Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost - Circlejerk - Friend Safari - Mystery Eggs - Multis - Balltism - Board Games - /tg/ comes to visit
This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones or Injections. There are other threads for those. Use them if that is how you like to play.
>Injectors please stay in the injection-specific thread. Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists and Safari requests reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin, images, or Google Docs if you've got a long list to share.
A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: Previous Thread: NONE. THEY WERE INFESTED.
QoT: What sort of ball would you like to see or see return in Sun and Moon? Bonus QoT: Has anyone played any Pokémon or Pokemon - themed tabletop game?
Are you shitting me? Oh well.
>>26870992 I would like at least the Safari balls return, and wishing for Apricorn balls to return is a bit of a stretch.
Requesting a HA female Timburr (preferably in a ball that isn't a Pokeball, Master ball, or Cherish ball). Those are bitches to even find in Granite Cave.
I got HA female Sableye in Luxury ball, with
>Imprison >Recover >Sucker Punch >Trick as egg moves, just for compensation, since Granite Cave is harder to DexNav in.
I DM a Pokemon Tabletop United group of 2 friends who aren't really into Pokemon. It's really fun because I can just describe the mon and until they whip out their Pokedex and scan it (or pass a PokeEdu check), I don't let them look at a picture of it or its typing.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26871011 Was about to offer one of mine but only have a crappy non-HA male in a luxury ball and the rest in pokeballs. Sorry, I hope someone can help you soon.
>>26871021 Storytime? Also, how do you structure the world around the existence of pokemon? I mean ulturally and economically, do you have it set in modern times+ or do you have it like the games where they don't really pay attention to it? I'm trying to get my own game going and this part in particular is really bugging me. Anonymous
>>26870992 huh, is this /wfg/?
It doesn't say it in the OP
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>>26871159 Either the OP fucked up or its some clever way to alienate people/trolls/injectors/beggars by preventing them from going into the catalog and ctrl+f /wfg/.
Kia on a Phone
There are three wfg threads right now. The fuck us going on?
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>26870992 tabletop...lemme remember...the "Pokemon Meistertrainer" game featuring a dice, the kanto map and so on.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>26871359 2 are infested with sarah-itis, injectionis faggotius. and tailsposter, the "Sohn einer Hafendirne"
Kia on a Phone
>>26871547 Yikes. And this one isn't even labeled properly.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>26871566 who cares. all of them are stale. no one posts anything, so we´ll just stay here.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
Am i the only one who thinks that Blazikens Mega is useless if it has his HA? that bit more atk isnt important if you can megavolve another pokemon instead.
>>26872028 Injectorfag
making pokehacks and clones since ever.
mostly with her "hurr free shiny 6iv dittos"
she wants one of your original pokemon so she ca copy your Trainer ID and make pokemon with it. can get you disqualified at torunaments etc
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>>26871566 This one is the most recent and least silly, so it's good.
>>26871987 LO or Sash SD Blaziken is better than the mega.
>>26872028 Another word for cancer.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>26872028 someone we dont want in here.
>>26872076 Really?
She goes out of her way to get people disqualified at tournaments? That's pretty mean.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>26872120 nah, but i think its a bonus for her. if you get something of her, always use a pokemon you got via WT.
be alerted if its "Just put something up the GTS for a (lvl 100)Ditto :^)"
>>26872120 If some anon offers you a rare ball mon, illegal ball combination, competitive shiny, 6IV ditto, flawless mon, or something that's too good to be true or claims to be May in a cute hat/any tripfag or namefag without actually having name or trip or claims to have a mon from someone else to trade or wants a mon with your OT or some specific person's OT, it's Sarah. She jumps through a lot of hoops to be a troll. If she didn't piss me off so much, I'd actually be impressed.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>26872175 i had to restart reading your post 3 times until i could finish it.
also, not everyone is injecting.
i have DBHA legendarys like weather trio, lugia, giratina and dialga thanks to old software like dreamradar.
no blue pentagon doesnt always mean a hack. many dont understand that in here.
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>>26872175 >>26872161 I've actually seen a post from somebody requesting a pokemon with a specific OT from somebody in /wfg/, I just assumed it was a weird stalker and/or autist.
I have access to CFW so if I ever wanted to inject I'd do it for myself, I do appreciate the warning though.
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>>26872202 Right, no blue pentagon just means old. Also it's best to be wary about trading with anons. Namefags are usually trusted.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26872076 Since when can it get you disqualified from tournaments? This worries me.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>26872236 If you get into higher rankings and they see your pokemon are faked/injected, they will expel you of course.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26872269 Ah, I misunderstood. I thought you meant that getting disqualified had to do with her copying your SID, and I found that to be odd.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Day two of hatching Cottonee. Anyone want dive ball 4EM Cottonee? I have about a dozen pentaperfect females and males, and a 6IV female if anyone wants them.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>26872488 hatching for a shiny?
