I think the designs aren't bad, completely redeemed by the bug types though. If you don't know the origins of the designs then they seem worse than they are. Go look them up, OP - they might make you feel better about them.
It's not BAD but it is another Pikaclone, looking at its animation does make a lot more sense when you see how the spikes work but I think Pikaclones are unnecessary.
Really like this one, it's so unique but doesn't try hard to be something it's not. The fact that it's a cocoon but is still offensive is great, this is probably my favorite design of them all so far. Electric/Bug is a great crossover type. I feel like whenever the rest of a Gens designs are lacking, Bug redeems them.
I think this is really cool. It looks a bit overdesigned and nonsensical until you see how Charjabug evolves into it. I like the concept of a bug adapting long-nose electrician pliers. It's kind of like an electric version of Beedrill crossed with Yanmega.
The name is pretty crap but the design is a dead-on hummingbird bee, this is probably as close to a real life animal that we've seen so far. If you hadn't seen a hummingbird bee it'd probably just look stupid.
Another one that looks retarded if you don't understand the origin. It's a Triggerfish.
Looks pretty stupid, I honestly can't get myself to like this
>Toppu Kekku
I..don't understand this at all. The design is going to have to be explained with some lore because I can't see exactly how this fits into the Pokemon universe.