Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost - Circlejerk - Friend Safari - Mystery Eggs - Multis - Balltism - Board Games - /tg/ comes to visit
This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones or Injections. There are other threads for those. Use them if that is how you like to play.
>Injectors please stay in the injection-specific thread. Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists and Safari requests reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin, images, or Google Docs if you've got a long list to share.
A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: Previous Thread:
First for real thread, masuda, lex4prez, lewds, and all that
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
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3rd for Breeders Union Forever
>made after the other thread > /tg/ comes to visit >Try not to flood the thread with useless shit Retards need to stop making threads
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26877536 Can I get one of the female Ratata please? And name it Apple if you can.
>Rose >Last Online: 4 days ago
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
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>>26877551 I-it wasn't me.
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>>26877558 And nothing of value was lost.
>>26877553 Of course! Put something up for her!
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26877558 Rip best trap.
nth for
>>26877532 Anonymous
>>26877573 Fuck off newfag
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26877573 Starting now, btw.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26877570 Lvl1 female Meditite is up. Description is "Thanks Embep".
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26877578 I'm denying how new I am. I just agree.
>>26877582 Good luck!
>>26877549 To be fair, I'm the /tg/ guy from the last thread and I'm still here visiting/lurking. Last thread sent my sides to high orbit. Yall are pretty alright.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26877599 Not denying*, fuck.
>>26877606 No one cares. You made a shit thread
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
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>>26877625 Thanks Embep! You're the best! Hopefully that onionhead monkey serves you well.
>>26877624 Also, visit implies you aren't from here, yet you for some reason thought you should make the thread? Even if it hasn't been shitty, that's rude as fuck
>>26877536 Is it ok to put up a Luvdisc for a female Nidoran?
Atlas 3755 1004 4857 !DH4ooI217o
>>26877512 haha, there's no /tg/ in here along with numerous other errors. OP making is a responsibility! Be careful and correct all of that bigoted exclusion next time!
>>26877532 please post lewds
>>26877558 She deleted your FC, Kia
>>26877606 we are a pretty cool bunch desu. I think that Sara person is probably the most adorable of them all
Also, I have no idea what post was off topic when it doesn't show me! I respectfully disagree! Everything has been on-topic today
>>26877536 Could I get one of those Spearow?
>>26877652 Nobody else had done it and only trolls were around. Sorry, wanted to show some initiative and start off on a good foot.
Ayy how did you guys start a balltism collection? i got a couple ladies in special ball from wt so i figured id ask
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26877607 I might actually continue later. Spending multiple hours staring at my 3DS is hurting my eyes. Good luck and good night!
Atlas 3755 1004 4857 !DH4ooI217o
>>26877725 you just ask. I have a few extras if you want them. Either add me or put something on GTS for a level 1 female eevee
>>26877695 Sarah, it's really creepy that you wear Atlas' skin like that. Just thought you should know.
>>26877725 Exactly like that. Started off with WT, then I got free breedjects and traded for mons here, then shit went downhill.
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>>26877721 Well that backfired faggot
>>26877739 i might wait til sun/moon to start
>>26877745 >then shit went downhill what? in a good way or...
>>26877695 >Skinwalkers in /wfg/ GET THE WHITE ASH AND SILVER.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26877755 I had to stop myself from getting all possible mons in Dream Balls and apricorn balls. It was getting ridiculous and I wasn't getting any battling done.
What's the purpose of oval charm? You do one lap around battle resort and get an egg Am I missing something?
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>>26877773 oh i gotta compile a list of shit i want and shit i need lmao. but yeah like i said before ill wait til sm i guess. thats when my new 3ds comes in anyways
and does anyone know if bank transfers between ds's?
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>>26877787 an egg has a chance of being generated every 256 steps you take.
for example, if the daycare man says "The two seem to get along very well" (or the equivalent) there is a 70% chance an egg will be generated every 256 steps taken.
The oval charm increases the chance.
In the prior example, it increases it to 88%
Atlas 3755 1004 4857 !DH4ooI217o
>>26877758 Would you a free love ball zorua?
>>26877838 >>26877695 Tfw you got BTFO so hard last thread that you have to resort to skinwalking. This is just sad and pathetic Sarah, even for you. Lex would be ashamed of you if she saw this.
Tood 2294-4678-2838
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I'm going to start stockpiling HP Fire Quiet magnemites with various abilities i'll let you guys know when i get a decent amount.
>>26877838 I knew the Hitlerites had a penchant for the occult, but this is just sad.
The Breeder's Union stands united against your foul lies and impersonations, Injector.
Kia on a Phone
>>26877695 What's up with everyone attributing posts to me that I didn't even make?
>>26877866 This is a right to bytes movement. Unions shut out new bytes and entrench the establishment power-bikers
Sorry I had to go make lunch
>>26877694 That'd be fine!
>>26877707 Sure! Put something up for it!