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26872608 Yup. First time I'm actually aiming for one.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>26872617 i´ve given up on a shiny lapras via hatching. got a shiny gible while breeding for a normal 6iv one.
i bought a black2 for 30 bucks to get one, which has shit stats.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26872643 Well, I've gotten three shinies in under 30 eggs before by accident, so I might have used up all my luck. I just really want a shiny Whimsicott.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Speaking of shinies, I saw this in /shw/ yesterday and it cracked me up. I think you all will enjoy it. Always use the Master Ball. Always.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26872709 That would just be awful.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26872775 I mean... it's kind of his fault for using Bide? But still. No one deserves that kind of pain.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26872786 Well yeah.
Master Ball is always acceptable for shiny legends Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26872829 I regret not having my Shiny Suicune in a Dive Ball, but I didn't know I'd end up with a shiny. I was just SRing for stats. The Master Ball looks ok, but Dive would have been .
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26872786 That was posted for my buddy Mack who SR'd 12,000+ times for his Giratina. Every weekend, I always encouraged him to keep going. This video is fucking kek, though.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26872878 >4chan not supporting my ironic emoji anymore Reeeeee
Anyways, Master was good, Dive would have been best.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26872890 send the ironic emojis on skype I guess Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26872887 Ah, that was your friend?
I was the anon that said I would have killed myself before I got to 12000. Honestly, congratulations to him. That's craaaazy. I'd have lost my mind.
>>26872903 Eh, I don't feel like being on there right now.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26872919 That's understandable.
>>26872887 What were the stats on his Giratina? Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26872919 Yep. I (unfortunately) got mine before him since I wanted to join him on his hunt. I never even thought you could hit over 12,000 SRs, even with the Charm.
>>26872933 I forgot to ask, nor did he post it, but he may be lurking.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26872986 How long did it take for you to get yours? I admire the people in there that are SRing for every possible legendary in ORAS. It must take a lot of time...
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26873013 That's why I'm there every weekend. I need just 9 more legends in OR (emotions, genies, Regis except Regice). Giratina took 3,201 SRs, but that's my third-longest hunt. Registeel, currently, is 3,357.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26873034 Hopefully you get it soon.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26873043 Thanks man. What're you hunting/MM'ing for?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26873034 That's the kind of autism I admire! Good luck! I hope you get those shinies soon!
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Why aren't shitmon like Wurmple and Zigzagoons banned from Wondertrade? Nobody wants them.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26873056 Just MM'ing for a shiny Cottonee.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26873067 I'm honestly tempted to EV train and evolve that Sentret I hatched earlier in the week. I want to breed for another, but on my OR, but I'm still stuck on this Registeel. What do?
>>26873091 Damn that sounds lovely. How far are you?
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26873104 Just three boxes. Plenty of Pentaperfects and a couple Hexas so far, which is nice enough.
>>26873126 Sorry for silly question, but what is pentaperfect/hexas?
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26873152 Pentaperfect is 5IVs, with the non maxed IV being in a useless stat, usually the attacking stat that isn't used,. Hexa is 6 maxed IVs.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26873126 I feel like requesting one from you, if you don't mind.
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>>26873173 Oh cool. Good job getting those IVs.
Thanks for answering.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26873174 Penta or the Hexa?
And Infiltrator or Prankster?
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26873207 Either penta or hexa female with either ability. What're the EMs?
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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im thinking of huting a shiny zangoose next. or re-breeding my shiny gardevoir. it really sucks to have 4/6 team pokemon with blue hexagon...
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26873230 Memento, Encore, Switcheroo and Worry Seed.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26873104 SR for a little longer on Registeel, then take a break and breed for more Sentret, I guess.
>>26873161 It's the best we've got for now.
you can't breed master ball onto babies right?
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>26873161 better than tailscomic and Injectors.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>26873273 you cant breed masterball nor cherishball onto anything. it´ll be a pokeball.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26873259 Sweet. Is there anything you need?
>>26873272 I suppose I could start on MM'ing Sentret. I want this next one to be Japanese and female. HA doesn't really matter to me.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26873299 Not particularly, just send me whatever you want.
Apricorn or DB mons are always appreciated though Anonymous
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>>26873292 Fuck. I get cherish but master ball should be a thing
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26873312 Not sure if I have you added, but my FC is 5386-7794-9612 and 2895-9675-0028.
I finally beat X and need some friend safaris. Not sure which one I am yet, but my code is 1993-9523-1586 Anyone I can add?
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26873358 I've added you.
>>26873338 Got you. I have a water safari, not sure what's in it though besides Quag, so let me know.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26873358 Adding you now.
Hey guys, I'm new to Pokemon. Playing Omega Ruby, it's my first Pokemon game. So please forgive me if this is a stupid question. What are the chances that a 5 IV Ditto is legit? I traded my masterball for it, because apparently I caught the "pokemon it's meant for" without it. But I've only just found out people can cheat pokemon, and now I'm feeling jewed and paranoid that I'm gonna get banned. Can I get banned for accepting a cheated Pokemon? Even if I didn't know it was cheated?
