>>26878390Pakicetus into whaledog for Water starter, and its weapon base would be - obviously - attack dogs. It would have something resembling a vest to make it look more like an attack dog.
Fire starter... I don't really know. I guess a Chinchilla/Rabbit hybrid, because even though we already have one chinchilla, we always need more - and also chinchillas can't get wet, they take dirt baths, so it would help it fit into the Fire type. It obviously fits into the rabbit category on the zodiac, as well.
For a Grass starter? I can't think of anything too crazy, but maybe something like a dimetrodon. That could be cool- having one giant leaf stretching out of its back, or maybe it would have something else going on that I'm unaware of. They could make the beginning stage based on a leaf-tailed gecko (ignoring Treecko) to help make the transition into that giant fin easier. Also, obviously Dimetrodon are ancient animals.