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>>26877919 So you finally show your anti-syndicalist face! Behold /wfg/, the deception is no more. Injector is nothing more than a profiteer, who wishes to devalue the work and sweat from the Breeder's brow.
ib3x 4871 5929 8292
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Does anyone have a 3 or 4 iv sharpedo? I don't have much, other than some imperfect 5iv deinos or a perfect 5iv sheer force totodile with dd
>>26877950 It's up! Goes with a pretty Heart Scale for your kindness.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26877536 Hey Empeb, would you be interested in a Hexa dive ball female Cottonee? I've bred a bunch of extras.
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
>>26877536 Sorry for asking again, but can I get a female Spearow named Carly?
>>26877989 sent! And thank you!
>>26877990 Wow, surprisingly I don't have a dive ball cottonee yet. That would be great! What would you like for it?
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>>26878022 Of course! I'll send you a trade.
>>26877916 >people Its Injectorfag
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26878028 One of those Teddiursa would be good!
Looking for HA Torchic, Froakie and Buneelby. Have some 3-5 Heracross and Weedle. Also taking any breeding leftovers.
>>26878051 Alright! I'll put one up!
>>26878056 I can give you a froakie. Just put anything up on GTS for it.
>>26878056 May I ask what ball is your Heracross?
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26878072 Thanks, just put up a Weedle with the message /vp/
>>26878081 They're in regular poke balls
>>26878089 >6IV Thank you so much!
>>26877536 I put up a level 20 shedinja for a teddiursa. my message is free dude
>>26878133 score. thanks bud. good start to my collection. ill be back when sm are out. peace
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26878108 I did say it was Hexa.
No problem empeb, you deserve it.
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>>26878139 No problem! Have fun!
>>26878146 Oh, you did. Somehow I read it as penta. Thanks again!
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26878045 I don't really feel like Sarah has a motive to do that. Besides, it was Atlas that time, anyways.
>>26878252 that's not Atlas' real trip
>>26878266 >>26878252 also
>haha >bigoted exclusion >calling sara adorable Its injectorfag
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26878266 Ah, ok.
>>26878278 Aww, I thought me and Sarah were total bffs.
>Roarke What the fuck? How the FUCK is this the first fucking gym? He practically oneshots my fucking Level 16 Piplup with his level 14 Cranidos, how the fuck did they think this was a good intro? Like am I supposed to grind all the way to Empoleon just to challenge the first gym because Bubble is not nearly strong enough to handle this bullshit fossil mon. People keep calling this a kids game but what fucking kid would want to play a game where his entire party gets oneshot if he doesn't pick Piplup and grind it all the way to level 19 Prinplup where it has bubblebeam?
>>26878364 just get good you fucking retard
>>26878364 maybe you shouldn't pick the weakest starter then
>>26878364 Stay mad and git gud. I chose Piplup and I can't recall having any problems at all.
>>26878377 >Piplup >weakest starter Explain why Empoleon is OU then?
I bet you're the kind of faggot who thinks Chimchar looks good.
>>26878369 Explain. Explain how I'm supposed to deal with one of the highest attack stats in the entire game on a move that has TWICE the base power of anything I have. Literally the only way to handle Cranidos is to oneshot him with a super effective STAB, and I'm going to need something like level 19 Bubblebeam from Prinplup to do that.
J 3024-9535-7631
I need a female HA Sableye (preferably penta), and another penta in the human- like egg group. For trade I have HA penta shroomish, tyrunt, pineco, and gligar.
>>26878398 Probably because you ignored the rest of your team and just ground out a Level 19 Prinplup, at which point you just used Bubblebeam and oneshot the level 14 Cranidos.
>>26878432 I have one all Ivs expect HP I don't need any pokemon in return, i return can u teach my charizard dragon pulse please(don't have ORAs)
>>26878414 I've nuzlocked that game several times and Roark has never been a problem. What
>>26878369 said
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>>26878441 No, I didn't. You just suck at a children's game, apparently. Why are you even in here complaining? Your ineptitude at battling has nothing to do with wifi or this thread.
>>26878480 Alright, humor me. Explain exactly how your battle went. I want to know what level your pokemon were and what moves you used.
J 3024-9535-7631
>>26878467 Ok, do you have a penta in the human- like egg group too?
>>26878525 No only the sableye in question I add u and send request
Not that I don't trust u but first my charizard than sableye after request completed(I've gotten scammed before)
Metal claw triviliazes Roark. Once again, a case of "you didn't grind hard enough so you got fucked, should've grinded longer you fucking retard. The game isn't about strategy, it's about grinding" which is the epitome of this general where you spent WEEKS breeding for a perfect IV pokemon because a non-perfect Pokemon will NEVER win.
J 3024-9535-7631
>>26878555 Just realized I don't have dragon pulse yet so lemme get it first
>>26878596 Wait I thought it was a move tutor in ORAS because charizard only learns in gen 5
>>26878582 Who are you even talking to lmao
Who the fuck spends WEEKS trying to hatch a good IV Mon? You have to be literally retarded if it takes you that long.