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26873365 I don't have any balltim mons on my X cartridge since they're all in Bank on my other system, so I'll trade in a bit.
>>26873365 >>26873371 Added you both, thank you!
>>26873365 You also have Bibarel, which I needed so thank you!
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26873365 Bibarel, Quagsire and Poliwhirl.
I also need Friend safari my FC is 0963 3400 7484
Ferdy 4442-2812-4260
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26873394 >>26873399 No problem and thanks for letting me know!
>>26873387 Alrighty!
>>26873384 Odds are it isn't. You can get more Masterballs if you have ORAS though. And you likely won't get banned.
Ferdy 4442-2812-4260
Looking for a Dream Ball Gligar/Heracross for breeding purposes. Offering Dream Ball Venonat or Lileep. Also if someone has a spare baby Smeargle that'd be great too because I need a low level one for money purposes.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26873422 If you're willing to wait, I can get you a gligar later tonight..
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I know this is going to be nearly impossible, but worth a try. Does anyone have the Gen 4 island event Shaymin, shiny, and with a decent nature and hopefully decent IV? I'm offering up a SR shiny Giratina, fully trained (defensive phazer set) and VGC/Ubers ready with a nearly perfect IV spread.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>26873700 maybe he meant the game
>>26873716 You're too young.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>26873722 23 is too young?
>>26873716 It's not young. It's lack of malice.
Anon was obviously trolling about trolling.
This place is messed up but you get used to it.
>>26873542 I can wait. Might I ask what ball would it be?
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>26873762 Ah, that young.
whelp, my fault for not noticing
battle resort fucks my brain
>>26873726 Too young as in, you haven't been in /vp/ for long enough to recognize le ebin meme
>>26873762 It would be dream ball as you mentioned that was what you wanted in your post. Later tonight because I'm not home right now and won't be for a few hours from now.
>>26873875 Oh that's awesome
>>26873875 mfw i was actually curious but my approach was so stereotypical that it came off as a meme
either way, is it good
>>26873891 It'll be 5iv w/ HA unless you want another ability. I won't promise a penta because I'm lazy.
>>26873895 It's fun. I liked it.
>>26873875 I'll be back in a few hours then, and ask again for Gligar so you see me. Thanks in advance.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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Just hatched a Hexa male Cottonee. If anyone was looking for a male in the Plant and Fairy groups, go ahead and send me a trade.
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>>26873935 Tell me your ign in advance so I know who am I supposed to send it later. Someone might try to grab it before you get back.
>>26873929 Actually if we could trade it as an egg? Its gonna be a seminuzlocke run but anything is fine as long as it's that delicious DreamBall
>>26873972 I can send you a female and an egg if you'd rather have both. Just need to know your IGN. Sorry for the paranoia.
>people on GTS only want untradeable event Pokemon for Groudon DDDDDD:<<<<
>>26874025 Put something hard to find up asking for a groudon instead of looking for a groudon yourself. You have more chances of getting it that way.
Dan !.MeUVI89CY
>>26873982 Not at all. Actually I was gonna get a provisional trip, and your idea sounds awesome.
>find Clamperl on GTS >holding Deep Sea Scale >asking for Clamperl >message says "deep sea tooth please" >trade Clamperl holding nothing
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>>26874062 What a troll haha :D
>>26874044 Zekrom is a good idea, right? Someone with a Groudon might not have a Zekrom since it's in AS?
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>>26874047 Aight Dan, I'll reply to you later on. Thanks!
>>26874062 You're an ass
>>26874107 Yes, picking legendaries from the opposite game is a good choice. Good luck anon.
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>Simisear event gave the monkey jack shit to make it at least simi usable. Goddammit Gamefreak.
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I need a female HA Sableye (preferably penta), and another penta in the human- like egg group. For trade I have HA penta shroomish, tyrunt, pineco, and gligar.
Does anybody here breed with injected dittos? Do you consider it cheating?
>>26874177 It's very frowned upon. Even Game Freak considers it cheating.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26874252 I won't use a ditto then, Thanks. what about checking IVs with homebrew apps?
I'm not entirely sure how to check IVs accurately, so I've been using a Homebrew app to check them.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26874287 Nah, just lurking and MM'ing Sentret. What's up?
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26874312 Didn't you want a Cottonee?
>>26874317 Battle Institute as in Maison or something? That'll auto-level me to 50 or so?
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>put Zekrom up asking for Groudon >get shiny Thanks for the hack I guess.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26874341 The Battle Institute is in XY yeah.
In ORAS, I think you have to use Pokemiles rare candies, but you can always save before using them, check the IVs, then reset.
>>26874341 Never mind. Battle Institute in Mauville.
Sorry, and thanks
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26874332 Ye. Would you prefer a Jap Moon Ball Gastly or a Jap Heal Ball HA Goomy? I believe both are 4EMs. I also have a spare 4EM DBHA-F Jap penta Jolly Sentret.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26874360 No problem!
