Anon, I'm sure that, from all the good designs to the average to the shitty designs in every single generation you just happened to witness, you only bothered with the objectively good ones to your eyes in each generation as well, did you not, OP?
Just because I'm buying a Sun copy, does not mean I'll actively support ALL designs.
At best, I'll be getting the honey fly and the hedgehog one.
That's fucking it.
The worst you'll be subjected to these is running into them in a wild fight, but then you'll just run off again and forget they even existed while merely focusing on your ACTUAL team.
And nigga, Pokemon stopped being Pokemon the minute 3rd generation hit the franchise like a truck and objectively changed the art style into something else. And then came the rest of the generations.
Not all pokemon need to fucking be elegant, suave cool or badass. Among the actual pokemon in the freaking pokemon world, there's bound to be some hideous ones you'd rather never meet in your whole life, much like certain animals you are either disgusted of or afraid of in fucking real life.