J 3024-9535-7631
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>>26878611 Oh okay. Looks like it can only be taught at the battle resort for a certain number of battle points.
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>>26878498 >>26878498 First time I used a Turtwig. I can't remember my level or the moves but I hadn't evolved and the battle wasn't that hard. Second time, I had a Piplup, but I think I relied more on my Psyduck. It couldn't have been higher than lv 15 and, again, it wasn't that hard.
>>26878627 Anyone without a 6IV Ditto? Which is the other amusing thing, you autistic manchildren get so mad about injectors because they trivialize all of the effort you put into this children's skinnerbox game for gay furries.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26878611 It's an egg move for Charmander in XY and ORAS as well as a tutor move in ORAS. It does not only learn it in gen 5.
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>>26878667 It's easy to get 3+ IV dittos. Speaking as someone who started from the ground up, it doesn't take more than a couple days at most, and that's if we're including the time it takes to catch the Dittos.
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>>26878667 Belittling the anons, tripfriends and newfriends of /wfg/ will get you nowhere fascist.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26878667 You don't need a 6 IV Ditto to get a penta. If you do, you are pants on head retarded. And nice projecting. So, let's recap. You are:
-bad at a children's game
-raging in a general where no one knows you or cares where aforementioned general has NOTHING to do with what you're talking about
-so stupid you think that people need 6IV Dittos just to breed pentaperfects
-projecting so hard that one can only assume that you, yourself are a gay furry
Did I miss anything? Stay mad, spergelord.
>>26878725 >no one knows you Probably a good thing considering you'll dox anyone you disagree with. Pretty sure that's a bannable offense so I'm curious why you're still here.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26878749 I mentioned which social media accounts could be found. That isn't doxxing. Again, you're retarded as hell.
J 3024-9535-7631
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>>26878432 Still looking for this.
Zach 1821-9410-5479
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Dude that needs the Dragon Pulse, do you happen to have HA balltism mons? Looking for Heracross, Rhydon and Smeargle.
>>26878855 Only Poké Balls are available.
>>26878767 >I'm not a bad person Anonymous
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>>26878874 >PotCallingTheKettleBlack.jpg Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26878873 Wasn't Archer available in the Dream World?
>>26878874 Is that really your only argument? Hahaha wow.
>>26878907 I just don't understand your defense force, you're a morally reprehensible person who is as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside. No, I'm not the fag whining about his game although I'm sure that'll be your convenient way to dismiss my arguments.
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>>26878907 You're mixing up your fossil 'mons, Tirtouga was available via the Dream World. The only way you can get Archens is by reviving them from Plume Fossils or by breeding.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26878932 I'm sorry you see things that way, anon. I can't say anything that will change your mind, though. I don't find Googling someone to be morally reprehensible or anything, but if you see it that way, then so be it, I guess.
so Sun & Moon will let you transfer RBY VC mons via bank, right? so theoretically I could get a shiny moltres in SM? also>yfw SM lets you change the ball post-capture/hatch
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26878985 >so Sun & Moon will let you transfer RBY VC mons via bank, right? Yes.
>so theoretically I could get a shiny moltres in SM? That's unconfirmed, but it would be nice.
>>26878985 >shinies in gen 1 U wot
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>>26878997 supposedly if gen 1 pokemon had certain IVs they'd be shiny when time machine transferred to gen 2. I only heard about it today, so I'm not sure it's true, but I'd loves me a shiny moltres.
>>26878301 >Hi Kia I told you before i wouldn't necessarily trust anything she tells you. She's on the record for trying to destroy this thread. As hilarious and unrealistic as that is, her motives are clear. In other words she thinks she's sneaky and conniving. The best part is her shenanigans are virtually transparent to anyone but her reading the threads. Don't get to comfortable old trip, read all the threads, or realize the honest truth that none of it matters, which is something Sara doesn't realize. But honestly to me all that matters is that this returns to a hospitable place. Sara, realizing she can't destroy us, has settled for upsetting us, what we have to do is keep this a friendly place despite her actions, which will require agency from more than just some anonymous asshole. We need you old trips to return in force. Where are Lima and Dawny? It's nice to have you and Psyyy, but you guys are unaware of the bs. This requires more than direct acknowledgement of Sara. It will take a collective recognition of her anonymous, indirect, but obvious posts and a conscious extrication of her antics from this board. Now don't get me wrong, she's welcome, and she has proven to be a contributing participant within the bounds of this board, pretty much just with multi battles, but any valid participation in the future is fine by me, but her destructive habits will not be tolerated. Back to the top, she will lie and promise that she'll be "good", that's all shit. The only way she will is by conditioning, and that type of conditioning will only come about by returning this thread to what it once was and repeatedly demanding that she operate like the others working within that model
>that'll ever happen Ayy lmao!