I didn't even know about the Mauville institute, I'm dumb. >>26874363 The Goomy or the Sentret sound cool, either is fine. Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26874373 I'll meet you online.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26874396 Thanks for the Goomy!
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26874425 No problemo. If you need anything bred in Japanese, lemme know.
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Just here to answer the QotD. I'd love to see a ball that has an increased catch rate on Psychic, Ghost, and Fairy types (Supernatural Ball?) and a ball that works better on Pokemon that your 'mon is super effective against (and an inverse equivalent).
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26874438 I was actually thinking about playing Sun in French to provide stuff for people on here. Should I do it? Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26874468 Go for it. I take it that you know French, right? H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26874481 Yeah. I'll probably get both Sun and Moon so I can play it in both English and French since the French names sound so off to me now. Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26874505 Exactly what I'm doing when I get both copies. Moon in Eng, Sun in Jap. I should probably study more Kanji for that then. H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
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>>26874540 Thanks. You too. Anonymous
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
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>>26874550 Forever and ever~ Anonymous
>>26874292 lol, dumbass, you actually believe that.
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>>26874645 Believe what?
Please don't say these words to me. Anonymous
>>26874645 Go back to your injection thread, or learn to play legitimately. Do you really have nothing better to do than come to this thread and try to get a rise out of people?
>>26874668 Nobody cares Verlisify
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>>26874668 Don't listen to
>>26874687 , I care.
>>26874668 >nothing better to do breeding is such a good use of time
>>26874721 Why are you even here if you don't breed or battle people?
How do people even breed the "hexaperfect seven"? Anybody done it? Was it tough?
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26874798 It's just time consuming, sometimes you get lucky though. Now I give away any Hexa males I get on here.
>>26874735 you are right, this thread is pointless cancer
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
Quoted By:
>>26874798 this
>>26874813 especially if you want to MM, but when you have 2+ systems, two or more carts and level 3 O-Power on all your games, it'll be a bit easier on you. I recommending getting those 4,000+ steps to speed up the process of maxing your O-Powers or using them.
3325-5937-2260 MJ
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Ay if I get a new 3ds for sun, can I transfer my banked pokemon over? Or is my old x pokemon fucked?
Walther 4527-8513-7995
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Does anyone have a spare ORAS berry like the Spelon or Watmel Berry that they would be willing to trade?
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
Seymour美しさ !!ebYuLc0Tmyk
What the heck is going on where there are three wfg threads ? When I leave this board implodes on itself. Also; I'm back.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26875010 >HA-F >penta Only 40 eggs too. Jesus christ, Masuda. I think I should give you the penta Sentret I hatched earlier for some luck also. I need a break.
>>26874969 Post
yourself fucking off from this thread you cunt. H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26875025 Want a male Hexa Cottonee for it?
>>26875071 Whatever you want to give me. I'm gonna hatch this last egg. Also, in the same batch as the shiny, I got another penta HA-F with terrible Special Attack so would you like that one instead?
Seymour美しさ !!ebYuLc0Tmyk
>>26875049 The amount of salt on you is astounding.
>>26875081 Do you want Tailsposter to come in here?
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26875079 Whatever you want to give me is fine.
Seymour美しさ !!ebYuLc0Tmyk
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>>26875097 If by that you mean the anon posting diaper porn with sonic franchise characters?
Because aye was posting that.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26875105 Okay. Going online right now.
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
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>tfw you will never sniff Senmour's sweaty unwashed cunny after a long hot day
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>>26870992 >Injectors please stay in the injection-specific thread. Too bad you and wfg retards can't seem to follow this
Dan !.MeUVI89CY
Lurking for DB Gliscor and Heracross.
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>26874968 Would you happen to have any leftover females from breeding? Id love to start MMing for my own
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26875857 I have one more left, but it's 5 IV (missing Special Defense). Is that okay?
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Kia still around in this SHITTY thread?
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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Still giving away Pentaperfect Cottonee and one Hexa female to anyone who wants them.
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>26875872 Thats perfectly fine. Putting a female level 1 Yanma up on GTS for it.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>tfw second day of looking for a rough skin female Gible in Y just fucking kill me
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26875966 I have AS, would you like me to go catch one real fast?
>>26875986 what is AS? and yes I would love that
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26875992 Alpha Sapphire.
Want it in any particular ball?
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>26876005 a regular pokeball if you can. You're a saint dude
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
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>>26876009 No problemo. I actually just traded a guy in /shw/ my last penta Sentret like 2 minutes prior.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26876011 Found a female and working on catching it now.
Quick random question.. Does using PayDay during a battle stack, or is it a one time deal?
5172 - 4411 - 5435
>>26876102 You da man. Added you whenever you are ready.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26876111 It stacks. I have no idea what the limit is.
>>26876111 This isnt wifi related in any way, why wouldnt you just google it?
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>>26874062 I had this happen a few years ago, fuck you nigger. I do pray S/M will have a way to actually reserve a Pokemon for a specific item.
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>>26876145 I'll go try it out.... I remember it had a limit in Gen 5 too.
5172 - 4411 - 5435
>>26876134 might be a dumb question but don't we have to add each other to trade?
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>>26876158 because Rose wants attention 3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26876165 It helps, I also forgot to tell you my IGN is Thomas.
5172 - 4411 - 5435
>>26876182 dude thanks so much, you don't know how much time you saved me haha
>>26874062 >Catch a bunch of random ditto >Go onto GTS >make message "5 IV, no SpA" >Living Dex completed in under a week. 3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26876202 No problem! The Dexnav in ORAS makes it pretty easy to find HA mons.
5172 - 4411 - 5435
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>>26876213 Nice i'll be picking it up once I've finished up with y for sure
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26876209 >He doesn't trade his non perfect 5IV breedjects to people for trashmon. That's pretty rude.
FACT: The Pokemon World Championship Tournament included known hacks and they let them still participate due to it not altering legal gameplay (illegal ball combinations)
FACT: Every high ranking team uses 5/6IV legendaries with perfect stats, nature, and even 0 in attack if they are special attacker
FACT: GameFreak/Nintendo do nothing about this because there is absolutely no way to prove an injected pokemon is hacked
FACT: Since the release of the May 16th edition of PkHex, every single legal combination is entered and you can perform a hack-check with a click of the mouse. The only pokemon combinations that confuse it are the event distributions after May 16th
FACT: You are lying to our new friends when you claim that accepting an injected pokemon is detectable.
FACT: You are more autistic than Gamefreak itself, which regularly deals with adult children so much that they have to separate competitions by age.
FACT: This has been known. It has been discussed. You are deliberately trying to inflict a negative experience on others. We will have no more discussion on the topic.
FACT: 6iv dittos are a forced patched solution to a GameFreak problem. I hope they fix this in S&M. Perhaps a IV training minigame like the EV one?
FACT: This song is so fucking kawaii desu ne Anonymous
>>26876293 tl;dr I'm sad that people aren't sucking my dick for injections
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>>26876293 FACT: You should kill yourself.
>>26876293 >FACT: This song is so fucking kawaii desu ne That's an opinion.
Your whole post is invalidated
>>26876329 I thought "We will have no more discussion on the subject" was pretty bad.
Under what authority does Sarah think she can enforce that?
>>26875774 Yo, something came up. I'll be on tomorrow if you're still up for it. Sorry for the delay.
Seymour美しさ !!ebYuLc0Tmyk
This bread is dead. All I want is someone to catch me a Kalos born clefable with HA & softboil Also injector braj is a class A poketroll
>>26876360 I got you Seymour my good man. Did you finally get your cousin to take a FEET pic yet?
Dan !.MeUVI89CY
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>>26876355 No worries. I'll be on tomorrow too.
>>26876345 I'm sorry, but discussing terms and authority fall under the umbrella of discussion, which, as you know, is strictly forbidden.
Please accept a love ball togepi as a token of friendship
Seymour美しさ !!ebYuLc0Tmyk
>>26876383 Can you stop with that nonsense.
Two timestamps later and we're still doing this charade.
Why can't I be like mystery.jpg and just be a board confined legend?
Also can't you see I'm a pretty girl.
>>26876397 I didn't say anything about a timestamp. I said everything about FEET
Seymour美しさ !!ebYuLc0Tmyk
>>26876399 Stop it, yew.
Why is it so hard to get a Kalos clefable with softboil and Magic guard.
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>>26876304 I don't feel that way at all. Everyone is accepting them. I think I'm averaging at like 70% of all trades here over the past week.
It has been incredibly dead after everyone realized they would get doxxed, though
>>26876394 Why are the penalties for failing to follow your directive?
I also don't want your illegal ball combo (^:
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>>26876397 >I'm a pretty girl Anonymous
>>26876413 I don't know. I haven't thought it out that far. Uhhh, you don't get free love ball mons? That might be too harsh, though. Everyone wants love ball mons.
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>>26876405 because Gamefreak blocks it from being traded it.
Otherwise I would be giving out no guard sheer cold love ball volcaronas all the time
>>26876423 And with what authority do you plan on carrying out your yet undisclosed punishment?
Nobody wants blatantly injected shit. If you'd kept it low key and didn't bring in so many beggars, nobody would care.
Seymour美しさ !!ebYuLc0Tmyk
>>26876431 Kys for not knowing that I know this but I just need to say something Pokemon related to elongate the time I have before my ritualistic three-six day ban.
Are you fucking new here scrub?
Also looking for that golly gosh darn Kalos born clefable with HA and softboil egg move.
Pwease & thank yew
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>>26876459 okay haha, post feet and I will give it to you. Put something on GTS for a level 100 clefable. I will check in a few hours after your ban but only if you post those fucking feet!
