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No.26958271 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Involved in playtesting SuMo. Some stuff to wet your appetite. Feel free to ask me anything for the next half hour.

I've only gotten through the first two islands so far, but I can confirm
>other player character is your rival
>lots of older Pokemon on early routes (you can catch Riolu on Rte 2)
>first gym is Grass
>you meet the first island guardian early on in the game, and I met the second island guardian once I showed up on the island. Seems like the Kami Trio aesthetic is the way they went
>Komala learns a few Fighting-type moves
>Grubbin evolves late
>the early game "rodent" isn't Yungoose, but Yungoose is on almost every route so far. The "rodent" is a Dark-type rat

Ask away, folks