>>26879063 >this fucking drama lmfao who even cares tho
like pastebin an explanation of why you retards are so absolutely booty-blasted in simple concise language because i want to understand what the hell you morons are so absolutely furious about
>>26879091 Sara's disruptive, rude, and a liar. If those are acceptable traits in whatever community you come from, fine but they aren't in mine, nor will i tolerate them here in what is supposed to be a welcoming environment.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26879063 Hi anon. Don't get me wrong, I believe you over Sarah any day, but when has she said she was trying to destroy this thread? I asked her about that in the tinychat the other night, and she denied being the one that hated all of the tripfags and wanted to kill wfg, but then again, idk. I think some of the old tripfriends will return when SM comes, but a lot of them have stopped playing or will just talk to their friends on Skype, and honestly? That's probably the best for them. I only come to /wfg/ out of habit, really. I'm competitive and I hate to "lose", but in this battle of Sarah vs. wfg tripfriends, I would not mind resigning to create a "purity general" that she would not invade. Staying in "our" wfg is not worth the effort and occasional anger that it causes. At least, not in my eyes.
>>26879091 If you don't care, then keep scrolling.
>>26879125 >>26879129 You're trying to negotiate with a terrorist.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26879143 Well yeah, I can see your point, which is why I think that a "purity general" is the next best step. I'm not sure how many people would go there, though. Or if Sarah would keep her word about not going there. She might keep her word because in her eyes, she'll have "won" and have driven us out of wfg. But she might not stay out, simply because it seems she likes to bother us.
>>26879160 Can u teach my charizard dragon pulse please I know its an egg move but I forgot to give breed on, also i don't have ORAS
>>26879160 If you make a purity general, I will personally shit it up by injecting everything and everything.
>>26879129 She is injectorbro, seymour, and sara. She said it as injectorbro, but whether or not she still feels that way i can't guarantee. It seems like she's settled for being queen disruptor as some kind of validation. I know you're right kia i just want to keep this a working friendly environment for those who love pokemon. I mean it's a tremendous resource and i don't want that to be lost to the international public.
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>>26879177 Why are you such an immature faggot? Did your mom not give you tendies today or something?
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>>26879177 Could you go to the injection thread then? We need you there. There was someone taking requests but the results were obvious hacks instead of mildly modified pokemon.
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>>26879200 nah if I was Seymour you would see many pedicured pics
>>26879063 Sorry, I don't mean to upset you.
I am not trying to destroy this place. /wfg/ is for all. And yeah, there will be so many newfriends flooding in with S&M coming out that all this shitposting will be flushed out immediately.
Let's all stop fighting please. Who wants to multi?!
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26879177 but why, anon?
>>26879200 Yeah, I honestly don't want /wfg/ to turn to shit but
even Reddit is looking a bit more attractive than this place now. I'll decide once we're a few months into Gen 7.
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>>26879177 fuck you buddy that's not me purity general is pure and innocent and will be left to itself. /wfg/ is for all and all will be loved. Do not bully them!
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>>26878667 I'll give you a ditto! put something on GTS for a level 100 ditto and reply to this post. What nature do you want?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26879176 Sigh. I guess. Add me.
>>26879160 I don't lurk any other threads
besides lewd pokegirl ones . I don't bother shiny hunt weekend or the mono battle general (when it existed). I only browse /wfg/ because it's the general discussion/interaction with the games. I wouldn't post in /pg/. That would just upset them. They would have a general specifically for their own desire and I would leave it alone like all the others.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26879290 You might not bother it, but others certainly will. There are a ton of contrarian assholes on here that would try to trade hacks there just because we don't want them to.
>>26879312 Yeah, that's probably true. They can be real shits. I, personally, wouldn't bother with it. If anyone mentions hacks in there, the pure friends would probably redirect them here which is fine by me :^)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26879320 I guess I'll just join Kirzi over at Reddit. 5129-1464-0199
>>26879336 You should stay. There's so much for you here. We have trades and chats and a few shitposts here and there but it's all bantz.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26879340 You aren't even online.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26879380 Maybe. Like I said, I'll wait until we're a few months into SM to make my decision. I just don't see a reason why I should stay here when a lot of people are on Skype.
>>26879400 Fair enough. Everyone will be in a happy mood when S&M comes out!
It will be so busy it might be better to have a purity general established by then. There will be floods of kiddos needing free shit right now.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26879412 >people on /vp/ >in a happy mood pls
I don't know if I'm going to bother establishing it and maintaining it. We've already said that it'll just attract shitposters and ironic injectors. I don't feel like dealing with that.
>>26879425 just have whoever keeps propping up /inj/ do it.
And this board will return the glorious comfy days of Christmas 2013 when everyone was friends and desired to interact with each other.
We should be resolved not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Excluding people from /wfg/ only makes this place worse. It will always have hacks in it.
Does /shw/ have battles in it? Does mono battle general have shiny hunts? Does /inj/ have prolonged debates over purity? /pg/ would be another specialized thread left to be if you don't feed the trolls.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26879443 /inj/ may have been started by people here, but it's maintaining itself. They make their own threads now. I'm pretty sure that /wfg/ folks have nothing to do with it anymore. /pg/ might be a good idea, but I'm not sure if I have it in me to consistently fend off the trolls and get the thread back on track after it gets derailed. I'm too tired for that, familia. Truthfully, my opinion has changed to the point where I don't mind you being in /wfg/, I just mind the shit that it causes.
>>26879462 yeah, it is a bit annoying. I went to watch game of thrones and came back and apparently you guys bitched for like 3 hours about shit
Hey what up Pokemon family does anyone know the day corocoro info should leak?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>26879470 Pffft, in which thread? There are 2 or 3 existing threads up right now. And yeah it's just constant bitching now, and some of it isn't even relevant to the thread, like this guy:
>>26878364 I don't get why some people come here.
But I've been known to bitch as well, so what can I say? (^: >>26879480 We do not know for sure and I'm not entirely sure why you're asking here.
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26877536 Hey embep! Would you be interested in a DBHA Aron, Chatot, and/or Nosepass?
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>>26879480 Are you hyped for being disappointed?
Hey all, Im looking for some new pokemon to try for a sand team Im building, Here's my pastebin of exact pokemon Im looking for, but Im also open to seggestions.. In return of course I have some 4-6IVs to trade or can breed you whatever it is youre looking for, Thanks in advance.
>>26879499 Hello! An Aron would be great! Actually, I just got Chatot and Nosepass yesterday. What would you like for it?
>>26879501 I can help you senpai. Have you tried putting this in the teambuilder format?
Click new team> add pokemon> fill out every option with what you want, then hit the "import/export" button at the top right Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26879518 I'd like the DBHA Zangoose and Krabby, if that's alright. I can throw in a Fast or Moon Ball Meowth if you'd like.
>>26879544 That'd be great! And if you happen to have a spare Moon Ball Meowth, I'd appreciate it!
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26879564 Gotcha, just gotta hatch these Aron.
>>26879521 I appreciate the help! I have used showdown before I just wanted to jot down the important stuff real quick. Thanks though! :)
>>26879585 okay, if you want me to give you them, I can
>mfw all of these thousands of DOUBLE NIGGERS on GTS asking for legends for ditto REEEEEEEEEEE I hate mirage spot rng.
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>>26879591 Im already on it, give me a few more minutes.
>>26879614 Do you need a ditto? Put something up for one and let me know
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>Zubat When does he get good, level 13? Right now it seems to be roll the dice for a 55% chance to hit with Supersonic, then flip coins for the majority of your damage (hurt itself in it's confusion!)
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>>26879575 Alright! I just have to breed a Zangoose and I'll be good to trade.
>>26879660 this looks like a pokemon you would would put a bow on and shove it into GTS with your eyes closed
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>>26879672 I mean wonder trade
>>26879672 Im trying new things.. Except Magnezone, I bred one w/o HP fire already and it was still pretty awesome.
>>26879691 I really should just make the set for you. You can battle us on here. We battle all the time. Right fellas?
Give me a second
>>26877536 If you're still here, I've got a Lv34 female Delibird up for a Spearow. Would love to get one
>>26879691 how about I give you this one, in a moon ball or love ball, with a moon stone attached?
Clefairy (F)
Ability: Magic Guard
Level: 1
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Wish
- Stored Power
- Belly Drum
- Aromatherapy
>>26879624 Sent up a Cranidos since I just got ANOTHER skull fossil
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>>26879700 I mean that'd be awesome. I already have 45ish competitive ready pokemon in my PC I could trade you one for it, and Im always down to battle haha.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>anon that's been hassling people all thread about someone teaching his stupid fucking Charizard Dragon Pulse never gets online Anons were a mistake. ;_;
>>26879703 Sent!
>>26879575 Also I'm done breeding whenever you're ready to trade!
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26879751 Ready in just a sec.
Would you also trade the Fast Shuckle and Love Sentret for a Fast Meowth and Friend Bellsprout? Palmput
>>26879750 What are these moonrunes?
>>26879716 Ehhh I appreciate it but I would have to use a reset bag on it for some def EVs =/
Honestly if you could do that I'll take it.
>>26879761 It's a 6IV Japanese ditto, friend! Ideal for breeding and shiny hunting
>>26879751 Thanks a lot! Do you still need DB Spinda? I could breed one for you
>>26879760 I'm assuming you mean the ones on my free list. I'd trade them for anything. Just tell me when you're ready and I'll put up a Zangoose for a Meowth.
>>26879787 No, I actually just got one! Thank you so much!
>>26879768 what EVs would you like? I don't think you're connecting the dots here. I will give you what you ask.
>>26879761 >>26879791 You should take that ditto to the IV checker to confirm it is 6iv. I didn't send it to you. Probably that other friend in here that keeps causing all the trouble. What was the OT of that ditto?
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
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>>26879791 Ignore
>>26879798 haha
They just want to bully you
>>26879798 The IV dude said all the stats are good
Paulo 2853-0877-7597 !5RRtZawAKg
>>26879796 Thank you! The Bellsprout has EMs, but I accidentally sent over the parent.
>>26879815 good or "can't be beat"?
>>26879804 :/ well that wasn't me
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>>26879799 That's right, I've got you added. Thank you!!!
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>>26879798 Clefairy
252 HP, 172 Def, 84 SpDef
>>26879824 he said all the stats are good, then at the end said they can't be beat
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26879804 >>26879824 Well it wasn't me eitherI haven't posted until now
What was the name of the trainer who sent you the Ditto?
They're probably in your acquaintances
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>>26879822 That's alright, I appreciate it!
>>26879839 i get it now. this is the real reason sara collects TIDs and IGNs. to make himself look victimized
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26879849 What the fuck?
I didn't send you a Ditto
>>26879857 its sara trying to make you and other tripfags look bad
>>26879853 Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26879861 I guess so
Here's a screenshot of my Logbook on Global Link
If I sent him the Ditto, it would be on here
I can't edit it either
>>26879865 lol saras trying to ruin yalls reputations and trying to gain respect in kind of a bs way
>>26879833 okay youre good
>>26879849 >>26879857 This is some premo fucking trolling. 10/10
I thought about doing this a while ago but it just wasn't worth the effort. I would have to take screenshots then match them up, etc etc. Good on you, but Lex is really nice, so bully Atlas or someone else. Doing this in XY is a lot harder with the customization.
>>26879861 >>26879865 >>26879870 Not this time!
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26879872 I mean, you say that but man...
This is creepy as fuck
>>26879849 >still online take a picture of their profile. Let's see what they didn't change and match it back up.
Where did you cut corners, friend?
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>>26879875 request a screenshot of their logbook
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>>26879875 yeah, it's really easy to do. I didn't go that route, again, because it took too much work. Good execution of it, though.
Sniping one of mine so I request all the info from him
>>26879891 >>26879898 how do we know these arent just old af screenshots?
>>26879905 Exif data Sarah.
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>>26879908 im not sarah just a curious anon
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26879891 >>26879898 Wow, what the fuck
I'm seriously creeped out
>>26879891 >>26879898 lol, it's someone trolling you, Lex. Is this your real profile? It's probably just another injector pretending it came from you.
If they went through all this effort, they wouldn't have left the ditto as moonrunes, as this guy put it. They would have left her cart as English.
That being said, if you care enough, you CAN do this
>>26879927 request a timestamp of their aquaintances
>>26879927 It's someone on your acquaintances taking a photo of your profile. There was no injected ditto.
>>26879951 Can I have that ditto? I will give you another 6iv ditto for it.
3755 1004 4857
or just tell me when and I will put a ditto on GTS requesting a level 100 ditto
>>26879957 Why not just have injector sama do it?
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>>26879951 >>26879955 >dive ball >unova disgusting
>>26879959 Hi :3
>>26879961 that would be me
>>26879961 s/he is an injector
>>26879963 I don't see your point. This ditto is obviously injected too
>>26879978 someone is bullying our friend and we are going to find him if you hand me that ditto
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26879930 I guess that's not necessary
>>26879951 >>26879955 The Ditto isn't Kalos native and Injector already has my IDs
>>26879928 And no, that isn't mine
I tend to name all my files after myself
>>26879988 Fine, I don't really give a shit about microing beyond natures atm anyway
Put up a gts
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I don't inject trash. Please do not confuse my work with this...thing
>>26879955 Anonymous
>>26879994 level 100 ditto up for a level 100 ditto
mine is premo legit
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>>26880034 Well im gonna sleep then
you'll need to find out whoever played Black 2 with TID 04236 It says caught on 10/20/2014. Is the hidden grotto a dream ball area or can you use normal pokeballs?
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26880053 That seems kind of impossible to find since not everyone transferred Pokemon from Black 2
Like I've never even played Black 2 so it most definitely isn't mine
I know Hidden Grottos aren't Dream Ball areas so I think you can use any ball in them
>>26880058 oh well. What are you up to tonight?
Lex !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26880061 Nothing. Just watching Netflix
My sleep schedule outta whack so I'm probably gonna stay up
I had work so I've been busy all day
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Does anyone have a Dive Ball Venonat? Or a Venonat with some egg moves, at the very least? I really don't feel like finding my 5th Gen games just to catch a Venomoth and breed it. I want to MM Venonat after Snubbull.
I can offer these things: Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Mon 27 Jun 2016 08:47:31 No. 26880109 Report Quoted By:
>>26880053 >Is the hidden grotto a dream ball area or can you use normal pokeballs? Hidden Grottos are areas outside of Entralink, so normal Pokeballs can be used.
That said, any Pokeball (excluding Apricorn balls for obvious reasons) can used in Entree Forest area along with Dream Balls.
>>26880053 even in the dream ball area, you can catch pokemon in normal balls. that's how we get nest ball kabuto and such.
>>26880106 I can give you one if you've got a bit of time. Do you prefer HA or no?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26880114 Actually, Lex said that she can catch me one in the Friend Safari. I was looking at the Venonat page and mistakenly assumed that Venomoth couldn't be caught in XY or ORAS. I totally forgot about the Friend Safari. I'm thinking Tinted Lens would be best, though. What do you think, anon?
>>26880110 well I don't spend all my time thinking about pokemon, haha. Sorry, I guess I learned something tonight!
I never used the dream world. I couldn't figure it out. I was pretty drunk for the first three gyms or so when I played BW so I kept mashing B when they tried to tell me about looking pokemon dreams or what not. And I played the fandubbed version of BW2 before it came to the west so I missed out on a bit
>>26880119 Yeah, probably. Wonder Skin is good, too, but more circumstantial. If you still need the egg moves, let me know. I was gonna catch you one and then breed the egg moves on it.
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Mon 27 Jun 2016 09:01:04 No. 26880138 Report >>26880119 >I'm thinking Tinted Lens would be best, though. What do you think, anon? Definitely, Shield Dust and Wonder Skin are terrible support abilities for the most part.
>>26880121 That reminds me of the time I imported a Pokemon White DSi bundle for Christmas and a Japanese copy of White 2 when it came out just to get access to some Japanese Wi-Fi events.
All of those Wi-Fi events have yet to be collected...
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26880131 I'm definitely gonna need some egg moves, anon. Thanks! Which egg moves were you going for?
>>26880119 Tinted Lens is good on an attacking set but if you are using a baton pass set you should consider Wonder Skin to avoid encore, status etc.
>>26880139 I've got Toxic Spikes, Rage Powder, Morning Sun, Baton Pass, Agility, and Giga Drain. You can pick the four you like best.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26880138 >>26880151 I'm probably going to use it for attacking. It'll just be for fun in multis, mostly. Baton Pass was going to be one of the egg moves that I put on it but honestly I don't think that it'll be that common in multis.
>>26880162 Rage Powder, Morning Sun, Toxic Spikes, and Giga Drain sound good! Thank you, anon! Are you going to be around tomorrow? It's almost 5 am and I have to go somewhere tomorrow...
>>26880166 What kind of set are you planning to use?
>>26880166 No problem! I can be here, but I've got work tomorrow. Don't wait around, though, it'll be a little bit before I can get started.
We can coordinate on Skype. Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26880176 I really don't know. It depends on how the stats come out. I could make it full special if it comes out penta or something, or I could just make it set up spikes/Quiver Dance a little bit, and then Baton Pass. I'm not 100% sure yet.
>>26880181 Oh, it's you! You're way too nice to me.
Hey guys. I'm gonna start trying to get into breeding. But I'm not too sure where to start. I'm playing Alpha Sapphire, so should I dexnav a good-IV Ditto? Or Dexnav good-IV Pokemons in multiple egg groups? I don't think ORAS has Friend Safaris.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>26880269 ORAS does not have Friend Safaris. Breeding with a Ditto is good for genderless mons, but honestly, you'd be better off having a 5-6 IV mon in every egg group. These are dead hours, so maybe come back during the day, explain your situation, and kindly ask for some breeding leftovers. I'm sure people will provide you with some.
>>26880282 I'll dexnav some guys for now and post later.
Thank you.
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>>26879740 Who doesn't love modest zard y running flamethrower/fire blast, solarbeam, dragon pulse, roost!
Umm why isn't fake out working? It only works once and then it keeps failing... wtf?
>>26880514 Fake Out only works on the first turn the Pokemon is out
>>26880288 >"Yeah I'll dexnav this Volbeat, I'll get a nice 3 star potential, and breed it with another 3star. Yeah, that'll work" >"Can't find lol. Try again" >"Can't find lol. Try again" Suffering. It doesn't even show up on another Route.
>>26880536 wow thats rly stupid why does it even exist then
wish they would have explained that to me!!!
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26880556 Let me guess, Route 117 in ORAS.
>>26880580 wow, good "guess"
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>26880587 yeah, there's a couple sweet spots on that route that make it easier to dexnav, although its not always a sure thing, and they move around occasionally. Once you find one, make a note where it is and go back to that exact spot each time you try again.
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>>26880576 Read the description of the attack
It exists because it always flinches the opponent while doing damage
It has more competitive use than in-game use
Anyone willing to help me evolve a haunter into gengar? Friendcode= 4871-7939-4746 I will to give out a 5iv timid gastly to whoever lends a helping hand.
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26880628 I can help
I'll add you
And don't worry about giving me anything in return, I'm just happy to help
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>>26880580 >>26880589 Yeah, that's the Route. I've stopped for now, because I feel like 0 returns will put me off wanting to get some breeding buddies.
I'm doing Shellos now, because I can actually find this guy.
>>26880649 That would be awesome, I'll gladly give you the gastly if you want it tho.
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
>>26880653 Nah, don't worry about it
I appreciate your offer though
I'll be online in a moment!
>>26880660 Thanks a lot for the help. Good stuff dude.
Lex (0576-7487-0323) !!zrKsAP4Knor
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>>26880676 No problem!
Have fun with your Gengar!
Meredith !EuEIfGwIvY
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WTing out a bunch of leftover Meditite from MM. Got 4 boxes of these monkeys. Let me know if you want one, they're free to a good home. They are Adamant, in Love Balls, and with Bullet Punch, Ice Punch, and Fake Out as egg moves.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26880106 Why do you have such
good taste?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>26880926 Hows your MM's coming along?
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26880973 Remember that Sentret you gave me? 40 eggs was all it took to hatch a shone.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>26880989 What IVs?
>>26880983 Are you who i think you are?
<3 ~ Anonymous
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26881000 Penta. HA-F as well. Took it to Amie and everything because it's such a qt.
Am I allowed to hang out here if I breed with a 6IV Ditto?
>>26881018 As long as you tell people you're trading with that you bred with it beforehand then sure, hang around.
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>>26881026 Cooly. Thanks my new friend.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>26881006 Lovely, don't forget about ribbons.
>>26881026 Mfw everything ive bred is with a hacked ditto and ive been giving my leftys away in here for months. I never thought there was something bad with using one lol
>>26881044 It's not necessarily bad as injections aren't necessarily bad either. It's more like a preference term and some people don't like having leftovers that were bred with ditto.
>>26881044 You're either illiterate or baiting. There are fights about 6IV dittos daily here.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26881042 That sounds like a pain, but I was planning to do that eventually. I'll consider it after this Cottonee MM. What're you working on?
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>>26881052 Go away Sarah. We'll start playing the Internationale again.
>>26881049 What if I breed parents with a Ditto, and use those parents to breed?
Do I have to say "Child of parents bred with Ditto?"
What about injecting myself a Hexaflawless 7, do I still have to tell people the Papa's are injected? Anonymous
>>26881049 Yeah its not like i feel bad, didnt know people actually care haha
>>26881059 You don't have tell anyone anything. You do whatever makes you sleep better at night.
>>26881062 >haha 3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>26881053 Hey Psyyy, just got back from work, so I'll get hatching again.
After I make myself a flammenkuech Anonymous
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>>26881066 Hahahaha im not sarah haha. Its not like she invented saying it
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26881068 >flammenkueche Just looked that up and wow, that sounds delicious. I'm on my 5th batch so I'm closing in on my first box now.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>26881053 Was planning on doing a hexa breed dex but the 12,5% females are way too time consuming, will go with penta instead.
Currently wondertrading while reading books.
>>26881066 I'm gonna sleep at night either way, since it's just a game.
But I don't wanna upset anybody by giving them unfairly bred Pokemon if they don't want them.
>>26881090 Then read the more in-depth explanation pastebin on the OP
>DO make it known if the Pokémon you're trading is RNG'd, bred with hacked/cloned parents, or Instacheck'd/SV'd. All of these things are in the gray area of what people consider legit or cheating. Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26881079 Imagine that, but breeding for hexa shinies.
>>26881094 I was just reading that.
What does Instacheck'd/SV'd mean?
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>26881078 It is delicious. I just use some bacon and flatbread to approximate one.
If anyone want Pentaperfect Timid Cottonee with 4EM in dive balls, let me know.
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>>26881100 Old gen 5 stuff that doesn't work anymore
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>>26881100 Instacheck was something used to check stats and shiny of a pokémon back then. SV is Shiny Value which is something people use to trade eggs and have people with the SV corresponding to that egg hatch it so it's a shiny.
If I am not mistaken that is, I'm not too into all that so excuse me any mistakes. I'm sure there'll be someone who'll correct me anyway.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>26881095 What mons do you want for your shone living dex?
I've gotten a few from wondertrading, most likely hacked.
>>26881094 Is it bad if you inject 3iv balltism mons an offer them here as leftys? I mean they propably wont even be the parents of the final offspring.
>>26881114 >This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones or Injections. There are other threads for those. Use them if that is how you like to play. Come on, I have stuff to do. If I'm not replying to only bait by now, do read the OP from time to time. It really does have helpful information.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>26881112 See, that's the thing. I MM, SR, DexNav'd, etc. all my shinies. I'd prefer to do the work myself since I have all 4 Gen 6 games and 4 3DSes.
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>>26881121 Is it bad if it already maybe happened? Only a few times maybe
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>26881123 I'll release them then.
If I'm MM'ing without care for IVs/Natures/etc. Is it OK to just use a Japanese Ditto and any Parent that isn't Japanese?
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
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>>26881135 Or you can give them to someone who might want them. It's totally up to you.
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>>26881139 Ask this guy i think he knows
>>26881121 Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
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>>26878725 Dude, I remember you begging for injected pokemon a long time ago. Stop bullshitting.
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>>26881049 >some people don't like having leftovers that were bred with ditto. autism intensified.
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Again, still looking for