>>26876432 You are right that no one cares when I keep it lowkey. It's only when a few dedicated people inform everyone that they are getting injections that everyone gets butthurt! We should all do our part to get along
Seymour美しさ !!ebYuLc0Tmyk
Reeee anybody want to battle little ol me? I suck at battling so don't try to hard against me.
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>>26876610 だれのどこが美しい?この豚野郎
>>26876591 The thing is, you don't keep it low key. You make huge rambling posts and advertise what you're doing to everyone.
>>26876629 that's like 40% of the time, tops
>>26876637 Still too much. Try toning it down and see how much better everyone will handle it.
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>>26876610 Sure, I have this new Clefable I want to try
>>26876643 as soon as the OP let's everyone know that everyone is welcomed in /wfg/, I won't need to correct it in the comments!
>>26876655 The OP let's people who want to ask for an injection know that there's a thread where they can do that. What's so wrong about informing poor lost newfriends, injector?
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>>26876664 What's wrong is that doesn't shit up the thread. The injector loves nothing more than shitting up the thread.
>>26876664 it says we should stay out! You can shiny hunt in here or shiny hunt general. We shouldn't harass people who ask for injections or dittos here. We can politely redirect them for a quicker response, but let's stop the hate and all get along!
>>26876698 The hate is there because of your harassment of newfriends who want nothing more than a legitimate 6IV Ditto.
How dare you take advantage of them and their TID? They haven't done anything wrong.
>>26876710 I don't know what you're talking about. I give them dittos. I don't take advantage of anyone. I MAY use a leftover in a box to generate a new legitimate request when someone else wants a breedmon right after a previous trade.
I think all that "stealing IDs" talk is paranoia
>>26876723 No, you're abusive liar! I've seen you take poor defenseless TIDs and use them to send out evil illegal Love Ball Larvestas to people all over the world.
Your days of fascist tyranny will come to an end Injector!
>>26876748 That was Atlas and he voluntarily gave it to me when I used a trip
>>26876758 Atlas is merely a strand in the web of lies you've weaved to entangle lost newfriends.
I see clearly through your deception.
>>26871035 Sorry for the glacial reply, I was gone all day. I have it set in a near future-esque technology state relative to the real world. I combined specific elements from the anime, manga, and games with Orwellian and Lovecraftian influences that motivate the goals of the government.
Essentially food is all synthesized and is vegetarian. There's no murder or violence on TV and the media indoctrinates the population into finding peaceful solutions to everything. Most people can go their entire lives without seeing a single fist fight. A lot of people live their lives without knowing that it's possible for a human to kill another human.
To promote it being more about the pokemon and less being Fantasy fighters with supernatural pets, I banned almost all of the active combat classes to force the game about being about the Pokemon. I've heard too many stories of PTU fights being mostly about the trainer clubbing other people to death with a baseball bat which defeats the point.
>>26876794 what the fuck. I cast magic missile on the nearest full trash can
>>26876795 See tripfags and anons of /wfg/ how the fascist bourgeois tries to cast away the accusations with bread and games to distract the proletariat.
Injector's obsession with giving away perfect dittos and legendaries shows that he clearly believe himself to be superior to the plight of the breeder. His deception and exploitation of newfriends must end!
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>>26876808 Yeah, that's pretty much how the Psychic classes work in the game. I'm not even joking.
>>26876834 haha, fat chance, you privileged bicycle simulator!
I am the Bernie Sanders of pokemon. The 1% of pokemon players hold 98% of the perfect pokemon. Users struggle with wage slave jobs while these elite NEETs sit at home soft resetting for a shiny HP ice Thundurus or a 6iv shiny garchomp.
Well I say, not anymore! Free shit NOW! No longer will the proles accept your bullying! No more hex7 sorting! No more begging for breedjects!
Everyone will be a pokemon master with just a generous contribution of a few leftover digits!
Looking for a Dream Ball Heracross/Gligar please. Offering DB Lileep or Venonat or maybe a random mon of your choosing.
>>26876880 But Sarah, the giving away of breedjects and the willing charity of breeders are an example of trickle down economics actually working, and proof that those who work hard actually DO succeed and help those who follow.
>>26876880 You dare devalue the sweat off the breeder's brow and call yourself a friend of newfriends? How much long will your lies endure Injector?
Soon, the breeders will rise to overthrow your oppression, and /wfg/ will be a place of peace for all, free from your rapacious collection of TIDs.
As for comrade Sanders, he sold himself to the vile capitalists, and can no longer be considered to speak for the Proletariat.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
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>>26876922 I'll check to see what I have in my bank. Really want that DB Venonat. One moment.
>>26876922 Put something on GTS for a level 1 gligar!!!
>>26876923 Trickle down pokenomics has been tried for over 30 months with no success! It's time for a change! We need all of you to rise up and give FREE SHIT NOW
>>26876929 I've had the entire establishment of pokebreeders against me from the start! They have rigged the belief of newfriends with libelous OPs and instructs to "kill yourself" to anyone who offers or receives free shit!
Now the oppressors claim foul when they are irrelevant?! We will create a website to sign up thousands of injectors in every version of pokemon to offer free shit on every website on the internet! We need a revolution in pokemon breeding! Not me, but us!
>>26876972 Do not be deceived by this fascist, breeders, tripfriends, newfriends and anons of /wfg/. He merely seeks to exploit your hard earned catches and breedjects for their TID, before using it for his own gain. He is nothing more than PokeHitler, or even worse, PokeTrump!
>>26876999 >PokeTrump i'd vote for him
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>>26877041 For him to mercilessly exploit your TID to spread Fast Ball Hawlucha and Heavy Ball Pangoro all over WT?
Have you no shame Anon? Believe in the might of Marx and Angel's vision, and trust in the strength of the Breeder.The day will soon come when we can cast off the shackles of TID oppression, and be freed from Injector's tyranny.
Breeders of /wfg/! Unite!
>>26876972 If you give everything for free then what value do pokemon have? What pride can you have? What love for your team can you develop? You didn't earn them. You didn't work hard pedaling on your bike for minutes or hours on end. You didn't feel that satisfaction from chain breeding egg moves through generations of pokemon in order to create your perfect bro, or even that incredible sense of personal success you get when you hatch a perfect MM pokemon.
No, all you have are empty promises of bonds between trainer and bits of data that impersonate your bro. Instant gratification and an empty heart. If you participate in this, you will stop loving pokemon. You will scorn those who enjoy it. And you will become nothing more than a bitter troll, contrarian, and spouting words of falsehood against our kind.
We are breeders, and we earned the fruits of our labor. We love what we do, and unlike you, love pokemon too.
Poketalism forever! May we enjoy the fruits of our labor and the labor of others! Through hard work we succeed! Anonymous
>>26876947 I put up one level 40 Remoraid asking for the Gligar. Thanks!
>>26877071 There is no pride in the slavery of hours of bicycle simulating! Pride comes from playing at the top level with your bros. The 1% will keep you down and insist you have fun after days of suffering. Well, no more! We need a change in pokemon breeding. Right now there are frustrated anons breeding up to their 5iv HA dratini but they forgot extreme speed is an egg move! What then? The purist insists they start over.
The free byte movement will help them succeed their dream! Not be buried in a debt of hours wasted and shitmons bred!
>>26877094 checking, haha!
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>>26877094 You fool! You have been tricked and taken advantage of by that oppressor Injector!
Do not worry comrade, for even the mightiest have fallen to his lies, but be weary in the future.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26876922 Sorry anon, I only have Heavy and Safari Ball Heracross and a Moon Ball Gligar I can't seem to find atm. I wish you luck though, and if you have any other wants/a random female Venonat breedject, I'd be happy to help.
>>26877111 Pokemon breeding is an institution that rewards the workers dedicated to the cause of sharing. There is no purer goal than to breed, and share the bounty of near perfect mons that result, all without having to go through your deceptive services and TID stealing ways.
Breeders, do not be deceived by this man, for he wishes to profit from you. Resist him at every occasion!
>>26877137 gimme a sec, gotta inject Dan his DBHA mons with a new SID :^)
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>>26877094 back out of all menus and accept a trade from whoever I forgot what name I gave myself today
>>26877165 See how he uses the SID ripped away from poor wild and bred Pokemon to gain fame and recognition? Are these the actions of a friend of the breeder and battler?
/wfg/ is not so gullible as to fall for your lies, fascist dog.
>>26877177 I can't he gave his fucking remoroid from HGSS. I need another trade before I can help.
Shhhhhhhh Anonymous
>>26877111 You forget where you are! /wfg/ is a place where breeders help each other. We trade balltism and high IV breedjects to help others in exchange for mons we need for another breeding project or most times for nothing at all. This isn't charity, this is poketalism! This is economics in motion, proven to work! We WT breedjects if demand runs down and help improve the quality of that vortex! You do nothing to help the community besides providing soulless instant gratification! You are a cancer on pokesociety and the equivalent of an anarchist. Your kind may attract the lazy with your easy shinies, but ours will strengthen the resolve of hardened fans and inspire new ones every day.
We will fight you on the shores. We will fight you in the hills. Your kind may turn, but you will never defeat us. For as long as people continue to love pokemon; breeding, soft resetting, and trading will continue! So try all you want, you will never win this war.
Keep running. Matt 0731-5235-0304
Anyone kind enough to trade evolve some Pokemon for my dex?
>>26877187 Sounds like it's time to
crash this
market with no
biking Anonymous
>>26877196 yeah I can help. What do you need?
>>26877094 I can't help you if you have a menu open, friend!
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>>26877184 See how the ingenious breeder manages to trick you, you slanderous facist.
/wfg/ will never give up Injector.
>>26877205 The market is a mere lie. What you will find is an equivalent exchange, where the labor of all are pooled, and distributed equally.
Meredith (1693-4690-5567) !EuEIfGwIvY
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>>26877196 I can help. Add me.
Atlas 3755 1004 4857 !DH4ooI217o
>>26877196 I can help you trade. I also have a bunch of extra attached items you need to evolve mons that you can have. I play this game way too much!
Matt 0731-5235-0304
>>26877212 Right now I just need a touch trade for Rhypherior and Dusknoir if possible?
Matt 0731-5235-0304
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>>26877237 What do you have? That'd be a lot better than just a touch trade.
As I said, I need Rhypherior and Dusknoir right now, but I'll take anything you want to get rid of.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26877244 I have both from my competitive teams. We can touch trade if you just need the dex entry. I may have spares if you want them for living dex, gotta check.
Matt 0731-5235-0304
>>26877273 Either is cool, whoever is least busy can help. added both
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
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>>26877285 Going online. Send a trade request.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26874968 Good job! Is it female? Penta?
>>26875880 Here I am. What's up?
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26877285 You can keep these if you want.
>>26877117 I'm also looking for HA Smeargle and Ludicolo in pretty balls.
>>26877212 Going now.
As you see, several messages were telling me I was being fooled, but I'm going online now.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26877310 HA-F & penta! She's fucking perfect~ Matt 0731-5235-0304
>>26877314 Wait, what? You're joking, no?
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>>26877320 Don't trade any of your hard caught and bred Pokemon to Injector. Feed him whatever else you have at your disposal comrade!
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26877328 No? I have others I've bred. I usually make too many because I want to try out different sets.
Matt 0731-5235-0304
>>26877344 So this shiny Dusknoir is just...mine? this a set up?
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26877310 Hi Kia! >>26877294 What a cutie!
Also, if anyone wants Pentaperfect 4EM Cottonee, let me know, I have a box full of them.
>>26877344 Can a kind soul please teach my charizard dragon pulse please poor fag here
>>26877351 Meredith is an honest breeder Comrade. There is nothing to fear. It is the fascist Injector you must remain watchful for.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26877323 That's fantastic! Congratulations!
>>26877353 Hello, H.P!
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26877351 It was a shiny? Uhm, sure you can keep it if you want. I haven't used it in ages and it's just rotting in one of my boxes. Want the Rhyperior too?
I legit didn't know or I'm just mentally blocked and didn't remember. Tbh I had no clue, but again, better than it rotting in one of my boxes. Matt 0731-5235-0304
>>26877363 I just feel like it's pretty extra generous for a stranger on the internet.
Thanks a lot, Meredith. You're pretty awesome.
Matt 0731-5235-0304
>>26877380 Lol, if you want it back I'll give it right back. I certainly won't say no to anything you want to give up, though. I'll send you a trade request in a few minutes.
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Someone traded me for the Gligar so thank you very much!
>>26877382 Generally, tripfriends are safe to trade with, bar a few traitors who either work with, or do not oppose Injector.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26877353 I'm so glad I decided to MM twice for Furret. No regrets whatsoever. Quite possibly the cutest shiny next to Whimsicott.
>>26877377 Thanks!
~ You were totally right about breeding again for it.
Matt 0731-5235-0304
>>26877401 Who is Injector? Is there lore?
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26877377 How's your day been? 3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26877404 Four boxes in, and still no shiny cotton.
Weird question--I have years worth of mons locked in My Pokemon Ranch on the old Wii. Is there anyway to get those things off?
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26877421 Do you want company MM'ing?
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>>26877423 Only if you use the exact same game and save file to take them off.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26877395 Nah, you can keep it. Again, it was rotting in one of my boxes. Sorry if I freaked you out.
I'm colorblind and didn't even notice the star on it, had no idea it was a shiny. Give me a Luvdisc or random junk mon for the bazooka rhyno. It's a spare from a defensive wall set I tried and didn't like much iirc.
>>26877407 See
>>26872175 3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26877424 Sure, although you'll probably get a shiny before me given your record.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26877440 I have a secret.
I pray to Masuda every night before I go to bed. Matt 0731-5235-0304
>>26877434 Thanks a ton. I've had an awesome first day in /wfg/.
Sorry about the color blind, that sucks. 3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26877448 Do you think sacrificing a virgin to Masuda will help? Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
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>>26877362 I'll see if I have a spare Dragon Pulse baby unless all you need is a heart scale, I can give you one of those for free. Sorry, missed your post.
>>26877456 No problem, happy to help. Hope you stick around! We're not all bad.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26877465 If by virgin you mean a legendary (since non-breedable and "pure"), then maybe. Anonymous
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is the online competition over ?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Someone should make a good and properly labeled thread before this one hits 310.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26877481 Y-yeah, totally. Anonymous
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
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>>26877362 Sorry anon, all my Zards were bred to have X movesets and my Y one only has Air Slash. Hopefully someone else can help. Or you can WT breedjects until you get one of the hundreds of charmanders.
Speaking of breedjects, I still have 4 pages of Meditite to give out for free if anyone wants one.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
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>>26877515 >both surfing images Fucking nice man. Guess I'll delete mine and use it for next time.