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[342 / 34 / ?]

/shuffle/ General: Meanie Genie Edition

No.26874315 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
3DS 1.3.13 / Mobile 1.7.1:
441 stages (400 main, 41 expert)
578 / 577 Pokémon
24 / 12 Raise Max Levels

Data: (3DS 1.3.13 / Mobile 1.6.7) 6/14 (3DS 1.3.11 / Mobile 1.6.5) 5/31

>Events (* = Personalized Skill Boost avaliable)
Dialga*: 6/14 - 6/28
Omastar*: 6/14 - 6/28
Kabutops*: 6/14 - 6/28
Landorus-T*: 6/21 - 7/5
Tornadus-I* [once a day]: 6/21 - 6/28 (can drop Mega Speedup)
Gyarados*: 6/21 - 7/5
Safari #10 [Shellder 30%; Cloyster 6%; Pidove 35%; Tranquill 21%; Unfezant 6%, Shiny Magikarp 1%; Shiny Gyarados 1%: 6/21 - 7/5

>Future Events
Raikou Special Stage: 6/28 - ?/?
Mega Gyarados Competition: 6/28-7/5

>Compilation of useful links

Last Thread: >>26820833