It added nothing big when it comes to the game world unlike FRLG and wasn't built off a game that already had an easy base to flesh out and expand, nor did the game it copypasted some bonus content from have much bonus content, like HGSS. And as we all know they barely took anything from Emerald.
I think it shines in its own way with some really good features like DexNav, Soaring, and online functionality for Secret Bases. Also personally I enjoy the story elements in ORAS the most of the mainline series, ignoring the Delta Episode.
Personally though FRLG is the only remake I have no issues with. HGSS is top tier but I have tons of nitpicks with some of the aesthetic or narrative changes made that make me personally prefer going back to the originals.>>26883624Victory Road or just fighting the E4 over and over until you finally do win are both much better ways to level up than Route 47's little patch of grass beyond the waterfall. It's only any good if you're somehow too low level to even get past the trainers leading to Victory Road, but if you beat Claire you should have no issue.