breeding my own pokemon makes me love them more
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26805277 >B-but you need the ball to match the mon! Whimsicott has no pink in it. What are you thinking?! Whimsy is a qt and deserves a qt ball
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26805290 It deserves a MATCHING ball. I will fight you till the end on this.
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26805169 I have a box of penta cleffas all cute charm. But i managed after like six boxes to get two magic guard for myself. Anybody that wants to use an ability capsule can gladly have one of my cleffas.
>>26804932 Sorry, I left to clean. Can you put something else up? You got sniped.
>>26804937 Sent!
>>26804943 You're playing the lottery, you can't always be a winner.
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26805299 >It deserves a MATCHING ball. I will fight you till the end on this. we will fight to the death. Whimsy gets a QT ball because she is a QT
>>26805277 >NEETs don't like the working class ball Figures, pokeball is god tier
>>26805309 Did you not use a Magic Guard parent? I only got one cute charm in that batch of 18
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>>26805330 Is garbage meng
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>>26805343 Non ha abilities have an even chance of selection. It's just rng bull shit
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26805319 I know, I know. RIP cool ballmons, though.
>>26805325 >implying Heal Ball is the only qt ball BAD TASTE.
>>26805330 I guess everyone will know that your Pokemon was born from some common, street whore mother, then, and never raised with care. Is that what you want?
>>26805319 I put up the pichu I got sniped with back into the gts. hopefully that sticks around longer.
>>26805359 The pokeball is for blue collar working class trainers, anything other than that is for lazy richfags
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26805359 >implying Dive Ball is a qt ball worse taste
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>>26805319 Received, thanks!
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26805385 How do you think we got rich? We worked hard. You're the lazy ones. Now you shame us for our wealth? How dare you!
>>26805391 It's elegant and IT MATCHES THE MON.
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
The Pokeball, Heavy Ball and Dive balls are the only ones that look good.
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26805412 >It's ugly and ONLY THE COLOR MATCHES THE MON ftfy kia. i don't care if it matches it's not CUTE
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26805452 We will never see eye to eye.
>tfw you've made a new enemy Anonymous
Love Ball is best ball! Heavy Ball is second best, tied with Dream Ball. All other Cherish and Apricorn balls tier 3. All others are trash except Dive and Heal ball on very rare occasions.
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
>>26805446 Love Ball And Safari Ball too...
>>26805464 >it's not a frienemy Princess 3926-5695-0828
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Honestly, I miss ball stickers. Those were the shit.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>5IV imperfect Heatmor in a shit ball I guess this is the best I'm going to get from WT.
>>26805479 f-fine. Frienemies.
>>26805502 >Kia becoming friends with people who aren't qt traps. SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26805464 >tfw you've made a new enemy You've always been my ememy kia
you just now caught on Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26805513 ANON, PLS.
>>26805515 b-babe, pls. we can work it out. as long as our children aren't born in Pokeballs, we can work it out.
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
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>>26805475 Mah niggah. Cherish Ball is shit tier tho
Kevin !!GFBBZG5d4PN
>>26805476 Safari sure but Love ball?
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26805536 >b-babe, pls. we can work it out. as long as our children aren't born in Pokeballs, we can work it out. fiiiine but
can two girls even make babies? 3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26805536 You can't deny it Kia.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
I got nothing good. Noooooothing.
>>26805557 >grill I always assume people on 4chan are males. Idk why.
>>26805558 Lewd, H.P! Lewd!
Rose 2079-8001-6815 !!BlLQzX57vSC
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Ayy just got a 6IV Dream Ball Luxray in a Love Ball!! But its relaxed...And male...
>>26805544 It's cute imo
>>26805557 Guess you have to ask Lex to be the Hexaperfect male. >>26805593 :3c
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How many clicks or bells do I have to hear to know my Return is at full damage?
SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26805593 >I always assume people on 4chan are males. Idk why yuup just double checked
no penis down there and i've seen more grills on /vp/ than men
Also because of this picture, i remembered that i need to breed an espurr. thanks alot ;_;
>>26805536 SET 5386-7707-6648
>>26805610 >Guess you have to ask Lex to be the Hexaperfect male. but i want to be dominated by kia ;_;
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26805629 T-that's not true, right? >>26805648 Get in line Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26805629 I've seen a good amount of girls on here as well, but I'm just in that "everyone on the internet is male unless proven otherwise" mindset I guess? Heal Ball would actually be a great choice for Espurr's shiny, if you plan on MMing it.
>>26805648 art of my trainer dominating yours when?
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
>>26805593 Damn, that's shitty even for Wonder Trade. Want a dream ball Solosis?
>>26805629 Post pics/imgur? For science of course. I think like 80% of all /wfg/ regulars are grills desu for some reason.
Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
>perfect IVs >wrong ability EVERY TIME
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26805665 If you wouldn't mind, yes! I'd love one. Thanks, Amy.
>>26805672 What're you breeding, friend? Want an ability capsule?
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26805667 >Begging for pics That's a bad idea.
SET 5386-7707-6648
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>>26805667 I've put pics up of me before it didn't work out because i didn't delete the exif
>>26805657 >Heal Ball would actually be a great choice for Espurr's shiny, if you plan on MMing it. I may go with Heal Ball but i'm looking to see if i can bullshit it into a loveball
Amy 2037 - 0940 - 4760
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>>26805680 Might as well spread the love! Give me a bit to breed it for you :)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26805667 >asking for pics in the thread wew lad, pls don't
Riley 0877-2200-0897 !zaCU3oJywc
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>>26805680 breeding Murkrows. Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass.