>>26808856Noooo, no way. NPCs pokemon in HG/SS were so low that it was super easy to become over-leveled and just steamroll everything, with few exceptions. Like just for example, there are some trainers near the seventh gym town who's pokemon aren't even past level 20 yet. Now of course this does present the problem of making grinding a pain, but that only really happens when you are switching out pokemon on a full team of six or getting new teammates late in the game. If you get your full team early on, you will be pretty much set by the time you hit the third or fourth gym, unless you are skipping trainers to battle or something.
Meanwhile in Platinum you will very often be underleveled, and with places like Mt. Coronet where wild encounters are SO common, you NEED repels or you will be having a shitty time often. And of course Cynthia is (arguably) the most difficult Champion of the whole series.
That said, Platinum is possibly my favorite game in the series, but that's a whole other story.